Predator Ridge

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Predator Ridge Page 3

by Candace Smith

  The man opened the covering and lowered the zipper until only her legs were encased. Ashley felt the chilled breeze on her sex, and his hand… the one not teasing her nipple… began to brush down her belly. Garrett caressed her soft skin and ran his hand around the curve of her waist. He let it rest on the peak of a hipbone and felt her shuddering becoming more pronounced. He knew she would begin to fight again soon, and he let his fingers creep towards her curls.

  As soon as she tried to turn, to roll her pussy away from him, he gripped her bruised bud and was rewarded with a shriek as she dropped back onto her arms. “Be still.” The whimpers made his cock jerk. It had been hard since he had approached the tent, but he knew he would have to wait. Still holding her nipple, he wedged a knee between her restrained thighs and let his finger move to her lips. He felt the groomed curls of her pussy and he pushed his finger into her slit.

  Her thighs strained to close and she tried to shift her hips, but they were secured inside the bedroll. Garrett released her nipple and grabbed her hair to hold her head still. He lay down half on top of her, keeping her thighs spread for access while pinning her, and he whispered against her ear. “I feel you getting wet, slut. You lie here in your man’s scent and drip your juices for me.” Garrett was rewarded with her sob.

  Her slick cream was drooling from inside her, and Garrett slipped it along her folds. “Your man is tied up just outside, girl, crying. What a weak man you chose. Still, I’ll release you if you really want him,” he taunted.

  Ashley’s eyes widened in the darkness. Through his seductive fingers on her sex, she felt the beginning cramps of desire start to pulse along her insides. She tried to remain motionless, hoping to do what the man wanted so she and Charlie would be released.

  Garrett enjoyed the psychological game he knew she could not win. “Don’t cum, girl… that’s all you have to do. Stay true to your coward and I’ll let you both go,” he lied.

  Ashley squirmed and clenched her bottom, trying to close herself and stop the sexual pulsing. The man reached to the top of her folds and spread her wider, and she felt his thumb roam over her moistness until he pushed back the hood protecting her clit. Garrett was pleased to feel it hardened and slick. He stroked the bundle of nerves and heard her begin to cry harder. He had to grip tighter into her hair to hold her still.

  “Your thighs are quivering, girl. I think you’re close to exploding. Doesn’t that weak little man know how to please you?”

  Every time the stranger referred to Charlie, it felt like a bucket of chilled water was thrown at her… at least, at her face. Her sex was still building towards climax from the man’s relentless stroking.

  Garrett was pleased with his new acquisition’s responses. He reveled in his ability to manipulate his captives, and used their humiliation to break them. Most of them, like this girl, were too inexperienced to know how to fend off his advances.

  Ashley grunted in surprise when his finger entered her channel, and she gripped tightly while he continued to stroke her. Her only carnal explorations had been with Charlie, and for the most part, they fumbled their way through sex. She had never had the shattering experiences her friends had described, and thought it was something that developed in time as the relationship grew. This man had quickly discovered the right sequence to force her to build to an illusive crescendo that seemed important to reach. Her eyes had closed and she was pushing up into his hand, and Charlie was forgotten.

  Her insides quivered and she gripped his finger tightly as her bottom came up from the ground. The knee separating her thighs was squeezed by her contractions and she tried to slam her legs together while his thumb moved in a frenzy across her clit and her juices washed out in a rush. Through her nose, she inhaled so deeply that it momentarily quieted her sobs.

  Garrett lifted his soaked fingers and wiped them under her nose and down her teary cheeks. He finished unzipping the bag, hooked a hand under her bound arm and pulled her towards the tent opening, grabbing a shirt he saw lying on a pile of clothes. When they were outside of the tent, he pulled the trembling girl to a stand.

  “I’m going to untie your wrists so you can put this on. If you make any other movement, I’ll take it away and you can travel naked.”

