NEBULAR Collection 1 - The Triton Base: Episodes 1 - 5

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NEBULAR Collection 1 - The Triton Base: Episodes 1 - 5 Page 17

by Thomas Rabenstein

  By rotating the main section, artificial gravity was produced as on the fleet’s spaceships. Several levels were arranged above each other whose floors faced the outer hull. Its regular inhabitants were used to living inside a huge carousel, but newcomers required extensive orientation. Dispensers for free space sickness bags were located throughout the section. Arkroid had been to space several times. He re-adapted quickly with only a slight sense of imbalance in his ear canals.

  »Scorge? Is this supposed to be a joke?« Arkroid asked as he entered the station’s command central. His remark was unnecessary. He could read the seriousness in people’s faces.

  An aide to the station commander handed him a holographic memory file on a memo platter.

  Arkroid took it. He read the message, studied the blurred image of the unknown spacecraft beside the text.

  »He’s requesting assistance to fly to some destination, but where?« Arkroid asked, startled.

  »Well, that can clearly be taken from the report,« Sammy Atkins butted in.

  Atkins was an African-American who was always a bit impulsive with his comments, but otherwise an excellent psychologist. Arkroid had worked with him on a side project called: Extra-Psychology. They had created an entirely new discipline involving psychological studies of extraterrestrial lifeforms, back when the existence of extraterrestrials was still debatable. Their first real study subject had, of course, been the Globusters.

  »The visitor wants to fly to a trading post, ergo, he wants to wheel and deal with us! What else?«

  Arkroid looked into the smirking faces of his team.

  »Damn, Atkins! You always have all the answers. Can you tell me, then, exactly who and what this Scorge is, and especially, who invited him here? Oh, and if you know what trading post he’s looking for, that would be nice too.«

  Atkins displayed a bright grin.

  »Obviously, our friend Scorge is an extraterrestrial, but no Globuster. So far all attempts to communicate with the Globusters have failed. This doesn’t fit their character profile.«

  Toiber Arkroid nodded slowly. He was amazed at how quickly Humans seemed to have adapted to the reality of extraterrestrial beings around them. If Atkins could make wisecracks in a situation like this, he knew he had the right people on his team.

  If a month ago, an extraterrestrial message had been received from an alien spacecraft approaching Earth, panic and excitement would have ensued. Now the fact was calmly accepted and people speculated who it would be this time, visiting the planet. Arkroid noticed, however, that Atkins was the only one on the team who seemed to deal with this fact lightly. Other team members had become naturally nervous as Atkins made his brief comments.

  Sammy is as curious and nervous about this encounter as I am, Arkroid thought.

  »You believe that this is a new encounter? Unrelated? Why does Scorge appear at precisely this time?« Arkroid asked.

  Sammy Atkins slipped down from the edge of the main command console’s table on which he had been sitting.

  »It’s like with those telespammers who call your comm-link and get on everybody’s nerves. They always appear at the most inconvenient times, like when you’re trying to sit down and relax, or have dinner with the family.«

  Arkroid frowned.

  »In other words … by chance? Does anybody have a better idea? Is this a ploy? Is somebody playing games with us?«

  Since nobody else answered Arkroid’s question, Sammy Atkins continued.

  »Boss, you mean someone who can build a faster ship than we even possess in the fleet just flies into our system just to shake hands with us?«

  »Exactly! I want to meet this genius and get to know him better! Well then, if this is no joke and probably not a Globuster,« Toiber Arkroid sighed. »What else do we know about this alien ship?«

  A system specialist asked for permission to talk.

  »The ship is incredibly fast, uses an unknown propulsion system, doesn’t reveal its true design and is heading for Earth. The visitor is also able to evade deep space radar. We didn’t detect him until he wanted us to. The ship doesn’t seem to be very large … maybe forty meters.«

  There was a sudden babble of voices as people in the room began to discuss the report, but Arkroid interrupted them immediately.

