Alien Sex 102

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Alien Sex 102 Page 6

by Allie Ritch

  “And is your body growing right now?” The saucy minx slid her foot up the inside of his leg.

  He stopped her before she could work past his knee. “It will be if you keep that up.”

  Although she shot him a challenging grin, she dropped her foot.

  Gods, she was incredible. He had a flash image of last night when he’d had her trapped on his countertop, wriggling and screaming as he plowed into her. With a Brachoi woman, he would have had all his hands full pinning her arms, but his two-armed Duosien left him spares to go exploring. Her body was a wonder to explore.

  Reaching over, he clasped her hand on top of the table. “Why don’t you come over again tonight? I can try to take off from work a little early. Or better yet, you can just stay here today. I’m sure there’s plenty here to keep you occupied.”

  Katra pursed her lips at him, although he saw the wry twinkle in her eye. “Such as sitting on a satin pillow, pining until you return?” Shaking her head, she dismissed that idea. “As much as you may enjoy the look, a cocktail dress isn’t day wear. I need to go home and change, and then I have things to do.”

  “You can run your errands this morning and then come back. Maybe I can come home for lunch today.” Allowing the hunger to show in his gaze, he gave her a heated perusal. “The dress is optional.”

  Her smile tightened around the edges, and she spoke with finality. “Today is hectic for me. I’m already running late.”

  Although irritation sparked, Krux kept his expression purposefully indifferent. He was pretty sure she was just playing coy. She probably didn’t want to seem overeager and lose the upper hand. After the night they’d just spent together, he could afford to be patient.

  “Weekend is coming up,” he pointed out with a casual shrug.

  Obviously relaxing again, she squeezed his hand in encouragement. Her eyes didn’t just twinkle now. They gleamed.

  “You could always come over to my place,” she offered. “I could plan a special dinner for us tomorrow night. It will probably taste even better Saturday morning.”

  Appeased, and more than a little curious to see her house, he accepted with a satisfied grin. Her turf or his didn’t matter. Sooner or later, his lovely Duosien would realize that he was the only man who could give her the kind of pleasure she craved. Only then would she truly be his. Gods knew she’d already claimed a piece of him.

  With a glance at his other wrist, he caught the time. Standing up, he gathered their dirty dishes, tugged on her hand to pull her closer, and cupped the back of her neck as he dove for her mouth. He indulged himself just long enough to let her know what she’d be missing tonight.

  The joke was on him. Since she had both her little hands free, she managed to spear her fingers through his hair and cup his cock through his pants at the same time. She left him with a hard-on to remember her by before she left his house.

  * * * *

  “You look a little stiff.” Xindra made the comment later that afternoon during their martial arts lesson. “Have you pulled something? Maybe we should have done some more stretches.”

  Katra was sure her smile was self-mocking as she shook her head. “I’m fine. I’ve just enjoyed a little too much rigorous activity lately.”

  Adjusting Katra’s defensive stance, Xindra studied her. “Rigorous activity,” she repeated dryly. “Are we talking like an athletic marathon or a sexual marathon?”

  She choked out a laugh. “The latter. I’m a little sore, that’s all.”

  Xindra responded with a look of concern. “Still? I didn’t think the men were that rough with you. Of course, I did have some concerns about you partnering all three of them in one class, but you seemed all right.”

  For some strange reason, her instructor’s misunderstanding tickled Katra. In fact, she’d felt giddy all day.

  “My fellow models were fine. In fact, they were just my warm up. I’m talking about last night with Krux.” Her body warmed at the memory. “And again this morning.”

  Xindra’s eyebrows arched up in surprise. “You and Krux? I got the impression you didn’t get along.” Her gaze narrowed before she let out a chuckle. “You mean all those looks and snide little remarks were foreplay?”

  Now it was Katra’s turn to look shocked. Is that what it had been? The man had grated on her last nerve, constantly stirring her temper with his highhanded attitude. Was it possible the tension between them had been sexual all along?

