of Lady Liana
Jude Deveraux
England, 1445
-- your daughter leaves or I go away -- she said sullenly Helen Neville, the hands in jars, the glance nailed in its esposo Gilbert. Comfortably it was installed in the acolchado seat of window, the sun crossing the painted wood blinds of blue of old stone window. It was rascando the ears of its favorite bloodhound, and it savored appetizing trocitos of worn out meat.
As usual, Gilbert did not respond to his reclamo and it closed the fists, irritated. Gilbert was twelve years old more and he was the man more sluggish than Helen had known. Although it dedicated all its time to the equitación, following the track of a hawk, its belly was voluminoso and it increased day after day. Of course, it married it by her money, his gold set of dishes, its thousands of hectares of earth, its eight castles (two of which it never had seen), its horses and their army of men, beautiful dresses that it could offer to him to her and its two daughters. Helen had read a list of propiedades of Gilbert Neville and answered affirmatively to the proposal of marriage without requesting one at least entrevista with the candidate.
And now, a year after the marriage, Helen was asked: If it had known Gilbert and noticed his haraganería, it would have been asked who administered its properties? It counted on services of a butler of superior hierarchy? It knew that it, had only one legitimate daughter, a pale young person, of timid attitude, that one had not said to him word to Helen before the marriage; perhaps pero Gilbert had a piston rod ilegítimo that administraba its possessions.
After they married, Helen knew that it had a so sluggish husband in the bed as outside her and descubrió who it administered the properties of the Neville.
¡Liana! Helen wished no to have never heard that nombre. That daughter of Gilbert, tender aspect and attitude timid, he was the disguised demon. Liana, like its mother before she, it directed everything. It occupied a place in front of the table of the butler, while farmers paid their annual rents. It crossed to horse the countryside, watched the fields and ordered the repair of the broken ceilings. Liana determinaba when a castle had become an excessively dirty place and harvests were very little, so that the renters received the order of desalojarlo. During the last Helen year three times enterado was had of similar situations, when seeing that a servant preparaba its luggage.
As anything it had served to explain to Gilbert or Liana that it, was now the lady of the property, and that the young person had to please resign to his power in his madrastra. Ambos they limited to watch with curiosity to Helen, as if one of the stone gargoyles of the source it had comenzado to speak; later, Liana had returned to his tasks like administrator and Gilbert to its eternal laziness.
Helen tried to become position by own initiative and during a time even thought that it was successful, that he discovered that each servant requested the confirmation of Liana before executing an order.
In the beginning, the complaints of Helen a The Gilberts were moderate, and generally after she had complacido it in the bed.
Gilbert rendered to him little attention.
-- Deja Liana does what it pleases to him, you cannot impedir it. It would not be impossible to stop it, like either to his madre, like the fall of a rocky crag could not be prevented. It was and he is better to separate from his way.
Later, it continued sleeping, but Helen permaneció wakes up the whole night, its body burning with rage.
In the morning it had decided that also it would be a rocky crag. It was more years old than Liana, and if it were necessary it could to demonstrate cleverness much more. After the fallecimiento of its first husband, and of which his smaller brother inherited the property, Helen and its two hijitas had separated by its sister-in-law. Helen had to support that the tasks that once they were under its responsibility you would quedaran in charge of one more a younger woman and much less competente. When the proposal arrived from Gilbert Neville, Helen it was thrown without vacillating on the opportunity to return to have his own home, its own house. But now usurpaba a slight and pale young person, who was had casarse and to before leave the home of its father several years.
Helen tried to speak with Liana, to explain placeres to him that could find in the company of its own husband, its children and their house.
Liana had watched it with those great ones blue and parpadeantes eyes, it seemed as submissive as an angel of whom they adorned the ceiling of the chapel.
-- But, who will take care of the properties of my father? -- it was limited to ask.
Helen squeaked the teeth.
-- I am the wife of your father. I will do that he is necesario.
Liana entrecerró the eyes and contemplated sumptuous dress of Helen, with its long tail and the deep decollete advanced and back, that in the open left a considerable part of the beautiful ones shoulders, the hairdo with its acolchados and its profuse embroiderings and smiled.
-- the sun would burn it if it used that.
Helen tried to defend itself.
-- it would dress to Me appropriately. I am safe that puedo to mount as well as you. Liana, is not that continúes well in the house of your father, you are almost twenty years old. Deberías to have your own one home, your own one...
-- Yes, yes -- Liana said --. Without a doubt it has reason, but now I must go to me. Last night there was a fire in the village, and debo to examine the damages.
And Helen remained there, the reddened face, the shady humor. As what it served to him to be the wife of of the richest men of England, to live in different castillos where the wealth exceeded everything what never she had believed possible? Of all the walls hung gruesos and colorful carpets, all the ceilings they were painted with Biblical scenes; and each bed, each table and each chair estaba had with embroidered linen cloths. Liana was organizado a quarter for women who exclusivamente dedicated themselves to weave the carpets. The food was excellent, because it attracted the good cooks with excellent pays, regalando to its spouses dressed edged skin. The latrines, the pit, the stables, the patio always was clean, porque to Liana pleased neatness to him.
