Megan's Men

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Megan's Men Page 2

by Tessie Bradford

  “No, a house is made up of related and unrelated members whose ancestors chose to band together for their common good, both personally and professionally. The house of H’oug is the oldest and largest. We live on the southern landmass of my planet and number in the many thousands. We have our own family units, but each of us knows we can count on the other members of our house at all times.”

  A pang of longing and sorrow shot through her, along with a powerful need to defend her family. “My parents were physicians. They didn’t survive the plague of 2254. I was twelve when they died. My brothers, John and Kevin, looked after me as best they could, but I gave them a run for their credits. Both of my brothers were decorated generals and gave their lives in service.”

  “You’re obviously of an honorable family. It wasn’t my intent to disrespect you or your way of life. Please forgive me.” He held out his hands, palms up, and bowed his head momentarily.

  “Where are you from, mister, I mean sir, um, Garfor?” Having lived all of her life in a relatively small community well outside the nearest big city, she wasn’t surprised at her inability to recognize his race, but not knowing how to address him properly was downright embarrassing.

  “The planet Mesta; I am Slaterine.”

  “Mesta is in the Aaron system, isn’t it?”

  Megan let out a tiny sigh of relief when Garfor nodded in the affirmative. Astronomy hadn’t been her best subject in school.

  A double beep sounded. Garfor tapped a silver square on his right shoulder.


  “We are cleared for departure.”

  “Understood.” He tapped the communicator again then stood.

  “Come, we have a bit of a walk.”

  Her heart started to pound double time, and her thoughts whirled at light-speed as she stared up at him. Garfor was a stranger from a distant planet. He seemed trustworthy, but she’d been talking with him for less than an hour, and he had adeptly pointed out how naïve she was in some of the ways of the worlds. A being could say they were anyone from anywhere. Maybe she should ask for identification?

  “Just so I understand what’s happening, you’re offering to take me to Somas Prime on your private ship?”

  “I thought I’d made that clear earlier,” he said, lifting an eyebrow.

  “But you haven’t told me how many credits you want for the trip.” Megan had hoped to use all of the proceeds from the sale of her home to purchase a new one on Somas Prime, but she needed to get there first. If she had to, she could probably ask to stay in company housing longer. Before he could answer, she had an idea. “I’ll pay you half now and the remainder when we reach Somas Prime.”

  Garfor smiled. “A wise bargain, but unnecessary. I’m going home; therefore, I have no intention of taking your credits for a journey already planned.”

  “I’ve been out of university for quite a while, but if memory serves, there’s more than a bit of distance between the two systems, Garfor.”

  “Not enough to concern yourself with.” He grasped the handle of her suitcase.

  Megan knew a hint when she saw one. What the hell? You wanted an adventure, she silently reminded herself as she stood.

  “I’m gonna appreciate it if you don’t make me regret doing this,” she said as he offered her his arm.

  “You are out of harm’s way in my care, Megan Lynch.”

  Despite the formality of his statement, Garfor smiled broadly and chuckled. She took it as a good sign and relaxed a little.

  “Hey, what about cancelling my ticket for the Dalosian ship?”

  “We don’t have time to go back to the counter. I’ll take care of it from the ship as soon as we’re on our way.

  They walked out of the lounge into the busy terminal. Megan was more than grateful for having a large, intimidating, confident man at her side, guiding and leading her through the maze of corridors and throngs of travelers.

  “I thought I’d already gone from one end of this place to the other earlier,” she commented, looking around at the unfamiliar, far less crowded terminal they entered after walking for a substantial amount of time.

  When they rounded another corner, Megan tensed and tried to slow their pace. Garfor dropped the arm she’d been holding onto and snaked it around her back.

  “Be calm, Megan. This is the military section of the port. There’s nothing for you to be concerned about.”

  “I told you about my brothers. I’m not completely ignorant. My interplanetary visa is only grade two. It won’t get me through upper level security.”