  “I’m surprised I didn’t see it sooner.” Xindra forced Katra back with a few well-placed punches and kicks. “Good block, but don’t drop your shoulder so much. Like this.” She demonstrated.

  “Got it.” Katra took her position again.

  “May I assume you had more success with Krux than your other classmates?” Xindra asked.

  This time, Katra managed to hold her ground while warding off the blows. “You may assume so. That man has stamina like you wouldn’t believe, and all those wicked hands of his go everywhere.”

  “Give me a number,” Xindra demanded saucily.


  The younger woman’s brow scrunched in disappointment. “Out of ten?”

  Katra laughed again. “No, that wasn’t a score. I meant the count between dinner last night and breakfast this morning.”

  “Oh.” Xindra practically purred. “He’s a keeper.”

  That made Katra broaden her smile, but she took the remark far more seriously than her instructor could have realized. Just how long did she want to keep Krux in her life? Although she’d started out thinking of this as nothing more than a fling, something had changed since dinner last night.

  “It’s so much better, isn’t it?” Xindra asked.

  Katra glanced at her positioning to see what she meant, but the other woman shook her head.

  “The lovemaking. It’s so much better when it’s with someone special.”

  That was so true. And despite all his maddening qualities, Krux was definitely someone special.

  Chapter Five

  Spicing Things Up

  With a bottle of fine wine in each of his lower hands, Krux arrived at Katra’s house right on time. The travel bag he had slung over his right shoulder held everything else he needed for the weekend. Facing the security lens squarely, he hit the chime button on her entry panel and waited.

  When he’d picked her up last time, he’d been surprised to see she lived in one of the newer homes rather than a remodeled Colonial style from Trilanta’s first settlement. Most of the families who’d had money for any length of time seemed to go for the historic look. Instead, Katra’s place had a barreled synth roof with a large, shady overhang, wide windows, and a warm finish of faux stucco. Judging by the overall shape, the house probably had a walled garden in back too.

  Her place felt like her. When Krux took into account her independent nature, he realized she’d probably escaped the stuffy formal home of the wealthy senior Wi’Yalus as soon as she was legally an adult. He bet the rest of her tycoon family would never dirty their shoes in a sports bar or some local dumpling restaurant.

  “You’re not a robotics salesman, are you?” Katra’s voice reached him over the security comm.

  Krux smiled. “Actually, I’m looking to host a wine tasting. You wouldn’t know someone who’d be interested, would you?” He lifted his hands to display his offerings. “I didn’t know which bouquet would go with dinner, so I brought more than one choice.”

  The door opened, revealing his lovely Duosien. She was dressed in rich, colorful fabric that hugged her generous bosom and trim waist before cascading from the curve of her hips in a flowing skirt. Since this was his day off, he’d donned jeans and a T-shirt. Taking in his casual attire, she invited him in with a seductive crook of her finger.

  “Let’s see.” She made a musing sound after he stepped over the threshold. “Witty repartee, no suit, and a happy smirk. Are you really Krux?”

  Before he could evade her, she planted a hand on his backside and squeezed
. Shifting one of the wine bottles to his other left hand, he caught her wrist and slid his palm down until he could intertwine their fingers. Unlike her, this still left him with one hand free, which he used to smack her firm behind.

  The twinkle in her eyes belied the scolding frown she tried to inflict on him. Within seconds, she was smiling again, and her gaze was diverted. Reaching over to tilt the closest bottle, she got a peek at the expensive label.

  “Yes, that’ll do.” Her tone was jaded, but he heard her hum in appreciation.

  She took his bag from him and set it aside before leading him to the dining room. To his relief, there were no servants hanging about, although the table was loaded with serving dishes. Either she made do hiring outside staff, or else Katra had given her regular employees the night off. They were all alone. As desired.

  “I hope you brought your appetite,” she told him.

  Krux held her chair before taking a seat across from her. “For all sorts of things.”

