Beautiful Dreamer

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Beautiful Dreamer Page 17

by Melissa Brayden

  “I do odd jobs for a living,” Elizabeth said, touching her chest.

  “And get all the good gossip, apparently. I get very little gossip at work, so on that count you win.” Elizabeth took another drink and fanned herself. “You okay over there?” Devyn asked.

  “Did I kiss a millionaire? You can just tell me. I won’t be embarrassed about it.”

  Devyn laughed again. “It’s possible.”

  “Oh, Lordy Lord.” Another big swallow from her glass. She was going to need another. Devyn signaled the server with a subtle nod to Elizabeth’s glass.

  “I’d love to hear you say that same phrase in other…more personal scenarios.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes went wide. Her cheeks went pink. And a smile appeared. “I think the flirting just started.”

  Oh, it had, too.

  Dinner was full of it. As Devyn ate what turned out to be the best plate of gnocchi she’d ever been served, they participated in stolen glances. Those progressed to long stretches of eye contact, and the occasional flirtatious compliment. All seemed based in fun, however, which was where Devyn felt most comfortable and in control.

  “You know how to rock a scarf,” Elizabeth said, over her wine glass. Her eyes danced.

  Devyn nodded. “I only have a few skills. Scarf wearing is something I’ve put a lot of time and effort into getting right.”

  “Not for naught.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “It’s the same word spelled differently, with different meanings. Think about it. Not for naught. I like saying it. Basically, it means your efforts were not in vain. You look…very pretty.” She took a deep breath. “You always do.”

  “When you opened your front door tonight, I lost all words. Seeing you standing there in your dress was a surprise.”

  “Why was that?”

  “Because I was already attracted to you. Look, I’m not even going to try and deny that. You know it. But seeing the…shape of your body, and the way the fabric—”

  “Hey there, old friends.”

  They turned. Standing next to their table in a white chef’s coat was Seth, complete with the curly blond hair that Devyn had always identified with him peeking out of his cap.

  “Hi, Seth,” she said, trying her best to smile. “Long time.”

  “Seth, hi. It’s good to see you.” Elizabeth beamed. “But not right now.”

  He quirked his head at her. “Just wanted to make sure you’re enjoying your meal.”

  “More like enjoyed. I killed it.” She slid her plate away. “Your restaurant is the best restaurant, and this ravioli will bring me back many more times, but I need Devyn to finish what she was saying to me. Can you come back in ten minutes?” She flashed both palms at him to indicate the number ten.

  He laughed, nodded, and moved to the next table.

  Well, well. Apparently Devyn wasn’t the only one caught in a lustful haze.

  Elizabeth leaned in. “You were saying?”

  “I was saying you’re hot, and I can’t stop looking at you.”

  “People around here don’t generally describe me as hot.”

  “People around here can be stupid. Trust me. They’re thinking it. Probably all day.” Elizabeth probably didn’t even realize she did so, but she licked her bottom lip, which made Devyn want to taste it. “We should get out of here soon.”

  “I can’t sleep with you tonight.” Elizabeth exhaled in defeat. “And understand that those words were very hard to say.”

  “I would never expect—”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, because God, right now I would be fine with,” she leaned in and dropped her voice, “taking those clothes off you in a hurry.” Devyn forgot to breathe. “But it’s the first date thing I can’t get past. I’m not a sex-on-the-first-date kind of girl. And trust me, I’ve tried to be all night.”

  “It’s kind of our second date,” Devyn said. “If you think about it.”

  “I don’t think I’m a second date kind of girl.”

  “We’ve also spent a ton of time together at the house, but that still doesn’t mean that I—”

  “Maybe there’s a compromise.”

  Devyn enjoyed this endlessly. The conflict on Elizabeth’s face. The strife. “Second date, second base?”

  “Do you think I’m juvenile?” Elizabeth asked. “You can just say it. I feel juvenile with this rule.”

  “No. That word has not entered my thoughts,” Devyn said in sincerity. “You have convictions. Nothing wrong with that.”