  Ashley forced herself to stand still, with the exception of her fearful shudders. The reaction she experienced at the stranger’s hand frightened her, and the musky smell of her juices was a reminder of her debasing response to him. She felt his hand reach behind her to loosen the lace, and she tried to look at his face. The moon was over the man’s shoulder and he remained a large, looming dark shadow.

  In the blue-gray light, Garrett looked down at the frightened naked woman trembling in front of him, trying to work the buttons with her shaking fingers. Her long dark hair fluttered behind her in the cool breeze, like a curtain in an open window. In the moonlight, Garrett stared into her amazing amber eyes… brown with almost golden highlights… and he saw that they slanted slightly, with the exotic similarity to a cat. Her skin was pale, as if she kept it carefully hidden from the sun, and he had already surmised from the contact in the tent that her figure was tight. Full hips led to an enticing slope inwards towards her waist, topped by the full bust he had felt pushing into him earlier.

  When she finished, she lifted her eyes and stared at him through the shadows. Garrett studied what he misjudged to be a calculating gaze as the girl stood still with the exception of an occasional frightened shiver. He figured the haughty girl would not easily break, because she seemed to be rationalizing her situation with consideration instead of hysterics.

  In truth, Ashley was too petrified to move. She could not even force her hands to tear the tape off her lips and call for help. All she could manage to do was to try to stand still as the terrifying man had ordered and hope that Charlie or one of her friends would rescue her. Not being able to see his features was frustrating, but his size alone was intimidating. She clenched and released her fists nervously, flaring her nostrils while she breathed and she glanced around the campsite for signs of Charlie.

  She reached up to wipe away her scent, and the man took a long stride towards her. Ashley scrambled backwards and almost tripped into the entrance of the tent. It was the first indication Garrett had that the girl was not showing a stubborn sign of strength; she was terrified. He reached out and grabbed the top of her head and he lifted her by her long hair. Her muffled scream barely filled the clearing, and she tried to pry his fingers loose while she rose to her toes. He continued to lift her until her feet barely touched the ground, and she was shrieking behind the tape in response to the sharp needling pain on her scalp. “Put your hands behind you,” he ordered. Ashley continued to try to pry the painful grip on her hair loose. He lifted her off of her feet and she thrashed her legs, desperately searching for purchase. “Put your hands behind you,” he repeated.

  His words reached through the sharp pain, and she quickly dropped her hands and clasped them together at the small of her back. She sobbed as she felt him lower her until she could finally touch the ground again. By now, she was shaking in spasmodic jerks of fear. It was just as well that she could not see the aroused shine of his black eyes, or she would have been reduced to an even greater state of panic. He released the hold on her hair, and except for her uncontrollable shaking she stood still while he walked behind her. She felt him grab her wrists and lash them back together.

  Holding her wrists, the man knelt down, reached into the tent and removed her purse. He searched for her wallet and took her school I.D. out from behind the protective clear plastic pocket to study later. Garrett put the wallet back into the denim bag and zipped it closed, and then placed it back beside the inside flap opening of the tent.

  He pulled her to the side of the clearing where he retrieved his coat and hat, and put them back on. It was finally sinking in that she was being kidnapped and taken away from the camp. Ashley panicked and made an attempt to dash away from him, but the man easily reached out and
grabbed her bound arms before she had gone two steps. She was screaming behind the tape while her wild eyes searched frantically for Charlie or any of the other campers.

  Garrett gripped her arm and pulled her roughly across the clearing, wanting to check on the man one last time before he began the journey back up the foothills. The woman was dragging her feet and looking behind her, and Garrett stopped abruptly and drew back his hand. It smashed down on her bottom, catching the crease at the top of her thighs, and she shrieked behind the gag and tried to pull away. Garrett’s hand came down a second time and her knees buckled so that she was left hanging by the arm he was holding. When she was finally able to steady herself enough to rise, she saw him draw his arm back again. Ashley wailed behind the tape and frantically shook her head; taking a tentative step in the direction he had been leading her.

