He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1)

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He Owns Me (Owning Me series Book 1) Page 12

by J. L. Ostle

  “I know, but thinking of you not in this world, it’s scary.” I turn my head again and see the sadness in his eyes. I place my hand on his cheek so he looks down at me.

  “We are supposed to be having fun, not being sad. Let’s go unpack and go to some fancy restaurant where we can eat expensive food,” I joke and he chuckles. He squeezes me then lets me go. I look back out one final time and follow him back inside. I hear a scream and run towards it. Caron is running to the middle of the room.

  “The bath is like a Jacuzzi; you can fit like five people in there. I never want to leave. No offense Jonny, your apartments are amazing, but this place is out of this world. I want to die here.” I chuckle and see Jonny shaking his head.

  “Why is it that you all are talking about dying? Maybe I should have taken us to the beach.” Jonny walks to the vase of flowers and inspects it.

  “I haven’t talked about dying,” Alan says defensively and plops down on the couch.

  “At least that’s two of us.” Jonny sighs. There is a knock at the door and I watch Jonny open it to a man with our luggage. He guides him and tells him to leave it near the bedroom doors and he pays the guy some money, a tip, and he leaves. “Now we can unpack. You girls go get ready for dinner.”

  “But it’s almost morning,” Caron says, grabbing her suitcase.

  “Yeah, it’s the time difference,” I agree and grab my suitcase. I head back to my room and open it up to see my best clothing, some dresses, and swimwear. I laugh when I see he chose some of my skimpy ones.

  I decide to wear my grey slacks that make me look professional with a three-quarter sleeve white blouse. I want to look like I belong here. I put on my low black heels and decide to keep my hair down. I sit in front of the dresser and start doing my makeup but I pause at my reflection when I pick up my eyeliner and mascara. I decide right there that I’m done with hiding my face. I leave my eye makeup and just put on some concealer and lipgloss. It's only Breakfast-England time.

  I grab my purse and put in my key card and phone and head back to the living room to see Jonny and Alan waiting for us. When they hear me walk towards them, they both stare at me. I feel a little self-conscious so I look down to see if something is on me but there’s nothing.

  “Do I look stupid?” I bite my lip.

  “Hell no, you look great. You look so different without all that dark eye make-up. Hardly recognized you,” Alan says and I give him a smile and look to Jonny who is still staring at me.

  “Jonny, do I look okay? I know it’s just breakfast but…” He walks to me, stopping me by pressing his fingers against my lips.

  “You look beautiful.” He drops his hand I give him a shy smile.

  “Where’s Caron?” I try and change the subject and I hear him groan.

  “She thinks we’re going to meet the queen. She keeps yelling out that she doesn’t know what to wear.” I giggle and pat his shoulder and start heading to her room.

  “I got this,” I say and walk in Caron’s room to see, once again, her clothes are everywhere.

  Caron finally decided on a summer dress and we finally made it to a local restaurant. Luckily it’s not that busy. There are a few men and women eating their breakfasts, drinking their coffees or reading the paper. I look around and see the color theme is gray but, like everything else, it looks brand new and immaculate.

  I have ordered an English breakfast with coffee, Caron ordered the same and the guys ordered a full breakfast which is a bigger version than ours. When the food comes, the aroma is astonishing. I can feel myself starting to drool already. I have some of the bacon and sausages and I moan at the orgasm happening in my mouth. When I look up, both guys are staring at me.

  “Sorry, it’s just so good,” I mumble with food still in my mouth and everyone chuckles at me.

  We eat and talk, deciding we are going to head back to our room and get a few hours of sleep before taking a tour around London. I am dying to look around the shops and hear people talk all British. I am so hoping to get a closer look at where the queen lives, too.

  Jonny puts the bill on his tab and we head back up. I’m already starting to feel the jet lag kick in. Thank God we agreed on naps. I walk into my room and get into my pajama shorts and tank. I head to the bathroom and Caron wasn’t lying, it is huge. I brush my teeth and face and crawl into bed. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to close.