  Something new and informed took over Elizabeth’s features. She rested her chin in her hand. “But you’ll be headed home soon.” She gestured between them. “You live in Philly. I live here.”

  “And to be clear, I’m not looking for a long-term…anything.”

  “I imagine not. You live a busy life.”

  “Very busy. I have no time for much outside of my job. Hence the on-the-go salads.”

  “This sounds like an opportune time to discuss what’s happening here.” She gestured between them. “Let’s have a summit.”

  Silence hit and the mood shifted.

  “Well, I like you.” Devyn reached for a slice of the hot bread from the second basket that had been brought to their table. “We’re friends.”

  “Unlikely friends.”

  She spread butter on one slice, watched it melt instantly, and handed it to Elizabeth. “Very. But I’m also attracted to you.”

  “That makes us friends who are attracted to each other.” As Devyn buttered a slice of bread for herself, Elizabeth sat back, appearing thoughtful. “I can work with those terms.”

  Devyn smiled. “I can, too. So, in a sense, we’re not negotiating forever.”

  Elizabeth took a bite of bread and nodded slowly. “We’re negotiating right now. So maybe conventional dating rules don’t apply to…two good friends who are attracted to each other.”

  Relief hit. They were on the same damn page. “I really like the way you think.”

  Elizabeth smiled politely at their server as she passed. “I think we might be ready for our check.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The room was still. Dexter had taken Scout to his place earlier in the day, since Elizabeth would be out for the night. With her back to Devyn, Elizabeth poured two glasses of wine, because wine was sexier than beer, but she wondered if they’d even get to them. She didn’t have to turn around to know that Devyn’s eyes were on her. She could feel that gaze across every inch of her exposed skin, causing her temperature to elevate and her brain to go quiet.

  Dinner had been an adventure. While she wanted to hear everything Devyn had to say, she also struggled to follow the thread of the conversation because every part of her wanted Devyn. Really wanted her in a primal, very physical manner she’d never experienced. She would have to ask KC about this later, but for now her thighs ached, and the dampness in her underwear had her adjusting uncomfortably. She exhaled slowly. They hadn’t even touched.


  She straightened, standing taller, as she felt Devyn approach. The skin on her shoulders tingled in anticipation as she felt Devyn’s warm breath tickle. When the slow kiss landed on her bare shoulder, she closed her eyes and dropped her head back. “Hello,” she murmured. Devyn placed the next kiss on her shoulder blade, followed by the side of her neck. Elizabeth’s knees trembled. “Are we skipping the wine, then, or…” She couldn’t finish the sentence because Devyn’s tongue traced a line up her neck that her lips then repeated with open-mouthed kisses.

  “Up to you,” Devyn said, quietly, continuing to work.

  “Wine is overrated.” But she didn’t recognize her own voice. It was lower and breathier and made her feel outside herself, except she still experienced every nerve ending tingling with overwhelming desire. She turned and slid her arms around Devyn’s neck, pressing their bodies together at last. Her breath caught at the heated contact, and she reveled in the sensation of Devyn’s brea
sts against hers. It made her wet. It made her want to be touched.

  Devyn didn’t revel. She didn’t dwell. She seemed to be on a mission, and far be it from Elizabeth to get in her way. She kissed Elizabeth slowly and then fast. She slid her hands from Elizabeth’s waist to her rib cage until they found the undersides of Elizabeth’s breasts. Elizabeth pulled her mouth from Devyn’s to breathe through the sparks that hit when Devyn’s hands touched her intimately through her dress. Her hips rocked subtly. She couldn’t stop them.

  “I love this dress on you,” Devyn breathed. “I need to say goodbye to it now.”

  Elizabeth nodded and watched as Devyn lifted the blue fabric over her head, leaving her standing there in her bra and underwear, the sight of which must have done something to Devyn because she crushed her mouth to Elizabeth’s and walked her backward, directionless, as their lips danced, and she clutched Elizabeth’s ass.

  Bam. Her back met the refrigerator. She instinctively reached to her left and killed the kitchen lights. The small portion of her brain that was still working reminded her that she might not want to give the neighbors a show.

