Thirteen Hours

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Thirteen Hours Page 19

by Meghan O'Brien

  As they kissed, Dana brought her to a slow, sweet orgasm with the pads of her fingers. She never left Laurel’s mouth for a moment, alternating between long, wet explorations with her tongue and gentle nibbles on her lips. She kept one arm wrapped around Laurel’s back while the other worked between her thighs, and when Laurel came, she held her trembling body tight.

  Dana drew back when Laurel had recovered from her orgasm. “I wanted to make soft love to you, too, baby. I hope you don’t mind—”

  Laurel shook her head, closing her thighs and trapping Dana’s hand between them. “I was wrong earlier, when I said that tonight couldn’t have been more perfect.”

  “Yeah?” Dana slipped her hand from between Laurel’s thighs, opened the drain, and reached up to turn the faucet on again. Hot water poured into the bathtub, warming Laurel’s body.

  Laurel moved forward so that Dana could climb into the bathtub behind her. “I have a gift for you.”

  “I’m not sure what more you could possibly give me right now.”

  “I quit my job at the club last night.”

  Dana’s heart sang at the words she had been hoping to hear for almost a month now. She was thrilled, but with that came a sharp stab of guilt. Did Laurel do this for her? “I hope this isn’t because I—”

  “This is because I wanted to do this. For you. Because you’ve made my life more perfect.”

  Tears filled Dana’s eyes, and she was almost glad Laurel was facing away from her. She wasn’t sure she had ever felt so much, about anything. Her heart ached in the most pleasant way imaginable. Dana eased her legs around Laurel’s waist and pulled her back into a strong hug with both arms. Inhaling the scent of Laurel’s hair, she whispered, “You deserve perfect.”

  Laurel leaned back into Dana’s embrace with a contented smile.

  And I’ve got you.


  Laurel woke up on the morning of her twenty-sixth birthday to a soft hand sliding up the inside of her thigh. She whimpered, half asleep, when warm fingers slipped through the wetness she was surprised to feel between her legs so early. Either she’d been having one hell of a dream, or Dana had been teasing her for a while now.

  Laurel decided to play possum and see what developed.

  Dana’s fingertips creep-crawled over her abdomen, sweeping across her belly before moving down to play with the damp curls covering her sex. She tugged on the short hairs, pulling a low groan from Laurel’s throat.

  “You awake, honey?”

  Laurel kept her eyes closed, eager to see where this was going.

  She arched her back a little and let her thighs fall open for Dana’s hand.

  Murmuring sleepily, she turned her face to the side.

  “Not yet, huh?” Dana whispered. She rasped blunt fingernails over Laurel’s sensitive outer lips and traced gentle patterns across her slick labia with the pad of her thumb. “Maybe I need to try harder.”

  Yes. Laurel eased her legs apart another inch. Try harder.

  Groaning when her mother’s old quilt was pulled from her naked body, Laurel felt her nipples harden in the cool air and under Dana’s hot gaze. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know that her lover was studying her body with that intense stare. Laurel’s nostrils flared with arousal when a fingertip pressed against her opening, but didn’t go inside.

  “I wonder what would wake my girl up,” Dana murmured.

  Laurel suspected that the words were as much for her as they were an out-loud musing, and she fought not to smile at the quiet question. I wonder what you’ll do to find out.

  The bed shifted under Dana’s weight, and Laurel could feel her changing position beside where she lay sprawled on her back. Her body tensed in anticipation of Dana’s next move.

  A soft, wet tongue snaked a lazy trail from just below Laurel’s belly button to the hair between her thighs. Laurel whimpered and spread her legs even farther apart, now wanton in her pose.

  “I bet this wakes her up,” Dana mumbled. And then she stopped talking.

  Laurel opened her eyes when Dana’s tongue eased between the folds of her sex, lapping up some of the wetness her sleeping body had produced. She couldn’t stop a shaky sigh, and she tangled her fingers in Dana’s tousled hair.

  Dana paused in her gentle licking, looking up into Laurel’s eyes with a pleased smile. She was naked and stretched out on her belly between Laurel’s thighs. “Good morning, birthday girl.”

  “Good morning.”

