Megan's Men

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Megan's Men Page 4

by Tessie Bradford

  Megan laughed, and the sound was music to his ears. “No, my training is in finance, but I love the outdoors and have quite the green thumb, if I do say so myself. I’ve always had a knack for growing things, nursing stray animals back to health, calming small children, stuff like that. My mom used to tell me I’m a nurturer by nature.”

  “Garfor told us about the loss of your family.” Rork refused to acknowledge aloud the sorry excuse for a male who had deserted and mistreated her. “You’re not alone anymore. We are going to take care of you from now on.”

  “Oh my God, seriously?” He felt Megan drop back down into her seat. “As I tried to explain to Garfor before we left Earth, I’m a grown woman. I make my own decisions and am more than capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Your current circumstance speaks to the opposite.”

  “Right, stupid me; I didn’t figure out that the nice alien man who offered his help was really a lying kidnapper until it was too late. Lucky for me, he has two henchmen who want to get in on the action.”

  “Why do you persist in denying the truth of things? It’s a waste of all of our time. You belong with us and will stay with us.”

  “Rork, how about relaxing just a little bit? You’re killing the mood.”

  Megan smiled at Loban as he draped his arm around her shoulder and scooted so they were touching from hip to knee.

  These men were all so very different. Loban had been a riot when helping her pick out her clothes, joking and keeping up a constant stream of double entendre comments as they looked at the display screen. Garfor exuded strength and power without arrogance, and apparently, Rork was the take no crap, get right down to business member of the trio. A life with them sure wouldn’t be boring. What the hell? Megan gave herself a mental shake.

  “It’s okay. I’m too excited about seeing a new world for anything to bum me out right now.” She scanned the passing landscape before continuing. “Plus, soon, I plan to make it crystal clear to Rork and Garfor that I don’t respond well to men ordering me around,” she said quietly so only Loban could hear.

  “Why not me?”

  “You haven’t shown similar qualities,” she said, grinning.

  “Yet.” He tightened his grip on her shoulder, pulling her toward him. “We’re dominant men, swaya, but each in our own way. Are you positive you dislike relinquishing control to a man in every situation?”

  “Yes, wait, what?” she asked. Her pulse sped up, and butterflies danced in her tummy as she watched his pupils darken.

  Loban lowered his lips to hers. Megan was in awe at how he smoothly maneuvered her into a reclining position without breaking the kiss. His tongue surged into her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He alternated between teasing and staking his claim, setting her senses on fire. He cupped her breast and pinched her nipple. Megan moaned loudly, and she felt Loban smile against her lips. He slid his palm down her side and over her hip. When his fingers slid beneath the string of her scandalously tiny panties straight to her soaking pussy lips, she lifted up into his touch.

  Then the reality that they weren’t alone crashed into her. Megan let go of his neck, pushed against his shoulders and tried frantically to close her legs. She had as much luck moving Loban as she imagined she would have with one of the giant rock structures they’d driven past. He stopped kissing her lips, but continued kissing along her jaw line to her ear.

  “They sense your arousal, Megan, can feel it, smell it,” he stated in a normal speaking tone, one Megan had no doubt Garfor and Rork could hear in the confined space. “Their cocks are rock-hard because they know I’m bringing you pleasure. I’ve no doubt they’re envious that at this moment I’m touching you, loving you, but there’s no jealousy in a bonded relationship. We will make love, spend time, live our lives together and separately as our moods and desires dictate. Open your mind and heart and body to who we are, swaya.”

  His words fanned the flames of her desire as much as, maybe more than, his skilled fingers. She came fast and hard, bucking on the seat, digging her fingernails into his arms and whimpering mindlessly. Loban stroked her tenderly through the last of her tremors before settling her on his lap.

  “Megan, we’ll be home soon. Look, over there, those homes indicate the beginning of our district.”

  She fixed him with her best “are you kidding me” stare. After what they just did, he was back to pointing out the scenery? He winked and flashed a wickedly handsome grin.