  Within a short distance, he stopped her in front of where Charlie lay bound on the ground, crying and making frustrated minor attempts at lifting his body. Garrett checked that he had not managed to tear through the tape securing his ankles around the tree, though it appeared the man was so scared he was not really trying to rip the tape restraining him. When he heard Ashley’s muffled sobs, he began his useless thrashing and crying in earnest.

  Garrett pulled Ashley to her knees in front of him, and lifted the man’s head with a painful grip on his jaw. Before Ashley could react, he pushed her hips into Charlie’s face and rolled her damp pussy on him. She thrust back and Garrett grabbed her arm and dropped Charlie’s chin while he pulled her up. He looked down at the sobbing man at his feet. “I told her not to cum, and I’d let you go.” Garrett enjoyed the arousing reactions when the man instantly stilled, and the girl sucked a quick intake of breath through her nose before crying. He knew she would spend many moments blaming herself.

  The bound man on the ground began to wail behind the gag, while Garrett dragged Ashley towards the foothills. Garrett never had a man cry before and he found it amusing. They usually fought their bindings until they were frustrated and exhausted. Eventually, the tape gave out with all the pulling, but Garrett thought this guy would probably still be crying in the morning, until one of the others finally managed to work their way through their bindings and free him.

  Harvey was busy flattening the SUV’s tires, so when the men were finally free and had finished searching the area, it would take another hour for them to hike back to the ranger station. Harvey had lied about the other campers. This far back in the park, there were only three other sites with visitors… and they were all closest to the entrance. Most likely, it would be noon before the officials made it back to the campsite to begin the search.

  As Garrett led the miserable girl away from her wimpy boyfriend, he heard Harvey purposely revving his pickup truck engine and scrambling asphalt under the tires to make sure the bound men would hear. Their logical assumption would be that whoever had been involved was traveling by vehicle. The park officials… including Harvey… would scour the park until all the registered campers logged into the many campsites were accounted for, giving the captors more than enough time to spirit their new women away.

  The moon was beginning to hide behind numerous clouds, and Ashley’s bare feet slipped on loose pebbles as they left the grass on the edge of the thick woods. Garrett was used to traveling in the dark, and his eyes readily adjusted to the dimming light. He considered it a very good sign when the woman stopped resisting and was relying more on him to guide her up the treacherous rocks. The building cloudbank promised heavy rain in the morning to dissolve their tracks, and the rescue party would convince themselves that the women had not left the campsite on foot.

  Ashley stumbled and Garrett gripped her arm tighter, dragging her back to her feet and up the rocky incline. She was terrified, but she could see no way to fight him or stall the progress to wherever he was leading her. She hoped the stones she was dislodging would leave a trail, though she could not tell in the rapidly decreasing moonlight. Her feet felt bruised, and she was pretty sure there was a small cut under her left heel. If visibility had been as good as it had been earlier, she would have had a clear view of the light reflecting off the gray rocks… and she would have seen that her calculated missteps merely blended in with all the other mini-avalanches caused by stones falling from the hills above them.

  It seemed they had been walking for over an hour when the incline flattened somewhat and was winding sideways instead of continuing up. They rounded a corner, and Ashley’s eyes widened at the sight of a large dark horse waiting patiently under an outcropping. Garrett was pleased with the outcome of the trip so far, and he was confident that they would not be followed. During the walk up the foothills, he reflected on the fear in the young woman’s amber eyes and his cock had been steadily filling with anticipation of reaching the small shelter.

  He took off his gloves and put them into one of the deep coat pockets, and then he removed a thin leather restraining belt from a saddle pack. He wrapped it around the girl’s waist while she trembled in the darkness and tried to jerk backwards. Ashley still had not been able to see the man’s features, and it added to her fear. She fought when he untied her wrists, but she was easily overpowered and he secured the laces to the front hooks of the belt he had placed around her waist. The length of the strips on her wrists was long enough to give her a little movement for balance, but too short to let her reach the buckle in the back to free the belt or maneuver her hands to untie them from the hooks.

