Peach Blossom Pavilion

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Peach Blossom Pavilion Page 8

by Mingmei Yip

  Abruptly Jade Vase went up to the foreigner and grinned. "Mister, thank you for your kindness, please come and visit us in the pavilion."

  He frowned, scanning the three of us. "What pavilion?"

  Mama, now looking very excited, piped up, "The Peach Blossom Pavilion in Si Malu."

  Instead of answering Mama, the foreign devil turned to look at me for long moments, his eyes sparkling with kindness, then, without saying another word, walked away. The onlookers ejected a few disappointed curses before they quickly dispersed.

  To be sure to keep our new hairstyles in good condition, Mama hired a car to take us back to the pavilion. All the way, the little boy's image kept flashing across my mind-his bloodless face, his emaciated body barely covered by his rags, the way he pathetically kowtowed when given a few coins. Suddenly I thought how lucky I was-housed, fed, clothed in Peach Blossom, for free! I must be living in paradise without knowing it.

  I turned to Fang Rong and tried to lift the corners of my lips as high as the Heavenly Tune rooftop cafe. "Mama, thank you very much."

  "Thank me by behaving like a good girl," she grinned, patting my arm affectionately.

  Then she addressed the three of us. "If you behave, you'll have all the nicest clothes, tastiest food, and prettiest hairdos in the world. But if you don't, you'll all end up like that little hungry ghost robbing scraps on the street, and eventually being hit by a car. Do you want to be like that little bastard soon to be smashed into ground beef?"

  "No!" we roared collectively.

  "Will you behave? ! "

  "Yes!" Our high-pitched voices slashed the air, while Mama grinned mysteriously, her face shadowed by the shade of the rickshaw.


  The Jade Stalk and the

  Golden Gate

  he next day when I woke up in the morning, I felt both happy and sad-happy because of my good life in Peach Blossom, sad because of my recollection of the little boy. His hollow cheeks and protruding eyes clung to my mind like snails. Then I also remembered the foreign devil, and the gaze of his pale blue eyes.

  I took out my pipa and absentmindedly started to play; my ears filled with the sweet murmurs of the instrument. Then in a moment, tears flooded my eyes. They ran down my cheeks and rained onto the pipa until it seemed to stare back at me with a tearstreaked face. I rocked it against my chest, imagining it to be my little sister who'd faithfully absorbed all my thoughts, feelings, and sadness.

  "Ma and Baba," I said to the pipa, "I miss you both. Wherever you are now, don't worry about me. I promise you I'll take very good care of myself. And believe me, I'll be famous someday, very famous!"

  While I was indulging in my monologue, suddenly I heard noises from outside the door. "Guigui? Come!"

  Barely had I finished my sentence when the puppy plunged into my room. I put down the pipa and picked him up. He began to lick my face furiously.

  "All right. Enough, you bad boy. Have you been a good baby today?"

  Guigui tilted his fat head, then started to kowtow and shake hands with me.

  "Good," I smoothed his fur, "I know you're a good baby. Are you hungry? You want some goodies?"

  He performed more kowtows.

  Just when I was about to take him to the kitchen, the bead curtain was swept aside and this time in burst Fang Rong, balancing a big, steaming bowl on a tray between her hands. Her body, held in by her green silk gown, looked like swollen pork dumplings wrapped in greasy lotus leaves. When she moved, the rolls of fat seemed to be starting a revolution under her dress. Her bottom was just the right size for four sisters to play mahjong on. I almost chuckled at the sight.

  Mama cast both me and Guigui a dirty look. "Xiang Xiang, take that dog outside!"

  "But Mama-"

  "I said take him outside. Or you want me to kick him out?"

  I tried to shoo Guigui out, but he protested by thrusting his body against my legs.

  Mama yelled. "Just push him out!"

  Reluctantly I did.

  "Now close the door and come sit down."

  After I took my seat, she glanced at my pipa and said, making a great effort to soften her voice, "Xiang Xiang, stop practicing for a while and have some tonic soup."

