Brimstone Dreams: A Horror Anthology

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  "That's a problem, right?"

  "Yeah," I said. "That's a problem."

  *** ***

  And a week later, I still didn't have a solution. The Eddie Money cover had slipped down to number fourteen on the countdown, but we were prepping a new single - a Tommy Grind original - and that would be out in another three weeks, so at least his name would stay out there.

  But the Jessica Carlton thing was bothering me. She had come to Texas to see her jock boyfriend, and her people had been calling to set up a meeting. No surprise there. I just didn't know what to tell them.

  I started smoking again. Cigarettes, I mean. I never quit weed. That was almost impossible when you hung around Tommy Grind. I quit cigarettes back in 1998, and never felt better. But the stress of dealing with Tommy's unique needs - he was up to four girls a week now, and it was getting increasingly difficult to dispose of the garbage in a way that didn't attract dogs of both the canine and human variety - and the Jessica Carlton situation conspired against me. In a weak moment, I bummed a smoke off of Isaac and within a week was back up to a pack a day.

  It made me feel ashamed every time I lit up. Like I was some kind of pansy or something, but, to quote Tommy, a need is a need and it has to feed, like it or not.

  The situation reached a head on the night of February 14th - Valentine's Day.

  I was in Tommy's fully restored 1972 Triumph TR-6, headed back to the mansion from the store where I'd gone to buy another carton of smokes. It was a cool, crisp night, full of stars, and I had the top down and Tommy's 2003 album Desert Nights cranked up on the CD player. The night was cool and clear, and the little Triumph handled the Hill Country roads like a dream. Any other night, I would have been in heaven.

  But, like I said, I was troubled.

  The feeling got worse when I pulled into the driveway and saw the lights on upstairs.

  I had turned them off when I left. Tommy was usually calmest when the lights were off.

  "Fuck," I said, and in my mind I was already throttling Isaac.

  I parked and went inside, just to make sure. But I wasn't surprised to find Tommy gone. Isaac hadn't even done a half-assed job of cleaning up Tommy's latest meal. Nice enough girl. Said she was from Kentucky, I think.

  I went to the security room and replayed the tape. There was Isaac, talking to Tommy through the Plexiglas, opening the door, coaxing him outside. Tommy staggering toward Isaac, hands raised in a gesture that almost looked like supplication.

  And then they were off camera until they got downstairs and out the front door.

  I turned on the GPS tracker - basically a glorified version of what veterinarians use to track the family pet - that I had injected into Tommy's ass after the last time Isaac walked him outside. Then I called the signal up on my iPad and got a good fix on him.

  He was heading down to the west point of Lake Travis. There was a secluded little pocket of vacation homes down there for the uber wealthy. Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey both had houses there not too far from Tommy's. It was his private little retreat from the world. Tommy didn't often like to disconnect, but when he did, that was where he went.

  And then, a terrible thought.

  Please dear God. Tell me he's not taking her to meet Jessica Carlton. He can't be that stupid.

  I called Isaac's cell, and to my surprise, he answered.

  "What the hell are you doing?" I said.

  "Can't talk," he answered. I could hear Tommy moaning in the background. Car noises. Isaac struggling to keep Tommy off him.

  "Isaac. Isaac, don't you dare hang up on me!"

  But he did.

  Damn it.

  I got in my Suburban - the one I'd specially modified with a police prisoner barrier in the back so I could transport Tommy if I needed to - and headed after them.

  Thirty minutes later, I was looking up at an eight thousand square foot mansion done up like a Mediterranean villa - red tile roof, white adobe walls, fountains and hibiscus everywhere. I had parked off the main road, in a small gap in a cedar thicket that concealed the Suburban just perfectly, and tried to figure what Isaac was doing. What possible reason could he have for bringing Tommy here? If Jessica Carlton saw him, we were done for. Despite the constant upkeep, Tommy was looking pretty rough these days. Worse than Willie Nelson after a three day whiskey binge. Which I've seen, by the way. It ain't pretty.