  In the darkness, she could barely make out that his back was to her, and it appeared he was digging through the saddle pack for something else. Ashley turned towards the direction they had climbed, and she could only glimpse flashes of high, jagged rocks. Everything inside her mind screamed for her to run, but she had no idea where the path was, and her feet were a mass of agonizing bruises. There was no way she could outrun him or get away, and she was afraid of what he might do to her when he caught her.

  Through the shadows, Garrett could make out some of her frightened features. With such a weakling for a boyfriend, he thought she might be one of those dominating bitches. The more he studied her fear, the more he did not think that was the case. How the hell did the two of them end up together? he wondered. Garrett looked over at the terrified woman and he rubbed the bulge in his pants. He lowered his zipper while he tossed the moccasins towards her feet.

  Ashley had heard something drop near her, but her mind was frozen on the unmistakable sound of his pants being opened and she slowly backed away until she was stopped by the rock wall of the small cavern. In an incredibly fast move, the man’s arm reached out and he grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her against him. She looked up into the shadowed face and frantically tried to push away from his stomach with her bound hands, while her muffled sobs emitted through the tape.

  He fisted one hand through her hair and roughly tilted her head back so that she was staring up into his indiscernible features. “Keep quiet, and I’ll leave the tape off. Do a good job, and you can wear the shoes.” The girl gave a pitiful moan and Garrett felt his cock jerk in response. He reached up and ripped the tape off her lips and she gave a small shriek of pain and terrified surprise.

  Ashley quivered a hushed whimper, “Please let me….” It was as far as she got with her plea before his hand smacked across her face while he continued to pull at the hair still fisted in the hand securing her. Her wrists were abruptly stopped by the lashing when she tried to raise them to her stung cheek, and she whimpered softly, realizing no pleading was going to convince the man to release her. She shuddered quietly while he forced her to her knees, and her hands pushed against him as much in an effort to get away as to steady herself while she was lowered.

  Ashley was crying in earnest by the time his other hand latched onto her head and he began to draw her towards him. His fingers were threaded so tightly through her hair that they were already yanking painfully at her scalp, and he continued to grip tighter as he pulled her forward. Her lips
brushed across his shaft, and both she and the stiff rod jerked in reaction. “No… No, I won’t do this,” she wailed, and the man released one hand from her hair. A vise-like fist gripped her chin and squeezed her jaw, until her cried words were garbled and her mouth reluctantly opened.

  The soft skin of the crown of his shaft once more brushed her lips, this time demanding entrance into the warmth of her mouth. Ashley gagged as soon as the salty drop of pre-cum touched her tongue, and she panicked while he entered her, continuing his hold on both the back of her head and his steely grip on her jaw. As soon as Garrett assured himself she had already weighed the penalty for biting, he released her chin in favor of holding the sides of her head and thrusting himself in a slow, steady motion.

  Her hands were still pushing insistently against his thighs, but the moves were not frantic so he allowed himself to relax into the motion of his building climax. The vibrations of her sobbing felt good against his stiffened cock, and he decided not to subject her to swallowing his entire length until he got her back to his hideaway. While he trained them, some of the women had passed out, and he did not want to waste the time reviving and subduing this girl’s panic for the long trip ahead of them. They were still too close to the park for such luxury. He felt his seed rise and forced her head closer, and he jerked the stream into her mouth. At this point he was not concerned if she let it run down her chin, because she was unable to wipe it off with her lashed hands. It would be a constant reminder while she continued the journey to her new home.

  It was the first time Ashley had ever had a man’s penis in her mouth, and she screamed when the warm jet spurted. Some of the salty, sticky fluid made its way down her throat, and she gulped her sobs and pushed and beat at the man’s legs while his long coat brushed against her sides. Ashley thought of Charlie, far away and lying naked and bound on the forest floor below them because she had not been able to control herself at the stranger’s hands.


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