The Murderer: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist

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The Murderer: A gripping psychological thriller with a shocking twist Page 1

by Paul Smith

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  The Murderer


  Paul Smith


  Copyright: Published in Paul Smith/ © Paul Smith

  Copyright: Published @2017

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  Table of Content


  Table of Content

  The Murder

  Chapter 1 : Jasmine's Morning Jog

  Chapter 2 : Jasmine Uncovers More Then A Box

  Chapter 3 : The Glove And The Dress.

  Chapter 4 : A Cry In The Night.

  Chapter 5 : Jasmine Gets Closer To The Truth

  Chapter 6 : The Locket.

  Chapter 7 : Too Late To Go For Help

  Chapter 8 : Amanda Makes Jasmine Pay With Her Life.


  Chapter 1: Stereotype

  Chapter 2: Happiness

  Chapter 3: Curious

  Chapter 4: Lara

  Chapter 5: Stalking

  Chapter 6: Guilty

  Chapter 7: Criminal

  Chapter 8: Dan's bar

  Fighting Goliath

  Chapter 1—Brave Warrior

  Chapter 2—First Introductions

  Chapter 3—Into the Lion's Den

  Chapter 4—Burden of Sacrifice

  Chapter 5—Comrade-in-Arms

  Chapter 6—Desperation

  Chapter 7—Fait Accompli

  Chapter 8—End of the Warmth

  Thank You Page

  Check Out My Other Books

  Special “Thank You” Bonus

  The Murder

  Chapter 1 : Jasmine's Morning Jog

  Jasmine was thirty-two years old with light blue eyes and long blonde hair that she had put up in a pony tail that morning. Feeling the sweat on the back of her neck she jogged her normal route on a jogging path in the park. Her pink sports bra and her matching jogging shorts already had sweat marks on them. The sun shining down so early in the morning she felt the burn in her legs as she gave a small smile, she loved jogging when no one was around first thing in the morning.

  As she continued on the foot path Jasmine looked down and saw a black glove, stopping for a moment and looking around she didn't see anyone who might have lost it. Jasmine picked it up from the ground and heard a dog panting behind her. Looking over her shoulder she saw that it was a black lab with no collar.

  “Hey boy, what are you doing out here all by yourself?” Jasmine asked the dog in a sweet voice, once again looking around but not seeing the owner.

  Jasmine turned back around and looked down at the glove, knowing she shouldn't keep something that didn't belong to her she slipped it on slowly. Jasmine looked behind her again and saw that the dog had vanished.

  “That's odd.” Jasmine murmured to herself, the dog was no where in sight as if it had just disappeared. T

  The glove fit perfectly as she looked down at it with a small smile on her face. It felt comfortable on her hand, sliding it back off her hand she continued her jog knowing she wasn't too far from her house.

  Jasmine put the glove in the pocket of her shorts as she began jogging again, staring straight ahead she saw the dog when she jogged around the corner. She had to stop quickly so she didn't trip over the dog. Wondering how the dog had gotten ahead of her without her seeing the dog take off in the first place.

  As Jasmine went to kneel down in front of the dog the black lab took off down a dirt path heading into the woods. Without thinking twice Jasmine ran into the woods, keeping her eye on the dog so that she didn't lose sight of it.

  The dog finally stopped after a few minutes in front of a spot of dirt that was perfectly circular in form. Jasmine made eye contact with the dog but as she did it turned and ran further into the woods. Jasmine shook her head and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

  Before she turned back around the sun shined down on a piece of metal in the ground, the shine caught Jasmine's attention though she was worried about who the dog belonged to she wanted to know what the sun was shining upon.

  Jasmine got down on her hands and knees taking the black glove out of her shorts she began brushing the dirt away the best she could in order to find out what the object was. Seeing she had to find something to dig around what looked like the top of a box she got up and found a sharp, pointed, sturdy, stick.

  “I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this.” Jasmine sighed, shaking her head and knowing she had better things to be doing then digging up a box that might not hold anything in it.

  Getting back down on the ground she dug around the box harder and faster. After what seemed like forever she finally had the box uncovered enough so she could slide it out of the ground.

  Jasmine opened up the box, surprised that there wasn't a lock on it. If someone had buried it there then they probably didn't want anyone finding it. Something Jasmine hadn't thought about until that very moment.

