He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1) Page 10

by J. L. Ostle

  “Other women here are after him, he’s the next big thing, they won’t stop. They will try everything to get underneath him.” I smile sweetly at her.

  “I bet they are, but you are forgetting one thing when it comes to me and Jonny.”

  “And what’s that.”

  “If he does fuck someone, he asks me to watch. He wants me there to watch every moment so if those women are willing to have me watch their naked bodies, me judging them….” I smile at her. “Then I’m sure I will see them very soon.” I give her a wink and walk out the door.

  Another server holding a tray of champagne walks by and I grab a glass. I head near the dancefloor and I watch the woman from the bathroom head to a group of women and I know they are talking about me. I watch as all their eyes land on me and I raise my glass, blowing them a kiss, and they quickly look away. I know a few will still try to bed him, but it will give some of the others something to think about. Will they be willing to let me, someone much younger than them, watch them have sex?

  I’m in my own world, looking around, when I feel someone stand next to me. I turn to see Matty smiling at me.

  “Didn’t I warn Jonathan that I would try and steal you away?” I giggle.

  “You said someone, not you.”

  “I’m sure it was implied.” His smile is so infectious; I can’t help but return it.

  “What about your date?” I take a sip of my drink.

  “I think she’s more interested in yours. I guess she isn’t wife-to-be material. So, would you like to dance, or stand here and look at the white walls.” All it took was one word and I knew what I’d rather do.

  “Dance, yes please.” He chuckles at me and takes my hand and hooks it under his arm.

  “If dancing is your weakness, I’ll make sure I keep you on the dancefloor all night.” We head to the other dancers and start swaying to the slow song.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Why? Is it working?”

  “If you keep talking about dancing, then yes.” I smile sweetly at him. He laughs.

  “Good to know.” We continue this back and forth flirting as we dance. We dance to a few more songs and I don’t care. This is the first time since Jonny left to do some work that I’m actually having fun. Matty is very charming and funny. He’s cute and easy on the eye.

  “Can I ask you a question?” He spins me out and back in first.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “Were you popular back at school?” He bursts out in laughter and I’m sure everyone looks at us.

  “God no, I was the nerd. My ass got kicked on a daily basis. What about you? Were you head cheerleader, the most popular girl in school?”

  “No, I was a loner. I guess I was a nerd too.” He smiles at me.

  “Well, look at us now. I bet we’re the most beautiful couple here; if only the cool kids could see us now.” I never want to see the Nasty Trio again. If they ever showed up in my life again, I don’t know what I would do.

  “We aren’t a couple.” I try and change the subject.

  “Not yet.” I shake my head and chuckle at him. We continue dancing and then I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

  “Is it okay if I cut in?” I turn to see Jonny standing there, he doesn’t look happy.

  “I don’t think you're my type.” Matty tries to joke, but Jonny just glares at him. “Joke man. It was nice dancing with you, Raven. If you ever stop by Stone enterprises, say hi.” He shakes my hand and I give him a smile.

  “I will. And thank you for keeping me company.”

  “Anytime.” He gives me a wink and walks away. Jonny takes my hand and pulls me into his body.

  “You having a good night?” He clips at me and that pisses me off. I stop moving and glare up at him.

  “Don’t you dare get all prissy with me. You left to schmooze with women for your job and I was left alone. I had perverted men looking down at my chest, the women won’t even talk to me, the one woman who did basically told me that I’m going to lose you to one of these whores. So don’t you fucking dare act like what I have done is wrong,” I seethe at him.

  “Who told you that?” Did he just not hear the rest of what I said?

  “So it’s okay if men leer at me, your biggest concern is the woman? You're unbelievable. I knew I shouldn’t have come here. This isn’t my world, it’s yours, maybe your father is right, maybe we are going to lose touch, might as well nip it in the bud now.” I try and pull away but he holds me tighter. I just feel drained and tired and tomorrow, I may regret saying all this, but right now, it’s how I feel.

  “Don’t, don’t say that. I am not losing you.”

  “You haven’t even started the job yet and tonight is a fine example of what it’s going to be like. You’re going to have to flirt and spend time with these people. You are going to have to kiss some ass and as you do that, I will be doing whatever I will be doing. We may not have time for one another as soon as summer is over.”

  “Come work with me then,” he pleads with me. I look at him like he’s insane.


  “Come work with me. I won’t be your boss. You can work in any department you want; I won’t interfere with it. That way I get to see you more. It’s a win, win situation.”

  “So you want me to work with women who look down their noses at me and witness you kissing ass to the women who wouldn’t even spit on me if I was on fire?” I take a step back and walk away but he grabs my arm.

  “Raven,” he starts but I cut him off.

  “If you don’t let go of me, I will make a scene.” I watch him look around, and luckily no one is really paying attention. Yet.

  “Raven, come with me.” He pulls me alongside him and we walk up the staircase and to the right is a hallway. We head that way and I see a few doors, he opens one and pushes me inside and shuts the door. He blocks me in. “I’m sorry if I pissed you off, I’m sorry that I was angry that you were dancing with Matty. I saw you both laughing and how he was looking at you and I guess I got a little jealous. Not because I felt territorial, but because he was making you smile.”