  “You’re more beautiful than I even imagined,” Devyn said, running her hand slowly down Elizabeth’s body, over her bra, across her stomach, and slipping gently between her legs. The slight pressure Devyn applied when she pressed upward nearly had Elizabeth out of her skin. She needed that refrigerator. She thanked God for it. The stroking that ensued was heaven, hypnotic and rhythmic, which let her climb and climb. She hissed in a breath, already so very turned on, her underwear already so damp. It wouldn’t take much. Her hips moved instinctually, pushing back against Devyn’s hand, requesting the release she so desperately needed.

  Then Devyn pulled her hand away. Damn it. Elizabeth reminded herself to breathe. She’d make it through this delicious torture.

  Dropping to her knees, Devyn went to work. She kissed Elizabeth through the small piece of fabric between her legs, which was lovely, but not nearly enough contact. Then she kissed Elizabeth more firmly, which was, oh good God, so much better. She rocked against the pressure and grabbed the top of the refrigerator behind her with both hands. When Devyn at long last slid the underwear from Elizabeth’s hips to her ankles and touched her with her tongue, Elizabeth reached behind her with her right arm and held on to the side of the refrigerator with all she had. She shifted, giving Devyn and her wondrous mouth more access. She accepted it, too.

  Her muscles quivered as an even more intense buildup began. The things Devyn did with her mouth astounded. Were those octagons she traced? Her brain couldn’t keep up. Didn’t matter, they were wondrous, and she was so worked up it was painful. She vocalized her way through it, too polite to ask Devyn to hurry. The moaning turned to whimpering when Devyn pulled her more firmly into her mouth and sucked. She would have doubled over if she didn’t have hold of whatever it was she was holding. She didn’t really have a concept of her surroundings right now. Wherever she was, her dress was on the floor and her underwear was around her ankles, and her world was being rocked. When Devyn entered her with three fingers, she called out loudly, drunk with pleasure and ready to be set free. With Devyn’s fingers driving her, she climbed higher and higher, dizzy and lost, when finally, it all gave way in a burst and she catapulted with a jerk of her hips. She came hot and fast and extra long, riding out the flow of pleasure that overtook her. Devyn’s fingers kept the wonderful sensations coming until she couldn’t take any more.

  “No more,” she said, breathless and satisfied. She stilled Devyn’s wrist and watched as she stood, smiling and proud of herself. As Elizabeth worked to assemble her thoughts, Devyn kissed her neck softly.

  “Amazing,” she whispered. “Incredibly gratifying to take you in your kitchen.” She wrapped her arms around Elizabeth’s waist and kissed the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

  Elizabeth tried to catch her breath. “The kitchen. That’s right. That’s where we are.” She straightened and blinked, still regaining her equilibrium. Once she had, she stared at Devyn and realized they were acutely imbalanced. “Your clothes,” she said.

  Devyn glanced down at her outfit. The scarf had apparently come undone or had been discarded—it was hard to say, but it lay on the floor next to her dress. “What about my clothes?” Devyn asked, stepping back.

  “Take them off.”

  Devyn stared at her, almost like she couldn’t believe the command had left Elizabeth’s mouth, so she amended it.


  That pulled a smile, made visible by the soft glow of moonlight over everything. She watched, with now darkened eyes, as Devyn removed the white shirt to reveal a light pink bra that offered a generous glimpse of her full breasts. Elizabeth swallowed. Next, she unfastened her jeans and slid them to the floor, stepping out of them easily. The pink bra had a matching pair of silk bikinis. The color-coordinated set had Elizabeth wet all over again.

  She stepped closer to Devyn and, with a hand behind her head, brought her mouth in for a deep kiss. She stepped out of her heels, which she should have done a long time ago, and allowed Devyn the upper hand in the height department because she found it sexy. As their tongues battled, she felt like a kid on Christmas morning, knowing she was going to get to touch Devyn intimately, take her places, and bring her back again. “Want to see my bedroom?” she asked against Devyn’s mouth.

  All she got back was a nod, which meant things were moving in the right direction.

