Locus is the monthly newspaper of the SF/fantasy/horror field. Contact: Locus Publications, PO Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661, USA. Subscription information with other rates and order forms are also available on the web site. Sterling equivalent cheques can be sent to: Fantast (Medway) Ltd, PO Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, Cambs PE14 9BU, UK. E-mail: .
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction has been publishing some of the best imaginative fiction for more than fifty years, now edited by Gordon Van Gelder. Single copies or an annual subscription (which includes the double October/November anniversary issue) are available by US cheques or credit card from: Fantasy & Science Fiction, PO Box 3447, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA, or you can subscribe online.
Rue Morgue , is a glossy bi-monthly magazine edited by Rod Gudino and Jovanka Vuckovic and subtitled “Horror in Culture & Entertainment”. Packed with full colour features and reviews of new films, books, comics, music and game releases, single copies are $7.95 (USA/Canada). Subscriptions are available from: The Rue Morgue House of Horror, 2926 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON M6P 1Y8, Canada, or by credit card on the web site. E-mail: .
SF Site has been posted twice each month since 1997. Presently, it publishes around thirty to fifty reviews of SF, fantasy and horror from mass-market publishers and some small press. They also maintain link pages for author and fan tribute sites and other facets including pages for interviews, fiction, science fact, bookstores, small press, publishers, e-zines and magazines, artists, audio, art galleries, newsgroups and writers’s resources. Periodically, they add features such as author and publisher reading lists.
Space and Time , the magazine of fantasy, horror and science fiction is published twice a year by editor-in-chief Gordon Linzner. Single issues are $5.00 plus $1.50 shipping (USA). Subscriptions are available by US postal money order or cheque to: Space and Time, 138 West 70th Street (4B), New York, NY 10023–4468, USA. In the UK order from BBR Distributing, PO Box 625, Sheffield S1 3GY, UK.
Supernatural Tales is a small press magazine of stories and non-fiction edited by David Longhorn. A four issue subscription is available from: Supernatural Tales, 291 Eastbourne Avenue, Gateshead NE8 4NN, UK. E-mail: .
Talebones is an attractive digest magazine of science fiction and dark fantasy edited and published by Patrick and Honna Swenson. For a four issue subscription (US funds only or credit card) write to: 5203 Quincy Avenue S.E., Auburn, WA 98092, USA. E-mail: .
The 3rd Alternative is a quarterly magazine of new horror fiction, interviews, artwork, articles and reviews edited by Andy Cox. Cover price is £4.00/$7.00. Six and twelve-issue subscriptions are available from: TTA Press, 5 Martins Lane, Witcham, Ely, Cambs CB6 2LB, UK, or by credit card via the secure online web site . E-mail: . You can also visit the TTA Press message boards at: .
Video Watchdog is a full colour monthly review of horror, fantasy and cult cinema on tape and disc, published by Tim and Donna Lucas. Described as “The Perfectionist’s Guide to Fantastic Video”, the award-winning digest-sized magazine is $7.95 a copy. An annual twelve-issue subscription is available in US funds only or VISA/MasterCard to: Video Watchdog, PO Box 5283, Cincinnati, OH 45205–0283, USA. E-mail: .
Weird Tales is the latest large-size incarnation of “The Unique Magazine”. Edited by George H. Scithers and Darrell Schweitzer, it is published by DNA Publications, Inc. and Wildside Press, in association with Terminus Publishing Co., Inc. Single copies or a six-issue subscription is available (in US funds only) from: DNA Publications, PO Box 2988, Radford, VA 24143–2988, USA. Submissions should be addressed to Weird Tales, 123 Crooked Lane, King of Prussia, PA 19406–2570, USA. An e-mail version of the magazine’s writers’s guidelines (no electronic submissions) is available from . You can also visit the message board at . In the UK contact: Cold Tonnage Books, 22 Kings Lane, Windlesham, Surrey, GU20 6JQ, UK .
Borderlands Books is a nicely designed store with friendly staff and an impressive stock of new and used books from both sides of the Atlantic. 866 Valencia Street (at 19th), San Francisco, CA 94110, USA. Tel: (415) 824–8203 or (888) 893–4008 (toll free in the US). Credit cards accepted. Worldwide shipping. E-mail: .