  »So, are we actually dealing with somebody we haven’t met yet? Couldn’t it be a Globuster trick? That ship could be a flying bomb!«

  »Uh, Boss, mentioning the bomb … you’re supposed to contact Admiral Hayes immediately. I assume he’s readying his ancient rocket arsenal,« Atkins threw in nonchalantly.

  Arkroid paled.

  »I need a comm-link with Fleet Headquarters, now! We have to talk to them before they unleash a catastrophe!«

  Don’t call me Boss

  The old arsenal held myriad weapons systems. They had been banned at the foundation of the Solar Union and slated for disposal, yet a large number still existed, preserved for unknown reasons.

  The admiral let Arkroid view space surveillance images of the area somewhere near San Acquisto on the comm-link. The actual location of the weapons site was top secret. Arkroid could see several submarine launching sites with slim looking launching tubes and torpedo-like missiles.

  »The old weapons are reactivated, and we can deploy them at a moment’s notice whenever we need to,« the admiral said. »The electronic control components are outdated, but they’ll work well enough to intercept the alien spaceship before it reaches Earth.«

  Arkroid didn’t hide his anger.

  »I can’t believe you still intend to launch these things against our visitor! You’ll kill us all and spoil a once in a lifetime chance!«

  »Tell me a good reason why I shouldn’t!« Admiral Hayes replied. »The situation firmly dictates our action. The Globs want to annihilate us!«

  »Admiral, this is not a Globuster approaching Earth! The ship doesn’t even resemble the lens-shaped ship we encountered on Quaoar! The stranger has explicitly asked for permission and assistance!«

  »He’s an intruder and aggressor!« the admiral maintained gruffly.

  »He’s a visitor and we will treat him as such! Cease launch preparations. Using these weapons is irresponsible and insane!«

  The admiral seemed to ponder, then turned his head, as if he was listening to somebody in the room.

  »Arkroid, it appears that the Union Senate trusts you more than I do. I have been told to follow your advice. You were obviously able to impress some members of the Senate, but don’t forget what you’re up against. The safety of the population is my responsibility! If the alien appears to be attacking – if it deviates one degree from its instructed course, I’ll blow it to Hell without a second thought. Is that clear? The Senate members have been relocated to a secure location. It won’t take long until the media smells the bacon. Think carefully about what you’re about to do.« He paused, apparently saying the next words under duress. »The ball is now in your court.«

  The admiral broke the link.

  Pale, Arkroid turned away from the comm-screen.

  »Atkins!« he yelled in a hoarse voice, then cleared his throat.

  »Here, Boss!« the psychologist replied immediately.

  »Inform me when the ship has crossed Mars orbit, or if it transmits further messages. We’ll try to establish contact immediately then … and stop calling me ‘Boss’!« he added irritably.

  »Sir, we’ve received a report from System Surveillance, while you were fencing with the Admiral. The alien is decelerating with values our experts can only dream off.«

  Arkroid swallowed hard as Atkins handed him the message.

  »What I want to know is, how do we help him find his alleged trading post?«

  »That’s easy,« Atkins replied cheekily. »Direct the craft here to Orbital Station V! You must be dying to meet the fellow … right?«

  »Of course I am, Sammy! Inform the station crew and prepare them accordingly. I want to see a well-executed reception when our caller arri
ves. No mishaps!«

  »Who … me, Sir?«

  Toiber grinned like a little boy.

  »Who else, Sammy? You’re the psychologist! Time to put your talents to work!«

  Atkins sighed but went right to it. His agile mind was already thinking up ways to get the crew ready to greet Earth’s first extraterrestrial visitor.

  Welcome to the Solar Union

  The visitor’s spaceship approached cautiously, taking pains to avoid maneuvers which could be misinterpreted.

  »The visitor seems to be experienced in first encounters. He must know that somebody has his thumb close to the red button,« Atkins commented. He was almost hopping with evident excitement.