  “Thank the Gods,” Garfor said, looking over his shoulder. “Rork’s piloting is making me a nervous wreck.”

  “You try and concentrate on driving with the level of distraction in this vehicle.”

  “I’d rather try and wedge myself into the back seat.” He boldly ogled her.

  “Okay, see? They’re behaving normally, considering,” she commented to Loban.

  “I had no idea you wanted to discuss our little tryst. How thrilling,” he replied with exuberance. “You were magnificent, coming on my fingers while you writhed beneath me.” He took her hand and pressed it on his penis. “It took, shit, is still taking, every ounce of control I possess not to whip this out and fuck you. And as long as we’re on the subject, once we’re in a more comfortable setting, I’m going to taste every inch of your body, worship your pussy with my mouth and feel your release on my tongue then slide my cock into your wet heat. Rork and Garfor will be there, maybe one sucking on your nipples while the other feeds his dick into your mouth?”

  “Loban enjoys talking about sex,” Rork offered in a strained voice.

  “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Megan said with great difficulty. On top of having a handful of Loban’s cock, he was trailing his fingers along the swell of her breast.

  There was a second of silence before all three men laughed. She joined them.

  For the rest of the trip, Garfor, Rork and Loban pointed out things for her to look at and chatted about day-to-day life on their planet. She was fascinated by the differences between their culture and hers.

  The traditional Slaterine family was comprised of a minimum of two men to one woman. They believed in multiple deities. Their society was communal economically, but there was one house that owned the land, settled disputes and protected each district. In this district, it was the house of H’oug. They took their responsibilities very seriously, and though they didn’t say it specifically, Megan got a clear picture that Rork, Loban and Garfor were highly regarded and respected by their people.

  The subject of children came up multiple times. Loban and Garfor each had four brothers, Rork had three brothers and a sister, and many of their siblings had children of their own. They shared entertaining stories about their experiences and bantered back and forth over what they agreed with and how they were going to do some things differently. Their unabashed desire to be fathers touched a very special part of Megan’s heart.

  Rork navigated the veritable maze of massive, towering rock formations, which dominated the area as they got closer to the base of Mount Zefra. He made a sharp turn to the left, and Megan was stunned by what she saw. Protected on three sides by the rocks, and with the mountain range behind it, was an extensive amount of property—a combination of cropland and uncultivated wilderness. A stone and brick mansion was ahead to the right, and the waterfall-fed lake Garfor had mentioned earlier was off to the left.

  “This is beyond spectacular,” she said with wonder.

  “Welcome home, Megan.” Rork brought the hover car to a stop, and the glass top opened. He got out, came to her side of the car and held out his hand. Loban grasped her sides, lifting and steadying her as she exited the vehicle.

  “I can’t wait to see everything!” she enthused, spinning in a complete circle. Rork kept hold of her fingertips as she turned, and Garfor and Loban moved to stand very near. “I’ve only seen pictures of houses so magnificent, and I’ve never, ever seen anything like this.” She glanced up at the mountain peaks, which
disappeared into the clouds, over at the water cascading into the lake and off across the farmland.

  “The official tour won’t take place until tomorrow.” Garfor rested his hand on her shoulder.

  Megan opened her mouth to question why until she paid attention to the intensity of his expression and those of the other two. Her heart pounded wildly, and her knees threatened to give out. She squealed when Rork swept her up in his arms and carried her into the house.

  “This is the great room,” Loban announced. “Through there is the kitchen, dining hall and library. Down that hall are sitting rooms, bathrooms and the solarium.”

  She craned her neck from side to side, trying to see as much as she could. Rork wasn’t sauntering his way through the expansive space.

  “Stop it, Loban; she’s going to squirm right out of my hold.” Rork tightened his arms and smiled at her.

  “Yeah, right,” she said, pretty damn sure the only way she was getting out of his strong embrace was when he allowed it.

  They ascended a giant staircase to the second floor. With each step he took, Megan’s nerves kicked up.

