My Rockstar Crush: The Complete Series

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My Rockstar Crush: The Complete Series Page 2

by Lindsey May

  We kissed again, but while he was completely bare on top, my bra still stood between us. He started sucking on my neck while his hands casually slipped back to unlatch it, sliding it off my shoulders and tossing it to the ground in no time at all.

  My breasts pressed against his bare chest, our skin together an electric feeling, conductive. We kissed like that for what seemed like ours, our bodies connected and the only thought in my mind how unbelievable this was. I caught myself kissing him with my eyes open several times, unable to take my eyes off of him. I was too used to imagining him; I wanted to see him and know he was the one I was kissing.

  He moved to my neck again, sucking on my sensitive skin in a downward motion. With my mouth free I was able to breathe again, deep gasps as I was continually shocked by his soft lips. He made his way slowly down to my chest and then my breasts. My nipples perked up and ached while he narrowly avoided them with his mouth, kissing everywhere but. He stuck out his tongue gently, swirling it repeatedly around my areolas.

  Finally, my back arched and my breath heavy, he took my aching nipples into his mouth, one after the other. Swirling his tongue around them and sucking them firmly, he gave them the attention they needed after all that teasing. I felt myself grow wet for him, every second more desperate for him to please me.

  I held his head to me while he kissed my breasts, his long hair sifting through my fingers. I watched him all the while, almost feeling out of body at times, like it was all a dream. It really was Blake the singer pleasing me right now. No matter what happened it was hard for me to believe.

  If that wasn’t enough, he regularly looked up at me, his eyes pouring into mine. I knew he had groupies; he must. Girls clamored to be with him. But somehow he still managed to make me feel special. And it couldn’t have just been in my head. The way he kept looking at me proved it. I was turning him on just as much as he was me. Maybe he hadn’t been lying after all.

  Eventually he started kissing his way lower, all the way to my waist, only stopped by my shorts. His tongue snuck its way inside, tickling my skin and making me squirm. My toes curled as he began to unbutton me, the denim of my shorts soon brushing down against my legs to my ankles, then landing with a muffled crash on the floor.

  His hands went up my thigh, cupping against the outside of my panties and pressing in to my folds, revealing my wetness. I wanted him so bad. I needed him now. I bit my lower lip as he continued to tease me, his wet mouth kissing the border of my panties while his fingers played with my clit through the fabric.

  I tried to take them off, more desperate than anything now for him to please me. The barrier was too much. He pushed my hands away, continuing to tease me as so.

  “How bad do you want me?” he asked, reaching his fingers up my stomach with his free hand.

  “Oh God, Blake, please. I want you more than anything,” I begged.

  His fingers delicately pinched my left nipple, rubbing it in between them and twisting gently as he continued to rub my sex with the other hand. The sensations from both areas combined so that I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt the pressure building in all areas of my body. I knew it wasn’t long before a dangerous release. I pulled on his hair, my whole body tensing up in anticipation.

  He knew he was driving me wild, pushing me right to the edge and over it, when he could give me what I wanted at any time. It was like he knew exactly how to push my buttons. He only obliged me when he was ready, and when I least expected it. It was to the point where I thought the teasing would never end and I would just cum like this, when he stopped to pull down my panties.

  “Oh, yes!” I gasped, looking down at him like a hungry lioness. I threw my head back as his own went straight in between my legs. His tongue danced around my folds, the wetness of his mouth sweet relief after the dry rubbing between my panties. I couldn’t wait any longer though. My hands clutched to his scalp, pushing him inwards so he could tease me no longer.

  His tongue dug into my folds, down into my sex, tasting my wetness. With every small movement he sent shockwaves through my body, his warm tongue darting to and fro around my pussy. I watched in awe as he ate me, still in shock at what was happening.

  I was pleasantly surprised that he was giving me head when he could have just fucked me. He could do anything he wanted. But he pleased me first. It was sexy as hell, and he was clearly enjoying it, not stopping once.

