Hotter than Hades

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Hotter than Hades Page 10

by Alecia Monaco

  “One good thing has come out of what that bitch did to me.” Riley tried to take her hand, but Hyacinth extricated herself quickly.

  “I finally realize ...” Riley dipped his head toward hers and she turned away from the reek of booze on his breath. “... That you’re the right woman for me.”

  Hyacinth had seen things beyond the wildest imaginings of mortal beings within the past few weeks, but those words from Riley’s mouth were the first to shock her speechless.

  “Wha--” She shook her head and grabbed at her mental composure before it fizzled away. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I made a mistake when I left you.” He put his hand on her thigh and she let it stay there, too stunned to throw it off. “I just had to get the whole Denise thing out of my system to realize what I had with you.” He stroked her leg, his fingers curling against her inner thigh. “Come on, baby, let’s try it again.”

  Hyacinth stared blankly down at her former husband’s hand working its way toward her crotch and felt her stomach heave. She grabbed his wrist and flung his hand away from her body with such force that Riley winced.

  “How dare you.” She jumped up from the couch, burning with rage. “What the hell am I supposed to get out of this little reunion?”

  “You get to be married again.” Riley looked up at her, confused. “I thought that’s what you always wanted.” He struggled to stand and reached for her. “Let’s seal this deal with some time in the sack. What do you say?”

  Every moment she’d spent with Hades came rushing back to her like a reel of film. Hades showing her the value she possessed. Hades helping to give and receive sexual pleasure. Hades unleashing the power inside her. Hades telling her that she worthy of kings.

  Hades loving her until she could love herself.

  And she’d thrown it all away because this man had ruined her belief in lasting love?

  An unexpected laugh bubbled up from her throat. “Riley, you are beyond pathetic.”

  It was his turn to look stunned. “Are you saying no to time in the sack, or no to getting back together?”

  “Both.” She put her hand to her forehead and took a breath. “I’ve found out some things since we split up, and one of them is that you have all the sexual prowess of a chipmunk.”

  Riley fell back onto the couch, his mouth slack with surprise and drunkenness.

  “Secondly, you don’t love me. You never loved me. And now that I know what real love is, I’m not sure I ever loved you either.” She took him by the elbow and guided him to his feet. “One thing’s for sure, I could never love you now, not after being with someone who cared more about me than he did about himself.”

  She opened the front door and pushed him out. “Give my regards to the cabbie.”

  His eyes widened. “You’ve changed. You didn’t used to be so damned aggressive.”

  “No, you’re right. I used to be a doormat. But I’m not the fool you married anymore.” She gave him a push. “That mousy girl is gone forever, and so am I.” He took a step back.

  “Goodbye, Riley.” She took one more look at him. How could she have given him so much power over her life? “If I’m lucky, this is the last time we’ll ever see each other.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but she slammed the door on him and bolted it. She knew what she had to do and wasn’t going to waste another minute waiting.

  She rushed to her bedroom and knelt down beside the bed. Within seconds she’d located the jewel case Hades had given her and pulled it out from the spot where she’d hidden it.

  She placed it on the bed and opened it, revealing the gleam of priceless jewels within. Taking out the necklace, she fastened it around her throat and stood up.

  “Hades!” She closed her eyes and prayed for him to hear her. “Hades, hurry! I need you!”

  Her floor opened and he rose up through it. It sealed instantly beneath him, leaving no trace of his point of entry. “You called for me?” He came to her side and took her hands. The necklace caught his eye. “You’re wearing ...”

  “Yes.” She squeezed his hands and tried to steady her voice. “My darling, do you still need a new queen?”

  His eyes darkened with emotion. “Only if that queen is you.”

  She let go of his hands so she could wrap her arms around him. “I understand what you tried to teach me now. I was so wrong, about us, about love, about everything.” She faltered, her heart trembling within her. “Can you give me another chance?”

  “Give you another chance?” He cupped her face with his hands. “You’re the one who has given me another chance. At life, at love, at everything.” He smiled down at her. “No matter what happens, we belong together.”

  She brushed his hair back from his face, feeling more alive with every second. “This has to be forever. No giving up and walking away when things get rough.”

  “I’ll never walk away.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “You’re the only woman for me.”

  Amazing how different those words sounded coming from the lips of a man who loved her, treasured her, cherished her.

  She gasped when he removed himself from her embrace. “There’s just one thing left to do.” He turned and took the crown from the jewel case on the bed behind them. “Darling, will you reign beside me as my bride and my queen for all time?”

  “I can’t imagine anything I’d rather do.” Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes.

  “Return with me and let us begin our lives together.” He held out his hand to her.

  “Just a second.” She rushed to her beside table and took the framed photo of her parents from it, holding it close to her.

  “Now I’m ready.” Smiling, she stepped back into Hades’s arms.

  “All of our wildest dreams are waiting to be fulfilled.” He placed the crown on her head. “You are my only queen and my only love.”

  He bent her back for a kiss containing all the fire held within the depths of the earth, sealing their vows for eternity. Hyacinth returned the kiss with all the passion he’d helped her to discover, knowing she’d finally found the home her heart had always sought.

  As the promise of their lips bound them together as king and queen, the first crystal white flakes of snow began to fall outside.

  A new season had finally begun.

  Alecia Monaco

  Alecia Monaco has been writing since she dictated her first story at the age of three. Now she happily writes paranormal and erotic romance while living in Houston with her family and pets. She loves to hear from readers and they can email her at [email protected], or visit her site at




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