Andraen word for castle.
From the kingdom of Dromic.
Lands west of Laraytia, east of the freelands, and south of Havvara. Durrenia is populated by hundreds of warring tribes.
The place where Blythlojeans believe their spirit goes after they die. Those who follow Blythwynn join her in a land of bliss. Those that follow Lojenwyne go to his Hall to feast and to give assistance to all Laraytian warriors on the battlefields of Celusia. Anyone in Eleyria may visit either domain for as long as they wish.
One of three original regions in the Kingdom of Galadance.
Endeavours, The
The first sacred tome of Lojenwyne.
A priest of Lojenwyne.
A kingdom in the southeast of Celusia.
Faur Folly
The greatest military disaster in Laraytian history. Durrenian war tribes broke through the gates at Maugna Faur and invaded Laraytia in Lae Duerna duchy. Tens of thousands of Laraytians were killed and it took half a year to drive the Durrenians away.
A Laraytian curse.
A kingdom to the east of Laraytia.
The highest earth rank in the Laraytian Standards.
High Chime
The ranking priestess of Blythwynn at a Moonhallow or Holy Unity Temple.
Holy Receiver of Light
The highest ranking member of Blythwynn's hierarchy on Celusia and the sixth most powerful title in Laraytia.
A kingdom in the Northeast of Laraytia.
A man or woman who has been posthumously designated as one of Blythwynn's greatest disciples. They are said to ascend to the skies and hold lanterns for Blythwynn, as stars.
Materials needed by a magician to cast spells.
Provincial soldiers usually serving a Duchy or a shire. Many are soldiers from only part of the year and hold regular occupations in their shire.
Knight Protector
A title given to a knight who has proven himself exceptionally brave and skillful. Each Duchy has two Knight Protectors, except Laray, which has three. Knight Protectors are supplied with a unit of fifty men or more and are charged with protecting a territory in whatever way they see fit, for a five-year period.
Lae Duerna
A Duchy in the North of Laraytia. Currently ruled by the House Cobblethrie.
Lalyrian Charter
A charter, signed by the King of Galadance, that gave freedom to the kingdom of Laraytia and established it as an independent colony of the Galadane Empire, so long as the army of Laraytia kept the Durrenian hordes from invading Galadance.
Peasants who farm and work the lands of Laraytia.
Laray, House
The founding family of Laraytia. They were defeated by the Darmurian family in the Barrestian Rebellion and most of the family was scattered or killed.
Laraytian Standards
The King's army of Laraytia. Well-trained, professional soldiers. Each duchy is required to give men to the Laraytian Standards each year. Standards answer only to the king or the marquesses of Laraytia.
Laraytian Unification Proclamation
A charter document signed by representatives from each of the six splinter kingdoms of Laraytia and the remaining independent barons. The charter unified the Kingdom under one ruler and established rules for taxation.
A colony of the Galadane Empire. Tasked through the Lalyrian Charter to keep the Durrenian barbarians from crossing the Warts of Mundaaith (Durrenian) mountain range.
A church devoted to Lojenwyne
A monastery devoted to Lojenwyne.
One of two deities in the Blythlojean religion. He is the Father of Justice, the Lord of War, and the Bringer of Death.
Lojenwyne's Eye
The sun. Blythlojeans believe that Lojenwyne watches over Celusia in the daytime, providing no darkness for thieves and cowards.
A civilization conquered by the Andraens.
The King's military commanders in each Duchy. There are two marquesses in each duchy and they act as the King's representatives in all military matters. They also serve the function of ensuring that no duchy tries to foment rebellion against the king.
Andraen word for fortress.
Maugna Faur
A fortress in Laraytia that guards the northern pass through the Durrenian Mountains. Overrun during the Faur Folly.
A church devoted to Blythwynn.
The Lord of Shadows. Master of the Dark. Mundaaith rules in The Dark Place and stirs evil in the hearts of men and women.
One of three original regions in the Kingdom of Galadance.
A Duchy in the Northwest of Laraytia, Currently ruled by House Arlineous.
The highest rank attainable in the Laraytian Standards. There are only eight overlords at any time.
A man or woman who has been posthumously designated as one of Lojenwyne's greatest disciples.
The tenth month of the Laraytian twelve-month calendar.
Recovery, The
The half-year war waged by Laraytia to re-take Lae Duerna Duchy from the invading Durrenians after the Faur Folly.
Also C-mark. A brand in the shape of a letter C applied to the face of cowards in Laraytia.
Shadow's Eve
The night when Blythwynn's Eye closes completely. Since Blythwynn is unable to see what happens that night, it becomes an evening of mischief, violence, debauchery and drinking that often gets out of hand. Local garrisons and militias post extra guards in cities during Shadow's Eve.
The first air rank in the Laraytian Standards. Signets are often noble or wealthy sons whose fathers buy them a commission.
Songmaiden, Songmaster
Musicians and poets that attach themselves to a knight or other lord and document their lives.
Stainless Laray
See Aerys Laray.
The second earth rank in the Laraytian Standards.
Stout With Honors
The third earth rank in the Laraytian Standards.
The Illumination
The holy book of Blythwynn, transcriptions of Blythwynn's words and those of her early disciples and immortals.
A duchy in the Southeast of Laraytia.
An assistant to the chime or high chime of a moonhaven.
Wild, violent pack creatures that are somewhere between man and monster.
Trith Alms
Andraen mourning tributes made of woven reeds, feathers, ribbons, and bones.
The lowest rank in the Laraytian Standards
The second highest rank in the Laraytian Standards. There are never more than thirty underlords.
Unity Temple
A temple shared between the priests of Blythwynn and Lojenwyne. Such temples are divided so that the priestesses of Blythwynn never see the priests of Lojenwyne.
A cinder of Lojen trained in the fighting arts known as Loja.
Warts of Mundaiith
A Laraytian nickname for the Durrenian mountain range.
Word of Lojen
The two holy books of Lojenwyne. The Endeavours is a lengthy chronicle detailing Lojen's thoughts and ideas and those of his early disci
ples and primes. The Arms is a short book of quotes from Lojen and his disciples about war, family and honor.
Vicious, wolflike creatures with curling horns and red eyes.
Scaled flying creatures with poisonous stingers.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The Beast of Maug Maurai, Part One: The Culling Page 16