  And then it hit me. Valentine's Day. Today was Valentine's Day. Isaac Glassman had no chance of ever becoming Tommy Grind's lover. Not anymore anyway. The pathetic bastard's heart was probably breaking. He couldn't give Tommy flowers, or candy, or stuffed animals, or any of that worthless shit people give each other on Valentine's Day. But he could give him something pretty. Something that Tommy did still care about.

  I heard shouting from the house. It was muffled, but definitely shouting.

  Then gunfire. Three pistol shots, one after another.

  That lit a fire under me.

  I reached behind the driver's seat of the Suburban and took out a badly scuffed Louisville Slugger, the one with nicks in the business end that went back to the Houston beer joint days.

  Old School persuader in hand, I advanced up the driveway and tried the doors and windows until I found an unlocked servant's door off the kitchen.

  I looked up and saw a camera in the corner, pointed right at me.

  Same system as at Tommy's. I could deal with that.

  I looked around and noticed the stove. A huge Viking gas range with a dozen burners.

  I cranked them all up to full and walked into the living room, where I could hear a man whimpering.

  I didn't recognize him, which probably meant he was part of the legal community. Maybe one of Isaac's lawyer friends. He wore a light gray double-breasted suit with a canary yellow silk shirt and no tie, both of which were torn and splashed with blood. He was clean-shaven and fit-looking, but his eyes were crazed.

  Had to be Jessica Carlton's lawyer. He must have brought her here so the talent could play while the lawyers talked contracts.

  He turned his insane eyes on me and that's when I saw the pistol in his hand, the slide locked back in the empty position.

  "Help me," he pleaded.

  I grabbed him by the shoulders. "Who else is in the house?"

  "To-Tommy Grind. Oh Jesus. He… something's wrong. He attacked Jessica. He bit her leg off. I… I think she's… I think she's hurt real bad."

  Then he held the gun up in front of his face like he had never seen it before.

  "I shot him. I emptied the whole magazine into his chest. He just… he just kept coming. He's… oh Jesus."

  "I see. Listen, what's your name?"

  "Leslie Gant," he said. He was in deep shock, functioning on autopilot.

  "Great. Listen, Leslie… you mind if I call you Leslie?"


  "Leslie, I want you to kneel down right here, okay?" He let me guide him to his knees. "That's right," I said. "Just like that. Now put your arms down at your side. Look over there."

  "What? Why?"

  I pointed his face toward the sliding glass doors that led out to a beautifully dappled swimming pool.

  "Perfect," I said. "Now I'm gonna tee off on your head with this bat."

  "Wha - "

  I swung for the fence. Laid him out like a sack of rocks.

  Then I went to find Isaac and Tommy.

  *** ***

  Isaac was standing in a hallway outside the master suite. He turned when he heard me approach, and his eyes went wide as the bat came up.

  "No!" he said, showing me his palms. "It's okay. Stop, Steve."

  "Like hell it's okay. I ain't gonna let you ruin us, Isaac."

  "No," he pleaded. "You don't understand."

  I was close enough now to see into the master suite. Jessica Carlton, blouse torn off, exposing her absolutely amazing tits, skirt hiked up high enough to give a peek of a white, lacy thong, was pulling herself across the deep pile, honey-colored carpet.
There was blood on her face and a huge big bite mark on her right leg. From her expression, I could tell she'd been drugged.

  Tommy was staggering towards her, moaning like I'd never heard him do before. There was fresh blood on his face and hands and chest, but if I didn't know better, I'd have sworn he was aroused.

  "What the hell?" I said. I turned to Isaac. "Did you drug her?"

  "Yeah. GHB."

  "How much did you give her?"

  "The usual."

  "The whole dropper full?"


  "And she's still moving around?"

  He shrugged.

  "Damn," I said, and whistled. "The girl must be in pretty good shape."


  Tommy caught up with her, fell on her, started to feed. She let out a weak scream, but there was nothing behind it. In less than a minute, she had stopped thrashing.

  Feeling stunned, I said, "Isaac, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to unfuck this situation."

  "I was… ," he said, and drifted off feebly. "It's Valentine's Day."

