-- This room is quite good -- he, empujó said on the bed, grasped the rotation of the skirt and sobre threw the head of Liana.
This struggled under several layers thicknesses of linen cloth, and contained a exclamación when the considerable weight of Rogan covered it. A little while later it shouted of pain when it penetrated it. No it was prepared for this and it tried to separate but it seemed that he not it it noticed, while comenzaba to push it with fast and prolongados movements. Liana squeaked the teeth to avoid its own shouts and closed the fists stops to contain the suffering.
Minutes later it finished and he collapsed junto to her, inert and lax. Liana needed a little while to recuperar itself of the pain big wave, but when it opened the eyes could see the dark hair of Rogan and it felt his smoothness against the cheek. Its face had separated from she, but the heavy and clean hair covered the cheek and the forehead with his wife. Now it felt it very heavy and to same tiempo very light. wide shoulders nevertheless covered the body pequeño with Liana and the hips with Rogan parecían as wide as those of their woman.
It raised a hand and it covered the hair to him, it sank the dedos in the tufts, also the nose, and inhaled the fragrance of masculine body.
Slowly, it returned the face towards Liana, the heavy párpados of fatigue.
-- Duer to me a little -- it said in low voice.
She smiled to the closed eyes of Rogan and she caressed his hair, that fell on sien it. Gruesas had the eyelashes, the formed affluent nose, the dark and warm skin and so delicada as the one of boy. The cheeks were shaded by moustaches badly shaved, but that it did not harm the soft smoothness of his mouth.
The finger of Liana crossed sien it of his husband and descendió by the cheek until the mouth. When it touched the lip to him inferior, Rogan was on the awares, of surprising green color. Liana thought: Now it will kiss to me, and during a momento it contained the breathing, while he watched it.
-- a blonde -- Rogan murmured.
Liana smiled to him, because it seemed to him that color of its cabellos pleased its husband. A hand took to the hairdo, with a gesture took off it and the long hair fell like a cascade.
-- Quise to keep them for you -- it murmured --. It supposed that they would please to you.
It took a tuft from the fine hair gilded and enroscó around its fingers.
-- It is...
One stopped without finishing to the phrase and everything the smoothness desapareció of its face. Immediately one separated from her and it incorporated, watching it with hostility.
-- Vístete, sees see that madrastra infernal and dile that the marriage is completed. Dile that will be no anulación; you can prepararte, because we started off tonight.
Liana covered the naked legs with the skirt and seated in the bed.
-- Tonight? But the celebration of marriage extends two days more. For morning I organized a dance and...
Rogan fixed its own clothes quickly.
-- I do not have time for dances nor stops discutidoras spouses. If it is as well as you project to begin, you can quedarte here with your father and I will take the things. My men and I started off in three hours. That you are not there or, little me importa.
One became and it left the room, closing with fuerte blow the door.
Liana remained sitting in the same one place, demasiado stunned to do something. ¡So that one seted out to leave it there!
After striking the door smoothly, Joice entered the room.
-- My lady? -- it said.
Liana watched at his doncella and in its eyes all the astonishment was ***reflxed mng that experimented.
-- march in three hours and says that I can go with him or have left. It does not matter to him what does.
Joice seated in the bed and took the hand of Liana.
-- Cree that a wife does not need, all the men think thus. To vos it corresponds to you to demonstrate to him that in efecto it is to him precise the company of one handcuffs.
Liana separated from its servant and when it moved piernas felt a pain jab.
-- it hurt to Me.
-- it is Always therefore the first time.
It was put of foot and the rage began a to dominate it.
-- I never was treated thus, it was not bothered at least in asistir to his own festín of weddings, I had to be single there, soportando the glances and compasivas smiles of people. ¡And this! -- Volvio' the eyes towards its own one skirt.-- The same had been worth that it violated to me. I will let know him with whom it is treating.
It had the hand on the bolt of door when the words of Joice stopped it.
-- and he will watch to you with the same hatred with that he watched lady Helen.
Liana became.
-- you have seen how it despised it -- it continued Joice, and suddenly one felt very powerful. Its young pupil could be beautiful and rich, but now it was listening to it and obedeciendo.-- Creedme, I know that they love the men like lord Rogan, if you dare to defy it will hate to you as it hates to yours madrastra.
Liana rubbed the fingers right. Still propia could feel the rubbing of the hair of Rogan against his skin, remembering that in the eyes of its husband during a little while could see reflected a sweet expression and it did not wish to resign to that.
-- What I must do? -- it murmured.
-- You must obey to him -- Joice said with firmness --. To be quick in three hours. Lady Helen surely will protest if you you march, but you must be next to your husband even against her. I have already said to you that the men wish that their spouses are loyal.
-- With blind loyalty? -- Liana asked -- . Even now, that is mistaken?
-- Mainly now, when it is mistaken.
Liana listened to the advice, but still its attitude could not entender.
When seeing that her young master felt confused, Joice continued speaking.
-- It is necessary that you dominate yours rage. All the married women feed feelings on anger and they keep them for they themselves. You will already see, you will learn to dominate it as much wrath, that it will turn a vos way of life para.
