Alien Sex 102

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by Allie Ritch

  Alien Sex 102

  Alien Sex 102

  Alien Sex Ed series

  Allie Ritch

  Published 2012

  ISBN 978-1-59578-903-7

  Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509 Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2012, Allie Ritch. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  Liquid Silver Books

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


  As a Duosien, Katra’Ruma needs a perfectly controlled lover to hit her two T-spots and trigger her orgasm. Unfortunately, the only man she’s found who can do that is an overbearing, egotistical, irritating Brachoi male named Krux. Sure his four arms come in handy and are as arousing as his lickable cherry-toned skin, but the man drives her crazy. Out of bed, they do nothing but snipe at each other—or is that just foreplay?

  Used to casual sex, Whitt discovers he’s in over his head when he falls for Spri, a Litting woman who considers lovemaking a sacred rite as binding as marriage. He should be running the other way. Instead, he finds himself seeing just how far he can push things before taking that final plunge.

  This book contains voyeurism, fun sex toys, oral sex, mild anal play, some multiple partnering (M/M/F), and fictional alien anatomy and sexual situations, including an interesting extra appendage.


  Katra’Ruma and Krux

  Chapter One

  Play and Foreplay

  This was the fifth alien Sex Ed class Katra’Ruma had attended, and the demonstration at the front of the room made even her jaded eyes widen. She wasn’t even sure this qualified as intercourse, although it was admittedly a gray area at the moment. The two models, Cras and Almona, were sitting in a tank of water up to their chests and masturbating each other frenetically.

  “As you can see,” Quinn said, “the male Turbesan’s penis is still extremely receptive to stimulation despite being an undersized and largely residual organ.”

  Quinn was a New Earthling and, together with his Allurian wife, Xindra, instructed this course. The two of them were an example of an interracial couple who’d made it work and found something wonderful together. Katra didn’t want to admit it, even to herself, but she was jealous of them.

  “So the male never penetrates the female?” Spri, one of the other students, sounded bemused.

  Xindra, who wore her dark purple hair pinned up this evening, fielded the question. “That’s right. Fertilization for Turbesan couples is completely external, although both sexes can still enjoy orgasm even if the female isn’t ready to ovulate.”

  The couple certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves right now. Katra fought the urge to glance over at Krux, the four-armed Brachoi student, to see what he thought of the show. The insufferable male probably thought he could do better if only he could jump in and take control. He was a typical corporate executive from his neatly trimmed red-black hair to his shiny shoes. Katra suspected he believed he knew better about everything, and he had a commanding air that could easily make blind followers out of anybody. Fortunately, she wasn’t just anybody.

  Keeping her eyes glued to the scene in front of her, she watched in envy as the models’ faces flushed and their bodies seized. Almona, the female Turbesan, gave a throaty cry as she climaxed, while her partner ejaculated a cloud of sperm into the water. It was one of the most unusual sexual practices she’d ever witnessed, but as far as she was concerned, they had it easy.

  Katra had originally signed up for this course as a lark. She was bored, and this was something interesting to do. At least, that’s what she’d told herself, but she was beginning to realize she was really here in search of something. Despite the hard, realistic view she held of the world, she still secretly hoped to find a solution to her own sexual…problem. Not really her problem, but that of her inadequate partners.

  Of course, if she was being completely honest with herself, then she had to acknowledge that sex wasn’t the only issue on board. Relationships in general were. She’d recognized that when one of her classmates, Trett, had modeled with his Oquaran girlfriend. As Katra had listened to Mera talk about her bad experiences with alien males and her relief at finding a suitable partner, Katra had felt the first glimmer of longing she’d experienced in a long time. That’s what she really wanted: a partner—someone who could match her both inside and outside the bedroom. She was forty-one years old, and she’d never had that.

  “All right, everyone,” Quinn concluded. “If there aren’t any more questions, then we’ll call it a night. See you next week.”

  Everyone stood, and several people started for the door. Katra saw Zeo sidle up next to young, timid Pixie and watched the girl dart a quick glance at him through her lashes and blush. Almost everybody here had figured out that the intense Nimanian male was walking the New Earthling home after every class. It was also clear the girl was attracted to him, although she was skittish. Katra worried for her. Pixie seemed far too fragile and innocent for a man like Zeo.

  Benni wasn’t here tonight, but Whitt, who paid on a class by class basis, had returned. He planned to join the regular after-class crowd—Spri, Krux, her, and occasionally Glynn—at a nearby sports bar. Since their first week as students, they’d fallen into this routine, and it was something Katra secretly looked forward to. It would have been a perfect way to relax if only she could have ditched Krux. That man set her teeth on edge.

  “Katra’Ruma,” Xindra said before she could exit. The lovely Allurian drew closer. “Are you still all set for next week? We’ve confirmed the arrangement with the guys. You’ll be with Whitt, Glynn, and Varion.”

