Voyeur Extraordinaire

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Voyeur Extraordinaire Page 9

by Reilly, Cora

  His smile widened.

  Get a grip on yourself, Nora. This date must be perfect, you must be perfect.

  His eyes slowly traveled over the entire length of my body, making every inch of my skin tingle as if he were actually touching me. How did he do it? When his eyes finally met mine, I held my breath in anticipation of his reply. A lazy smirk curled his lips. “You look beautiful. I love tall women.”

  The air left my lungs in a gush and I smiled at him. With a delicate shrug, I said. “Oh, I didn’t even have much time to get ready.” I cringed inwardly at how fake that had sounded. Maybe I should listen to Amy’s advice and just be myself.

  His gaze darted past me into my apartment and it took everything I had not to flush in embarrassment. I knew my apartment was a dump – small, dark and sparsely furnished. Definitely nothing in comparison to what I’d seen of his apartment. Not that I’d paid much attention to anything but Adrian’s adventures.

  I shifted and grabbed my purse from the small table beside the door.

  Adrian held his hand out for me and I stared at it for a moment before I took it hesitantly. As soon as our hands touched, my skin began to tingle, my body to burn. His grip was strong, almost possessive, but never tight enough to hurt. “Ready?”

  I looked at him with wide eyes but he was just smiling charmingly as he led me towards the elevator. Didn't he feel it? Or maybe he was just used to holding hands with women and it didn't affect him anymore. I pushed the thought aside and hoped my body would grow accustomed to being close to him soon. The elevator doors slid closed and Adrian turned toward me, our hands still entwined. “I’m glad you said yes. You won’t regret it.” His voice was low and full of promise. I tilted my head up with what I hoped was a teasing smile. “We’ll see.” It actually came out as I’d intended. Maybe I was getting better at hiding my nervousness.

  He chuckled. A few strands of his blond hair fell across his forehead and before I could stop myself I brushed them away, my fingertips grazing his skin. I froze, heat crawling up my throat and cheeks. His gaze burned through me and he gripped my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from making a sound. It wouldn’t do to moan because of a knuckle kiss. He focused on my lips, but then the doors of the elevators glided open, and one of my elderly neighbors waited to get in. I backed away from Adrian and together we exited the elevator.

  “Are we going to take a cab?” I asked as we stepped outside.

  “No, I prefer to take my own car.”

  “You don’t mind the crazy traffic?”

  “I can be patient if I want to be,” he said cryptically, then led me toward a black BMW convertible. He held the door open for me and when I slid into the passenger seat, I realized that I was already much calmer than thirty minutes ago. Maybe I could do this. Maybe I could be charming and sexy and alluring without any incidents.

  “I hope you like Italian cuisine,” he said as he started the car.

  “Yes, I do.” After that I wasn’t sure what else to say. I could have asked him about his job, but that would have led to him asking about my work in turn and I didn’t want to admit that I was a waitress in a shabby bar. The women I’d seen in his bedroom before had seemed sophisticated, most of them dressed in fancy dresses or business suits. Though he could probably guess that I wasn’t a successful businesswoman from looking at my dingy apartment.

  The drive to the restaurant passed in silence, except for the classical music ringing out of the speakers. I enjoyed watching Adrian drive, the way his strong hands held the steering wheel, or the way his jaw tightened whenever a cab cut in front of us. He looked so in control of everything. I’d never seen him in anything but impeccable clothes, his hair deliberately disheveled. Did he ever let loose?

  Even when I’d spied on him having sex with all these women, he’d looked in control of the situation, as if he’d never even consider letting down his guards. I wanted to peer behind those walls. I wanted to see the true Adrian. I snapped my gaze back to my hands resting on the purse in my lap when I realized how long I’d been staring at him. Had he noticed?

  But I wasn’t the only one who used the drive to risk a peek. I noticed Adrian throwing glances my way repeatedly, and I wondered if it was a good or bad sign. I knew I should say something, start a conversation, but my nervousness and my worry to do something wrong held me back. And maybe Adrian didn’t like talking when he drove. He didn’t seem particularly bothered by our silence. He hadn’t even mentioned my voyeurism yet. Maybe he was saving that particular topic for dinner. I surely hoped not.