  Jasmine felt her hands shaking as she slowly lifted the metal top, what she saw made her blue eyes grow wide. Jasmine covered her mouth and let out a soft cry as she felt her heart beating fast in her chest.

  Jasmine looked around, the woods were quiet she hadn't even heard a bird chirp or the wind rustling the leaves as she wondered if someone might be watching her. Looking inside the box again she wanted to go for help but she couldn't make her feet lift her off the ground, with a shaking hand she reached into the box.......

  Chapter 2 : Jasmine Uncovers More Then A Box

  A little spooked. Jasmine reached in with both hands, she couldn't believe that she was holdin
g a baby. Wondering who would bury a child out in the middle of the woods. Wondering if there was something more going on then what she knew. No one in their right mind would do that to their child, a child they were suppose to love and take care of unless they had something to hide.

  Looking closer at the baby she noticed it was dressed in a small, black, dress she was even more freaked out when she saw that there was a bump on the babies head and there was a black spot that looked like a big bruise, unless the baby was beginning to decompose. Shaking her head seeing the bump on the babies head she knew that the baby had died a violent death. The baby even though it was lifeless scared her.

  If she had to guess the baby had to be about seven months old and someone had to have buried her recently thinking back to all the crime shows she watched through out the day. Trying to think back to any recent murders she hadn't watched the news lately and she didn't like reading the paper because all it had was bad news. She watched enough crime shows that she didn't need to see recent crimes going on in the city.

  “We have to find out what happened to you.” Jasmine whispered in a shaking voice as she put the baby back in the box. Closing the box back up Jasmine got up off the ground, carrying it under one arm she knew she couldn't go back towards the park in case someone saw her with the box and asked her questions.

  Looking to where the dog had run off to she knew it was going to take an extra few minutes to get to her house if she took the long way but she figured it was better then to bump into someone and having to answer questions that she didn't have the answers to.

  “I can't believe this.” Jasmine muttered to herself as she began walking quickly down the dirt path that the dog had led her down. Wondering if the dog had taken her there because it knew about the baby. She couldn't rule anything out at that point it was already too weird that she had found the box and the baby inside.

  As Jasmine continued walking she felt sad for the baby, knowing it had felt some pain before losing the life it barely had. She was already planning on keeping the baby a secret and going into her computer to do some research on crimes that had been committed during the last few months or to see if there were any children missing recently. Since Jasmine had found the baby she felt like she was obligated to find out exactly what happened to it. Not evening knowing a name, just knowing it was a girl because of the black dress it had been put into.

  Jasmine felt a little better when she saw her house come into view, glad that she had taken the walk through the woods it had led her to the backyard of her house. She didn't have to worry about bumping into neighbors who knew her.

  Anyone would be curious about what was inside the box and she wasn't sure she would be able to open it for a second time even when she got it into the house but her curiosity would get the better of her, she already knew that. Thinking of ways on how she could find out the babies name and what had happened.

  Jasmine knew the old saying curiosity killed the cat but she was hoping she wasn't chancing the same fate for herself. Biting down on her lip she walked up the back steps to her one bedroom, white, house. Since she lived by herself for so many years she didn't see the need for a bigger house as she opened the back door of her house she wished that someone was there waiting for her to get home, thinking it would have made her feel better if she had someone waiting for her return so she wasn't all alone....

  Chapter 3 : The Glove And The Dress.

  Jasmine put the box on the table and opening it back up, knowing she would have to look at the baby again she slowly slid the black glove off her hand. When she did she had to look into the box a second time. She first thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, when she looked inside the box there was nothing there.

  Looking at the glove she shook her head, if she ever went to anyone with it they would call her crazy but just to make sure she wasn't she put the glove back on and the baby reappeared in the box as if it was there all along.

  “What is going on?” Jasmine whispered to herself, taking the glove back off and seeing the baby had disappeared. Then putting it back on again she saw the baby reappear.

  “A ghost?” Jasmine asked herself as she jumped when she felt her black cat 'Kitty' rub against her bare leg. Feeling her heart race faster in her chest as she let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding in.

  Keeping the glove on her hand she looked at the black glove she was wearing and looked at the dress the baby was in. touching the dress it was made of the same fabric as the glove. Knowing there had to be a connection between the two of them. That was the first thing she had found out for sure since she had been in the house.