Helen thought: Liana, Liana, and took the fists sienes. For the servants one always treated of which lady Liana wished, which lady Liana had ordered, or even that it established the first wife of Gilbert. Judging by the power that exerted in the administration of propiedades of Neville, Helen had been said that it did not exist.
But when their two hijitas began a to mention palabras of Liana, the rage of the mother reached the level máximo. The small Elizabeth had requested its own pony, Helen smiled and answered that it would have it. The girl limited itself to watch it and said: I will request it to Liana and left running.
This incident determined that Helen a ultimátum to its husband presented/displayed ahora.
-- I am less than nothing in this house -- it said to Gilbert. It was not bothered in lowering the voice, although it knew that the servants well that they were around they listened to it. They were the sirvientes of Liana, men and trained and obedient women affluent, who knew the generosity as much as rage of its young master and who if it were necessary was dispuestos to give the life by her.
-- Or your daughter leaves or I go away -- Helen repeated.
Gilbert examined the food tray that they had the form of the twelve apostles. It chose San Pablo, and put it in the mouth.
-- and what I must do with her? -- it asked perezosamente. There were not many Earth things that could excite interest of Gilbert Neville. The comfort, eficaz hawk, an agile bloodhound, the good food and La Paz were everything what requested of the life. It did not have idea of t
hat her primera wife made to increase the wealth that his padre him she had left nor of the enormous dowry that it contributed to the marriage; she did not know either what her daughter did. According to him it saw the things, the properties were administered single. The farmers worked the Earth; the nobility hunted; the king dictated the laws. And apparently, the women fought.
It had sight to the beautiful and young widow Helen Peverill when it crossed to horse the territories of its deceased husband. The black hair fell to him on back, the generous bust almost overflowed the dress and the wind pegaba skirts to the strong and healthy thighs. Gilbert felt a fallen into disuse access of sensuality and commented its brother-in-law who would have pleased to him to marry to Helen. Later, Gilbert did not do much, until Liana said to him that it had arrived moment of the nuptials. After a lewd night of bodas, Gilbert felt satisfied with Helen and he hoped that she went to do what the women did throughout the day, but he was not thus. She had begun to apostatize and to regañar and nothing less than with regard to Liana, that was a so tender and pretty girl, always taking care of which the musicians executed the songs that pleased a Gilbert and ordering the servants who brought food to him, and during largas winter nights relating stories to entertain it.
It could not include/understand why Helen wished that Liana left. She was so discreet, that one as soon as it warned that the young person was close.
-- Imagino that Liana can have husband if the desea -- Gilbert said, yawning. She thought that people did what she wished. He supposed that the men worked in the sun sun fields because that was what they preferred.
Helen tried to calm itself.
-- Of course, Liana does not want to have husband. Why it would have to wish that a man said to him what must do, when here it enjoys absolute freedom and it exerts an absolute power? If I had had that ascending one in the home of my finado husband, never there would be marchado to me. -- Elevo' the hands in a gesture of impotent rage.— ¡To exert to be able, and that no be necessary to take care of a man! The life of Liana is the Earth sky. Never it will leave here.
Although Gilbert did not understand the complaints of Helen, their shouts began to bother it.
-- Hablare' with Liana and I will see if him it interests somebody like husband.
-- Tendra's to order to him that one marries -- Helen said --. You must choose a candidate to him and say to him that it marries it.
Gilbert watched their bloodhound and smiled to to remember.
-- Once I opposed the mother of Liana... a single time. I do not want to commit the same error and to oppose its daughter.
-- If you do not obtain that it leaves my house, you will be sorry to haber caused my contrariedad -- Helen said, before volver itself and to leave the room.
Gilbert rascó the ears of its bloodhound. This new esposa was what a puppy with a lion compared with first. To tell the truth, it could not understand why Helen was angered. It was never had to him happened through the mind that a person could to really wish responsibilities. Eligió a figure of San Marcos and ate it with caviloso gesture. It remembered with imprecisión that somebody had advertido to him that was not good for having two women under the same ceiling. Perhaps it would agree to speak with Liana and to see what opinaba of that idea of the marriage. If Helen fulfilled its threat and it was transferred to another one property, would surprise it in lecho. But if her daughter in effect married, so time did it with which he was owner of good hawks of young.
-- Well -- it said in voice low Liana --, my dear madrastra it wants to expel to me from my own home, of the agrandada house and enriched thanks to my mother, of the property that I administered during three years.