  I was surprised. It was always I who begged her to give me a break from practicing the arts. She'd never spared me from laboring, let alone brought me soup.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "Why? To celebrate your great day, silly girl."

  Carefully, she put the tray on the table, then swiftly pulled out a chair. After her big bottom had ensconced itself comfortably, Fang Rong squeezed a huge grin. "You'll soon find out why. Now don't ask any more questions. Drink this special soup while it's still hot. When it gets cold, it won't be nutritious anymore." She picked up the bowl and sloshed its contents under my nose. A rich aroma wafted into my nostrils. I took a tentative sip.

  "It's very tasty, what kind?"

  "Different herbs, lots of vinegar, and the best kind of black chicken. It took Ah Ping a whole day to cook it," said Mama; the big grin never left her face.

  She eyed me-like a mother examining her newborn to check for deformities-until I drained the last drop. Then she put the bowl back onto the tray, picked it up, and stepped out of the room. I felt warmth spreading all over my body. It must be the tonic soup taking its effect. But I knew there was a better reason-I was lucky to be living in Peach Blossom Pavilion!

  Just then, to my surprise, Fang Rong burst into the room again, this time throwing several books down on the table. "Ha," she chuckled, "see how absentminded I was to have forgotten these? Now read them all to prepare yourself for your first guest."

  "What guest?" I asked, but Mama had already vanished like a whiff of smoke.

  I scanned the titles-Variegated Patterns of the Flowery War; Secret Prescriptions for the Jade Chamber; The Plain Girl's Classic; Romance of Genuine Cultivation ...

  I picked up one of them, flipped the pages, and ran into this:

  When a man and a woman are making love for the first time, their bodies touch and their lips press against each other's. The man sucks the woman's lower lip and the woman sucks the man's upper one. When sucking, they savor each other's saliva ... Then a thousand charms will spread and a hundred sorrows resolve. Now the woman's left hand should hold the man's jade stalk. The man will use his right hand to caress the woman's jade gate. Thus the man will feel the yin energy and his jade stalk will be stirred. It thrusts high toward heaven, like a lonely peak towering toward the milky way. The woman feels the yang energy and her cinnabar crevice will become moist with the liquid flowing downward, like a river coursing from a deep valley. It is now that coupling can take place ...

  They savored each other's saliva? Aii-ya! With morbid fascination, I continued to read:

  Thrusts, be they deep, shallow, slow, quick, straight, slant, east, west, are all based on different presumptions. Each has its own idiosyncrasies. The slow thrust is similar to a carp caught by a hook. A quick thrust is similar to birds flying against the wind ...

  Ha! These thrusts had certainly no comparison with those Baba had demonstrated in martial arts for defense. If someone attacked, what would happen to him if he thrust like "a carp caught by a hook"?

  Just when I was on the verge of bursting out laughing at these absurd expressions, the phrase "nine ways of moving the jade stalk" caught my attention:

  It dives in and pulls out, like seagulls playing with waves ... It plunges quickly or pokes hard, like a frightened mouse scurrying back into its burrow ...

  Then the "six ways of penetration" forced themselves on my eyes:

  First, the jade stalk pushes down, then moves back and forth resembling a saw, like prying open an oyster to get the shiny pearl ...

  Puzzled and distressed, I slapped the book shut and let out a heavy sigh. Pearl had told me Mama would give me books to read. But I'd never imagined they would be so strange, filled with words like jade stalk, jade gate, yang peak, cinnabar crevice.
r />   I looked at the cover: The Art of Love, written by someone calling himself Master Dong Xuanzi, meaning Mysterious Hole. The Art of Love, by Mysterious Hole, I kept savoring the strange syllables in my mouth, as if by so doing I'd be enlightened to the profoundest mystery of the wind and moon domain.

  But now my mind felt like a clear sky ambushed by dark clouds.