  Garfor moved ahead of them. “All of the bedrooms are on this level.”

  Megan counted eight doors, not including the one Garfor was opening at the end of the hall. He stood to the side, and Rork carried her inside. The room was huge and beautifully decorated in shades of cream, tan, brown and red. One entire wall was glass and faced the mountain waterfall. What held her attention, however, was the enormous bed dominating the space. It had definitely been designed to accommodate more than two people.

  “You’re trembling,” Rork said, searching her face.

  “Hopefully due to being extremely turned on?” Loban asked, trailing a finger along her thigh.

  “Well, yeah, mostly.” She gave Garfor a pleading look as heat burned her cheeks.

  “Megan confided to me that her previous sexual experience is limited to the man she was married to. Her intense desires for us are confusing and foreign to her, and they conflict with how she perceives herself and what is acceptable behavior.”

  “Wow, good job in the explaining department,” Megan said quietly, extremely relieved and grateful for his tact.

  “Rork, please put her down,” Garfor directed. Rork set her gently on the edge of the mattress. “I guarantee we’re going to push your boundaries, swaya, our ways are very different from yours.”

  Megan ran her tongue along her lower lip as they removed their boots.

  “But our intent will always be to bring you ultimate pleasure.” Garfor untied the laces of his pants and slid them down his hips. “And to that end, you’ll be open and honest with us, as we will be with you.”

  Loban and Rork followed his lead, and suddenly Megan was in the presence of three very naked, very aroused men. Slowly, and oh so sensuously, Garfor removed the tie binding his hair. The long, straight, jet-black strands fell over his shoulders and down his chest.

  With boldness she didn’t know she possessed, Megan stood, lifted her dress over her head, tossed it on the floor and removed her panties. She walked to them. First, she reached out and ran her fingers through Garfor’s hair. Then, she caressed Loban’s chest and abs with one hand and Rork’s with the other.

  “I can do anything I want, with each of you, and you swear you won’t get jealous, or, um, mad?” The possibilities were staggering, invigorating, kind of scary and wildly lust inducing, but she needed a tiny bit more reassurance about the dynamic before throwing caution to the wind.

  “I’m mad with wanting you.” Garfor brushed his thumbs across her pebbled nipples.

  “I’ll swear up a storm if it helps put you at ease.” Loban flashed his killer grin.

  Megan chuckled.

  “It doesn’t upset you that you and I have only kissed?” she asked Rork.

  “Why should it? Loving you isn’t a race or competition between us, swaya.”

  Well there you have it, she marveled as her anxiety floated away.

  Megan wrapped her fingers around the base of Rork’s penis. He was thick and warm and oh so hard. She leaned down and swirled the tip of her tongue over and around the top of his cock. Rork laid his hand on the back of her head, but did nothing to affect her movements. She cupped his heavy balls in her other hand and took him into her mouth. His flavor and scent were exotic, intoxicating. She took him slowly, as deep she was able to, savoring his taste. Her body reacted instantly; her breasts tingled and moisture bloomed in her pussy.

  One of the other men came up behind her, pressing his groin to her ass before wrapping an arm around her middle, steadying her. It was Garfor; the ends of his hair tickled her back as he leaned over her.

  “I’ve got you, Megan,” he whispered.

  The reality of having Rork in her mouth, Garfor against her back and Loban somewhere watching, opened the floodgates of her lust. She went down on Rork enthusiastically while grinding back into Garfor, never doubting he would support her.

  “Gods,” Rork groaned.

  He grasped two handfuls of her hair and began thrusting his hips forward. They found their rhythm quickly. Megan carefully fondled his balls while bobbing up and down on his penis. When his movements became more frantic, she stayed with him, increasing her suction and tightening her fingers around his steely length.

  He muttered something she didn’t understand and Garfor’s cock slid between her legs but not into her cunt. She clamped her thighs together and flexed her hips back and forth. Rork moaned, and the first shot of his warm cum into her mouth sent her over the edge. She gyrated on Garfor as she milked Rork dry.