  Pulling her open carefully, Dana lowered her face and dragged her tongue up the length of Laurel’s pussy. She flicked at her clit with the tip of her tongue, then drew back with a wide grin. “I made you breakfast in bed.”

  Laurel looked at the tray of food sitting on the table near her oak dresser. The thought of Dana—boardroom, sales-pitch Dana—slaving in the kitchen was enough to make the day special. “Breakfast? For me?”

  Dana gave her a loving lick, from bottom to top. “All for you, honey.” She inhaled, nuzzling into Laurel’s slick folds. “But I want to eat first.”

  Laurel cradled the back of Dana’s head in her hand, holding her close. “Will mine get cold?”

  Sucking Laurel’s swollen clit in a hot, wet kiss, Dana took a while to answer. Finally she retreated, licking her lips. “Fresh fruit and dry cereal. And orange juice.”

  Perhaps she didn’t slave, but she certainly thought ahead. Laurel urged Dana back to task with a lazy grin. “Perfect.”

  Dana kissed and sucked until Laurel’s hips were pumping into her face. She pulled away with a soft chuckle. “You aren’t going to come so soon, are you?”

  Laurel glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. “You have to be to work in a half hour.”

  Dana shook her head. She crawled up the length of Laurel’s body, reaching out to turn the glowing digital display toward the wall. “Not today,” she murmured. Her lips captured Laurel’s in a lingering kiss.

  “Today is your day.”

  Wow. Laurel held on to Dana’s shoulders and grinned up at her lover. Her stomach turned over in pleasure as she licked the taste of her own arousal from Dana’s mouth. “You took the day off?”

  Dana pressed her thigh into Laurel’s wetness. “I did. I wanted to be with you.”

  Laurel couldn’t have wiped the goofy smile off her face if she’d tried. “Really?”

  “I told you that you’re more important than project management.”

  Laurel hugged her tight. “And you’re the sweetest, most lovable, cuddly—”

  “Teddy bear?” Dana finished. She drew back and gave Laurel a look of distaste. “Puppy?”

  “Sexiest, gorgeous, wonderful woman. In the world.”

  “Nice save.” Dana lowered her face and whispered into Laurel’s ear. “Now tell me what you want.”

  “For my birthday?”

  “Right now.” Dana rotated her hips, grinding into Laurel. “From me.” She ran her fingers down the side of Laurel’s face, onto her throat.

  “What do you want, baby?”

  It didn’t take Laurel long to decide. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Dana looked like she was the one being given a present. Her whole face lit up with her smile. “Yes.”

  Laurel spread her legs wide. “I want to feel you fucking me, honey. I love how you feel inside me.” She watched as Dana trembled slightly with the words, as she always did. And like always, Laurel felt a rush of power at the sight.

  Dana slid her hand between their bodies, capturing Laurel’s lips in yet another kiss. She pushed her tongue into Laurel’s mouth at the same time she thrust a finger into her pussy, wrenching a moan from Laurel’s throat.

  Tearing her mouth away from Laurel’s, Dana whispered, “More?”

  Laurel nodded and closed her eyes. “More.” She was soaking wet, eager for more of Dana. “I need to feel full.”

  Dana eased her finger out of Laurel, then pressed back into her with three. She lowered her face to Laurel�
��s shoulder and talked low into her ear. “I woke up thinking about filling your pussy like this.”

  Laurel tightened her arms around Dana’s shoulders, hugging her close. “You’re so good, Dana.”

  Dana smiled against her throat. “Harder?”

  Laurel nodded, bucking her hips up to meet Dana’s strokes.

  “Harder.” She exhaled through her mouth. “Fuck me harder.”

  Pounding into her so hard that the back of her hand slapped firmly against Laurel’s ass, Dana surged up and caught Laurel in a hard kiss.

  Breaking away with a soft cry, Dana whispered, “You’re so beautiful, Laurel.” Deep emotion rang clear in her voice. Her fingers rubbed at a spot that made Laurel’s lower belly burn with pleasure. “I…love you.”

  Laurel’s hips froze beneath Dana’s hand. She held her breath, searching Dana’s eyes. “You…?”

  Dana’s hand stilled. She stayed deep inside Laurel, looking down at her tenderly. Her breasts pressed against Laurel’s, both of them breathing heavily as they stared at one another.