  The sight of her flushed cheeks made the tops of his thighs tingle at the same time that the scent of herbs and spices and sweet, juicy meat caused his stomach to growl. She’d provided a feast for his senses.

  Although used to gourmet dining at various corporate events, Krux was nonetheless blown away when he got his first taste. His initial bite was part of a rice dish with bright orange sauce and green, leafy vegetables. The next thing he knew, he was sampling poultry topped with diced fruits, red meats stewed in spices, and flat bread baked with nuts and cinnamon and some kind of white cheese.

  “This is delicious.” He muttered praise between mouthfuls.

  Katra practically glowed with delight as she accepted the compliment and sipped some of the wine he’d brought. “I’m so pleased you like it.”

  What wasn’t to like? After he’d polished off the last bite, he was tempted to eat the plate.

  “Who did you use?” he asked curiously. “The chef is a genius.”

  Her strangled laugh had him cocking his head to study her.


  “Obnoxious man.” But she said it without heat. “I can’t decide whether to be insulted or gratified. Maybe I’m both. I had no need to have dinner catered because the genius chef is me. You’ll be interested to know I started prepping some of this last night and have been slaving away in the kitchen for you since I got home this afternoon.”

  Although Krux couldn’t see them, he suspected his eyebrows had just levitated to his hairline. “You made this? All of this?”

  Her answering nod was proud and definitive.

  “That’s amazing.” His respect for her nearly doubled. “Did you take a gourmet cooking class or go to culinary school?”

  “No, my father taught me.” At the mention of her parent, her voice turned warm and adoring. “He worked his way up to head chef and eventually owned his own restaurant. Everything I know about flavor combinations I owe to him.”

  Her love for the man was obvious.

  “He’s still with you, right?” Krux tried to remember what she’d told him about her family.

  She returned a happy nod. “He’s retired now and living back on Duosi. The restaurant and I were all that kept him here in Trilanta after my mom died, but once I was grown and the long hours got to be too much for him, he went back. I still go to visit him as much as possible.”

  “That’s good.” He meant it sincerely. “It’s nice that you still have family.”

  “What about you? You’ve talked about some of your relatives, but do they actually live around here?”

  “A couple of my cousins live in the area. My parents and the rest of the family are back on the home rock, where I was born. I came to Trilanta to go to college and have lived here ever since.” He liked it here.

  Taking a last sip of wine, Krux sank farther into his chair and thought about what she’d said. Her mother had married a chef? A working man? That didn’t jibe with the image of the Wi’Yalus he’d formed from his research, but he supposed it explained a lot. As with all members of her race, the family name was matriarchal, and apparently her mother had seen fit to bestow it on a Duosien man she loved rather than some snobby male debutant. Maybe that was the perfect recipe for the beautiful mix of qualities that made up Katra.

  “So I’m the only native here?” she replied. “I feel so special.”

  He laughed. “You’ll feel more than that once I get my hands on you.”

  “No messing with the chef,” she warned him. “I plan to put all those arms to use helping me clear the table. When we’re done, maybe then I’ll show you my other domestic skills.”

  “Such as?”

  Her smile turned sultry. “I can turn down a bed faster than you can blink.”

  Lucky him. He’d finally met a woman who kept his hands full.

  Motivated by the crackle of heat between them, he helped get the table cleared, leftovers stowed, and dishes cleaned in record time. When they were done, she led him through her house toward her bedroom. Although he only glanced briefly at the décor, he was struck by the rich colors and brightly patterned pillows of the low furniture. The combination managed to look luxurious and inviting instead of gaudy. Then he followed her through her bedroom door and got a sensual shock.

  The master bedroom looked like a posh harem boudoir—a scene from some mythical planet covered in rolling sands and swaying date palms. An expansive bed covered in six different jewel tones lay beneath a drape of gauzy fabric hanging from the canopy overhead. Printed pillows in all different shapes and dimensions obscured most of the carved headboard and promised sanctuary from the hard world outside this realm. Impressionistic paintings in the same tones—all vaguely erotic—decked the walls between heavy sconces, and a polished wood armoire and dresser were the only other pieces of furniture. That left the tempting bed as the focal point.