  Not long into my sleep, I feel movement beside me and I open my heavy eyes to see Jonny getting in beside me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you. Feels weird sleeping in that bed.” He points to my door, signaling his room. I roll my eyes and move a little to let him in. I feel his arm go around me and I let sleep take over again.


  We are on Oxford Street since we heard it’s the main shopping area. I look around at all the shoppers, gazing into windows. Caron and I look at the stores and see Gap, Disney, HMV. Mobile shops, jewelers, fashion stores, which we take advantage of.

  The sun is shining down as we do the tourist thing. We go to the British Museum, the National Gallery. I melted when we arrived at Regents Park; walking around seeing the rose gardens, the paths bordered by shaggy trees.

  I don’t think I ever want to leave this place, it’s so beautiful. Caron is talking and laughing with Alan and as we walk past a pink rose bush, I head towards it and feel the soft petals. I feel Jonny behind me and he leans over and is about to pluck it when I stop him.

  “Don’t, you don’t want to pick something so beautiful, it should be there to be seen, not taken,” I say as I place my hand on his, stopping him.

  “Sometimes people want to take what’s beautiful, not wanting to share the beauty.” His eyes train on mine; I quickly look away.

  “And sometimes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” I give him a small smile and continue walking on as I watch children play in parks and I see a zoo close by and head there.

  We have been here for five days and tonight is our last night. Today we have been to the London Eye, been on the big London bus, been to the Buckingham Palace tour which I will never forget. Had dinner on the river Thames cruise. I wasn’t able to see Phantom of the Opera since it’s not currently playing, but it was all still amazing. This has been the best vacation ever.

  Even if it was just for a couple of days.

  We are now doing a pub crawl, as the English people say, and have been going from one pub to the next. I love talking to everyone; their accents sound so posh and proper. It may have been the alcohol talking, but I kept asking the bartenders to say certain things like the bathroom or the carpark or secondary school.

  It’s so funny.

  I feel a little tipsy but I am having so much fun. We are all singing Wannabe by the Spice Girls and laughing as we walk down some sidewalk. I think we are a little lost but we continue walking and giggling and lucky enough we see some people walk through a door of a building and head that way. There isn’t a sign but I could hear faint music when the door opens letting those people in. When we get through the door, there is a woman wearing a burlesque outfit and she is gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind wearing something like that.

  She smiles at us and starts talking about payment and Jonny steps forward as they talk. I grab Caron’s hand, I don’t want to be hanging around, and I lead us both in. I want another fruity cocktail.

  I walk down a hall with poor lighting that I can hardly see where I’m going until I catch sight of a huge bar and I lead us over. I am waiting to be served when I feel Caron pulling on my arm. I turn to her and notice her eyes are wide as she looks around. I follow her gaze and when I see what she is looking at, my eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

  Why didn’t I notice this before?

  How could I not see this when I first entered the room?

  People are wearing hardly anything. There are a few in leather outfits or what looks like lingerie. The walls what I can tell by the dim lighting are red, I don’t see any windows. Most of the furniture,
the chairs and tables are either black or red.

  I see two women and a man in a steel cage that takes up a corner of the room, all of them are naked except what looks like collars around their necks. I think one of the women has nipple clamps on.

  Where the hell are we?

  I look around some more and see people at tables talking and laughing like this was everyday stuff, but maybe to them it is. Some girls and men who are wearing collars are serving drinks and some are on their knees.

  I can’t stop staring when I see a woman come towards me.

  She walks with so much confidence and authority that my eyes are transfixed on her. She stands in front of me and looks at my wrist and back to my face. She strokes my cheek then hair.

  “You are so pretty. Do you not have a Master?” I gulp when she uses the word master. I look around again and it clicks. We are in a BDSM club. “You aren’t wearing a bracelet.” She strokes my wrist.

  “Bracelet?” I ask confused.