  “No, it won’t, but you’re with me. I’m all the verification you require.” His grip tightened as he kept their pace brisk.

  “Why didn’t you explain to me how we would be traveling?”

  “You need transport, and I command a ship. The type of vessel is of no consequence.”

  “Good evening, Commander, miss,” one of the security officers said after they passed through the scanners. “Bay three, sir. You’re next to go.”

  Megan was shocked when he didn’t ask to see any of her documents, but ultimately pleased that Garfor had told her the truth. Her curiosity cranked up a notch as she wondered just how important her new friend was.

  They entered the docking bay. Megan stared at the enormous ship in front of her. “Wow, this is magnificent.”

  “Thank you, swaya, it pleases me greatly that you recognize the worthiness of my craft.” He gently brushed the side of her face with his index and second finger.

  “I don’t understand the word swaya,” she said quietly, surprised that when she repeated the word, it felt natural, comfortable.

  “Are you certain?” he asked, staring down intently into her eyes. “It’s a term of utmost endearment in my native language.”

  Her skin tingled, her nipples hardened, and the bay seemed to tilt slightly. Megan closed her eyes and swallowed rapidly, hoping it would settle her obviously still-frayed nerves.

  “Let’s get aboard. It’s time for us to depart, and you need to rest.”

  Megan didn’t argue. All of a sudden, the stress of her day hit her like a ton of bricks. Her legs shook as she ascended the ramp to the ship. The entry door lifted with a loud whooshing sound. Garfor steadied her as she stepped inside. Megan scanned the expansive space, determining right away that it was the cockpit of the ship.

  Two men turned away from their respective consoles. Expressions of utter surprise flashed across their faces for a split second before they jumped out of their chairs. They placed their left fist over their chest. Garfor returned the gesture.

  “Rork, Loban, this is Megan Lynch.” Garfor pointed to each as he said their name.

  She understood it was rude to stare, but couldn’t help herself. Plus, they were openly checking her out, so Megan decided maybe in their culture it was okay. Both were shirtless, tall and muscular, with intricate black tattoos across their broad shoulders, but Rork was slightly stockier. Loban had white-blond hair, Rork’s was deep brown, and neither wore it as long as Garfor’s. They were stunningly handsome, and Megan’s heart fluttered.

  Rork stepped forward and in a single, fluid motion, Garfor removed his robe and handed it to him. Like the others, he was bare from the waist up, and muscular, chiseled perfection. He was decorated with similar tattoos, and his arms; well, a girl could spend hours running her fingers over those sculpted biceps and triceps and whatever else was there.

  Megan’s eyes widened as she perused south of his waist. His pants clung like a second skin, outlining the muscles of his thighs and the imposing ridge beneath the laces holding closed the fly area. Black, polished knee-high boots completed the outfit.

  Her breath hitched as an image flashed through her mind. She pictured herself holding onto Garfor’s shoulders with her legs wrapped around his hips. While he supported her effortlessly and fucked her senseless, Rork and Loban watched. Her cunt heated at the imagery.

  He leaned d
own until his lips touched the edge of her ear. “Slaterine men are extremely attuned to their woman’s sexual desires. It’s been delightfully challenging for me to control myself with you so far. You keep looking at me that way while enjoying whatever naughty thoughts have accelerated your breathing and heated your body, and we’re going to take you right here.” He kissed the sensitive area behind her earlobe before pulling away.

  Her pulse pounded as nova-worthy horniness raced through her. We’re? Did he just say we’re? She enjoyed a racy novel, and had an active imagination when it came to sex, but she’d only been with one man in her life.

  Garfor tenderly grasped her elbow and led her to a seat at the back of the cockpit. Megan sat down and he secured her lap band, clipping the buckle and testing its tautness by running his fingers underneath the entire length. Goose bumps rose along her skin. Next came the upper body restraints, and Megan feared she might faint as he brushed her breasts multiple times while getting the straps positioned the way he wanted.