  I lay on one end of the couch, my legs bent at the knee. They quivered as he tongued my clit, falling flat and shaking around his body. He remained steady, repeating the same few movements that made me squirm the most over and over. He was a pro, perfectly moving his tongue so that I was sure to cum soon.

  My moans grew louder and louder, the tension in my body releasing itself all at once as I reached bliss, the best feeling in the world dripping out of every pore of my body. I was sure my friends could hear me as I screamed at my peak, remaining there while Blake kept licking my clit, maintaining my orgasm longer than I have ever gone before.

  Eventually I became so sensitive I instinctively pulled him back as he watched me continue to shake. He came up to kiss me while I came down from my ecstasy.

  As I regained my senses, kissing him there on the couch, I was somehow still horny, knowing that I still wanted his cock despite having had the best head I had ever received. Somehow he made me restless for sex.

  It was as if he read my mind, as I watched him stand up over me and undo his pants. Immediately I noticed his bulge, and a wet spot of precum on his boxers showing he was more than ready for me. He had been waiting this whole time, desperate to fuck me, but he put my needs first.

  He waited there awhile, just looking at me. I sat up, reaching forward eagerly for his hips and pulling at his waistband, sliding it down to reveal his hardness. It shot out in front of him and I couldn’t wait to get it inside me. I looked up at him and smiled, and he knew what to do.

  He pushed me back down, my shoulders sinking into the leather as he pushed his weight upon me, kissing me again while he centered his cock to my sex.

  I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing his shoulders as he pressed inside me. My slit was slick with my own juices, allowing his cock to slide in with ease. My walls hugged him tightly as he parted them, until his thighs met mine and his cock completely in.

  He slowly started pumping back and forth, using short strokes so that his cock barely left me. I could feel the tip of his cock hitting my pleasure spot as his shaft slid back and forth. It didn’t take much to make me breathless, my hands clutching to his back leaving white marks on his skin at my fingertips.

  He came down to kiss me, his chest pressing down on me again as he continued thrusting into me. As his tongue met mine, I felt more force behind his legs now, his cock leaving me more and more with each go. He sucked on my tongue, holding it while I moaned, unable to kiss him back. Each thrust jolted my body, the leather of the couch squeaking as he fucked me.

  My tits bounced between our chests as he went faster now, cradling my head between his arms pushing me down into the couch. He grunted with each stroke, clearly holding himself back from exploding within me, my body making him feel as good as I. Suddenly he switched pace, keeping the long strokes but slower now, facing me and kissing me passionately again as he slowly fucked me.

  The new rhythm was amazing after I was already used to the old one, switching up at the exact right time so my pleasure never diminished. He kept me guessing with better sex than I ever could have imagined. He really was the perfect man.

  Blake got up then and I laid back, at first confused, wondering if he was done with me. But then he grabbed my arm, pulling me up, spinning me around so that I was pushed up against the back of the couch. I spun my head around, watching him slip his cock in again and get back to work.

  I smiled, excited to be fucked from behind. My sex was sopping wet by this point, his cock going in easily but still filling me perfectly. As he pushed inside me he grabbed my hair with one hand, shoving me b
ack into the couch. Resuming his fast pace, his other hand held my breasts as they shook wildly each time he pounded into me. His arms around me at each end holding me steady, he had complete control of me.

  In this new position he was hitting all the right places inside of me, going faster and harder than before. We both were having a hard time controlling ourselves, as I could tell by his sounds that he was reaching the end. If it wasn’t for his arms I would be shaking, as I lost control of my body and pleasure filled my whole body.

  He didn’t stop as I reached orgasm, but as I did he couldn’t help but arrive as well. Warmth swam through me as his load shot forth, his strokes slowing and extending my orgasm longer than I thought possible.

  As his cock grew soft inside me, he kissed my back and shoulders, still holding me while we both came down from ecstasy. With one last kiss, he parted with me, going to the other end of the room to clean up and get dressed.