  They didn’t travel gracefully, stopping every few steps to kiss or touch or stare. She didn’t bother with the overhead light. The small lamp across the room offered a romantic glow. Her hand was between Devyn’s legs before they hit the bed.

  Devyn squeezed Elizabeth’s shoulders as she was caressed. “Just so you know, it’s not going to take a lot. I’m already so gone. I’m sorry.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Elizabeth whispered. In reality, the idea that she’d turned Devyn on that much was intoxicating and…awesome. It fueled her confidence and made her only want Devyn more.

  In a surprise, the normally put-together Devyn was rather vocal when turned on. The sounds affected Elizabeth in a powerful manner. She could feel those sounds move through her as she stroked Devyn softly. The encouraging murmurs when she took off those pink bikinis bolstered her determination. The discarded bra revealed round, beautiful breasts out of a painting. Elizabeth had to kiss each one slowly and lick her way around each nipple. She sucked them softly, then not so soft. Somewhere along the way, Devyn unclasped Elizabeth’s bra, prompting Elizabeth to help the cause and toss the thing over her shoulder. She let her full weight settle. Nestling herself between Devyn’s legs, she rocked against Devyn purposefully, surprised by how she fit there like a lost puzzle piece.

  “More,” Devyn said, as she clutched the bedspread beneath her. All it took were a couple of sharp thrusts of her hips and Devyn tumbled fast and loud. She pulled Elizabeth closer, hanging on to her as she rode out the pleasure. It was perhaps the most satisfying moment of Elizabeth’s adult life, not to mention the most beautiful.

  “Never that fast before,” Devyn managed, finally. “Wow.”

  Elizabeth kissed her lips softly. “Can I put that quote on my business card?”

  * * *

  “We did a lot of things to each other tonight,” Elizabeth said, as she stared at the ceiling. Oh, they had.

  It had to be at least three a.m. Her limbs felt heavy and she wasn’t sure she could move, wasn’t sure she wanted to. Devyn lay next to her on her side, the side of her head resting on her hand and the sheet pulled up to her waist, leaving her amazing breasts on display for Elizabeth. “What’s going to happen when I report for work and we see each other?”

  “I’m going to say, ‘Hi, Elizabeth. The sex last night was amazing.’”

  She gasped, turned her head, and looked up at Devyn with wide eyes. “Tell me you won’t say that in front of anyone.”

  “Fine. I won’t. But know that it
was.” Devyn took her hand and threaded their fingers. “This was a good idea. I really enjoyed tonight. You.”

  “I did, too. Two consenting adults is rather refreshing. No pressure either.”

  “Have you ever done this before?” Devyn rested their joint hands on Elizabeth’s stomach.

  She understood her meaning. Sex without the promise of a relationship, even the potential of one. She shook her head. “Have you?”

  “I’ve had one-night stands, but never anything with someone I know. And really like.”

  Elizabeth appreciated that adjustment. “I like you, too.”

  Devyn sighed and met Elizabeth’s eyes. There was a softness about her that Elizabeth hadn’t seen before, as if she were totally and completely relaxed. “What do you want for yourself in life?” Devyn asked. “It can be anything.”

  “I’ve always wanted a family. Always, always.” She hadn’t had to think about her answer. “I want to do things like little league, and backyard barbecues with friends, and then sneak off with the love of my life to have amazing sex and do it all again the next week. In other words, I’m a walking cliché.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. If that’s what you want, you should have it.”

  She sighed. “I’m not sure it’s up to me, ya know? It hasn’t happened for me yet. But who knows? It’s what I hope I find one day.” She unthreaded their hands and touched Devyn’s chin. “What about you?”

  Devyn slid down and rested her head on her arm and smiled. “A legacy. I want my name to mean something.”

  “And how do you plan to make that happen?” Devyn’s ambition was wildly sexy to Elizabeth, and prior to this, she didn’t realize it was a quality that mattered much to her at all in another person. She continued to learn more about the world and her place in it. What she liked. What she didn’t. She wasn’t as boring or predictable as she once thought.

  “Set commercial real estate records in Philadelphia. Start my own firm with my name on the door, and build my brand from there.”


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