  “Yes letting us know if you are a dominant or submissive, if your claimed or not.” Her eyes wonder down my body, what have we got ourselves into?

  “I’m going to find Jonny and Alan, be right back.” Caron mumbles and stumbles away. I try to follow her, but the woman steps in front of me, blocking me. I look where Caron has run off to but she’s already gone. I look back to the woman in front of me, I look at her properly and see she is wearing black leather pants and a blood-red corset. She is also wearing a black and red bracelet.

  “You didn’t answer, sweetie.” She smiles seductively at me.

  “I don’t have a Master, but I think I may…” She presses her fingers to my lips and I stop talking. Her thumb slides across my bottom lip.

  “You new to this?” I nod. “It’s okay to be nervous, but we are all open minded here. Would you like to come with me, I can show you around?” I bite my lip, wondering what I should do. I am curious about this place. I know Jonny is into this type of thing, maybe if I saw it with my own eyes then I could understand it more. It does help that I have lots of alcohol in my system. I know she wouldn’t push my limits, I know dominants want to give pleasure as well as pain. I know Jonny is here, with that my mind is made up.

  “Okay,” I barely get out. She holds my hand and walks us to the far end of the open area.

  I notice some doors. She opens one and we walk down some stairs and it looks like a dungeon. The lighting is also dim but unlike upstairs the lighting is red as down here its white. I see some equipment on walls; some Christopher crosses, chains, canes and whips, and things I have never seen before.

  She walks us towards a cross that has a woman tied to it, wearing just her lacy underwear, and see a man wearing just his jeans, stroking down her body with a whip of some kind. The woman looks like she is in ecstasy and I watch him bring the whip back and hit her back, the sound reaching my ears. Her body arches forward. She moans, not in pain, but in pleasure.

  I look around the room and see a few others on equipment getting whipped or being tied up with rope. My eyes bug out when I see a spanking bench with a man on it as a woman spanks him with a paddle. He is face down, his ass in the air. He groans and squirms with every hit. I advert my eyes and watch the guy and girl again, I watch as he hits her again before walking around her and whisper something in her ear; she leans towards his touch.

  He glides his hand down her stomach and I watch him put his finger in her underwear than suck her juices. I shouldn’t be watching this but I am mesmerized. He walks to the wall and grabs another kind of whip and strokes it across her breasts and then between her legs. He raises it up and hits it across her pussy and she screams.

  He asks if she wants more and she says yes. Her voice filled with desire. He hits her two more times then kisses her lips. He unstraps her and she falls into his arms. He praises her and I watch them walk to a loveseat nearby and she sits in his lap as he strokes her hair, saying something to her, and she smiles. She opens her eyes and they land on me. She gives me a shy smile then closes her eyes again, basking in his comfort.

  “Would you like a go?” I look at the woman and back to the cross the couple was using and I am curious about the feeling. Would it hurt? Of course, it will, but people wouldn’t do this if there wasn’t pleasure in it. My mind is boggling; I don’t know what to say.

  “Okay.” Wait, what? Did I just say that?

  “I will go easy; you can trust me.” I look into her eyes and know she is telling the truth. The woman takes my hand and I follow her. We get to the cross and it looks bigger up close. I glide my hand over it, feeling the wooden texture. “You need to be in your underwear, sweetie.” I feel my heart hammering but I’m also excited to try this.

  At least this will be another thing to cross off my bucket list. I take off my dress and the woman places it on a bench nearby. She walks slowly to me and places her hands on my waist and pushes me a little so I take a few steps back until I’m touching the cross. It’s cold against my skin and I shiver. She holds onto my wrist and places it on top of my head and straps it in then does the same to the other, then I watch her bend down and spread my legs open and strap my ankles in place. I am spread-eagled. I look up to see a few people watching. It’s not like they are watching in a perverted way, but more like what I did before. More out of curiosity, out of pleasure.

  The woman goes to the wall and feels some of the whips until she picks one and stands in front of me, showing me what it is. She strokes my body with it so I can feel the leather texture. It’s cold on my naked my skin, it feels soft and light, but I know it’s going to hurt. I can’t help the goose bumps that covers my body.

