by Mac Griswold
Sibbald, Dr.
sin, original
Singel Canal
singleseed hawthorn
Siwanoy Indians
slaking lime
slave castles
Slavery and African Life (Manning)
slaves, slavery; in Africa; on Barbados; biblical justification for; burial sites of; charter generation of; conversion to Christianity of; Dred Scott case and; in England; expansion of; freedom price for; graveyards of; hiring out of; of Indians; Irish as; justifications for; malnourishment of; manumission of; marriage and; methods of retaliation by; morality of; Northern; punishment for; Quakers and; rebellions of; runaway; seasoning of; on Shelter Island; social death of; West Indian
slave trade; conditions on; deaths on; history of; New England reliance on; origins of captives in; Quakers in; ships in
Smallwood, Stephanie
Smith, John
Smith, Richard
Smyth, Suzan
“social death”
social identity
Society of Friends, see Quakers
Southampton Historical Society
South Equatorial Current
Southold; population of
Southwick, Lawrence and Cassandra
“Spacious Firmament on High, The” (Addison)
Spanish silver fleet
Spectator, The
speech patterns
Speedwell (ship)
spina bifida
Spoeri, Felix Christian
Sprunger, Keith
staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina)
Stamp Act
Star Chamber
states’ rights
Stevenson, Marmaduke
Stiles, Ezra
Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strachey, William
straight pins
strawberry fields
Strong, John
Suffolk County
Sumner, Charles
Sumter, Fort
Supreme Court, U.S.
Swallow (ship)
Swarte Raven (ship)
Sweet, John
Sylvester, Anne
Sylvester, Benjamin
Sylvester, Brinley; death of; eviction proceedings against; as factor; and Mary’s mental illness; Nicoll lawsuit and; as slaveholder; slave trade and; as town supervisor
Sylvester, Constant (Nathaniel’s brother); merchant’s mark of; mistreatment of slaves by; return to England of
Sylvester, Constant (Nathaniel’s son)
Sylvester, Giles (Nathaniel’s brother)
Sylvester, Giles (Nathaniel’s father); Atlantic transactions of; Barbadian trade of
Sylvester, Giles (Nathaniel’s son); land sales by; marriage of
Sylvester, Grace Walrond
Sylvester, Grizzell Brinley; accent and speech patterns of; childhood of; clothes of; daily routine of; death of; inheritance of; isolation of; London home of; marriage of; in Newport; premarital sex and; as Quaker; slaves of; wedding of; will of
Sylvester, Hannah Savage
Sylvester, Joshua
Sylvester, Margaret Hobert
Sylvester, Mary Arnold
Sylvester, Mary Burroughs; letters of; mental illness of
Sylvester, Mercie
Sylvester, Nathaniel; accent and speech patterns of; aid to Quakers by; annual income of; as autocrat; birth of; Deakins’s dispute with; death of; and Dutch landing on Shelter Island; education of; estate of; grave of; land bought by; library of; livestock shipped by; malaria contracted by; marriage of; monument to; pacifism of; penmanship of; premarital sex and; as Quaker; as Quaker protector; religious life of; signature of; slaves and; in slave trade; Swallow shipwreck and; and Third Anglo-Dutch War; trial of; Virginia voyages of; wedding of; West India Company duties evaded by; will of
Sylvester, Nathaniel, II
Sylvester, Nathaniel, III
Sylvester, Peter
Sylvester family: in Amsterdam; family tree of
Sylvester Manor; African names at; archaeology at; attic of; Brinley’s house at; British plundering of; cedar shingles of; “chaise house” of; cobbled paving of; common housing on; daily life at; dark room of; division of slave families at; domestic animals at; double front doors of; dowsing at; dowsing map of; early buildings on; east parlor of; 1828 sketch plan of; farm buildings of; field archaeology at; first-floor plan of; first house of; garden diary of; geophysical testing map of; hand-colored map of; Horsfords at; Indian-African exchanges on; Indians of; lack of slave revolts at; land sales from; land sell-off of; library of; livestock slaughtering at; manor grant and; manorial patent and; Negro Garden of; object case of; original parchment charter of; pine paneling of; as provisioning plantation; Quaker cemetery at; Quaker Graveyard of; shared space at; slave burial ground at; slave identity at; slave quarters at; slaves at; slave staircase of; soil block excavated from; vault of; west parlor of; yellow brick at
Sylvester Manor Educational Farm
Tammero (enslaved on Shelter Island)
Taney, Roger B.
