Peach Blossom Pavilion

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Peach Blossom Pavilion Page 24

by Mingmei Yip

  Listening to him, I felt both happy and sad. I knew he was using the famous Tang dynasty poet Liu Yuxi's poem to tell me that although I might think he felt no love for me, it was not true. When the sky darkens and the man's passion cannot be felt, the woman's heart is sad. However, the sun finally shines through the dark clouds, bringing her hope.

  But now my heart felt like it was gnawed by hundreds of ants. What exactly did Mr. Teng mean to tell me through this poem? I wish he could have spoken his feelings more directly, instead of heading for the east while pointing toward the west.

  Maybe it was time for me to take the initiative to clear up my muddled emotions. I shifted close to him, took his hand in mine, and started kissing it. He sighed with pleasure. Encouraged, I moved my lips up to his. Instantly his tongue slithered into my mouth like a snake returning to its hole. Our two snakes wrestled and caressed, entangled and released, attacked and retreated. My hands moved here and there to peel off my clothes until I wore only my stomach cover. While Mr. Teng's mouth was busy kissing mine, his hands, soft and tender like silk, rolled all over my body.

  After we'd been kissing for several incarnations, I suddenly realized he was still fully clothed. How did he think his jade stalk could stir my clouds with all these encumbrances? I reached to unbutton his shirt, but to my surprise, he immediately caught my hand.

  Teng said, his voice intoxicated with tenderness, "Miss Precious Orchid, you go to bed first and turn around; I'll join you."

  It seemed a strange suggestion, but as I was being paid, I did what I was asked.

  Under the silk bed cover, I slipped off even my stomach cover. Feeling sexy, exultant, but anxious, I heard Teng blow out the light, then the sound of clothes falling onto the floor, and finally, the sensuous padding of bare feet toward me ...

  My eyes closed and my heart fluttering like the wings of a newly hatched chick, I waited for him to fill my whole being with passion and love. Abruptly he slipped under the cover. He embraced me gently, his body against my bare back and bottom. I sighed with desire. But then my desire was quickly smothered by a strange sensation. When he pressed harder against me, I felt something soft and yielding. Suddenly a thought exploded inside my head-this man had breasts!

  I flipped around and snatched off the cover.

  But he pulled it right back.

  I screamed. "So, are you Mr. Teng or Miss Teng?! "

  He lifted a finger to his mouth. "Shhhh ... Miss Precious Orchid, please don't act so shocked," then he whispered next to my ear, "anyway, what's the difference, since I love you?" After that, he sealed my lips with his-or hers.

  Perhaps Teng Xiong was right; what would be the difference? After all, I was paid to do whatever pleased my customers. Enlightened to the truth, I felt a sad relief wash over me, extinguishing my body's last speck of fire. Then my hands, remembering their obligation, started to apply the erotic art of pleasing, until my customer moaned, squirmed, succumbed, and finally collapsed ...

  It took me a long time to overcome the shock caused by Teng Xiong. The blow was not so much due to the fact that she was a woman, but the dashing of my hope that Teng was to be my true love who would marry me and take me away from prostitution. Of course, I had not been so naive that I hadn't heard that some women preferred to love other women. Pearl had told me about Hong Nainai, a ming ji who, after being jilted by her lover, had limited her attentions to women. She had attracted many customers as a "mirror-rubbing girl." For centuries, Chinese had used bronze mirrors. Because bronze would easily get dull, people specializing in polishing them would tramp along streets and alleys, calling out, "Mirror rubbing! Mirror rubbing!" Their tool was simple: a thick "mother" mirror and oil for lubrication. When you gave them your mirror, they would spurt oil on the "mother" mirror, then rub your mirror against it until it shone.

  Pearl had smiled meaningfully. "So, when two women are having sex, since they don't have jade stalks, they can only rub their yin parts against each other like two flat mirrors."

  She went on, "This Hong Nainai became very popular by being a lesbian sister. For she knew how to play at being a `man' while possessing all the advantages of a woman. So she was called `halfmonth man, half-month woman.' " Pearl winked. "She was reputed to be extremely skillful in `spreading the slippery noodles.' "

  Clearly Teng Xiong was another Hong Nainai, only she paid rather than getting paid.

