Predator Ridge

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Predator Ridge Page 7

by Candace Smith

  Garrett took out a kerchief and the canteen, and ordered her to wash the dirt off her feet while he saddled the horse. They would be back to his hideout by noon, so they could get by without the water. He studied the cuts on her feet and said, “That was a stupid thing to do, girl.”

  “I know,” she murmured. “I’m sorry. I won’t try to leave again.”

  He lifted her up into the saddle and swung up behind her, smiling over her head as he turned the horse towards the final leg home.


  Ashley watched the rocky trail ahead with the cliff wall to one side and a ledge that seemed to drop for miles on the other. Garrett noticed she either tried to stare at the path or the cliff and avoided looking at the gully. The trail opened up to a wider space that seemed to block them in on the side and in front of them, with the steep drop off to the right.

  Ashley gasped, and grabbed the arm holding the reigns when he led the horse over the edge into darkness. Instead of falling, the horse continued to plow along, clattering its hooves on the rock. She discovered they were in a narrow cave, and it opened up into a grass covered valley with a small waterfall splashing into a pond and flowing into a stream turning a waterwheel, and disappearing into the rocks. It was surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs reaching far up into the sky, keeping the area protected from the winds.

  Close to the stream was a large log cabin, and Ashley followed wires and realized the wheel must be providing electricity to the isolated structure. It seemed to imply a permanency and complicity she had not expected, and made her fate seem more frightening.

  Garrett led them over to the rocky overhang forming the stable, and after dismounting Ashley stood by the wall as he unsaddled the horse and dropped a measure of feed in a trough, leaving the horse to wander and graze when it finished the grain. He grabbed her wrist and led her to the door of her new home.

  When they first entered, Ashley could not make out anything in the darkness. Garrett lit some lamps and built a fire in a big stone fireplace, and she stared at the terrifying furnishings. Except for a small area set aside as a kitchen and sleeping area, it seemed the rest of the space was a huge dungeon with horrible restraining devices spread around the room.

  Garrett watched the color drain from her face, and chuckled to himself as he made plans to teach the woman some of his more interesting proclivities. The more time he spent with her, the more determined he had become to keep her, even if it meant borrowing her purchase price from the rancher. Colby had told Garrett the value of a personal slave and encouraged him to find a captive suitable to satisfy his needs. It would keep him from over stimulating their inventory while he trained them, and ensure their slaves would bring top commissions.

  If Ashley continued to exhibit the qualities he found so arousing, he decided to tell Harvey when he delivered the winter supplies. He would be arriving as soon as the search for the women had ended and the park closed down to visitors for the winter. Garrett decided he would send a message about Ashley down the mountain with him.

  Garrett placed his long coat and hat on hooks by the door, and began to strip off his clothes and toss them onto a chair to be washed later. Ashley continued to look around the room, and Garrett found some of her confused, frightened expressions almost comical as she tried to figure out the use of some of his devices. “Take off the shirt,” he ordered, and she jumped at the interruption to her thoughts.

  Ashley slowly reached for the buttons, knowing there was no sense in balking at his requests any more. Charlie was not going to come for her; no plane would be able to see the small hideout hidden in the mountain peaks, and there was absolutely no way she could attempt an escape along the terrifying ledge leading here.

  Garrett walked up to her and took the leather laces off her wrists, and then led her into the shadows of the back wall. She was surprised when they entered a small rock corridor and she heard water gently splashing in front of them. When he dropped her arm, she stood still in the darkness until he lit a lamp. They were in front of a pool that bubbled from a spring under the mountain, and the rocks glittered with the reflection of quartz filtered through the feldspar, making the walls look as though they were embedded with rose colored diamonds.

