The Chef's Passion (Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance)

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The Chef's Passion (Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance) Page 15

by Z. L. Arkadie

  I don’t know whether to smile or cry—I’m so happy—so I do both. Randy continues my tour into the dining room. The tables are set beautifully. The lighting is perfect—not too light but not too dark. Our patrons are having a good time and look to be enjoying the food.

  “Welcome back, Gina,” one of the waitresses says as she passes.

  “Thanks,” I quickly say.

  The bartender welcomes me back. As we make our way through the room, every staff member that I pass welcomes me back.

  Randy leads me into one of the private patio dining spaces. Creating this was my idea. I remember how he fought me on it but eventually gave in, and here we are. There’s one round table, in the middle of the room, that holds a small cream cake with one lit candle in the middle.

  Randy pulls out a chair, and I sit. He gets on one knee in front of me. My heart is thumping. I surely hope he’s not going to…

  “Gina. When we first met, I knew you were going to be something special to me one day. You’re my business partner and the woman I love. In the first three months, you’ll know if most restaurants will go belly up, but we’re making it. We’ve had a full house from the day we opened. Our dinner-reservation calendar is full for the next three months.” He grins big. “We did it.”

  “Yeah,” I say, smiling nervously.

  “So I’m on one knee asking you to be with me as a business partner for a long time. Let’s dominate the culinary world together. What do you say about that?”

  I take a long sigh of relief.

  Randy laughs. “Did you think I was going to ask you to marry me?”

  I take another deep breath. “Kind of, yes.”

  “One day, I will. But one step at a time, right?”

  “Hey, we’re in no rush.”

  Randy scoots closer. “Love doesn’t have an expiration date. Now I need your answer. Let’s work on making Sauce a national success. One day we’ll be in LA…”

  “New York,” I say.


  “And even Las Vegas!”

  His eyes shine with the same enthusiasm I feel.

  “Yes, I’ll do it!” I say.

  Randy pumps his fist in success. “She said yes!”

  Suddenly the staff walks in, clapping and singing a song. “Congratulations, partner in love and life, we’re going to make it, never fake it, let’s fight, fight, fight!”

  I laugh my head off at that cheesy song but not for long. Randy lifts me to my feet, wraps me up in an embrace, and plants a kiss on me so deep that I now know what happily ever after truly means.

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  Find Gina’s story in “The Professor’s Heart.”

  Excerpt - The Professor’s Heart

  I’m in a stiff jog. The combination of being late and the threat of getting caught in a thunderstorm doesn’t feel good. It’s already sprinkling, so I pick up my pace. Thunder rumbles. Any second, nature’s dark sky is going to unleash her wrath. I opt for the quickest route and cut across the grass. When I reach the large wooden doors of the law building, I look behind me. Sheets of rain strike the ground. I take a deep breath. I made it.

  The squeaking sound of my wet shoes on the shiny marble floor echoes throughout the hallway. I don’t know why I’m trying so hard; I’m dropping this class anyway. Especially now that Elena won’t be there. She was my best friend. She died two weeks ago in a car accident.

  I make it to the classroom, take a deep breath to steady myself, and check my watch. I’m eleven minutes late. I open the door. It squeaks loudly. Everybody looks at me, including Professor Valentine, who makes it a point to glare at me before continuing his lecture. There’s a seat near the back of the room where I usually sit. I make my way up the side of the classroom and try to remain as inconspicuous as possible, although at this point, what difference does it make? I get my laptop out, get situated, and affirm to myself that I’m going to give it my best.

  I look at my watch then back at Professor Valentine. We’re twenty minutes in, and it’s like he’s speaking Greek. I knew missing four classes would make it difficult for me to catch up, but I had no idea coming back would be this bad.

  I turn to my right. Two and a half weeks ago, Elena sat three chairs away from where I’m sitting. I’ve tried to come to class since then, but each time I stood outside the classroom door, she was all I could think about. We had been best friends since second grade. After we graduated high school, we chose our college together, then we picked our law school. Never in a million years would I have guessed she would die before graduation, which is in three months. The guy sitting in Elena’s seat is staring at me. Embarrassed, I look away and take a deep breath. Refocus, Naomi, and try to make sense out of the lecture.

  Fifteen more minutes pass. I’ve shifted in my seat so many times that my butt is sore, and I still can’t make sense out of the lecture. We’re five weeks in. If I drop now, I’ll delay my graduation, and I kind of want to hurry up and get law school over with. It feels as though I’ve been in college forever.

  The sound of the rain beating on the window is distracting me from Professor Valentine’s voice. A chill runs down my spine, and I shiver. I’m sitting in a classroom full of people, and I’ve never felt so alone.

  Professor Valentine says something about how he’s already gone over the complexities of the laws that govern international trade. The only reason I turn to look at him is because he raised his voice. I blink at him. He’s looking right at me. This isn’t the first time I’ve locked eyes with our sexy professor. He’s probably wondering why I even bothered to show up today. He’s right to think that.

  I shift in my seat again. I’m on edge here. Being in this room without Elena makes my skin crawl. I slam my laptop shut and grab my bag. That’s it. I’m dropping this class.

  Also By Z.L. Arkadie & T.R. Bertrand

  Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance Series

  The Chef’s Passion

  (With Gina Gilbert from The Professor’s Heart.)

  The Boss’ Desire

  The Artist’s Love

  (With Liza “Sharp” Patrick from The Boss’ Desire.)

  Contemporary Romance By Z.L. Arkadie

  LOVE in the USA (The Lords)

  Find Her, Keep Her - A Martha’s Vineyard Love Story, Book 1

  There’s Something About Her, A Manhattan Love Story, Book 2

  Say You Love Her, An LA Love Story, Book 3

  Know Her, Love Her (Daisy & Belmont, #1), Book 4

  Still In Love With Her (Maggie & Vince, #1), Book 5

  Explore Her, More of Her (Daisy & Belmont, #2), Book 6

  Made To Like Her (Maggie & Vince, #2), Book 7

  He’s So Bad: A San Francisco Love Story, Book 8

  Made To Love Her (Maggie & Vince, #3) Book 9

  He’s So Good (Robert & Carter) Book 10

  Say You Love Me (Charlie & Angel) Book 11

  Adore Her, More of Her (Daisy & Belmont, #3) Book 12

  LOVE in the USA (The Hesters)

  Once Friends (Jay & Sonja, Book 1)

  Now Lovers (Jay & Sonja, Book 2)


  The Sterlings

  Secrets & Chance, Book 1

  Revelations, Book 2

  Forever and Ever, Book 3

  The Secret Keeper, Book 4


  Paranormal Romance written in Z.L. Arkadie’s emotional and raw style. This is far from your average vampire series.

  The Parched Series

  Parched Book 1

  The Seventh Sister

  Quenched Book 2

  The Fifth Sister

  Ignite (Includes “Light Speed”) Book 3

  Vanquish, Book 4

  Steal With A Kiss, Book 5

  Forget Me Never (Pt. I) Book 6

  Forget Me Never (Pt. 2) Book 7

  About the Authors<
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  Z.L. Arkadie & T.R. Bertrand are the authors of the Her Perfect Man Contemporary Romance Series.

  Z.L. Arkadie is from Southern California and T.R. Bertrand is from Minnesota. You’ll find elements of each authors backgrounds in the stories. For other works by the authors please see the table of contents: “Also By Z.L. Arkadie & T.R. Bertrand.”




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