  Adrian pulled up in front of the restaurant Da Daniele in Brooklyn. I'd read about it in the New York Times a while back. It was the best and most expensive Italian restaurant in the city. This knowledge didn't help to calm me down. If possible it made me even more nervous, since it showed that Adrian was having high expectations. Why else would he be willing to invest so much money into a first date?

  Maybe because there were never second dates in his life. I didn’t like that idea, and chose to pick the option that he was stinking rich. Adrian killed the engine and swiveled to me. “This is one of my favorite restaurants. They have the best Osso Bucco in town.”

  “I’m vegetarian,” I blurted, and immediately wanted to be swallowed up by the ground. “Sorry, I don’t know why I said that.”

  He smiled. “They have great pasta and gnocchi too, and if all else fails there’s still dessert. You won’t go hungry, trust me.”

  I shivered from the expression on his face. My eyes darted to his lips and I began to lean toward him when my door was opened. I jerked back and came face to face with a man in a black suit. “Welcome to Dan Daniele,” he drawled.

  I’d never been to a restaurant that had someone who helped customers out of their cars. I smiled and swung my legs out, taking care that my dress didn’t ride up and flash my red lace panties at the man. Adrian appeared at my side and handed his key to the man. “The reservation is for Black. I need my car parked.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Adrian touched my waist and gently guided me toward the restaurant. My skin warmed where he touched me and I wondered how it would feel to have his hands all over my body. Small bistro tables were sat up in front of the entrance, right on the sidewalk. A low fence with a canopy of glowing garlands protected the customers seated at the tables from passersby and the chaos of the traffic. It was a warm and beautiful evening and I wished we had a table outside, but every single one of them was occupied.

  Adrian and I stepped into the restaurant. There was a reception desk with a vase of white orchids; a young woman in a black dress waited behind it. She looked up and her face brightened. “Mr. Black, it’s wonderful to see you again. Your usual table, I presume?” I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if there had ever been something between the woman and Adrian. She was lacking the subtle bitterness of a shunned lover, so probably not. But the way she eyed Adrian, it was obvious that she wouldn’t mind sharing his bed.

  “Yes, Gianna,” he said in a pleasant but cool tone. Gianna’s gaze swiveled to me for a moment and her smile became less warm. An older man with a gray moustache and a bald head strode our way, his arms spread in a welcoming gesture. He was wearing checkered pants, a white shirt and a red bow tie. “Mr. Black, welcome back!” he half-shouted with a strong Italian accent.

  For a moment, I was sure he was going to hug Adrian, but he just gestured wildly with his arms as he talked. “It’s been almost two weeks since your last visits. I was already worried you’d left the country!” He let out a deep belly laugh, then his twinkling eyes zoomed in on me. “And who’s this beautiful lady?” He reached for my hand and kissed it. He was almost a head smaller than me but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “I’m Nora Clark. Nice to meet you…” I trailed off since I didn’t know his name.

  “Giovanne,” he said, then winked at me before turning back to Adrian who had an amused expression on
his face. “I’ll lead you to your usual table, Mr. Black. Please follow me.”

  Adrian really seemed to eat at the Da Daniele often. Was he taking all of his women here before whisking them away for a night of pleasure? I didn’t like the idea that Gianna and Giovanne had seen Adrian waltzing in with dozens of women before me. It made me feel cheap. But maybe I was overreacting. Maybe Adrian usually came here alone, or with business partners, or maybe even friends and family. I didn’t know anything about him.

  That thought didn’t manage to console me either. I really didn’t know anything about the man I’d been fantasizing about, the man I was considering losing my v-card to. But tonight was my chance to change that. I only needed to ask the right questions. Adrian’s fingers tightened on my waist, tearing me from my thoughts, and I peered up at him. “Are you okay? You seemed far away for a moment.”