Gilbert thought that the head began a to hurt to him. Helen it had regañado the eve hours and hours. When parecer, Liana it ordered that they were constructed new cottages in the walled town that was on the foot of the castle and Helen one horrified because the young person projected to use money of the Neville to pay these cottages, instead of leaving to farmers the task of resolving the expenses. Helen had gotten angry so much and it had stuck so estridentes howls that the six hawks of Gilbert left flying of its hangers in the direction of the beams. They were encapuchados para to maintain them and the flight completely without information calm, by impulse of the panic, caused that a bird became broken the neck. Gilbert understood that it was necessary to do something; he did not support the idea to lose another one of his loved hawks.
His first idea was to have with armors to the two women and who fought to determine who continuaba in the house and who left; but both had arms harder than the steel: the words.
-- it seems to Me that Helen thinks that you will be... well... that you will feel happier in your own house, with your husband and children.
Gilbert did not imagine the possibility of to be happier than in the property of the Neville, but, who knew how reacted the women?
Liana approached the window and watched more there of the inner patio, thick paredones of the castle, there down, towards the town surrounded by walls. She was nothing else that one of the properties of its family, only one of many that it administered. Her mother had dedicated long years to teach to Liana the way to treat people, to verify the annotations of the butler and to annually obtain a ganancia that could to be used to buy more earth.
Liana had been gotten angry when his father said that he projected to marry a young and pretty widow because not him he pleased the idea that another woman tried to occupy the place of her mother, and he had the prefeeling of which there would be difficulties; but Gilbert Neville had its own vein of obstinacy and sincerely thought that it had to allow to it him to hacer its will when and where one felt like to him. In general, Liana felt pleased because it was not one of those men who thought solely about war and armas. One dedicated to its bloodhounds and their hawks, and left more important subjects in hands first of its wife and after her daughter.
Until now, because it was married with Helen vain person, whose main preoccupation was the gain to comprar more and more luxurious clothes and than had five women who dedicated long days a to sew its dresses. A woman exclusively limited itself to stick per them natural that adorned the atuendos. Only the last month, Helen had acquired twenty-four skins, and weeks before it bought skins of ermine without rendering to the subject more attention than if one had been a basket of wheat. Liana his knew that if transferred to Helen the administration of the properties, madrastra would explode to the farmers although outside to only have another one gold belt with diamonds.
-- Well? -- Gilbert asked, who was behind of Liana.
It thought: ¡The women! If it did not obtain one answer of its daughter could not leave to hunt that day. According to it was being comportando Perhaps Helen, mounted a horse and it followed it, nothing else that stops to continue regañando to him.
Liana became towards its father.
-- Di to my mother who I will marry if encounter hombre advisable.
Gilbert seemed alleviated.
-- That seems rather just. I will say it, and one will feel happy.
It began to walk towards the door, but suddenly one stopped, the hand on the shoulder of its daughter in desusada affection sample. Gilbert was not a man who prestase attention to the past, but at this moment he wished not to have known Helen and not to have married with she. Nunca warned what comfortable was with its daughter, who took care of the simple ones necessities of their father and of as much in as much a servant took care of his more sexual necessities. Encogió of shoulders. He was useless to lament itself by that it could not change.
-- Encontraremos an ardent young person that you it will give a dozen of children for entretenerte -- it said and it left the habitación.
Liana was dropped on the mattress of pens of their bed and with a gesture of the hand ordered the servant who saliera of the room. It elevated the hands and it saw that they temblaban to him. Certain time it had faced a multi
tude of armed campesinos sickles and axes, with single company of three terrified servants; nevertheless, it maintained raised head and distracted the attention of chusma, because it had given to them foods that it had in the house and employed in his earth. Also it fought with drunk soldiers and certain time avoided that a too enthusiastic pretendiente it violase it. If it could avoid a disaster after another one, went thanks to its serenidad, its security and its mental peace.
But the idea of the marriage it terrified. One was not only about fear, but a deep and dark terror. Two years back it had seen its Margaret premium married with a man chosen by the father of the girl. Before the marriage it wrote sonetos of love directed to the beauty of Margaret that used to say that its imminent one marriage was a love union and that longed for that momento arrived from to initiate its life with that loved man.
After the marriage, the man showed its verdadera personality. It sold most of immense dote of Margaret in order to pay its debts, it left it in an old, ruinous and cold castle, with few servants and went to the cut, where he spent most of rest of the dowry of the jewel young person destined to its many prostitutas of lineage.
Liana knew that she was very lucky because it could be dedicar to administer the properties of his father. It recognized that a woman lacked being able unless a man granted itself. Some they had been asking for its hand since it was four years old. It was it jeopardize once, to the eight years, but the young person passed away before she fulfilled the ten. Later, his father never had bothered itself in accepting other supplies and thus Liana could avoid the marriage discreetly. When a pretendiente it insisted on his request, everything what Liana for was to remember to Gilbert the chaos that that marriage would cause; and thus, his father rejected the offer.
But now this codiciosa Helen was interfering. Liana contemplated the possibility of transferring the administración of the properties to his madrastra and to retire to castillo of Wales. Yes, that it would be a place moved away enough. It could live there in private and soon as much Helen as his propio father would forget that it existed.
Love of Lady Liana. Page 1