  Now that her secret had been revealed, Teng visited me more frequently. Each time we stirred each other's clouds-since it was impossible for her to shower any rain. Although she didn't have a jade stalk, like the legendary Hong Nainai she was very skillful in rubbing my mirror. I got only a little pleasure out of this, but I still would rather have her rub my mirror than have those chou nanren thrust their filthy stalks into my precious gate. However, I was attracted to her as a person-handsome, elegant, unconventional. Whenever we finished making love and I was about to put on clothes, she would gently take them from me, place them at the foot of the bed and, without any clothes on herself, draw me into her arms and hold me till we fell asleep together.

  Teng Xiong had a smooth, willowy body like a youth's. I liked to watch her move around my room, my eyes outlining the curves of her small breasts, slightly rounded stomach, and narrow hips. Then I'd try to imagine how she would look with long hair, or with a stomach cover, or enclosed in a tight gown, or even wearing a lowcut Western dress. Would I like her less-or more-as a "woman"?

  At another of Teng's visits, when we'd finished having sex and were sitting by the window sipping tea, she said, "Miss Precious Orchid, I want to thank you for giving me all these good times, but if you're still disappointed that I'm a woman, please accept my apology."

  I remained silent, for I really didn't know what to say. I did enjoy being with her, but I still felt deceived. Though she treated me far more tenderly than any of the stinking males, now my dream of a happy future was shattered by the lack of what I'd so hated in the past-a jade stalk!

  Although my heart felt like it was tasting the bitterest yellow lotus seed, my face put on a pretty smile. "Please don't mention it. It's my duty to serve you."

  Her flushed face paled. "Is that what you think? Don't you feel something more for me?"

  What could be more than that? I thought, but said instead, "Of course, I'm most impressed by your erudition in the arts and your elegant demeanor."

  "Overpraise." She frowned, as if trying to search for the right words. "Before I came here, I read poems both about you and written by you. Your name was like a thunder roaring in my ears and I desired to meet you for a long time. So you can imagine my ecstasy now that my dream has finally come true."

  I responded with another demure smile. "Overpraise, M-" I still didn't know whether to call "him" Mr. or Miss Teng.

  "Please just call me Teng Xiong," she said. "Miss Precious Orchid, I must tell you," she gulped down her tea, "I'm in love with you.

  "You're what?"

  "I love you."

  "But I can't love you back," I blurted out. "You're a woman, too!"

  "Yes, you can." She threw me a hard stare. "At least you can try. Don't be offended, Miss Precious Orchid. But if you can please an all-wrinkled and spotty-skinned old man, why can't you love a handsome, gentle, and considerate woman like me? Anyway you once thought I was a man."

  Maybe she was right, why couldn't I love a woman? I thought, but asked instead, "But ... why do you not like men?"

  "Do you like them?"

  The question struck me speechless. It was true that I disliked nearly all the men in Peach Blossom. Maybe dislike was still too light a word, I even hated some of them.

  Teng's voice rose again. "Don't you agree that women-remember your sister Pearl-are much more refined than men? Did you prefer to spend time with a woman like her or with a man like the all-wrinkled Big Master Fung?"

  Maybe Mama's conjecture was right after all. This person was a spy! Otherwise how would she know so much about me?

  "How did
you know about Pearl and Big Master Fung? Have you been spying on me?"

  "Oh no, of course not," she let out a chuckle, "I wouldn't do something so distasteful. It's because you're very famous. People savor any bit of news about you. You're their goddess."

  I couldn't help but feel flattered. "But what about Red jade, isn't she the goddess?"

  Teng threw her head back and laughed, looking very handsome like a real man. "Ha, maybe Red Jade was popular among vulgar businessmen, but your admirers are scholars, poets, artists."

  "I also have vulgar businessmen as customers."