  Arkroid observed the strange looking ship as it drew closer to the station.

  If Hayes launches the missiles now, he’ll take out Station V, he thought to himself with a bad taste in his mouth. I wonder if he considers that an acceptable loss?

  Since the alien had arrived in Earth orbit, the people on the station were able to see more of the craft. It was now certain that the ship possessed some sort of stealth technology against optical and radar scans.

  Human scientists only knew of such a technology in theory and in science fiction. They had experimented with similar concepts but had not yet been able to put it to practical use.

  What was visible of the ship didn’t look at all threatening. It was of a simple design, more resembling a stepped pyramid, like those built by the Mayans, than anything else. Its height didn’t exceed forty meters while one side length of the square base measured about thirty-five meters.

  Arkroid pondered and it seemed to him that the levels and modules were of different origins, haphazardly slammed together to make up the ship. Tower-like superstructures, protruding antennae, and small platforms were rigidly welded together and attached to its surface.

  Odd design; Somehow it reminds me of something, Arkroid thought.

  Arkroid could only vaguely see what must be the stern. The ship’s drive system didn’t resemble the ones used by Union ships. Instead, it had a bluish force field ring which could be interpreted as its propulsion system. He brushed that off as pure speculation. It could be anything. Hopefully, they would know more soon.

  The assumed bow was enveloped by a scintillating field, almost like a mirage, that seemed to project its image at the wrong place. At least its location on radar did not appear to match visually.

  No rotary section, no visible propulsion system diffusers – but it flies! There should be zero-gravity onboard! Arkroid thought.

  He doubted his own assessments. Nobody knew anything about the ship’s designers. It didn’t look like a product of superior technology, but it obviously was.

  Arkroid dismissed the assumption that it was any type of Globustership. Everything we knew about the ‘busters’ said they would look for a direct confrontation and not play around with deceptions.

  So why are we suddenly having all these encounters at this time? Why is this Scorge addressing us in four different terrestrial languages? Arkroid pondered.

  »Did anybody find out what the fourth language is all about?« Arkroid whispered to one of his team. The man turned around and left the room, trying to obtain this information.

  As the stranger came closer to the docking bays, it came to a stop relative to the station and waited. The commander of the alien ship was evidently waiting for instructions.

  Arkroid pulled the gooseneck microphone in front of him down to his mouth and began to speak.

  »This is Toiber Arkroid. Welcome to Earth Orbital Station V in the territory of the Solar Union. Please hold your position, then follow the light indicators, directing you to a docking bay as soon as you can make them out.«

  It didn’t take two seconds and an answer was received, but nobody in the room was able to understand the language. Arkroid listened to the message and turned toward his team.

  »What language is that? Find that out at once and send me an interpreter!« he commanded.

  The visitor, however, was faster and a moment later, a loud, fluently speaking Spanish voice flooded the command central from the speakers.

  »Does that mean there will be no docking negotiations?« the voice asked. »No port taxes, nada? No duty and no entry formalities?«

  Startled, Arkroid looked at his team members, who in return just shrugged their shoulders. An aide handed Arkroid a note. The fourth language is an old native Indian language, he read. It’s Quiche Maya!

  Atkins came closer and signaled Arkroid to invite him to a conference link. The warning expression in Arkroid’s eyes could not be missed. Sammy just nodded, he understood.

  All important offices and military staff on Earth were witnessing this event. Arkroid could only imagine the chaos in the staff rooms of Solar Union Fleet Headquarters.

  Atkins waited for Arkroid’s signal, then spoke into the microphone in flawless Spanish.

  »This is the Secretary for Trade President Arkroid speaking. Since this is your first visit to this trading post, we will waive the mandatory fees. Again, welcome to the Solar Union!«

  Arkroid held his breath. Atkins had spoken intuitively, and Arkroid hoped that Atkins had made the right choice of words.