  Katra turned to look for Varion and caught a last glimpse of his backside as he left. She didn’t know the shape-shifting Multan well—he’d just joined their class since Trett had left an open seat—but he seemed nice enough. He was also easy on the eyes in all the colors and physical alterations she’d seen him adopt. As far as she was concerned, that was all that mattered for this. She sincerely doubted any of the three males, or even the combination of them, would bring her much pleasure.

  “That’s fine.” She returned a dismissive wave of her hand. “I look forward to some martial arts training in trade.”

  Xindra was a martial arts instructor, and her husband worked as a personal trainer most of the year. They’d offered free lessons as compensation to all the models.

  “I do too.” Xindra’s smile appeared genuine. “You’re already fierce, and something tells me you’ll learn fast.”

  Tickled by the compliment, Katra thanked the woman and left. Perhaps she could learn a move that would allow her to drop Krux on his arrogant ass. That would be fun.

  “Speak of the devil,” she muttered, stealing another culture’s saying.

  When she reached the outer doors to the large gym that housed their classroom, she found him lounging against the front with all his arms crossed. He must have been out in the sun lately because she swore his light cherry skin was even redder than usual. She expected to see the others congregated nearby, but they were nowhere in sight.

  “Ready?” he demanded as she came out. “The others went on ahead.”

  Katra sniffed. “You needn’t have waited. I think I can find my way down the street all by myself.”

  His burnt-sienna eyes, fringed with thick black lashes, studied her with an amused twinkle. “And miss your sunny disposition? I don’t think I could bear it. Besides, a woman shouldn’t be walking alone after dark. Trilanta’s streets can be dangerous.”

  Walking past him, she headed down the street, knowing he’d fall in beside her. With his longer gait, he managed it in two steps.

  “So you intend to protect me?” Her haughty tone said just what she thought about that. “How high-handed of you. Whatever made you think I can’t take care of myself?”

  He shot her a conceited grin. “You’ll like having me take care of you. I’m a handy guy.”

  Katra barely managed to turn her laugh into an inelegant snort. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d amused her.

  “Har-har,” she retorted instead. “Where do you get that razor-sharp wit? It’s positively stupefying.”

  “Come back to my place tonight. You’ll enjoy more than my wit.”

  It wasn’t the first time he’d propositioned her. In fact, he’d done it every week since they’d met despite the fact that she always turned him down flat.

  She released a deliberate sigh. “Don’t you learn?”

  “I’m a fast learner. Give me a chance, and I’ll quickly discover what makes a woman like you go wild. You won’t be so prickly after a night of good loving.”

  His arrogance knew no bounds.

  “Oh, please. I doubt you could satisfy me.” Sadly, she meant it.

  Unfortunately, he took this as a challenge. His voice, already so masculine, dropped to a deeper rumble. “Dozens of women would tell you differently.”

  “That’s because you sleep with virgins. The poor girls don’t know any better.”

  They reached the entrance to the sports bar.

  “I’ve only initiated seven virgins,” he growled, betraying the first hint of temper in his voice.

  Katra always managed to tease it out of him eventually, although he still held the door for her. He just yanked it open a bit more forcefully than necessary.

  “So much for dozens then.” She deliberately provoked him as she walked inside. Spotting the other students at a high table, she headed toward them.

  “The remaining balance consisted of experienced females,” he retorted. He used the same tone he might have adopted when talking about a financial deal. Then one corner of his mouth kicked up. “What’s the matter? Are you jealous, Katra?”

  She bristled at the suggestion as well as the familiar use of her name. Only her Duosien family ever used the abbreviation. It was considered intimate. Although he feigned ignorance, she was sure the infuriating Brachoi knew this.

  “I know it’s a lot of syllables for you, Krux, but you might try sounding it out. I’m Katra’Ruma to you or, if you can’t manage that, Ms. ti Sala.”

  Her full name, as she’d already told him several times, was Wi’Yalu bu Pol ti Sala Katra’Ruma, but she’d shortened it to make things simpler when dealing with other races. Like any Duosien, though, what the other races called a surname came first, and the so-called given name followed.

  He stroked his chin thoughtfully with one hand. “No. I still like Katra better.”

  She resisted the urge to snarl in fury.

  “Are you two at it again?” Whitt asked.

  The table was pushed up against the wall with Whitt and Spri sitting on one side and Glynn positioned at the free end. That left two seats on the other side, so Katra had no choice but to sit next to the intolerable Brachoi. She choked back a put-upon sigh.

  “Katra’s jealous of my many lovers,” Krux told them. “She wants me all to herself.”

  This time she couldn’t bite back a hiss. “You haven’t got a chance with me.”

  “Such a biting tongue. Temper is just another outlet for passion. My Katra is a woman of deep passions.” His sharply cut features remained confident and composed.

  She saw red, and she didn’t mean his ruby-tinged skin. “I’m not yours, you overbearing brute. The only feeling you ignite in me is intense irritation.”

  “See how she fights her attraction to me?” he asked.