  “I love you. A lot.”

  Laurel blinked rapidly, eyes stinging. When Dana’s face began to give way to a look of panic, Laurel squeezed her hard around the shoulders. She buried her nose in Dana’s hair, breathing in her scent as she focused on the sensation of strong fingers stretching her wide open.

  “I love you, too.” Hot tears spilled onto her cheeks. She felt like she had been waiting forever to say the words out loud. “I love you, Dana.”

  Dana released a quiet little cry, easing her free hand beneath Laurel’s neck. She gripped the nape and gave her a watery grin. “And it’s not even my birthday.”

  Shaking her head dazedly, Laurel laughed and shifted her hips on the mattress. “Make me come, honey. I want to come on your fingers.”

  Staring deep into Laurel’s eyes, Dana began moving her hand again.

  She made circles over Laurel’s hard clit with her thumb. Somehow, she kept Laurel on the edge for what felt like hours before releasing her in an explosion of sound and juices that ended when Laurel collapsed limp onto the bed.

  Laurel pulled Dana’s full weight onto her body after she came, delighting in the feeling of her lover’s heartbeat thrumming hard against her chest. “You love me?”

  “You have to ask?” Dana mumbled. She lifted her head and gazed down into Laurel’s eyes. “It’s only taken me a few months to work up the courage to say it.”

  “Well, it’s the best birthday present I’ve ever been given.” And you have no idea how much I’ve been hoping you felt the same way.

  She knew it was a big deal for Dana to be so open with her feelings.

  Laurel had acknowledged that she was in love since their night of rough sex, but she was careful not to push Dana for any declarations. Laurel was her first girlfriend, after all, and so everything between them had been a new experience for Dana. Laurel was content to move at Dana’s pace, despite the fact that she had been falling in love almost since the night they met in that elevator.

  “The best, huh? So does that mean you don’t need the present I was going to give you?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Laurel lifted her head, giving Dana a slow kiss. “But maybe first I could—” She slid her hands down the length of Dana’s back, tracing her fingernails over silky smooth skin.

  Dana shook her head and rolled off. “No. I’m feeding you breakfast now.”

  Petulantly, Laurel watched Dana go to the tray of food. The sight of her lover’s pale, round bottom made her fingers itch to reciprocate the pleasure she’d been given. “But—”

  “No way, Doc. I’ve been planning this morning for weeks. We’re playing by my script now.”

  Laurel felt warm delight at the nickname. Doc. It still didn’t feel quite real. In a week, she would be starting her new job at the veterinary clinic only two miles from her apartment.

  “My script,” Dana continued, “has you eating breakfast after experiencing a fabulous orgasm.” She sat on the edge of the bed, gesturing for Laurel to sit up.

  Laurel regarded her fondly as she propped herself against the headboard with her legs crossed, totally at ease with her nudity. “Well, I did just have a fabulous orgasm,” she acknowledged.

  Dana handed her a bowl of fresh fruit: strawberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, and grapes. Looking inexplicably sheepish, Dana said, “I know they’re your favorites.”

  “They are,” Laurel said. She took a bite from one large strawberry, holding out the other half for Dana. She watched straight white teeth take a neat chunk from the fruit, and groaned as her still-sensitive pussy throbbed at the sight. “You’re my favorite, too.”

  Dana blushed, picking at the quilt and looking quite pleased with herself.

  “So what are we going to do today?”

  “Anything you want. We could go to a movie, go shopping… I’ll even go to that silly ceramic-painting place with you, if you want.”

  Dana paused. “Or we could stay in bed for a while.”

  That was the best idea she’d heard so far. “Let’s start by staying in bed.”

  “Fair enough,” Dana said. Stroking Laurel’s bare back with her fingers, she asked, “Want your birthday present now?”

  “I thought you caved and gave me my present last night.” Laurel held up her arm, turning her wrist so she could admire the gold bracelet once again. “And I love it.”

  Dana looked thrilled all over again. “Well, I have something else for you.”

  “You spoil me.”

  “I shouldn’t?”