  “The first light-speed departure is disconcerting for most,” he said, cupping her chin. “Don’t focus on the passing stars as we takeoff. If you experience any discomfort at all, tell us immediately.”

  Megan nodded, temporarily unable to speak as she frantically wondered what in the stars was going on. As she watched Garfor move to the largest computer console and sit down, she noticed Rork and Loban were staring at her again.

  Had they heard what Garfor had said? It didn’t really matter since they couldn’t have missed him whispering in her ear and his excessive touching while getting her fastened into her seat.

  “Rork, take us out,” he ordered.

  The ship began to move, and Megan gripped her armrests. My new life starts now, she marveled as they blasted out of the docking bay. Pressure from the launch pressed her violently into the chair. When the ship tipped and rolled, it felt as if her stomach dropped to the deck. Sweat dripped down between her shoulder blades, and she began to tremble.

  “Oh, Lord,” she mumbled, slamming her eyes shut and willing herself not to throw up. Her teeth started to chatter.

  “Shit,” she heard one of them call out.

  “Megan, try and breathe normally.” A large hand stroked the side of her face and neck. “I’m going to give you an equilibrium injection. It will make you sleep for a while, but you’ll be good as new when you wake up.”

  Chapter Two

  Garfor carefully laid Megan down on his bunk. She was pale as a ghost and cold as ice. He’d never seen a being succumb to space sickness so quickly. If Loban hadn’t gotten to the first-aid kit and administered the medication as fast as he had, Garfor was pretty certain she would have emptied her stomach all over the bridge. He removed her boots then typed his request into the replicator on the wall. Heated blankets appeared immediately. After tucking them tightly around her still form, Garfor sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her forehead.

  Her beauty took his breath away. She was petite, and despite her loose fitting garments, he knew she was curvy in all the right places since he’d been touching her every chance he could. He brushed a lock of hair off her cheek and his dick, rock-hard since the moment he’d laid eyes on her, twitched.

  Megan Lynch was much more than physically pleasing. Her spirit set his senses on fire just as much as her appearance. In their short acquaintance, she had confided in him, laughed with him, and displayed great emotion. She’d shown strength of character in defending her family and her own life choices, and shown bravery in embracing the unknown by going with him.

  Her unguarded desire as she perused his, Loban’s and Rork’s bodies had been the most gorgeous thing he’d ever witnessed. “Very soon we’re going to explore that passion to the fullest, swaya,” he whispered before standing and leaving his cabin.

  “After searching for so long, the least you could have done was alert us that you’d found her,” Rork commented immediately as Garfor entered the command room.

  “Or, I don’t know, let us have more than a few minutes with her before I had to knock her out,” Loban added.

  Garfor took his seat. “I rescued her, literally, barely an hour ago. My time was better spent getting her to come with me and then getting us off the planet before she changed her mind. How was I to know she’d react so badly to space travel?”

  “I’ve heard tell that Earth women can be quite independent and headstrong, and that a traditional Earth bonding is between one man and one woman,” Rork said.

  “The very reason why we didn’t mind staying on board while you brokered our trades on this planet,” Loban offered.

  “Perhaps this proves that after all our years together it’s time for me to be in charge on land as well as on this ship?” Garfor asked with as much innocence as he could muster.

  “Not hardly.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Rork and Loban stared at him with mock-stern expressions, and his heart swelled with emotion. The three of them had been raised together, served in the military together since reaching the age of majority and were a triad in the way of their people. They were destined to share a woman, their swaya. His pride at being the one who found her and successfully brought her to his mates was boundless.

  “We don’t have a limitless amount of time before Megan wakes up,” Rork noted. “Please tell us what transpired off ship.”

  “I was on my way back here when I saw her. She was standing in the terminal with tears shimmering in her eyes while scores of people on foot and in transports buzzed by, around and almost into her. She was so lost, confused and scared; I couldn’t get to her fast enough.”