  I didn't even bother to respond.

  "I wanted to give him something, you know? We just take and take and take from his talent. Nobody ever gives back to him. I wanted to give him something special."

  "So you gave him Jessica Carlton? Jesus, Isaac, how did you expect to pull that off. This isn't some two bit groupie chick. People are gonna notice she's gone."

  "She wanted to meet Tommy. Leslie Gant called me. He said she was going to be in town. He asked me if we could set up a private meeting between them. You know, a little romantic Valentine's Day dinner the paparazzi wouldn't know about. She's still with that football player guy."

  I took a moment to absorb all that. Then, "So no one knows she's here. Is that what you're saying?"

  "Leslie Gant knows too."

  "I'm not too worried about him," I said.

  But I was worried about Isaac. In his mind, he must have felt he was making the supreme lover's sacrifice. He must have felt almost like a martyr, giving someone else to Tommy Grind so that they could satisfy him the way Isaac only wished he could.

  "This must have been really hard for you," I said.

  He looked at me, a suspicious note of caution in his eye.

  "I mean that," I said. "I know you've been in love with him for a long time."

  Isaac started to object, but then he hung his head and nodded.

  "Listen, come with me. Let's go have a drink and let him eat. What the hell, right? There's nothing more you can do here."

  I put my arm over his shoulder and led him back to the living room. He balked at Leslie Gant on the living room floor, but I guided him away from the body.

  "Don't worry about him," I said. "Here, we got time for one drink. Then, we got to think about how we're gonna clean all this up. Can't afford any loose ends."

  He looked back at Leslie Gant and grunted.

  I handed him his drink. "To Tommy Grind," I said. We clanked glasses. I downed mine in one gulp. He sipped his, but managed to get most of it down just the same.

  "Hang tight here, okay? I'm gonna go get Tommy and put him in the car."

  About five minutes later, I was done with Tommy and back in the living room. Isaac was nearly passed out on the couch.

  I slapped his cheeks to rouse him. "Come on," I said. "Don't face on me yet."

  He stirred.

  "Okay," I said, "here's what we're gonna do. You got your lighter on you?"

  He reached into his pocket and held up a pink Bic.

  "Pink?" I said. "Seriously?"

  A corner of his mouth twitched. As close as he was going to get to a smile at this point.

  "Well, it'll work. Start lighting those drapes on fire, okay?"

  He nodded.

  I took the whiskey and a couple of other bottles back to the master suite and lit the bodies on fire. Once I had it going, I came back to the living room and grabbed Isaac by the shoulder.

  "Come on," I told him. "Gotta stay on your feet until we get to the car."

  We passed his car in the driveway, and though the drugs I had slipped into his drink had made him so groggy he could barely walk, he was still able to point at his car and groan.

  "Don't worry about it," I said.

  At that very moment - and I mean it was cued like something out of a movie - the house behind us blew up.

  And I'm not just talking a part of the house, either.

  The whole fucking thing exploded.

  The shockwave nearly knocked me down.

  Isaac stared at me, stupidly. His mouth was hanging open, a thick rope of drool hanging from the corner of his lips. Some people don't handle the GHB well at all.

  "What did you do?" he managed to say, though it came out all as one syllable, slurred together.

  "This is your big chance," I said. I leaned him up against the front fender of the Suburban, reached into the driver's side window, and turned up Janis Joplin's "Take Another Little Piece of My Heart."

  One of Tommy's favorite songs.

  Then I helped Isaac Glassman to the back and balanced him on my hip as I opened the door.

  Tommy was waiting inside, watching, his dead eyes locked on Isaac.

  Isaac groaned and slapped at my hand in a futile show of resistance. Poor guy, he knew it was coming.

  Janis was singing never never never hear me when I cry.

  "She's playing your song," I said. "Happy Valentine's Day, Isaac."

  Then I chucked him inside, closed the door, and drove out of there before the first sirens sounded in the distance.

  I listened to the sounds of weak screams and tearing meat coming from the back seat, but didn't look back.

  Instead, I turned up the radio.