  “Do you have a safe word in mind?” A safe word? God I feel like I’m in one of my books that I’ve read. But my mind is a blank, I can’t think of a word, so I just shake my head and her eyes soften “When this ever gets too much, say Red and I will stop okay?” I nod. I feel my stomach start to fill with butterflies. It’s a feeling like being on a rollercoaster when you get to the top and you are waiting to go flying down.

  I watch her take a step back and I close my eyes and wait, bracing myself and then I feel the first sting against my back. It hurts but the heat spreads around me. I feel the sting again but in a different place on my back. I feel her hand soothe it and when it leaves, I feel another sting, then another. The feeling is so intense. My body is heated but I’m not in such immense pain that I want it to stop.

  I open my eyes when I don’t feel another hit and the woman is back to the wall. She grabs another whip, this one with tassels. She comes to me and again strokes my legs and arms with it. Teasing me with it.

  “You are doing so well, such a beautiful submissive.” She slides the whip up my thigh and rubs it against my covered pussy, and I arch into it. I feel so worked up. I shouldn’t let her touch me there but it feels so nice. “So beautiful,” she whispers and then she hits me against my thigh then to the other side. I moan out into the room. “Again?” she asks me.

  “Yes, please,” I whisper. I’m finding it hard to speak louder.

  “Please, what?” She strokes me again at my pussy. I moan. I've read many books on this type of thing and I know what she is asking.

  “Please, Mistress, again.” I try and move my body so I can get more friction from the whip but she takes it away and I whimper.

  “Good girl.” I feel her hit me again across my pussy, then to my stomach, then to my breasts. I scream out in pleasure. I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t want more. But my body is screaming for it.

  “More,” I beg. She hits me again and again. “Please, more.” She hits me against my aching pussy and my eyes roll back as I scream out, letting an orgasm rush through me. The orgasm is so intense that I feel like I’m spasming against the cross. My breathing comes in hard and fast. I feel her hand stroke across my thighs, my breasts and stomach.

  Soothing me.

  “You are magnificent. I have never had so much pleasure in just watching someone; you are s
o responsive.” I open my eyes and the woman is smiling at me. “This is your first time, isn’t it?” I blush and nod.

  “What is your name?” She chuckles and strokes my face.

  “You can call me Lady Loraine.” I shake my head in shock that I let her do this to me.

  I let people watch me come. With that, I look out to the room to see Jonny, Caron, and Alan in the far corner watching me. Caron is looking at me in shock, Alan is looking at me like he can’t believe I let someone do that, and Jonny is looking at me with dark eyes. I can feel his lust and desire from here and I shiver. Right now, I want him to whip me. My blood is full of adrenaline; I want more. This time, I want it from him. I want to see him in his element. I want him to take me into his world.

  “Lady Loraine, may I ask if you can ask that gentleman over there to whip me, please.” She looks to who I’m looking at.

  “Is he someone special?” I can see a hint of jealousy coming from her.

  “He is, he owns me.” She looks back to me and then back to him.

  “You said you had no Master?”

  “I don’t, but he owns me in ways no one else can. He’s my best friend, I want to give him this.” She strokes my cheek and I see that this has upset her. “I’m sorry.” She gives me a small smile.

  “I knew you were too good to be true. I will get your friend, but I can see dominance in him. He screams control and power, just be careful, and if you ever decide you need a new master, well, mistress, ask for me.” She steps forward and presses her lips against mine. She gives me one last smile then walks to Jonny. I wait here to see what he will do.


  When Caron told me what kind of place this was, I wasn’t surprised. I should have known as soon as I saw the hostess. But what got to me was Caron left Raven to find us. How can she leave her friend? But hearing her slur her words, I knew I shouldn’t have let them run off. When we went to the bar and she wasn’t there, I felt so angry that she would wander around, knowing what this place entails.


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