Taylor, John
Texel Island
Texelstroom (tourist sailboat)
theory of evolution
Third Anglo-Dutch War
Thirteenth Amendment
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornton, John
Thorpe, Joseph
Throop, William
tobacco market
“To Friends Beyond Sea, that have Blacks and Indian Slaves” (Fox)
Tom’s Creek
Tony (enslaved on Shelter Island)
Torch of Navigation (Ruyter)
Tower of London
Townshend, Aurelian
Tradescant, Hester
Tradescant, John (the Elder)
Tradescant, John (the Younger)
“Tradescant’s Ark”; gardens of; Powhatan’s robe at; Wunderkammer at
Transatlantic Slave Trade Database
Treaty of Westminster
triangular trade, see slave trade
tribute ceremonies
Trigg, Heather
True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados, A (Ligon)
tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
Tuthill, Maria
Tuthill, Seth
Tuttle, Nathan
Tyler, John
Tyler, Julia Gardiner
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Union Army
Updike, John
van de Velde, Willem (the Elder)
van Rensselaer, Kiliaen
Vassall, Frances
Vassall, Samuel
Vermuyden, Cornelius
Vernon, Samuel
Verrazzano, Giovanni da
Viall, Jonathan
Viall, Mercie Sylvester
Virginia; Dutch traders in; Indian war in
Virginia Company
von Liebig, Justus
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Wakelin, Martyn
Walpole, Horace
Walrond, Humphrey
Walz, Beverlea
Wampanoag Indians
Wase, Rose
Wase, William
Washington, George
Webster, Daniel
weeder women
Weld, Thomas
Wellesley College
West Indies
Westminster Abbey
wet nurses
Whitefield, George
Whitehall Palace
Whittier, James Greenle
Willem III of Orange
Williams, Eric
Williams, Roger
Windsor Castle
Winterthur Museum
Winthrop, Fitz John
Winthrop, John
Winthrop, John, Jr.
Winthrop, Stephen
Wisconsin Glacier
Wisseman, Roswitha
women; clothing of; marriage and; in New England; property rights of; Quakers and; travel writings of
Wood, William
Woodward, C. Vann
Woodward, Walter
Woolsey, Rev.
Worsham, Mary Sylvester
Wyandanch (Grand Sachem)
Wyman, Morrill
yellow brick
yellow fever
York, James, Duke of
Youghco (Manhansett chief)
Zeehond (warship)
Zuni Indians
Photographer unknown. Julia Dyd Havens Johnson. Originally photographed for Martha J. Lamb, “The Manor of Shelter Island, Historic Home of the Sylvesters.” Magazine of American History 18 (November 1887): 361–89. Photographic print, courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Photographer unknown. Sylvester Manor boxwood garden before 1908. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Jack Gary. Map of shovel test pit exploration, 1999–2006. Courtesy of the Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Wyandanch signature, detail from a Deed of Sale: Horseneck, with American Indian Signatures (Wyandanch), 1658. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Balthazar Floritzoon von Berckenrode, detail from Bird’s-eye View of Amsterdam (1625). © Amsterdam City Archives.
Pieter van der Keere, Profile of Amsterdam Seen from the IJ (1618). Copyright © Amsterdam City Archives.
Nathaniel Sylvester to John Winthrop, August 8, 1653, detail. Winthrop Family Papers. Courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Constant Sylvester to John Winthrop Jr., April 6, 1659, detail. Winthrop Family Papers. Courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Richard Ford, A New Map of the Island of Barbadoes (1674). Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.
Richard Ford, A New Map of the Island of Barbadoes (1674), detail. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.
Fort Amsterdam, Kormantine. From Albert van Dantzig, Forts and Castles of Ghana. Courtesy of Sedco Publishing Ltd.
Prospect of the Coast from El Mina to Mowri, detail. Engraving by Jean Barbot, in Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea (London, 1732), II:589. Copyright © The British Library Board/V9733, vol 2, pg 589.
Gilded metal button with tulip motif. Courtesy of the Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Gatehouse of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Clerkenwell, etching by Wenceslaus Hollar (1661). Courtesy of the British Museum. 1880, 1113.4811AN789524.
Survey of the City of London, by John Ogilby and William Morgan, on a scale of 100 feet to the inch. London, 1676.
“Scythian Lamb.” From Henry Lee’s The Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (London, 1887), after Claude Duret (1605). Copyright © The Natural History Museum/The Image Works.
Detail, Grizzell Sylvester, Last Will and Testament (May 7, 1685). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University Library.
From John Gorham Palfrey, A History of New England, etc. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1858–1890), 5 vols., 2:62. Courtesy Library of Congress.