Liana began to say something, but Joice interrumpió.
-- Comenzad your preparations, because of the contrario it will leave to you.
Liana left the room feeling very confundida. It would do everything what could to demonstrate to him that could be good wife and if that forced it to contain the irritación, that thus outside. Him it would demonstrate that it could be most faithful of the spouses.
When lord Rogan descended the steps of piedra, the beautiful face deformed by entrecejo gathered, first person whom crossed itself was lady Helen.
-- the fact is completed and it will not have cancellation. If there is to add something to the cars, háganlo, because now partimos in three hours.
It wanted to resume its way, but Helen it prevented it.
-- Impedire'is that my hijastra has his own festín of weddings?
Rogan did not understand why these women they armed as much scandal. If what wanted was food, they could take it in abundance.
-- the girl will not pass necessities -- she responded, trying to attenuate hatred which they reflected the eyes of Helen, no he was customary to that the women detestaran it. In general, they tolerated like the young person with whom had married; they adored it and they watched it with tier eyes to us.
-- With vos it will pass necessity -- it added Helen --, as the spouses of your parents felt lack of heat and compañía. -- Its voice descended a little.-- As Jeanne Howard passed necessities.
Helen backed down a step when it saw reaction of Rogan. Their eyes became hardened and it watched it with such rage that she it began to shake.
-- Woman, never you return to acercaros to me -- fríamente said, with serious voice. Later it continued its way, without paying attention to the shouts of the guests who proposed acercarse to him to drink and left to patio.
It though
t: Jeanne Howard. It had been able to twist the neck to him to this woman by to mention to him to Jeanne, but episodio remembered to him that it had to be walked with taken care of with this new wife and who could not allow that pretty eyes blue and blond hair turned aside it of their way.
-- decided Pareces to stab a somebody -- Severn said jovialmente. It had the face reddened because of the excess of food and drink.
-- You are soon for starting off? -- gruñó Rogan --. Or estuviste very occupied encamándote with the females, before to take care of the things essential?
Severn was customary to constante irascibilidad of its brother and had drunk too much wine, of way that now this it did not trouble it.
-- I have myself advance to your desires, brother, and I filled a car with food. We left the pillows of pens or we took?
-- Déjalas -- Rogan grumbled, but it vacillated. It remembered the words of Helen Neville: "As Jeanne Howard passed necesidades", and it felt that a knife him revolvía the guts. The girl with whom had itself married... how it was called? it seemed quite simple.
-- That it has its mattresses of pens -- gruñó to Severn, and went to inspect its men.
Severn saw move away to its brother and it asked how she would be his pretty and slight sister-in-law.
Liana got dressed quickly, because it wanted to make sure that all their new articles were empacadas, and to order to his servants who gathered their personal articles. Three hours it was a lapse very brief when it had to prepare itself for a new life.
And while it ran of a side it stops the other, Joice preached it.
-- you do not complain -- Joice said --. men detest the women who do it. You must accept what he you offer; you never express a single word of protest. Decidle that you are glad to suspend festín of the wedding and also to have only three hours it stops to prepare the game; to the men it pleases to them that their women smile and show glad.
-- Still it has not signaled that him affability -- Liana said --. It did not pay the minimum attention to me, except stops to eliminate the risk of a cancellation -- it said with certain bitterness.
-- That will take years -- Joice responded --. They do not give their heart easily, but if perseveráis the love will arrive.
Liana thought: And that is what desire. He longed for that his little good looking husband kneads it and needed. If to contain a little of rage of as much in as much it could contribute the wished result thus, that outside.
She was quick before the three hours and the stairs descended to take leave of its father and his madrastra. Gilbert he was drunk and it spoke of hawks with several hombres and as soon as it said one word of goodbye to its only daughter; but Helen embraced with force and him it wished the best luck of the world.
Outside, with the horsemen It peregrinates mounted and esperando to initiate the march, the great standard with the hawk target at the top, Liana experienced a momentáneo feeling of terror. It was leaving behind todo what she knew and trusting its luck to these extraños. He remained immovable a little while and with the eyes it looked for its husband. Rogan, mounting great corcel, approached her y Liana raised an arm stops to protect the face of the gravel that flew by the air.
-- Sum your horse and we march, woman -- it ordered to him and one approached at the top of the group.
Liana hid the fists closed between you fold them of its skirt. It thought: It dominates your rage and it tried to calm before grosería of its husband.
From between the dust the figure arose from Severn, the hermano of Rogan, that directed a smile to him.
-- My lady, I can ayudaros mount? -- it asked.
Liana relaxed the body and smiled to good looking horseman. It was so bad dress as Rogan, their golden hair were too long and they were disordered, but to at least it smiled him. She it supported the hand in the extended arm of Severn.
-- It will be an honor -- Liana added and walked with him towards the horse that hoped.
It finished mounting when Rogan she returned towards them. It did not watch and frunció entrecejo to its brother.
-- If you have finished your task of assistant of the lady, they see with me -- Rogan ordered.
-- Perhaps your wife wants to ride she advanced, with nosotros -- she said Severn without watching Liana intentionally.