  “I wasn’t telling you to stop.” Laurel munched on her cereal, more interested in making it through the meal so she could touch Dana’s body rather than actually tasting the food. “I was just making an observation.”

  “Very astute.”


  Dana gave her a wide smile of satisfaction. “So?”

  Laurel huffed a little, but played along. “So what did you want to give me?”

  Dana’s eyes sparkled. “Your three fantasies. The ones you mentioned that night…when I spanked you.”

  Blinking, Laurel said, “Yes, I remember.”

  Dana gave her an eager nod. “The other two. Anywhere, anytime.”

  “You mean—”

  “I want you to have them. All three.” Raising an eyebrow at the tray that sat between them, Dana asked, “Are you done with your food?”

  Laurel gave her a distracted nod and Dana moved the tray of mostly eaten breakfast from the bed to the floor.

  “I want to…allow you to experience your fantasies. You tell me something you’ve imagined doing, or that you like, something that turns you on, and I’ll do it with you. No hesitation, no questions asked. You can redeem two more fantasies whenever you want.”

  Laurel slid down under the covers and invited Dana in beside her. Planting her elbow on the bed, she leaned over Dana. Her breasts pressed into Dana’s side as a gentle hand stroked her bare back. She looked deep into Dana’s eyes, aware of the enormity of this gift.

  “Any fantasy?”

  Dana nodded and swallowed. Her eyes were alight with a nervous sincerity that made Laurel’s pussy clench in deep lust. “Anything. I would try anything with you at least once, if it would make you happy.”

  If Dana could have gift-wrapped her trust and love, Laurel imagined that this was precisely how she would have felt when opening it. “Three fantasies?”

  “And today doesn’t count.” Dana’s lips twitched into a shy smile.

  “So, uh…happy birthday, Laurel.”

  Laurel wrapped Dana in a warm, heartfelt hug. “You’re right,” she said. “It is.”

  Her mind was already racing with the possibilities.


  Laurel greeted Dana at the door of her apartment wearing only a fluffy pale blue bathrobe and a wide smile. Dana held a dozen red roses in her hand and leered appropriately at her as she stepped inside.

  “You’re glow
ing,” Dana said as she handed over the flowers.

  When Laurel took them, Dana eased an arm around her waist and drew her in for a brief kiss. “Absolutely glowing. And you smell good, too.”

  “Thank you. I’m nice and clean.”

  Dana tugged on the belt to her robe, then discarded it on the floor.

  She parted the terrycloth material and eased her hands inside to stroke Laurel’s breasts. “I can see that. And I’m finding you very hard to resist.”

  “Then my evil plan is working.”

  “That it is.” Dana moved her hands from Laurel’s breasts to her bottom, giving her a firm squeeze. “Is this part of the second fantasy?”

  “Actually, yes.” Laurel gave Dana a coy grin. “I tried something new today.”

  “What’s that?” Dana lowered her mouth to Laurel’s neck and trailed tiny, sucking kisses across her throat.

  “An enema.”

  Dana drew back and gave Laurel a look of shocked uncertainty.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I wanted to be clean,” Laurel explained. “For tonight. For the second fantasy.”

  “And what, pray tell, is the second fantasy?” Dana kept her hands on Laurel’s buttocks, gripping and releasing each cheek in turn. “I hope like hell it doesn’t have anything to do with giving me an enema, too.”

  Laurel chuckled. “Oh, it wasn’t that bad. I feel immaculate.”

  Relaxing into a wicked smile, Dana backed them farther inside, steering Laurel toward the couch. “What do you want me to do with that pristine ass, darling?”

  “I want you to fuck it,” Laurel said. Her lips twitched when she saw a flash of heat in Dana’s eyes at her quiet words.

  “With my fingers?” Dana’s throat worked, and she exhaled shakily.

  Laurel shook her head as she sank onto the couch. Been there, done that. Now was the time to try new things. She pulled Dana down onto the cushion next to her. “With a dildo. I actually bought one for the occasion.”

  Dana looked at her with a mixture of lust and awe. “Really?”

  “Really.” Laurel trailed her fingertip along Dana’s jaw, then her collarbone. “I’ve always fantasized about having anal sex involving more than a finger, but I’ve never tried it before. I’ve never had someone I wanted to try it with.”


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