  “I had to watch you dance with other women. Yeah, some were old enough to be my grandmother, but some were not that much older than us.” I take a deep breath. “Tell me something, and be honest, when you were dancing with the younger ones, did they hit on you, ask you to bed, told you if you ever wanted a good time just to call them?” I see his mouth tighten. “This is your life now and I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to watch you become your father. You left me for hours, did you know that?” I feel my body start to weaken and I feel tears building. “I know you had to do what you had to do, but did you know it has been hours since you really talked to me?” I put my hands up to stop him from what he is going to say. “Yeah, you came by at times to see if I was okay but that was it. And when you did finally come over, it was only because I was having fun with another man. If I was on my own, or talking to one of the perverted old men, would you have stopped talking to these rich people? And don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m sorry.” I shake my head and look down to me feet.

  “It’s me who is sorry. I’ve gotten too involved with you. We are past what we used to be. You’re getting jealous more and more, and I’m getting pissed off more and more. We need to get away for a while. Away from the real world and try and get us back on track.” And to see if I am willing to leave you.

  “Okay, we will. We will go anywhere you want.” He walks to me and holds me. I wrap my hands around his waist, basking in his warmth.

  “Do you want to go?” I nod my head against his chest. “Okay, let’s get out of here.” He steps back and cups my face in his hands. “You are important to me; I hope you will never forget that.” I nod my head again but I know soon I won’t be. How can I be?

  We walk out of the room and start to say our goodbyes. I do notice how some of the women look between the two of us, and I’m sure it’s gotten
around about me watching his conquests. We walk over to one couple and Jonny is talking to the man but the woman is looking at me weirdly. More weird than normal.

  “I heard something that I found interesting.” She walks a little closer to me. Her voice isn’t bitchy but more seductive. “I wonder if it’s true.”

  “If what’s true?” I ask her and I watch her lick her lips.

  “If you like to watch Mr. Stone fuck his women.” She steps in closer. I turn to Jonny but he isn’t looking at us. “If you ever need someone new, I’m game for what you’re into.” I look at her, really look at her. She looks to be in her mid-thirties, long, light brown hair, dark green eyes; her body looks similar to mine. She is quite attractive. “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to join in. You are very beautiful, so sweet.” She tucks a stray strand of hair over my ear. “I could please you, too.” I look at her with my eyes wide open. She is offering to fuck me.

  “I will keep that in mind.” I watch her take out a business card and she holds my hand and places the card in it, stroking my fingers before letting go.

  “Please do. Some of these women are boring when it comes to their sex life, but I’m like you, I like to try things out of the box, so to speak. I hope to hear from you.” She leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth.

  “You ready to go?” Jonny asks as I try to take my eyes off the woman but I can’t and she smiles knowingly at me.

  “Ummm, yeah. I’m ready.” Jonny entwines his hand with mine.

  “Will speak to you both soon. Ken, Jessica.” He shakes their hands one more time and we walk away, I can’t help but turn around and I see Jessica still watching me.

  What the hell is that about?


  “So the party was a bust?” Caron asks as she takes another spoon of Ben and Jerry’s.

  “Some parts were okay, but the men were perverts, the women were stuck up bitches and it didn’t help that Jonny kept dancing away with these women as I got threatened in bathrooms. And to top it off, when I was finally having fun, he got jealous since it was with another man. He was dancing with a bunch of different women and I danced with one man, one fricking man, and he turned into a dick.” I grab the ice cream from her and take a spoonful.

  “I warned you things were going to be different. He probably went all possessive when he saw another man touching you, even if it was just dancing. Men are weird creatures.” She sucks on her spoon.

  “Tell me about it. But that’s not the worst part.” I place the spoon in the carton and look at her as I debate telling her.

  “Tell me then.” She urges.

  “There was this woman and she basically offered me sex, well to join in on a threesome, with her and Jonny.” I see her eyes bug out.

  “Holy shit, really? Why would she offer that?” She takes the ice-cream back. I close my eyes and groan at what I’m about to say. I need her advice, well more like her opinion.

  “Because I told the woman in the bathroom that I watch Jonny have sex with women he brings home.”

  “Why would you say… Oh God, do you?” I notice some ice cream on her chin. I use my finger and wipe it off.

  “Not all the time,” I say meekly. I watch her stand and pace in front of me.

  “So let me get this straight. You watch your best friend fuck women? You sit there and watch as he enters different women’s vajayjay’s and yet you still kissed and dry humped him? Are you insane? Do you know how crazy this sounds?” I stand up with her and pull my hair as I stare up at the ceiling.

  “I know it sounds fucked up, don’t you think I know that? I can’t explain how we are, we just are. We’re both fucked up; I think I’m even more fucked up than he is since I’m the one that agrees to watch him. I even offered to watch him have sex with a girl he picked up at the club a few days ago, but this time was different.” I shake my head and slump myself back on the couch. Saying it all out loud does sound crazy. How did I get myself into this mess? Why have I agreed to act like this?

  But is it an act? My head asks me.