  It was the first time that Ashley had seen him naked, and she thought he was even more intimidating than he had been with the ominous black coat. His body was tight with lean muscles, and she was surprised at his bronze tan. The clothes he had been wearing seemed to be a natural part of him, but now she realized he must walk around in the summer sun practically naked to have such an even color. He waded into the water and indicated for Ashley to follow. Garrett saw the wary expression on her face when she discovered the water, fed from an underground thermal spring, was warm.

  Ashley saw where the water fell over a hole in the back wall and disappeared, presumably to exit further down the mountain. Garrett pointed to some soap on a ledge, and said, “Untie your hair and wash yourself.” He began to soap up his body to rinse off the week of trail dirt.

  After unbraiding her hair, she tilted back to soak her dirty tresses. The warm, bubbling water felt wonderful against her strained, bruised body, and she sunk down to her knees on the sandy bottom to let it wash over her. Garrett was sitting on an underwater ledge that allowed the water to reach to his shoulders and, after her hair was rinsed, he reached out to her and settled her back against him on his lap.

  Ashley watched the light flicker off the sparkling walls, and the soothing water along with the man’s even breathing had her resting her head back until she fell asleep. Garrett decided the warm water would help wash her cuts and work out the worst of her stressed muscles, so he let her nap. He knew Roger’s biggest mistake was impatience, causing his women to quickly lose themselves in the protective, safe fantasies in their minds. He wanted Ashley rested and restored before he began his training.

  A short while later, he felt her begin to stiffen and stretch awake. He ran his hands down her thighs, testing her muscles, and decided he would wait until morning before he began her training. It made no sense to waste energy when she was concentrating on the lingering pain from the stressful trip instead of his attentions.

  Ashley slowly pushed off him and they rose from the water. She followed him back to the main room, and he ordered her to remain by the table while he pulled on a clean pair of jeans and crossed the room to a cabinet. She watched him open the doors and remove some things, and he walked back and laid them on the table beside her.

  He sat in a chair and reached down to secure wide leather cuffs around her ankles. Except for renewed trembling, she remained silent and did not try to pull her hand away when he circled her wrists with the new restraints. The last piece of leather was a collar, and this did cause her to draw back. It was still rather easy to get it secured, and he lifted her wet hair over it.

  He handed her a comb and another piece of leather after he pulled his hair back. Ashley combed through the mass and looked blankly at her new restraints. In her sheltered world, she had only heard hints of people who enjoyed these atrocities… and she was not sure she had truly believed the little she had read. She studied one wide leather cuff and frowned at the thick rings stitched into them. The cuffs themselves were sturdy, but not too stiff, and she saw no latch or way to remove them. She glanced at one of the strange furnishings, and back to the cuff. And then she felt an unexpected rush of sexual anticipation that scared the hell out of her.

  Garrett looked at the girl standing in front of him, wide eyed with fear while she studied her new leathers with tightly fixed rings for securing her. She would look at one of his contraptions, and then back at a cuff, as if trying to understand how the two worked together. She would not have to wait long to fully realize the design.

  “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.” When she slowly turned to comply, he said, “Answer ‘Yes, Garrett’ when I give you an order.” Although most of the men who purchased their slaves preferred to be called ‘M
aster’, Garrett thought the term was too universal and liked knowing she would think of him personally and remember it was he who controlled her, not some nameless man.

  He heard her murmur, “Yes, Garrett,” and she flinched when he grabbed her wrists, secured the cuffs together and stood.

  “Come.” He led her over to the corner where a three foot steel cage with a rock floor sat with the door open. “In,” he ordered, and pushed down on the shocked girl’s shoulder.

  Ashley sunk to her knees and crawled forward, anxiously bewildered by his demand. She turned to face the opening while he walked away, and she watched him return a moment later with a bowl of water and some food. Garrett placed them in front of her and closed the door, sliding the bolt home with a loud bang. She looked at the food, and then at the back of the man retreating to the cabinet to remove the implements he would be using in the morning.