  All of a sudden, weird noises sounded from the command central speakers. Arkroid had no idea what they meant. Sammy Atkins gave a helpless gesture. Then Scorge answered jovially, »I am pleased! I can hardly believe it. By accident, I visit this system again and find that its inhabitants have developed extremely well. And not only that, but they are also impossibly generous. I just hope news of your advances does not travel through the galaxy too swiftly – wouldn’t want to get you in trouble with the Trade Guild! A trading post with no tariffs, no fees? Oh no, they wouldn’t like that at all!«

  Trade President Arkroid

  Another series of strange noises followed, making Arkroid grimace.

  »Oh, what the heck! Who cares about what the Trade Guild says? Those bureaucratic bloodsuckers are only hindering free trade in the galaxy. Greedy bastards! Forget I mentioned it … forget they even exist.«

  Arkroid struggled to understand what he had just heard.

  Trade Guild and free trade throughout the galaxy? What, the Milky Way? And what did he mean about prior visits? Wasn’t this his first visit here to our solar system? Those ancient languages … how old would he have to be?

  Arkroid’s assistants stood as if frozen. Their blank faces said that they couldn’t believe their ears.

  »I hope that we can find a common basis for good trade relations,« Scorge continued. »Uh, what am I saying? That’s a given! I can hardly wait to see your station.«

  Words poured out of Scorge like a waterfall. The alien seemed overwhelmed by his friendly welcome at the station.

  Atkins stepped alongside Arkroid and whispered, »He actually seems to be some sort of a trader, and he’s trying to butter us up. He implies that he’s been here before … did you catch that?«

  Arkroid looked at Sammy and nodded in agreement.

  »That must have been a long time ago, Sammy. We couldn’t find any records of a previous visit. Oh, there are hundreds of unconfirmed UFOs, but if he’d traded with Earth we’d know it!«

  Atkins was staring past him. Wordlessly he plucked at Arkroid’s sleeve and inclined his head to look behind Arkroid.

  A flexible tube was extending from the alien ship and cautiously feeling its way along the station’s hull toward the docking section. Then a boot-like section of the tube connected with one of the airlocks.

  »Scorge has docked!« his cheerful voice came from the speakers. »I’m coming over to see you.«

  Space physician Dr. Edmund McCornagle suddenly began to wave his arms.

  »For Heaven’s sake, Arkroid, you can’t let the visitor into the station without some sort of quarantine! There are three hundred people aboard. What if he carries deadly viruses, or something worse? We’ll have an epidemic and never see Earth again.«

Arkroid understood while McCornagle turned away with a flushed red face.

  »This is Trade President Arkroid speaking,« he addressed Scorge. »We have some reservations about the exchange of bacteria or other micro-organisms. I think we should take some precautions before you enter our environment.«

  »Not to worry! I’m equipped with a Kardash, according to regulations. This is not the first time I’ve dealt with different species. My little creatures remain with me and yours with you. It would be a shame if one of my skin fleas transferred to you. No, I wouldn’t like that at all. I’m coming over now.«

  McCornagle was sweating bullets. Arkroid ignored him and quickly issued orders.

  Arkroid received an ear-microphone combo from one of the technicians, enabling him to stay in direct contact with the command central. Earth officials monitored through a translator that let them understand every word spoken. A stationary surveillance unit inside the docking bay provided a perfectly clear video link.

  »Sammy, you come with me! The rest of the team makes sure the areas close to the docking bay are cleared. I don’t want to see anybody there. Any questions?«

  Arkroid turned around and addressed the people in the command central before he left for the docking bay, »Not to worry, people! He has his Kardash with him!« He grinned.

  Arkroid and Atkins ran toward the docking bay Scorge had chosen for his entry.

  The Sleeper

  At first, only a spark of consciousness flared, then a flow of energy, bringing life back to his body.

  Life? I’m a machine! … yet I am thinking. Why?

  The newly awakened consciousness formed his first clear thoughts.

  My body is a machine yet my spirit is free. Finally free! Finally? Where have I been?


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