  “I’m just taking it all in.” My gaze lingered on the glass wall at the back that looked out toward an inner courtyard with more small tables. Giovanne stopped at a table in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and pulled out a chair for me. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful courtyard. Lampions hung from trees and ropes connecting them. There were orange, lemon and olive trees. “Would you prefer to sit outside?” Adrian asked.

  I smiled in embarrassment. “If it’s not too much trouble?” I glanced at Giovanne.

  He looked thoughtful for a moment, then said. “Let me check. Just a sec.” Then he hurried off.

  “So you come here often?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

  Adrian shrugged. “I don’t cook, so I eat out almost every day.”


  Giovanne returned and ushered us outside into the courtyard, and led us toward a table beneath a majestic old tree. Adrian was faster than Giovanne this time; he let go of my waist and pulled a chair out for me. I sank down. “Thanks.”

  He took the seat across from me. A candle flickered in a mason jar on the square table, and another jar was filled with wild flowers in purple and white. The inside of the restaurant had been more polished with white table cloths and orchids, but I actually loved the checkered cloth on the small bistro table and the casual atmosphere of the courtyard. “Better?” Adrian’s green eyes scanned my face. He seemed to be making a real effort to make our date perfect for me.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Giovanne cleared his throat. “Excuse me.” He handed me the menu, then handed one to Adrian. “Would you like an aperitif?”

  “Yes, a Negroni for me and…” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Aperol Spritz?” I offered. It was the only aperitif that came to my mind. I usually drank cocktails with cream or coconut milk and syrup, but they were too sweet for dinner.

  “Wonderful,” Giovanne said. “Would you like a bottle of water?”

  “San Pelegrino.”

  “Very well.” Giovanne handed the winelist to Adrian. “Enjoy your evening.” Then he turned around with another wink in my direction and headed into the restaurant. My eyes drifted over the beautiful oranges and lemons dotting the trees around us. Adrian asked me a question that I didn't hear. I looked up at him, feeling myself blush. “What did you say?”

  “Would you like some wine?” He looked at me as if he knew exactly how nervous he was making me feel. I swallowed and nodded my head. Wine would hopefully manage to calm my nerves and help me relax.

  “Is it okay for you that we don’t sit at your usual table?” I gestured at the rustic tables. “This isn’t quite as upscale as the inside.”

  “I want you to enjoy yourself. That’s all that matters.” He smirked. “And sometimes it’s good to try new things, don’t you think?”

  I made a non-committal noise and turned my attention to the menu. It wasn’t very long but it had several vegetarian options. A waiter carrying a slate with wooden feet headed our way and set the slate down. “Our daily specials. Your drinks will be here in a moment.”

  I quickly scanned the slate. The lasagna with chanterelles caught my eye, but I decided to ask Adrian. After all, he ate here all the time.

  “What would you recommend?” I asked.

  “Well, the burrata with grilled peaches and heirloom tomatoes is delicious. As for the entree, I’d recommend the homemade tagliatelle with truffles. It’s amazing.” Adrian lifted his gaze from the menu.

  “Burrata?” I repeated. I didn’t have the slightest clue what that was.

  “It’s a kind of mozzarella with cream inside. It practically melts on your tongue.” The way he said tongue and looked at me, food was the last thing on my mind, and I felt myself flush. From the look on his face, it was clear that it’s what he’d intended. Amy had been right. He knew what to say and do to charm his way into women’s panties.

  I was glad that the waiter chose that moment to bring our drinks. “Are you ready to order?”

  “Give us another moment,” Adrian said, never taking his eyes off me. The moment the waiter was gone, I picked up my Aperol Spritz and took a few gulps. Adrian, too, sipped at his drink, a red liquid in a martini glass.

  I set my drink down. Half of it was already gone. If I kept up the tempo, I’d be drunk before the entrée was served. “So what are you going to order?”

  Adrian smirked as if he knew I was rambling because I was nervous. “I'll take the Vitello Tonato for starters, then the Ossobuco alla Milanese.” He leaned forward, his muscled arms resting on the table. His gaze was intense, but I couldn’t look away. “As for the dessert. I haven't quite decided yet.” His voice was husky, and I knew exactly what he wanted to have for dessert.