  Krux had never seen anything like it. Even the carpet beneath his soles was a sensual experience. It was so thick he felt like he was walking on a pillow. If he’d had any doubts that his Duosien vixen was a woman of deep and fiery passion, her bedroom did away with them. This was a palace built for sex.

  His gaze ate her up as she purposefully swayed her hips on her way to the bedside. She stripped back the covers with the same tantalizing movement another woman would have used to remove her clothes. The sturdy fly of his pants bruised the head of his now massive erection.

  Krux’s voice turned husky. “You’ve done enough work for one day, princess. It’s time to let your man take care of you and show his appreciation.”

  As the bulge between his legs could attest, he had a lot of appreciation for this woman.


  Watching his eyes darken and his skin turn lusty red, Katra felt heat blossom across her body. When he slowly opened his pants and shucked his shirt, that same warmth turned incendiary. Without breaking eye contact, she followed his lead and began divesting her own garb.

  “I suppose I could use a little pampering.” She stepped free of her clothes.

  He stood facing her, deliciously naked. “Get on the bed.”

  The deep rumble of his voice produced a sensual shiver across her scalp and down to her buttocks. Obeying, she crawled on all fours to the center of the mattress. In a languid movement, she then sat and leaned back on the heels of her hands. She made sure to arrange her legs in an inviting pose.

  “No,” he said. “Lie on your stomach.”

  Surprised, Katra stared back at him for a long moment before deciding to humor him. Flipping over, she stretched out so that he faced her upturned rump from the foot of the bed.

  A few seconds ticked by filled with nothing but the deep, steady sound of his breathing. Then she felt the warm touch of his palms sliding over her calves and the soles of her feet, and she closed her eyes as he pressed his thumbs into the sweet spot of her arches. After hours on her feet at work, she’d come home and spent the better part of the evening standing over her oven and stove preparing dinner. With deft finger
s, Krux turned back the clock and eased the soreness and tension from her muscles. Rhythmically molding her calf muscles with his powerful hands, he turned her legs into limp noodles.

  The next thing Katra knew, her eyelids drooped to half mast, and she felt the bed dip on either side of her as he crawled over her body. When he ranged fully over her prone form, he leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you for dinner.”

  She felt her heart skip merrily in her chest. “You’re welcome.”

  Without another word, he sat back so that her upper thighs were trapped beneath him. Although he held off most of his weight, he still had her at his mercy. She discovered that wasn’t such a bad position to be in.

  It had been a long time since she’d been given a full-body massage, and she’d never received one from a four-handed man who could make her core bloom with just a look. The work he’d done on her legs was just a preview of coming attractions. A groan escaped her the second her sexy Brachoi started on the rest of her body.

  He attacked her shoulders and lower back at the same time, loosening all of the muscles along her spine. Shifting his lower hands to rub her neck, he then worked his way down each of her arms until she was relaxed all the way to her fingertips.

  “Mmm.” She hummed happily.

  His touch calmed and excited her by turns, setting her desire on simmer before bringing it to a hard boil. She expected him to cover her body and take her like this, but instead he rolled her beneath him and started to explore her front side.

  Her palms were treated to the same masterful tenderizing he’d bestowed on the arches of her feet before he danced his fingers over her neck and shoulders. Ignoring the way her nipples stood at attention, he slid those firm, hot hands from her underarms to her hips with only the barest brush against the sides of her breasts. He squeezed her waist, which made her feel tiny, and massaged the fronts of her thighs. After several glorious minutes, he ended where he’d begun: at the tips of her toes.

  Katra smiled and slowly sat up to face him. “Be careful. With skills like that, you make a tempting sex slave. I may never let you leave this bedroom.”


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