  I could barely move at first, and didn’t want to either. He pointed out the bathroom and so I grabbed my clothes and cleaned myself up. I looked in the mirror, seeing my disheveled self smiling back at me. I just fucked Blake Evans, I thought, my smile growing even wider. I couldn’t believe it, and neither would my friends. I clutched my clothes to my chest, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. I would never forget this.

  I almost didn’t want to leave, I realized as I got dressed. I wish he could be my real boyfriend. No guy I would meet after this could ever live up to Blake. Everyone would be compared to him now, and few if any would exceed my expectations. It was a shame.

  As messy as I looked, he looked just the same somehow, like nothing had happened. Still his sexy, lean self, sitting their cool and confident waiting for me to return.

  “I think you’re friends should be waiting outside. I have to get some sleep before we leave for the next show tomorrow,” he explained.

  I knew it was coming, but at least he was polite about it. I tried not to but couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Of course I knew it was ridiculous, but still a small part of me wished he would have asked me to stay. To be honest I didn’t even know if that was a good idea. But it didn’t prevent me from wanting it all the same.

  “Will I ever see you again?” I asked in a last ditch effort. Might as well try while I’m here and have nothing to lose.

  “Well, I don’t stay in one place too long,” he explained, letting me down easy.

  “Oh, yeah,” I said, diminished. I was half way turned around before he continued.

  “But, why don’t you give me your number? You never know what might happen,” he said, smiling back. I couldn’t tell if he just felt bad or what, but I didn’t care. It was a chance and I was going to take it.

  After giving him my number, I tried to leave again, thinking that we were finished. Again he surprised me, stopping me with a hand on my shoulder. He leaned forward slowly, brushing my hair aside and planting his lips firmly on my forehead. He held my cheek as he backed away a little, smiling at me while scanning my face.

  I couldn’t help but blush, feeling like the object of his affection. What did this mean?

  “Goodbye, Emily,” he said, smiling one last time before turning and leaving into a different room. I would’ve said goodbye but I was frozen there, left standing alone in the middle of his dressing room. I closed my eyes, trying to relive that kiss over and over, his lips on my forehead.

  The sex had been amazing, but that kiss had a sweetness to it that the rest hadn’t. It felt like he really wanted me, and not just for sex. Somehow, I felt my chances of him using my phone number were larger than I might have thought.

  Finally, when I was ready, I left the room. Back into the room we started the night in, I found my friends huddled together on the couch talking excitedly. No one else was in the room.

  I joined them, still aglow from my experience. They looked similarly content as we all shared a smile.

  “So, what happened?” they asked simultaneously.

  “What happened with you two?” I asked, curious and not about to spill my story until they did.

  They looked at each other, then back to me.

  “We asked first!”

  “I’ll tell you on the way home. Let’s get out of here,” I said, feeling weird just standing around the now deserted backstage.

  We called a cab to take us back and talked on the way. I filled them in with as much detail as I deemed necessary. I got to the end and they were ecstatic.

  “Shut up! He took your number?”

  “I’m sure it won’t amount to anything,” I said, answering truthfully. But a large part of me definitely expected that it would amount to something. Tonight felt too meaningful for nothing more to happen.

  “You never know…,” they told me, as we all headed home after the best night of our lives.

  Part 2: Backstage Again

  It had been exactly 3 months since I had hooked up with the rockstar Blake Evans. I knew because I never stopped thinking about it.

  For the first month I constantly checked my phone, waiting for him to call me, text me, anything. Every time I looked at my phone I silently prayed for a message from him.

  I couldn���t resist, even though deep down I knew it might be hopeless.

  My friends even had to start taking my phone away from me when we went out, or I would be distracted by it all night. At first I begged for them to give it back, or at least check it once for me. Nothing worked though, as they knew obliging me wasn’t going to help.