  Garfor drew a steadying breath as the memory of the rage he felt at seeing their woman in such a precarious situation replayed. Intellectually, he’d been certain he understood the intensity of the Slaterine mating bond until it happened. He’d recognized her instantly. He knew without a doubt she was destined for him, Rork and Loban, and that she had absolutely no idea. The moment was terrifying, exhilarating and empowering all at the same time.

  “I forcefully removed her from harm’s way. Megan responded immediately to my touch, but it was extremely apparent she was shocked by her reaction. Despite that, she confided her troubles to me. She was victim to unscrupulous business practices by the passenger line, which was booked by her new employer. Her parents died when she was a child, her brothers died valiantly afterward. The man she married betrayed her sexually and robbed her financially.”

  “I’ll enjoy killing him with my bare hands,” Rork uttered at barely above a whisper.

  “You’ll control yourself,” Garfor countered forcefully. “Megan made it abundantly clear her wish is to start a new life.”

  “With us?” Loban asked, skepticism evident in both his tone and expression.

  “I told her I would take her to Somas Prime, the site of her new job.”

  “And then what, we drop her off and go on our merry way? Or do you intend for us to stay there with her?”

  “I said that’s what I told her. It’s not, however, what we’re going to do.”

  “Garfor, do you truly believe the best way to begin our relationship with Megan is with deceit?” Rork asked, frowning.

  “Deceit? It sounds more like kidnapping to me.” Loban stood and began pacing.

  “Hear me out. I have a plan, and it makes damn good sense,” Garfor said. Rork and Loban stayed quiet, but he could see it was a struggle for both of them. “Trans Galaxy had changed Megan’s transport to a Dalosian cargo ship.”

  “Are you fucking kidding?” Loban slugged the back of one of the chairs. “She’d have never made it to Somas.”

  “I’m well aware of that.” Garfor glanced over to Rork, who was shaking with rage. “In an effort to avoid overly upsetting her, I pointed out the potential problems with accepting that form of transport with as much care as I could muster.”

  “I would have been hauled off by security after tearing apart w
hoever handled the transfer and paddling Megan’s bottom for risking her own safety.” Rork shoved his fingers through his unbound hair.

  “Two more reasons I’m glad I was the one handling the situation. But this works to our advantage. Her employer thinks she’s on the Dalosian ship and that it will take at least three weeks for her to arrive. I told Megan I would cancel her ticket, but I have a strong feeling we’re going to experience communication difficulties, which render that an impossible task. I have no doubt in that amount of time we can use our considerable powers of persuasion to prove to her we four are destined to be together.”

  “A sound plan,” Loban said with a nod of his head.

  “May I suggest we set course for home at top speed, Commander?” Rork asked, smiling.

  “Make it so. You have the helm.”

  Megan floated in a state of partial awareness. She snuggled under the thick, comfy blankets as she realized she no longer felt ill, just a bit fuzzy in the head.

  Images of three gorgeous men filled her mind, touching her, loving her, taking her to soaring heights of sexual satisfaction. Rork and Loban were hazy, almost ghost-like, but Garfor was crystal clear. She pictured him lying behind her, cradling her against his massive chest. He whispered promises of sensual delights to come, his breath tickling the back of her neck.

  Moist heat built between her thighs and her nipples began to tingle. She drew one hand up along her mid-section and cupped her breast. While caressing her sensitized skin, Megan repositioned in an effort to free her legs from the tangle of her long skirt. As was common in dreams, the fabric magically lifted. She moved her other hand down her abdomen and into her panties. She stroked her swollen, wet folds briefly before concentrating on her hardened clit.

  After only a few swirls of her fingertips, a powerful orgasm tore through her. She rocked her hips in time with the pulsing release and felt a large hand join hers at her cunt.

  I’m not dreaming anymore! Megan opened her eyes. Garfor was gazing down at her, his face mere inches away. His cheeks were flushed, and his pupils were dilated. Never had a man looked at her with such stark passion.


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