  "Yes, it's because you're haughty and condescending, that's why they want you more. There are lots of poor poet-scholars out there who're crazy about you but can't afford to pay even for ten minutes just to sniff your natural fragrance. I'm lucky that I'm rich." She reached to take my hand. "Precious Orchid, can you be my lover?"

  I wanted to withdraw mine, but suddenly remembered that she was still paying for the hours.

  "Miss Teng-"

  "Please call me Teng Xiong."

  "Teng Xiong, I ... don't think so. Because I ... I don't love you.

  "Then I'll come back here until you'll love me in return."

  "How are you so sure that I will?"

  "Because I'm handsome, rich, and nicer to you than all the men you've ever known. Such as Big Master Fung."

  I was shocked that she mentioned Fung's name again. "Do you know him?"

  Her answer dropped a bomb in the room. "He's my husband."


  She took another sip of tea. "I was his fourth concubine. Because I couldn't bear him anymore, I stole his money and ran away. It happened a few weeks ago, so of course he's been looking for me.

  I covered my mouth, fearing a scream would shoot out and explode in the room. I said in a breathless hush, "Oh my heaven, then why are you here?"

  "Because I'm willing to risk my life for love."

  "Then what if he runs into you here?"

  "He won't, I know his schedule. Monday is his day to accompany his first wife to the temple to make offerings, then stay overnight. Precious Orchid, I'm a very careful person. It took me two years to plan my escape. Besides, even if he does run into me here, he would never imagine that I, now a man with a different name, could possibly be his concubine." She paused, then, "The most dangerous-looking place is sometimes the safest."

  I noisily sipped my tea, the hot liquid burning the roof of my mouth. "Then what are you doing now, and where have you been hiding?"

  "As you know, I changed my name and disguised myself. Since I have a lot of money, I'm able to stay in hotels. My next move is to go to Peking to join a female Peking opera troupe. Of course, I'll play the male role. I was an opera singer before I married Fung." She cast me a penetrating stare. "That's the reason I'm here, Precious Orchid. I want you to run away with me to Peking."

  Her words sent a tremor across my chest. If I went to Peking, I could search for my mother! I slurped my tea, feeling dizzy while trying to absorb these unexpected twists and turns of life. "Let me calm down, and please let me think."

  "Sure." She looked at her gold pocket watch, which I now realized was once Big Master Fung's. "I'll be back next week, but I can't wait any longer. Old Fung is looking really hard for me now."

  "But he's never mentioned anything about you."

  "Of course not. Do you think he'll go around telling everybody that his concubine stole his money and ran away? He'd rather shoot himself than lose face!"

  A pause, then I asked, "What does he do?"

  "Something illegal. Sorry, Precious Orchid, I really don't want to go into this. Besides, he's a very dark person. He doesn't like to talk about his business. But," she paused to cast me an intense look, "he likes to talk about you."


  "Yes, he always boasts how beautiful and talented you are. One time when he was drunk, he even said that he was seriously considering taking you home as his fifth concubine." Teng Xiong plunged on, "That's what stirred my curiosity to come here. I wanted to meet my rival. But like him, I was hopelessly bewitched by you."

  I was so shocked that I remained speechless. Finally I asked, "Teng Xiong, you're not afraid that Fung will punish or even ... kill you?"

  "Of course. But I've already stepped onto a path of no return." She reached to take my hand. "I'll be back one last time. Please come with me. I'll be disguised as a man, so we'll travel as husband and wife."

  She'd already planned everything as if I'd agreed! "You're not afraid ... that I'll ... betray you to him?"

  To my surprise, she laughed. "Oh no, Precious Orchid, absolutely not."

  "How are you so sure?"

  "I'm well versed in physiognomy. You can't even kill a rat."


  The Escape

  1wo weeks later, with only my qin and a few belongings, I ran away with Teng Xiong. My only regret was that I couldn't bid farewell to Aunty Ah Ping and Spring Moon.