  “Different how?” Caron sits next to me. I look into her eyes and I don’t see judgment, just confusion.

  “When he has sex, yes, I normally see the girl naked, but Jonny never shows his dick, he just enters them.” I don’t even think I’m saying this right.

  “And that night he didn’t?”

  “He stood there with his manhood pointing up like he wanted me to see it, I think he wanted a reaction, I don’t know, but that night it was different. I think that’s when things between us started to change big time.”

  “What happens after?” I turn my head so I’m looking at her. “I mean after they sleep together, what do you do?”

  “I leave. During his climax, I stand and walk away.”

  “And until recently, you guys have never physically touched one another in a sexual way?” I shake my head.

  “No, until recently we never even kissed. I don’t know why things are changing now, why now?” I slump myself lower onto the couch.

  “Maybe because we are finally leaving school, about to head into the weird, wild world. Or maybe because how close you guys are. But it’s happening.”

  “I watch him fuck other girls, though, how is it normal that I’m seeing him in a sexual way? It should freak me out or something. I’m just so confused. What am I going to do?”

  “Follow your heart?” I look at her and can’t help but laugh.

  “That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “I couldn’t think of anything else. I don’t know what to say really, I’ve never been or heard anyone in this situation before, but can I ask a question?”

  “Shoot.” I feel her head go on my shoulder.

  “What made you say yes to watching him have sex in the first place? How did it all happen?” I sit there, not sure what to say. I hate that I can share all this but I can’t open my mouth and tell her about my past.

  “You know I have a bad past?” I feel her nod. “Well, when Jonny first asked me, I was disgusted by it. I thought, how can he ask me this? But I wasn’t disgusted with him, not really. I know some people like to be watched or watch sex but something happened in my past and because of that, it messed me up a little. I was so young and naïve when this bad thing happened, I felt like it scarred me. So one night, when I was drunk, I agreed to watch Jonny just because I wanted closure or to replace the memory; see, I’m messed up.” I wave my hands around.

  “The more you share of your past, the more I feel like something terrible happened. I know you’re not ready to share, but if you can share all this stuff about Jonny, and not your past, I’m thinking that whatever happened was pretty traumatic. Can I ask one question about it, though?” Her hand holds mine.

  “Depends on what you’re asking,” I barely whisper.

  “Did someone hurt you? I mean really hurt you?” I feel tears prickle my eyes.

  “It was more than one.” Her arms go around me. I hug her as I let the tears fall. I cry for the past; I cry for not having someone there to speak to. Why couldn’t Caron be at my old college? I couldn’t even tell my only two friends all the gory details.

  “I swear, when you tell me what happened and who, I’m going to get my shotgun and kill some motherfuckers for hurting my girl.” I pull back and laugh.

  “You sound just like Jonny.” I wipe my nose in an unladylike fashion on the back of my sleeve.

  “God, could you imagine if he ever found out that people actually hurt you? He would definitely go down for murder.” I know she’s right, Jonny would do anything for me, he would kill for me.

  “That’s why I could never tell him, I wouldn’t let him hold my problems on his shoulders. He has his own demons; he doesn’t need mine too.”

  “What’s up with that anyway? What made him like to be watched during sex? Is he into anything kinky?” I bite my lip. “Oh my God, he is, isn’t he? Please tell me he isn’t into cut play. I recently read a book about that and
it sounds more nasty than pleasurable.” She scrunches up her nose.

  “All I can say is, he’s more like Christian Grey than he would probably admit to.”

  “Holy shit balls, he’s into BDSM? It kind of makes sense; he likes control, especially when it comes to you. Has he got his own room of pain? Has he got whips and paddles?” I grab my pillow and hit her in the face.

  “Jesus, you really are interested, aren’t you? Would you like him to tie you up and give you a little pain?” I chuckle.

  “I am not good with pain. Yeah, it may look and sound hot, but if I got whipped once, I would be screaming out my safe word... Does he use safe words?”

  “Caron, I’ve watched him have sex not that kind of stuff. I’m not sure what he’s into. I know he likes BDSM but I never witnessed it. Next time you see him, you’ll have to ask him yourself.” I double over laughing when I see her face.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to look at him the same again. How am I supposed to hang out in his apartment knowing that one of his rooms could have whips and chains? How am I supposed to look at him knowing he likes to be watched during sex?” I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

  “Slow down, Wonder Woman. I just told you that I watch him, do you see me any differently?” Please say no.

  “Of course not, you’re my girl, your life is way more interesting than mine, though. I’m like a nun compared to you, but I could never see you differently. If you told me that you like being peed on during foreplay, I wouldn’t judge. I would be like Ewww, but wouldn’t look at you differently.” She chuckles.

  “I would be worried if I liked being peed on. There are some things people should not do.” We both laugh. We are still talking away when there is some banging and knocking on the door. I watch Caron stand and head to the door and when it opens, I see Alan and Jonny standing there with suitcases.

  Is he leaving? My heart feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest. Why is he leaving?

  “Pack your stuff, bitch face, we’re going on a trip,” Alan says as he walks in like he owns the place and starts picking things up, being nosey.


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