-- I do not love women -- it talked back roughly Rogan, that her wife did not watch either.
-- I do not believe that... -- it began to respond Severn, but Liana interrupted it, because it included/understood that not complacería to his husband who it was the cause of a discussion with the brother.
-- Prefiero to have left here I -- she said in voice discharge --. Safer me sentiré surrounded by the men and vos, Sir -- a said Severn -- you are necessary... to my husband.
Its brother-in-law frunció entrecejo and he watched.
-- As you please -- it said and with a brief one inclination of the head spurred its horse and it was put next to its brother, to head of the courtship.
-- Oh, excellent, my lady -- it praised it Joice, that montaba in its horse, approached its master --. Now there are it pleased. Lord Rogan will watch with good eyes a obedient esposa.
While they crossed the patio, they crossed the levadizo bridge and left to the dusty way, Liana sneezed because of dust.
-- I have been the obedient wife, but now I must cabalgar behind ten riders and average dozen of cars -- murmuró.
-- But really you will prevail -- it talked back Joice --, already you will see it. When it includes/understands that you are obedient and faithful, you it will love.
Liana tosió and rubbed the nose to cause of the dust. It was difficult to think about the love and loyalty when one maintained full earth mouth.
They rode whole hours, Liana occupying always the same place, in the center of the procession; none of the men of his husband spoke to him. The only voice that heard was the one of Joice, that preached it about obedience and deber. And when Severn asked to him if it felt comfortable, Joice answered by its master, saying to him that if lord Rogan deseaba that her wife was there, of course who lady Liana felt happy in indicated place.
Liana directed to Severn a smile faded and one choked again with a dust cloud.
-- That man demonstrates too much interest by your person -- it limited Joice to him after Severn moved away --. It will be better than you indicate to him the sooner which is its true place.
-- one only is amiable -- Liana said.
-- If you accept its kindness, you will cause problems between the brothers. Your husband will wonder itself where she is yours fidelity.
-- I am not very safe that my husband not even masculló for itself Liana has watched me --.
Joice smiled through the dust that it surrounded. As it spent the time felt more and more powerful. When she was young, lady Liana never had listened to it and several Joice times it was punished because Liana was disobedient and incurred pranks. But to the aim something existed that she knew and who her master ignored.
They continued traveling until entered good the night; Liana noticed that remaining the six Joice and doncellas fell of fatigue, but did not dare to ask its husband who stopped the march; too much it was excited to rest. That serious night its night of weddings, that night would sleep in arms of its husband. That night would caress it, would touch to him the hair, would kiss it. A day riding in the middle of a little of affluent earth was worth it compensates it that it waited for it more ahead.
When in effect they stopped stops to encamp, the senses of Liana were soliviantados by the expectation. One of the horsemen hardly helped it to disassemble and Liana ordered to him to Joice that it occupied of the other women. It watched around in search of its husband and it saw that it disappeared between the trees.
Behind, Liana had certain vague conscience of the complaints of its crew members, who were not customary a to ride of followed so many hours, but did not have time for them. Taking his time an
d trying to seem indifferent, followed its husband until the interior of the forest.
Rogan responded to a call of nature in the forest and later went into even more in the dark, in direction of the little stream. With each step that it took, it tightened plus muscles. They had traveled to arrive there until more hours than when they did it without cars loaded, and now the dark she was so absolute that it had to advance to length of the border gropingly.
It happened awhile before finding knoll, the stone battery of a meter and means of height that it had formed to indicate the place in that there his brother greater Rowland fell, lowered by the sword of a Howard. It remained a little while, trying to adapt its vision to the weak light of the moon that hurt gray stones, and its mind it again evoked the sounds of the combat: Rowland and its brothers hunting; and that one, that felt safe because they were to two days of trip of horse of the territories of the Howard -- in fact, the Earth of Peregrine -- was had moved away of the protection of its men and, seated to borders of the river, it drank single jarro of beer.
Rogan knew why its brother greater it preferred to be single, and why with as much frequency it even drank by the nights to lose the sense. It persecuted the memory of the death of three brothers and of father -- all at hands of the Howard.
It had seen his loved brother moving away, taking refuge in the dark, and it did not try to stop to him, but it indicated to horseman who followed it and watched to protect it while he lay sunk in the unconsciousness of the alcohol.
Rogan when seeing the stones remembered and of new it was cursed, because that night had fallen asleep. A slight noise woke up it, or perhaps it was not a sound but a premonition. It jumped of the extended blanket on the ground, it grasped its sword and it threw to run, but it was too much late. Rowland lay next to the stream, a Howard sword had crossed him the neck and it held it to the ground. The horseman who also watched was dead, with clipped neck.
Before the spectacle it threw backwards head and emitted and penetrated prolonged, estridente a shout of pain.
Their men and Severn arrived at moment and they reviewed the forests looking for the attackers of Howard and they encontraron themselves to two, prime distant ones of Oliver Howard, and one took care of which their deaths were prolonged and slow. Terminó finally with the life of one of them when it mentioned to Jeanne.
Love of Lady Liana. Page 7