  “We are going to find out what happened to you. Maybe there's a way I could help you somehow.” Jasmine whispered to the baby girl as if she would talk back to her.

  Jasmine left the baby on the table along with the glove, needing to take a break for a few minutes. She had the baby burned into her mind now. Jasmine knew that when she closed her eyes that night she was going to see her. She wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that she had what she called a 'ghost baby' in the house. Not really sure if she thought she was going crazy of if what was going on was real.

  Jasmine walked into her computer room and sat down at her small, wooden, desk where her lap top set open for her to use.

  “Nothing like the present to try and figure this out. Maybe I can find her parents and they can have some closure for themselves.” Jasmine moaned, wanting to get to the bottom of the mystery so she could hand the baby girl over to someone else. Someone who would do the right thing and give her a proper burial.

  As hard as Jasmine tried she couldn't find any baby that had the same description as the baby. No name and no children that had been missing throughout the city that would fit the baby girl. All the children were too old to fit her age.

  “This is going to be harder then what I thought.” Jasmine moaned, leaning back in her chair. As she closed her eyes she saw the baby behind her eyelids and opened them up quickly.

  “I get it.” Jasmine murmured to herself as she looked at her open computer door as if the baby could hear her, it made her feel better talking out loud in case the 'ghost baby' could hear her. She didn't want to sound like she wasn't trying to help the baby out.

  Chapter 4 : A Cry In The Night.

  Jasmine tossed and turned as she slept that night, she felt herself sweating as if she had been running as fast as she could. What had made her open her eyes was a baby crying. It took Jasmine a minute to remember what had happened that morning as the crying got louder. Jasmine looked at her hand and saw that the glove had been placed on her hand, she didn't remember going back into the kitchen and putting the glove on her hand.

  Jasmine knew that she couldn't listen to the crying anymore, not only was the baby disrupting her sleep but it was something new that she wasn't use to.

  “I'm coming.” Jasmine muttered, thinking she was getting crazier and crazier as she heard the baby continuing to cry.

  Jasmine turned on the kitchen light as she walked in and saw the baby was laying in the box where she had kept it, thanking god that it hadn't gotten out of the box and wandered around the house. Jasmine felt had the urge to laugh thinking that she was completely crazy by now.

  Jasmine put her hands in the box and as she held the baby in her arms with the glove on she was somewhere else. Looking around she was standing in the middle of the park in the dark, the only thing that cast any kind of light was the street lamp across the park.

  When Jasmine looked under the street light she saw a man and woman fighting with each other. The woman had a child on her hip.

  “Hey!” Jasmine hollered when she saw the man strike the woman. She heard the familiar crying that had woken her up but neither the man or woman looked her way. It was as if they were the only two there in the park.

  Jasmine watched in horror as she watched the man as he kept hitting the woman. Hearing the baby crying louder and louder as the woman dropped to the grou
nd. Making sure she was the first to go down so that the baby would fall on top of her.

  “Hey!” Jasmine screamed at the top of her lungs hoping that she would be heard this time. Again neither the man or the woman looked her way.

  Jasmine couldn't do anything, she tried walking towards them to help the woman up but it was like she was super glued to the ground she was standing on. All she could hear now was the babies cries getting louder and louder over the two arguing with one another. Though she couldn't hear what they were saying she knew that the man was quite angry as he continued pointing his finger in the woman's face.

  Jasmine caught her breath when she saw what happened next. The man bent down and grab the baby. He kicked the woman in the stomach a few times before turning away and disappearing into the night.

  Jasmine began shaking when she heard the woman screaming. She was screaming out a name, as Jasmine concentrated on what name the woman was crying out the babies cries stopped instantly.

  “Jessica! Oh my baby Jessica!” The woman howled as she pounded the ground with her fists.

  “Is that your name? Is it Jessica?” Jasmine whispered, looking at the ghost baby and that's when the baby stopped crying.

  Jasmine felt bad for the woman as she looked at her, wondering why she was there. Her answer would soon be answered. A few minutes later she saw someone walk into the light from the dark. A different man this time. She watched in horror as he walked closer and closer to the woman and saw the glint of the knife under the street light.

  Jasmine cried out loud, knowing the woman still couldn't hear her. She watched as the man brought the knife down over and over again, seeing dark wetness on the knife each time it was brought up into the light.


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