  There were two kinds of meals in the supplies brought up the slope, and they resembled the tightly sealed packages that soldiers ate. The meals for Garrett were varied and decently prepared, while the slave packages were all the same, with the basis on the high nutritional values her training would require and no thought given to taste. He heated his dinner and glanced at the girl occasionally. She was leaning over and eating her food in silence, and he saw she did not hitch her shoulders indicating the sobs he expected. Apparently, she was too stunned, tired, or had merely accepted her situation.

  Being caged was uncomfortable, but the steel bars kept the predator away from her, so Ashley decided it was a bearable trade-off. She needed the solitude to give her mind time to assimilate all of the changes taking place. She wondered if he would let her stay there, away from his treacherous seductions. Looking through the windows she could see it was nighttime, and she watched Garrett rise from the table and approach her with a blanket. He threaded it through the bars and turned out the lights. Ashley heard the creaking of his mattress as he settled to sleep, and she struggled to straighten the blanket with her bound hands. She curled up in the small space and stared into the darkness, trying to keep her thoughts from turning to curling up in the warm, protective arms of her captor, until her eyes finally closed.

  In the morning, Garrett unlocked the cage and ordered her out. Her stiff legs rebelled as she straightened them, and she followed him back to the table where he sat down in front of his cup of steaming coffee. “Service me, slut,” he ordered, and unzipped his jeans.

  Ashley’s mouth dropped open and she gazed at the organ that had sprung from his pants. She was rested now, and the action she had performed under stress from the trail seemed impossible. His hand gripped her braid and he pulled her down. “Answer me.”

  The tears he was waiting for began to gather, and he felt her finally rebel. With her arms still bound, it was quite ineffectual, but she tried to pull back until she was standing the length of her hair away from him. She was shaking her head, and when he stood and raised his hand to strike her, she whimpered and tried to turn away, thinking he meant to slap her face. Instead, the blow landed on her bottom and she shrieked in surprise. “Ow, let me go,” she cried.

  Again the hand came down with brutal force, pushing her forward only to be stopped by the painful jerk of her hair. She struggled and pulled, and finally did the unthinkable… she tried to sink her teeth into the hand holding her braid. Garrett quickly gripped the ring on the collar around her throat and lifted her. Ashley’s legs kicked out in panic as she tried to draw air, and he dragged her over to the counter with his organized devices. He picked up a ring gag, and slipped it behind her teeth while her eyes widened in terror and she continued to try to breathe. He finally released her neck and she dropped to the floor, trying to steady herself, gasping air and sobbing.

  Garrett dragged her back to the chair and sat down, forcing her to her knees and gripping the sides of her head. Without ceremony, he forced himself through the gag while she tried to fight and screamed around his cock. He pushed down her throat, blocking her sobs, and he felt her rising panic. “Suck me, girl, and I’ll let you breathe.”

  Ashley realized her attempts to get away were futile, and when the blood began to pound in her head, she reluctantly did as he ordered. Through a series of gagging sucks and quick gasping breaths, Garrett experienced an exciting climax, and he pulled her head back forcing her to swallow his spend.

  He kicked her away and she curled up on the floor, sobbing while he finished his coffee. “Get up.” Garrett toed her ribs and she curled tighter. He reached down and lifted her by her hair while she shrieked. “You will do as I ask, without hesitation.”

  For the most part, he still had to drag her across the room. He pushed her down on a wooden table and hooked the back of her collar to the embedded latch while she scrambled to slide to the floor. Grabbing an ankle, he attached the cuff to a chain on the leg of the table, and then secured the other one, spreading her wide. She wailed and screamed in outrage, thrusting her hips until he wrapped a wide belt over her waist.

  The girl continued to struggle, and her face showed a mixture of fear and anger. Garrett looked between her spread thighs and could see the shining juices she had expelled from her forced service. This, and the expression in her eyes, was a paradox. While he lay in the dark last night, he decided on a new challenge for himself. It was easy to arouse the girl, but he was determined to turn her into such a complete submissive she would willingly put up with whatever he demanded until she was addicted to his desires. He hoped the winter months would give him enough time train her before spring. This obsession made him slightly nervous, because he was wondering if he, in turn, would become addicted to her.