  I felt blood coursing inside me. My face was hot and my mouth dry. I grabbed the books and ran all the way to Pearl's room, only to find it empty. I hurried here and there but couldn't catch a glimpse of her shadow, nor a whiff of her perfume. In the corridor leading to the garden, I was still thinking of all the strange things I'd just read when suddenly I bumped into soft flesh. I looked up and caught Fang Rong's ominous gaze.

  "Xiang Xiang!" she chided. "Where were you? I've been looking for you all over. Come!" She led me back to my room, shoved me in, and slammed shut the door.

  "Have you studied the books and the classic?" she asked in a heated whisper.

  I chuckled. "Mama, there are only five classics, the Spring and Autumn Annals, the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes, the-"

  "All right, enough. Stop that silly bragging of yours! And wipe that complacent smile off your face! You know what? I don't care about the Book of Changes, I only care if my daughters can bring me lots of change! You understand?"

  "But Mama, how can one bring in money by reading The Plain Girl's Classic?"

  Now Fang Rong searched me, her eyes darting around like shooting marbles. "Ha ha, Xiang Xiang, you are, after all, not as smart as you look!" Then she leaned toward me and lowered her voice, as if to confide in me the deepest secret of the universe. "You know what's the most precious thing about you?"

  "My talent in the arts." I wanted to add "and my beauty" but decided to be modest.

  Mama winked. "No! Your virginity, silly girl." She cast me a penetrating look. "Xiang Xiang, you've never been touched by a man, have you?"

  "Yes, I have."

  Now Fang Rong's small eyes suddenly rounded into two fire balls. She gripped my blouse, choking me. "You little whore, who?"

  "My baba."

  "Oh damn!" She let go of me, then wielded an accusing finger. "You wicked slut, you fucked your own father!" Now her voice cracked like thunder. "When you slept with him, did he touch your golden gate? Did he insert his jade stalk into your cinnabar crevice?"

  "Mama, I was just about to ask you all about golden gate and cinnabar crevice and ..."

  All the tensed muscles on Mama's face seemed to relax. "But you told me your father slept with you, so you're sure he didn't do anything to you?"

  "Of course he did. He pulled the blanket for me. He told me stories-"

  "Ha! That's all he did to you?"

  "Yes. When I was little, I was so frightened of ghosts that I cried and cried unless Baba came and slept with me."

  "Where was your mother?'

  "She went to work."

  "At night? So she was a whore like you?"

  "No! It was right after Baba had broken his leg." I blushed, stuttering, "She had to work as a ... a ... night fragrance collector to pay for his hospital bills."

  Mama flung back her fat head and roared into such delirious laughter that it seemed as if all her laugh meridians had been suddenly struck open by lightning. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Xiang Xiang, you scared the pee out of me by telling how your father slept with you while your mother collected shit! "

  I felt so angry and humiliated that I couldn't utter a word.

  Now she kept laughing like a lunatic chased by a drunk. Waiting until she'd finally calmed down, I changed the subject. "Mama, you still haven't told me what is jade stalk, golden gate-"

  "You have no idea what these mean? But hasn't Pearl explained all this to you a long time ago?"


  Mama widened her eyes. "That bitch! She didn't? You stupid little whore, you'll soon have your petals opened by a man and you have no idea what a jade stalk or a golden gate is? Even if Pearl hasn't taught you, didn't the other sisters mention any of this to you? Eh?"

  "But Mama, I have no time to talk with the other sisters! I have to practice my arts the whole day every day, and do errands for you ! "

  "All right, all right, enough of your nonsense. Anyway, you'll soon find out."


  "When you lose your virginity. Many men will be happy to pay many pieces of gold for it. When men have sex with pretty young virgins, their jade stalks will be maddeningly stirred." She cocked an eye at me. "After that, they will be rejuvenated and have great longevity. Some men get rich, while others get official posts. Even their bad luck will be reversed."

  I said nothing; Mama went on, now smiling dreamily, "Big Master Fung has already won the auction to be your datou ke." She pointed to the mole between her brows. "My third eye told me a long time ago that he'd surely win."

  "What auction and who's datou ke and Big Master Fung?"