“The Children of my Brother Nathaniel Sylvester” (n.d.). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
From A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia and Lee McAlester. Copyright © 1984 by Virginia Savage and Lee McAlester.
Photograph of a cobblestone pavement. Courtesy of the Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research, University of Massachusetts Boston.
“Burying Ground of the Colored People of the Manor Since 1651.” Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac Griswold.
Map of the excavation of a possible African Garden site. Redrawn with the permission of the University of Massachusetts. Courtesy of the Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research, University of Massachusetts Boston.
Photographer unknown. North peninsula and land bridge, c.1900. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Sylvester, detail (1680). Courtesy of the Shelter Island Historical Society, New York University.
George Fox, Gospel Family-Order (1676). Courtesy of Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.
Coat of Arms, Willem III of Orange. Copyright © Barry Vincent/Alamy.
Photographs of soil block, South Lawn, Sylvester Manor. Courtesy of Dennis Piechota.
Robert Hefner. Sylvester Manor south front restored, elevation drawing. Courtesy of Sylvester Manor Educational Farm.
Silver porringer. Copyright © Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Resource.
Robert Hefner, Sylvester Manor first floor plan, conjectural restoration. Courtesy of Sylvester Manor Educational Farm.
Nathaniel Hurd, bookplate of Thomas Dering (1749). Engraving. Gift of William E. Baillie, 1920 [20.90.11(72)]. Copyright © Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Resource.
Robert Hefner, Sylvester Manor two-leaf door to north attic room. Courtesy of Sylvester Manor Educational Farm.
Detail of former front door. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac Griswold.
A Plan of the Dwelling House, Dooryard and Outhouses Late the Property of Sylvester Dering Deceased, detail. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Photographer unknown. Woman walking in Sylvester Manor garden (n.d.). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Photographer unknown. E. N. Horsford with family and visitors at Sylvester Manor (n.d.). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Isaac Pharoah. Penknife carving on wooden dormer board. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac Griswold.
Line drawing. Richard C. Youngken, African Americans in Newport (Newport, RI: Newport Historical Society, 2nd printing, 1998).
Photographer unknown. Haywagon and farm crew at Sylvester Manor (n.d.). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Photographer unknown. Dedication of the monument of Nathaniel Sylvester in the family graveyard, since known as the Quaker graveyard (1884). Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
Alice Fiske at the Sylvester Manor garden gate, about 1985. Photograph by Roswitha Wisseman. Courtesy of Lissa Williamson and Roswitha Wisseman.
Edith Gawler. Ink sketch of a modern tackhead banjo (2012). Courtesy of Edith Gawler.
1 Sylvester Manor on Gardiners Creek. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
2 The manor house from the water tower. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
3 View of a garden pergola. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
4 Rose trellises and arches. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
5 The garden privy. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
6 The graveyard table monument dedicated to the Sylvesters and to the Quakers persecuted in Boston. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
7 Mary Sylvester, by Joseph Blackburn. Copyright © Metropolitan Museum of Art/Art Resource. Gift of Sylvester Dering, 1916 (16.68.2).
8 “Paneled parlor,” mantel detail. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
9 The Horsford Girls. Courtesy of the Sylvester Manor Archive, Fales Library and Special Collections, New York University.
10 Bennett Konesni on the farm road. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
11 Upstairs “hall chamber,” mantel detail. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
12 “Landscape Parlor” and the door to the slave staircase. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
13 The second-floor staircase to the attic. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
14 “Isaac’s Room,” attic. Photograph by Andrew Bush. Courtesy of Mac K. Griswold.
15 Gardiners Creek at sunset. Courtesy Cara Loriz.
Washington’s Gardens at Mount Vernon: Landscape of the Inner Man
The Golden Age of American Gardens (with Eleanor Weller)
Pleasures of the Garden: Images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2013 by Mac Griswold
All rights reserved
First edition, 2013
Maps here, here, here, here, and here copyright © 2013 by Jeffrey L. Ward.
Owing to limitations of space, illustration credits can be found here.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Griswold, Mac K.
The manor: three centuries at a slave plantation on Long Island / Mac Griswold. — First edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-374-26629-5 (hardcover)
1. Sylvester Manor Plantation Site (N.Y.) 2. Slavery—New York (State)—Long Island—History. 3. Plantations—New York (State)—Long Island—History. 4. Plantation life—New York (State)—Long Island—History. 5. Excavations (Archaeology)—New York (State)—Long Island. 6. Shelter Island (N.Y.)—History. 7. Long Island (N.Y.)—History. 8. Plantation owners—New York (State)—Long Island—Biography. 9. Long Island (N.Y.)—Biography. I. Title.
E445.N56 G75 2013