  Garrett had been absently stroking her wet crease while he mused, and once more the smile lit his eyes when he saw the girl futilely trying to avoid her building arousal. The girl was a blank, passionate canvas, waiting for him to mold her into the perfect slave, and she was too naïve to protect herself. Garrett had seen Colby’s girl, and although she certainly complied with whatever was demanded of her, she lacked the anticipation and lust Ashley possessed. The trick would be keeping those emotions fired, and not letting her drop into the psyche of dulled acceptance.

  Ashley closed her eyes, tears slipping down the sides of her face and tickling her ears. The inevitable climax was stirring again, and she already accepted the fact she would not be able to stall it. She was as infuriated and humiliated as she was demanding release, and the inability to control such intimate responses both terrified and excited her. Something brushed against her ear and she quickly opened her eyes, shifting them sideways to see the man leaning low by her ear while he continued to stroke her.

  “Look into my eyes and I’ll give you permission to cum, girl. If you close them or look away, you will be punished,” he whispered. Garrett was pleased to feel her squeeze her hole in response. Even his debasing demand aroused her. She sobbed and kept her eyes tightly sealed, trying to deny what her body had already acknowledged. Whether under the guise of punishment or training, Garrett fully intended to do as he wanted with her; it merely altered her way of thinking about the tortures. Whether she thought she was being punished or submitted to training at the fear of being punished made no difference to him.

  This time, it would be punishment because the girl would not look into his eyes when her thighs began to tremble and her juices flowed while she gasped and cried. “You’ll learn. You’ll learn, girl, that you must obey me,” he whispered, and then he stood and walked back to the cabinet while she whimpered.

  Garrett laid the cream and razor on the wooden table between her spread thighs and looked into her agonized face. She continued to whimper softly with her eyes closed and the flush still spread across her cheeks, though from the orgasm or embarrassment of her wanton display, he neither knew nor cared. It was a delightful vision either way. He spread the whipped soap on her curls and the stubble just beginning to show from where she had groomed herself. ‘Yes, she did this herself. There’s no way she would let som
eone else work on her pussy.’ The razor removed the tailored strip of curls and offending growth, and then he spread a light application of depilatory. With her delicate skin, he did not want to risk scarring her, even if it meant several days of applications until her fur was permanently removed.

  Through some of the procedure she cried, and at other times she whimpered or let out a frustrated scream. The ring gag kept her from pleading her dissatisfaction with his actions. Ashley lay there, spread and denuded before the man, and even with her eyes closed she knew his deep blue gaze was on her sex. Her lips itched with the remnants of the burning cream, and it was horrifying to realize she no longer had even the sparse dark curls to hide behind. She was naked and open to him, available for him to visually study whenever he wanted.

  With two hands, he spread the bald mound to display the girl fully, and he studied her and deciding the best placement for the rings he would pierce her with after he informed Harvey of his decision. He stroked a finger through her lubricating wetness and pushed it passed the tight ring of her anus, receiving a nice cry from her in the process. The passage would have to be loosened.

  After slowly working two fingers into her, testing her width, he turned his attention to her breasts. Garrett tweaked and pulled until the rubbery protuberances stood tall, and he memorized their taut length and fullness. The whole while the girl whimpered and cried, trembling in fear and perhaps a tinge of arousal.

  Ashley felt the strap over her hips loosened, and then her cuffs and collar were released. Garrett stood her up and brought her over by the fireplace. “Kneel,” he ordered, and pushed down on her shoulder. Ashley slowly lowered, still sniffling and miserable. Garrett pushed a foot between her thighs and batted them apart. “Spread your knees, girl. That cunt is mine, and I always want it opened for me.” She uttered a sob and complied.


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