  It ain't easy being the manager for the biggest rock star on the planet. Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty. But what the hell? I mean, the show must go on, right?

  Joe McKinney

  Joe McKinney is a sergeant in the San Antonio Police Department who has been writing professionally since 2006. He is the Bram Stoker-nominated author of Dead City, Quarantined, Apocalypse of the Dead, Dodging Bullets, Flesh Eaters and Dead Set. His upcoming books include The Zombie King, St. Rage, Lost Girl of the Lake , and The Red Empire. As a police officer, he's received training in disaster mitigation, forensics, and homicide investigation techniques, some of which finds its way into his stories. He lives in the Texas Hill Country north of San Antonio. Visit him at for news and updates.


  by Jeremy C. Shipp

  When Flowers Die

  There was no trail through the field of flowers, so Jill made her own. Those she trampled on the first day were trampled on every other day until they died. Jill felt bad for the poor little things she sacrificed, but it was the best way.

  Jill liked staring at the field at night. Much better than the stars, because the flowers illuminated with color. Blues and purples and reds. She watched them waltz with the sky and for a few moments she could forget what had brought her here to Ticketyboo.

  Jeff tugged on her dress with stubby fingers and shattered her mellow thoughts into coarse shards. "Jill, I wanna pick flowers for mommy."

  "Mommy…" Jill trembled. She inhaled deeply and allowed the fragrance in the air to tickle her nostrils. This calmed her nerves. "Mommy's gone." Blood. Glass. Fire. "You remember what happened…don't you?"

  "No, not that one. New mommy."

  "She's not our mommy!" Jill erupted. The entire meadow seemed to dance wildly by the force of her outburst. But it was just the wind, she knew.

  Jeff scrunched up his face and when his muscles finally relaxed, tears came forth. They sprinted down his peppermint cheeks.

  "I'm sorry," she said and patted him on the head. "Let's get some flowers for Martha." They went to work collecting the brightest, most beautiful flowers they could find.

  "Jill, why do they scream when we pull them out?" Jeff cringed every ti
me he heard their tiny squeaks.

  Jill didn't. "It only hurts them for a second, then they're okay. You shouldn't worry about them."

  Jeff nodded and smiled just a little.

  When Flowers Burn

  "These are for me?" Martha took the bouquet and pressed it close to her naked chest. The thorns of the roses dug into her flesh, but she didn't seem to mind. Jill watched the little rivers of blood travel down Martha's pale skin and fall onto the glass floor. Drip. Drop.

  Jill wondered if it had always been like this-glass walls, glass ceiling, glass furniture, glass everything-or if it was a result of Martha's cleaning habits. Martha spent most of her day polishing, washing. Perhaps she'd washed her clothes into nothingness, polished her home into a colorless mass.

  "Now," said Martha. "Let's watch them die." And she used a crystal match to light them on fire. The petals radiated brighter and brighter until they burst, all at once, creating a cloud of teal dust that sparkled in air.

  Jeff clapped his hands with excitement. Jill was a little too old for that kind of response, so she simply smiled.

  The stems of the flowers burned next. Little fingers of cerise smoke reached out and shoved themselves up Jill's nose. She had never smelled burning flowers before. It was nice. Like fresh cherry pie. It almost made her forget she wanted to kill people.

  Sick Dog

  To get to the one and only restaurant of Ticketyboo, they had to walk a road of shiny blue gravel that matched the sky. Clusters of white pebbles rolled together in sync with the clouds above. During the night Jill knew all the rocks, except the smallest white ones, would bury themselves under the earth. Then those remaining would reflect the stars and moon and the occasional shooting star.

  Martha and the other caregivers never ate or spoke in the restaurant. They seemed content watching the children gobble up the only food available: sweet sponges that they didn't really eat, but sucked on and swallowed. Jill loved the sponges when she first came to Ticketyboo, but then she remembered the way her father adored cigarettes and how hard he worked to quit because he didn't want to die. Jill didn't know what the sponges were doing to her so every day she ate less and less and less until she overcame the craving completely.


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