  She chuckled. "Ah, Xiang Xiang, you think you're smart but you're actually pretty stupid. Datou ke is the first man to collect qi from your yin part. These old men are desperate to collect youthful yin energy. If a man can have three hundred virgins, everything comes back-teeth, black hair, vitality."

  "Wah, then I'd also like to collect some yin energy when I grow old."

  Mama laughed, shivering the flesh on her face. "Sure, Xiang Xiang. That's why from time to time some old lesbians will come to us asking for virgins."


  Mama winked. "They're called mirror-rubbing girls. Because to lose their souls, two women can only rub their mirror-flat yin parts against each other."

  "Losing their soul! You mean they die?"

  "Xiang Xiang, I'm tired of your stupidity!" Mama yelled, then paused to smile mischievously. "But I'm sure Big Master Fung won't be tired of you."

  "Who's Big Master Fung?"

  "You've seen him at the party."

  "You mean that all-wrinkled-old-and-dying?"

  "Xiang Xiang, watch out for your stinky mouth!" She cast me a dirty look; her mole moved menacingly between her eyes. "He's al ready paid a huge amount for your first night. So you better make him happy. Otherwise ..." She stamped her foot on the-floor.-

  Now all my hair stood up on end. I could almost feel hundreds of slimy creatures crawling all over me, to be followed by the allwrinkled Big Master Fung.

  Mama grinned meaningfully. "Xiang Xiang, smart as you are, which would you prefer, a swarm of slimy rats crawling on you or only one Big Master Fung?"

  "One Big Master Fung, of course!"

  "Good girl. Behave and you'll get what you want." She patted my head, then counted her pudgy fingers. "Nice clothes, good food, a new hairstyle, ice cream, and now Big Master Fung and his longevity wrinkles, ha! ha! ha!-"

  While one minute Mama almost choked herself breathless with her lunatic laugh, the next minute she abruptly stopped, casting me a bloodcurdling glance. "Xiang Xiang, now take off all your clothes!"


  "Have you suddenly turned deaf? I said take off all your clothes! Now!" She squinted at me with her ratlike eyes. "Just do it! Or do you want me to strip you naked?"

  I began to peel off my clothes.

  Fang Rong walked around me, poking and pinching my body here and there as if she were choosing a piece of pork for dinner. After more squeezing and kneading, she nodded; a satisfied smile broke out on her face. "Ha," she muttered as if talking to herself, "Big Master Fung must be a clairvoyant to pay so much for a thirteen-year-old."

  Just then the door swung open and in walked Wu Qiang. Instinctively I tried to snatch up my clothes to cover my nudity.

  "Leave that on the floor! Now let your de examine you."

  I felt so humiliated that tears pooled in my eyes. My clothes fell on the floor and lay there like a crumpled human form.

  Mama's voice roared next to my ear. "What do you feel so embarrassed about? It's only your de. Haven't you just told me you slept with your own father? Now stand s
till and let your de look at you.

  Though I looked down at my toes so I didn't have to catch Wu Qiang's penetrating glances, I could still feel his hungry eyes ravaging all over me. My body began to tremble. I swung my arms to wrap them around my chest.

  Wu Qiang pulled my arms off. His voice was smooth while his eyeballs dropped to my nipples. "Xiang Xiang, don't worry. Sooner or later, all young girls have to become young women." His hand was warm on my bare shoulder. "It's no use to play lady when you're going to be a whore."

  A smile broke out on Fang Rong's face. "Wu Qiang, be gentle, she's just a little virgin."

  Now De split his lips to reveal white, uniform teeth. "Yes, you're right, just a little virgin." Seconds passed before he turned to Mama and said, still smiling, "So, what do you think?"

  Mama nodded appreciatively. "Good, everything up to parfine bones, smooth skin, tender flesh."

  De tousled my hair and added, "Also soft, silky black hair." Then he reached to touch my pubic hair. "Soft and glossy here, too."

  Mama shot him a sharp look. "I can see that myself."


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