  Garfor lifted her off Rork’s cock but kept his arms around her waist as Rork kissed her hungrily. Megan was still so horny her clit throbbed. Her orgasm had been wonderful, but she desperately needed more. She rubbed her breasts against Rork’s smooth chest and wiggled her butt.

  “That was magnificent,” Rork said after ending their kiss. His praise further heated her blood.

  They guided her over to the bed. Loban stood at the foot of it, massaging his massive erection. “Let Garfor and Rork help you, Megan. They know how I want you.”

  His expression was darkly seductive, commanding, powerful. How had she ever thought him less dominant than the others? After getting her settled on her back with a pillow under her head, Garfor sat cross-legged on her right, facing her, and Rork did the same on her left. Her pulse pounded as she wondered what they were going to do.

  Each grasped one of her wrists and held her arms out straight away from her body, pressing them to the mattress. Then, in unison, they each gripped her at the back of a knee, lifting and spreading her. She was restrained, open and at Loban’s mercy. Megan gasped as cream seeped from her pussy and ran down to her anus.

  Loban crawled between her outstretched thighs. He placed his palms on her ass cheeks, pressing outward, exposing her even further. “Is your poor little clit aching to be sucked?” She quivered when he blew on it. “Your pussy lips are swollen, pink and so wet. Are you dying for me to fuck you?”


  “With my tongue or my cock?”

  “Either, both, please—”

  Loban lowered his head and licked her from anus to clit a couple of times before sending his tongue deep into her channel. Megan cried out and thrashed her head from side to side. She struggled against Garfor and Rork’s hold, and they tightened their grips. Her level of arousal went through the roof. It had never crossed her mind she’d get off on being physically restrained during lovemaking.

  “Garfor and I know you don’t really want to be free of us, swaya. Fight and test our hold, it enflames us as much as it does you.”

  Loban licked and teased her mercilessly, bringing her to the brink then slowing down until she was babbling and begging uncontrollably.

  He gave her clit one final kiss before rising. He repositioned so that the head of his penis poked at her entrance. Megan expected Garf
or and Rork to release her. When they didn’t, she looked at them before turning her questioning gaze to Loban. He said nothing. Silently, with a feral grin, he placed his hands on the mattress, right beneath her armpits, and impaled her with one powerful thrust.

  She was instantly on sensory overload. Loban was fucking her, but Rork and Garfor were integral players in the act. They had her perfectly positioned. Loban ground against her clit and filled her completely on every stroke. Her inner muscles began to clench. She tried to hold off her release, hoping to enjoy a few more minutes of their glorious loving, but it was a losing battle.

  “I’m gonna come,” she said, closing her eyes and balling her fingers into fists. Her release echoed through every cell in her body.

  “Look at me, Megan.”

  When she did, Loban pulled out of her still rippling cunt. He pumped his cock and came on her mound, abdomen and stomach.

  Megan barely registered Rork and Garfor letting go of her limbs before Rork pulled her to sprawl on top of him. He caressed down her back, and she turned her cheek to rest on his chest. Hands gripped her hips, raising her ass.

  “Swaya, I need you so badly,” Garfor pleaded, slowly sliding his cock across her ultra sensitized pussy lips.

  Megan wondered how she could take anymore, but there was no way she was going to deny him. She whimpered, dug her fingernails into Rork, and shifted until she felt Garfor’s cock at her entrance.

  “That’s it, take him in; allow him to experience the ecstasy you’ve given us.”

  “You’re our perfect mate. The only woman who can give us exactly what we need,” Loban added, now lying next to them, gingerly brushing her sweat-dampened hair off her forehead.

  With infinite tenderness, Garfor eased into her body.

  Megan drifted on the indescribable pleasure of their gentleness. Rork and Loban touched her with reverence, Garfor rocked gently, and they each whispered their love for her.

  Her movements sped up before Garfor’s. “Harder,” she said with a sigh.


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