  Eventually I just let it go. I was used to them taking it, and I knew I���d always get it back at the end of the night anyway. Blake would wait a few hours for me. At least I think he would.

  Tonight was another one of those nights. We were at a house party, and to take my mind off of Blake my friends had introduced me with a cute guy named Brandon. Apparently he had seen me around before and had a little bit of a crush.

  When we showed up they pointed him out. I had to admit he was pretty damn good looking. And he seemed like a charismatic guy, as I watched him talking and laughing with another group of people.

  Even though I liked what I saw, I tried to back out at first. But my friends were having none of that. They were trying to convince me at all costs. They knew the chances of me seeing Blake again was slim to none. If nothing else then to get them to stop nagging me, I agreed to go talk to him.

  My friends and I slowly moved towards that side of the room, until I was only a few feet away and could easily make eye contact. After catching his eyes a few times, he came over to us.

  “Hey, Alyssa,” he said to my friend. He didn’t actually know me yet, but they were acquainted somehow.

  “Hey, Brandon, how’s it going?” she said back.

  After exchanging a little small talk, she introduced us. He said he had seen me around campus a lot, to which I had been kind of surprised. It was weird that I never noticed such a hot guy cross my path so often.

  Up close he was even more attractive. His jaw line was strong, his beard clean, and he had the most gorgeous smile. I nearly melted every time he showed me those pearly whites. He was tall, so that I had to look up to him, and he had an athletic build. We talked there for awhile, learning things about each other that really didn’t matter. At that point we both had one thing on our minds.

  We started flirting a little when I noticed that my friends had disappeared. It was just me and Brandon, the distance between us growing smaller and smaller as our conversation grew more intimate.

  We were practically touching now, the party so loud around us that he had to lean close to my face to talk. I could just kiss him now, I thought, but I waited for him to make the move.

  I hadn���t had sex since Blake, I thought, as I felt myself grow wet down low as he grabbed my shoulder. We looked each other deep in the eyes, smiling as we got closer. We kissed, and then kissed again, unaware of our surroundings. In a loud party full of people, I was completely focused on him.

  After we made out for longer than I probably would like to in front of a crowd of people, he asked me to come upstairs with him. I grabbed his side and agreed, knowing exactly what he had in mind.

  Taking my hand, he led me upstairs to his room, and I didn���t look back once. My phone was the furthest thing from my mind. It had been so long since Blake, so long since I had sex, I didn’t care anymore. I was horny and I needed to satisfy my desires. I was beyond excited to have a cock inside me once again. I needed it, I thought, running up the stairs, no other thought in my mind.

  It all happened so quickly and now it remains just a blur. We sat on the bed, and he confidently held me and kissed me without hesitation. His hands went where they wanted and I had no problem with that. The pressure of his hands to my body, then to my soft breasts, turned me on further. Once he slipped his hand up my shirt and started feeling me I couldn���t take it any longer.

  We both started ripping off our clothes until we were completely naked. He was no Blake Evans, but I wasn’t worried about that right now. He was strong and sexy, and I wanted him to fuck me. Then I had an idea.

  ���Turn the lights off,��� I said, explaining that the light was in my eyes.

  He obliged and then joined me on the bed, kissing me again before laying me down. He got on top of me and his cock effortlessly slipped in, my pussy soaking wet in anticipation.

  As my walls hugged him and he pumped away, I closed my eyes and imagined it was Blake on top of me, making love to me again. I grabbed at his back, digging my nails in as he kissed my neck. His strong thrusts bore into me, again and again, his grunting growing louder and louder.

  My legs started to shake and my own moans rivaled his. I almost yelled out Blake���s name as I came, at the last second holding it back, realizing it was someone else. Brandon. It was Brandon, not Blake.

  He finished shortly thereafter, and I got out of there, quickly getting dressed and to the bathroom to clean up. I looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied and proud. A lot of girls would kill to have sex with a guy like Brandon. Even more with a guy like Blake. I was good enough that I got both.


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