  Swallowing the foul words that wanted to fly out of her mouth, Katra pulled up the menu onscreen just as a waitress swung by their table. Although she enjoyed trying new foods, she didn’t see anything here except fried and crumb-encrusted blandness. She’d stick with a drink—a big one.

  “So,” Spri said carefully, obviously trying to lighten the atmosphere once their orders arrived. “That was some class, wasn’t it?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Whitt shook his head in amazement. “On the one hand, I can see where there’s equality in the Turbesan arrangement. Both partners wind up satisfied, and they have to share the responsibility of any possible pregnancy, so to speak. On the other hand, I can’t help but think they’re missing out on some of the fun. Hand jobs are nice, but there’s no substitute for full-out sex.”

  “It might be a case of not missing what you’ve never had,” Krux pointed out.

  “Like with virgins,” Katra almost muttered, but she didn’t want him to misconstrue the barb as evidence of jealousy.

  Spri looked pensive. “The Turbesans are another example of a race that faces difficulties mating outside their own people. Neither the males nor the females are built for coitus—something a non-Turbesan would expect in a romantic relationship. It’s the same thing with the Oquarans. They’re so sensitive, a single thrust is enough to finish them, and too much movement beyond that becomes painful.”

  “It’s never easy when you’re among people who don’t understand your needs.” Glynn spoke in his usual sober tone. “You end up feeling like the alien, and that’s never good for a relationship. Frankly, I envy Cras and Almona. They seem to have it easy.”

  Katra looked at Glynn and caught his eye, seeing something in his gaze that made her think they had a lot more in common than she’d thought. The Semhym male always appeared to be in a dour mood, but perhaps that was because he, too, was suffering in his private life. Although she hadn’t given much thought to him beyond his acceptable appearance, she suddenly felt better about her plans to sleep with him as a model next class.

  “You only say that because we all saw them together as they are now,” Krux broke in. “We have no idea what troubles they might have overcome to find each other and form a relationship. It’s easy to look at a happy freeze frame of someone’s life and assume that’s the whole of it.”

  “Says the man who presents himself in nothing but tailored business suits,” Katra said snidely. “Trying to look like president of the board even here?”

  His eyes narrowed, but to her frustration, he smiled. “The suit comes off.”

  She took a big gulp of her drink.

  Half an hour later, the group was still chatting, although things were winding down. She and Krux still got in the occasional jab at one another, but that was routine. Glynn was the first to leave, and the rest of them started to break up after that.

  Heading outside to the curb, she was dismayed to find the annoying Brachoi at her heels. “Stalking me now?”

  “Keeping you company until your ride gets here,” he replied. “I assume you told your driver to pick you up here?”

  She nodded but couldn’t come up with a suitable comeback. The drink she’d had made her feel mellower than usual.

  He stood facing her. “Why don’t you come home with me instead? You’ll have a lot more fun with me than with an empty bed.”

  “It’s a toss-up,” she dared to say.

  By the way his eyes darkened, she knew she’d pushed his button.

  “Stubborn female. You can’t fight the attraction between us forever.”

  Katra scoffed. “Save your space waste. I’m not attracted to you in the least. I—” She didn’t have time to say more.

  He was such a large, muscular man she’d never thought he could move so fast. One second he was glowering at her, and th
e next he had her pinned. Two of his hands cupped her hips, a third slid up her back, and the last palmed her nape to hold her still. Her lips parted in surprise, which was all the invitation he seemed to need to swipe his tongue inside. She was suddenly inundated with the spicy, intoxicating scent and taste of him and the heat of his fingers on her body.

  In an instant, all her anger and frustration morphed into sheer, unadulterated lust. Her hormones flooded her in a rush of heat, and she went damp between her legs. Despite his firm grip, Krux kept the pressure of his lips remarkably gentle, but it wasn’t enough. Katra threw her arms around his neck and thrust out her tongue to catch him behind his front teeth. They both groaned together, adding another slosh of fuel to their sensual fire.

  He took the kiss deeper. In the same instant, she felt his hands tighten on her hips, and she willingly closed the distance so they were pressed against each other. His erection felt like a hot length of pipe even through his fancy pinstripe pants. She bit his lower lip, and then he nibbled on the corner of her mouth.

  He drew back an inch. “Come home with me. Let me show you what a real male can do for you. I’ll give you everything you need.”

  She blinked. Her senses were so full of him, her vision so enthralled by the deepening hue of his skin, that it took a second for his words to register. When they did, she felt a spark of annoyance.

  “Looks like you have more than one swelled head,” she replied with a meaningful glance at his crotch. “I recommend a cold shower.”

  “Katra.” He invested her name with a wealth of warning.

  She ignored him as her driver pulled up to the curb and opened the door for her. Feeling more shaken than she cared to admit, Katra didn’t turn to look at him when she climbed inside. It was a struggle to keep her eyes front as they pulled away.

  * * * *

  “Stubborn, impossible woman.” Krux muttered the refrain for the hundredth time the next week, but he said it without venom and eventually began to smirk.


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