  "Will you risk everything just to say goodbye?" Teng Xiong warned. "No one can know about our escape. Don't even trust your own shadow! "

  I could only say goodbye to Plum Blossom. I put her on my shoulder and prayed that we'd be born as sisters in a future lifetime. She cocked her head and clucked, "Wish you make a lot of money! "

  I left Peach Blossom with Teng Xiong as if I was just going out to entertain a customer. Both of us were dressed up for a night on the town, she in an indigo suit with an orange silk tie, and I in a purple silk gown with red and gold flowers. She had picked a Saturday because that was the busiest night at Peach Blossom, meaning that surveillance would be relatively relaxed. An hour later, we arrived at an elegant restaurant near the Huangpu River, one in which private rooms were available. Teng slipped cash to everyone who came up to greet us-waiters, waitresses, the captain, even a servant boy and a maid. When the tipping spree had ended, we were led to the most expensive private chamber facing the river. The two guards from Peach Blossom stood right outside the room.

  Through the window, I could see reflections of light blinking like peeking eyes on the black ripples. A few pleasure boats were tied beside the larger merchant ships. From these gaily painted boats drifted the sounds of women singing to the accompaniment of the pipa. If I were lucky, from tonight on I'd be a free woman. But could these boat-dwelling sisters ever sail away from this amorous, floating world?

  Teng Xiong's pure, tender voice rose next to me, breaking up my reverie. "Precious Orchid, anything special you want to eat tonight?"

  I felt my heart beating fast in my chest. "Order what you want. Anything will please me."

  She motioned to the captain and ordered-four bottles of the most expensive wine and a ten-course dinner.

  "Teng Xiong," I nudged her elbow and whispered, "that's enough for a dozen people!"

  She cast me a sharp glance, then ordered more-three different kinds of fragrant tea: Iron Bodhisattva, Dragon Well, Clouds and Mist, and four water pipes. The captain left, then returned with two waitresses to set down a variety of small dishes on our table.

  "Mr. Teng," he grinned obsequiously, "these are all respect dishes from our restaurant." After that, the three bowed deeply to us and withdrew.

  Teng Xiong ignored my upset at her extravagance. She picked up the teapot and poured us both a full cup; then she clicked her cup with mine, "Precious Orchid, to our success."

  My heart beating like a battle drum, I asked, "Teng Xiong, do you really think we'll make it?"

  "I always plan things very carefully. Just trust me."

  While we picked at the dishes in silence, the captain and the two waitresses returned with more. When finally the whole table was covered with food, Teng Xiong, to my surprise, asked the captain to invite the two guards to come in and join us. "I'll pay the bill now. After this, we want to be completely left alone."

  I whispered into her ear, "Teng Xiong, are you out of your mind!"

  "Certainly, Mr. Teng," the captain threw us a knowing glan
ce, "I understand."

  He must have thought that Teng wanted us to be left alone so we could indulge in a foursome orgy!

  After the captain took the money and dragged his meatless posterior out of the room, two grinning faces flashed through the door. Teng Xiong smiled back, motioning the two guards to come sit with us. After they were seated, she poured wine into their glasses and piled food onto their plates.

  "You two must be working so hard. Please accept our thanks with this wine." She picked up her glass and made a toast, while signaling me to do the same. "Now please relax and help yourself to the food."

  From crude faces, two pairs of bloodshot eyes glared with hunger and greed. Two pairs of chopsticks ambushed the dishes, leaving trails of sauce on the white tablecloth like the calligraphy of a drunkard. The same callused hands that had mercilessly swung a whip or squeezed a sister's neck now wiped oily lips.

  I willed my hands to stop shaking as I joined with Teng Xiong in "wind and moon"-empty and decadent-conversation. I even let the guard next to me "accidentally" brush his hand against my breast as he tried to reach for the biggest piece of fat pork. After some more decadent talk, I entertained the two by singing and playing finger games. With flushed faces, glazed eyes, and glistening lips, the two guards had never looked happier. At Teng's urging, but with the greatest reluctance, I took out my qin and began to play. As my fingers danced on the elegant instrument, the two guards washed their throats with wine and sucked hard at their water pipes between curses-"Fuck his mother, how could that turtle egg possibly be that rich? Fuck her mother's cunt, how could she shit such huge breasts on her daughter?"


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