  I took another gulp of my cocktail. “The molten lava cake looks delicious,” I said, misunderstanding him on purpose.

  “Delicious indeed,” he said, then he scanned the winelist calmly, as if he hadn’t just come on to me. “Do you prefer white or red wine?”

  “White,” I said automatically, though I wasn’t much of a wine drinker. I didn’t usually frequent restaurants that served wine. Most of the time a Happy Meal was the only thing I could afford.

  The waiter returned to our table and Adrian gave a small nod in my direction. “I’d like the burrata and tagliatelle with truffles.”

  I could tell it pleased Adrian that I’d followed his recommendation. “I’ll have the Vitello Tonnato, followed by the Ossobucco. And we’ll share a bottle of Pinot Grigio,” he said to the waiter who scribbled our orders on a small notebook and then disappeared into the restaurant.

  “Why did you want to have dinner with me?” The words left me mouth before I could stop them, but it was a question that’s been bothering me since he’d first asked me to go out with him.

  I fiddled with the cloth napkin, occasionally risking a peek at Adrian. He leaned back in his chair. “You fascinate me.”

  I frowned. “Why? You don’t know anything about me.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong,” he murmured. “I know you like to take risks. I know you’re curious…”

  I didn’t like where this was going, but it was too late.

  “I know you know what you want.”

  Did he really? Because what I wanted was him.

  “I know all that because you watched me. I could tell that you liked what you saw.”

  I downed the rest of my drink, relieved when the waiter appeared at our table with the wine. He poured some into our glasses, set a basket with ciabatta slices and a jar with tapenade down on the table, and then he disappeared. I took a piece of bread, spread tapenade on it and took a bite. Adrian, however, ignored the bread. His eyes were trained on me, one corner of his mouth lifted.

  “It was an accident,” I said eventually, sounding defensive. My cheeks were so hot I must have been glowing. Maybe Adrian would blame it on the Aperol Spritz. “I didn’t mean to watch you.”

  “You didn’t?” he said in a challenging tone. He calmly lifted the wineglass and waited for me to do the same. We clinked them together and took a sip. “So you picked up binocular
s by accident and directed them toward my window?”

  “The binoculars were just lying around in my room. I didn’t buy them so I could spy on people, if that’s what you think. And it was really hard to miss your window and what was going on behind it. Your curtains were open and the light was on. The whole neighborhood probably watched.”

  He grinned. “No need to get angry. I never said I didn’t like to be watched. I just want you to be honest with me and with yourself, and admit that you watched me on purpose that night. And it wasn’t the first time either, was it?”

  “You noticed before?” I blurted, and then cringed because I’d given myself away. I could never commit the perfect crime. I’d confess everything by accident anyway.

  It was obvious that Adrian was holding back laughter. Great. At least, I was amusing him.

  I took a few more gulps of the Pinot Grigio. It was cold and calmed my nerves, and I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, which was good for what I intended to say. “Okay, you’re right. That night wasn’t the first time I watched you. I can’t afford cable so there really isn’t much else to do in the evening.”

  Please, God, let me get hit by lightening.

  Adrian chuckled. “Of course. That’s the only reason.”

  I shrugged and emptied my glass. Adrian poured me more wine, but I could tell that the topic wasn’t done yet.

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  My fingers froze on a piece of bread. “Enjoy it?” I half-squeaked.

  “Watching me.”

  “It wasn’t unpleasant.”

  “That’s good to know.” He took my hand and stroked my skin with his thumb. Goosebumps flashed across my body. “Admit it, you wanted to be in my bedroom. You wanted to be the woman in my bed.”

  I was spared a reply when Giovanne arrived at our table with two plates with our starters. “Are you enjoying yourselves so far?” he asked.

  “Quite,” Adrian said.

  I took another sip from my wine instead of an answer. The waiter joined Giovanne after a moment and put a bottle of San Pelegrino down on the table, then they both left.


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