Cold Tonnage Books offers excellent mail order new and used SF/fantasy/horror, art, reference, limited editions etc. Write to: Andy & Angela Richards, Cold Tonnage Books, 22 Kings Lane, Windlesham, Surrey GU20 6JQ, UK. Credit cards accepted. Tel: +44 (0) 1276–475388. E-mail: .
Ken Cowley offers mostly used SF/fantasy/horror/crime/supernatural, collectibles, pulps, videos etc. by mail order at very reasonable prices. Write to: Trinity Cottage, 153 Old Church Road, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS21 7TU, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1275–872247. E-mail: .
Dark Delicacies is a friendly Burbank, California, store specialising in horror books, toys, vampire merchandise and signings. They also do mail order and run moneysaving book club and membership discount deals. 4213 West Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91505, USA. Tel: (818) 556–6660. Credit cards accepted. E-mail: .
DreamHaven Books & Comics store and mail order offers new and used SF/fantasy/horror/art and illustrated etc. with regular catalogues (both print and e-mail). Write to: 912 West Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55408, USA. Credit cards accepted. Tel: (612) 823–6070. E-mail: .
Fantastic Literature mail order offers the UK’s biggest online out-of-print SF/fantasy/horror genre bookshop. Fanzines, pulps and vintage paperbacks as well. Write to: Simon and Laraine Gosden, Fantastic Literature, 35 The Ramparts, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8PY, UK. Credit cards and Pay Pal accepted. Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1268–747564. E-mail: .
Fantasy Centre shop (open 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m., Monday to Saturday) and mail order has used SF/fantasy/horror, art, reference, pulps etc. at reasonable prices with regular bimonthly catalogues. They also stock a wide range of new books from small, specialist publishers. Write to: 157 Holloway Road, London N7 8LX, UK. Credit cards accepted. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)20–7607 9433. E-mail: .
Ghost Stories run by Richard Dalby issues semi-regular mail order lists of used ghost and supernatural volumes at very reasonable prices. Write to: 4 Westbourne Park, Scarborough, North Yorkshire Y012 4AT, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1723 377049.
David Wynn’s Mythos Books LLC is a mail order company presenting books and curiosities on Lovecraftiana, Cthulhu Mythos, horror and weird fiction releases with regular e-mail and web site updates. Write to: 351 Lake Ridge Road, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901–2177, USA. Major credit cards accepted. Tel/Fax: (573) 785–7710. E-mail: .
Porcupine Books offers regular catalogues and extensive mail order lists of used fantasy/horror/SF titles via e-mail: or write to: 37 Coventry Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 4QR, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8554–3799.
Kirk Ruebotham is a mailorder only dealer, who sells out-of-print and used horror/SF/fantasy/crime and related non-fiction at very good prices, with regular catalogues. Write to: 16 Beaconsfield Road, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4BX, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1928–560540 (10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.). E-mail: .
Bob and Julie Wardzinski’s The Talking Dead offers reasonably priced paperbacks, rare pulps and hardcovers, with catalogues issued regularly. They accept wants lists and are also the exclusive supplier of back
issues of Interzone. Credit cards accepted. Contact them at: 12 Rosamund Avenue, Merley, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1TE, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1202–849212 (9:00a.m.-9:00p.m.). E-mail: .
Although the weekly DarkEcho newsletter for horror writers and others ceased publication several years ago, editor Paula Guran still sends out periodic, personal e-mails whenever time and whim allows. It doesn’t cover horror news comprehensively or list market news, but it’s still worth subscribing to for free by e-mailing: .
The Gila Queen’s Guide to Markets is an e-mail newsletter detailing markets for SF/fantasy/horror plus other genres, along with publishing news, contests, dead markets, anthologies, updates, etc. The newsletter comes out every three weeks. For a sample copy or subscription (US funds only, credit card or PayPal), contact: Kathryn Ptacek, PO Box 97, Newton, NJ 07860–0097, USA. E-mail: .
Hellnotes is described as “The Insider’s Edge to Horror!” Judi Rohrig’s weekly newsletter offers reviews, interviews, news, and commentaries, and is available through electronic delivery. Subscriptions are payable through PayPal or to: Hellnotes, 4212 Derby Lane, Evansville, IN 47715–1568, USA. E-mail: .
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