A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret Page 4

by Kathleen Hill

  The music was loud and the drinks were flowing when Emily arrived at the bar. She ignored the wolf whistles that followed her to a stool and took the ice-cold margarita her uncle offered. The first sip was like a soothing massage. It instantly relaxed her tight muscles and lifted her spirits. She crossed her long legs and turned the stool around to face the dance floor. Writhing bodies filled the floor, but she recognized no one. Without their baseball uniforms, she couldn’t tell the players apart. She had put their names with their teams, not their faces.

  Man after man propositioned her. She rolled her eyes, told them to go away and ordered another drink. When the next man came strolling up with a cocky smile, she was ready to blow him off. Then she looked into his green eyes and was caught in his spell. Those eyes beckoned to her soul. Her eyes roamed over him, seeing blonde hair, a white smile and a ripped body. He was young and hot, just the right formula for a little fun. Maybe it was the drinks or maybe she was tired of saying no, but when he asked for a dance, she gave in. A strong hand wrapped around hers and she was led through the crowd to the center of the dance floor. The rap music abruptly stopped and a much slower song began. She let her arms slide around his neck as he pulled her close. It felt nice to be next to a warm muscular body and sway to a love song. She allowed herself to enjoy the moment, intending to go back to her room once the song ended.

  A passing dancer exclaimed, “She turned me down for you! It must

  have been your fastball that got her attention, Bryant. I know it’s not your charm. You don’t have any.” He laughed and danced away.

  Emily may not have recognized his face, but she knew the name.

  The man holding her was the young hotshot that had blown away the

  competition at tryouts. He turned his smile on Emily and asked, “Were

  you at the tryouts today? I’m sorry that I didn’t see you there. We could

  have already gotten to know each other. I’m Bryant Koslow. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Emily Riggs. Nice to meet you. You’ve got a really great arm.

  Take care of it.”

  “I met a man named Wayne Riggs on the field. Don’t tell me he’s

  your dad? I signed with a different agent.” Bryant pretended to be


  Emily laughed at the awful face he was making and replied. “Actually, he’s my uncle. I’m shadowing him for a while. I’m going to be

  a sports agent as well. I must say, you should have chosen him. He’s very

  good at his job. He would have gotten you a great deal.”

  “Maybe I can make a deal with you. Be my dance partner for the

  rest of the night and I’ll be sure to get you all the drinks you desire.”

  Chapter 2

  Emily was intrigued by the offer. She was no longer tired. The drinks had solved that situation. Dancing the night away with a gorgeous man and plenty more to drink sounded wonderful. Why not have some fun and blow off some steam? She gave Bryant a big white smile and replied, “You’re on. Let’s shut down the place.” A rock song blasted over the speakers, making the floor vibrate, and Emily began to shake her excellent booty. Bryant let out an excited whoop and joined in. Six sweaty dances and two strong drinks later, their bodies rubbed in all the right places. Bryant took a chance and planted a resounding kiss on her lips. Emily put both of her hands on his chiseled cheeks and held him captive. She opened her mouth and their tongues danced along with their bodies. Rockets seemed to burst in the air as the deep kisses continued.

  The bartender rolled his eyes and yelled, “Get a room!” Coming up for a breath, they noticed the bar was almost empty. Raising his eyebrows in a silent question, Bryant waited for Emily to make a comment on the bartender’s suggestion. She nodded and clinging to each other, they slowly made their way to the elevator. His room was on a lower floor, so it seemed logical to their half drunken minds to go there, instead of hers.

  The elevator proved to be too slow for their passion and their hands began to roam over sweat-soaked clothing. Emily ripped at his body hugging shirt as Bryant tried to use his key card to open the hotel room door. It finally popped open causing them to fall to the carpeted floor. Arms and legs became tangled and hysterical laughter bubbled from Emily’s kiss swollen lips. Bryant kicked the door shut with his foot. He stopped Emily’s laughter with a deep kiss and pulled the tight, red dress over her head. She wore only a pair of red, thong panties beneath. The rest of her skin was exposed to his heated gaze. His hands explored the round globes of her creamy breasts. She protested and he pulled away asking, “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No,” Emily sighed. “The rough carpet is burning my back.” Bryant tugged her up for another kiss, then lifted her off the floor and carried her to the wide bed. She bounced up on her knees and finished removing his torn shirt. As her fingers worked at unbuttoning his jeans, he dug in the pocket and brought out a condom. Emily did a little shimmy, hooked her thumbs in the side of the underwear, and her thong was tossed to the floor. Now, nude, Bryant tossed her flat on the bed and pounced. His warm mouth was everywhere, kissing her lips, biting her neck, and sucking gently at her taut nipples. The fire in her body was lit and burning brightly. She squeezed his tight backside, then ran her hands over his six pack, pushing him upward, so she could reach between their bodies. She clamped a hand around his erection and caressed its hardness. Bryant bucked and moaned against the soft caress. He too, reached between them and let his long fingers delve into her silky wetness. Neither could wait any longer. Emily aided him in donning the condom and he immediately impaled her with his throbbing member. She screamed in triumph as their bodies became one. Sparks went off behind her blue eyes, as he moved faster and faster, raising the tension to an explosive height. They burst over the top together and marveled at the sensation. Bryant rolled onto his back, taking Emily with him. She clung to his chest in exhaustion, her breathing slowed, and they fell asleep entwined.

  Their whirlwind romance continued for several months. Wherever Emily traveled with her uncle, Bryant would soon show up. She reveled in his attention. The nights were filled with laughter, dancing, music, movies and of course, great sex. It was a never-ending, joyous ride. Uncle Wayne warned her that a romance that burned too hot would not last forever. She thought he was either crazy or jealous. She and Bryant had it all—romance, excitement, chemistry and love. At least, she thought it was love. Neither had used those words to describe their relationship.

  Emily’s first sign that the fire wasn’t burning as hot, came when Bryant didn’t show up at their next stop. He called and made a lame excuse, something about a party that he had to attend at his old college. Why didn’t he invite her? She would have been willing to take some time off for his sake. The second sign came when he no longer answered her phone calls. She left messages and only received short texts, riddled with excuses, in return. The fire completely died the day her uncle handed her a gossip magazine and Bryant graced the cover. A voluptuous red head, wearing a tiny bikini, hung onto his waist. She was sitting behind him on a jet ski, clinging like a vine. The caption said, ‘New Baseball Phenomenon Finds Romance with Porn Star’. Emily threw the disgusting tabloid across the room and screamed. So much for true love. It took a few weeks of soul searching, but she got over it. There were plenty of hot guys who found her attractive and she was far too young to settle down anyway. Her whole future was planned and it didn’t include a distraction like Bryant. She needed to finish college, get a job as a sports agent and work toward having her own office. She wished Bryant good luck in his baseball career, sending him a text message to that effect. Emily was surprised to find that she harbored no ill feelings. The affair had been explosive and fun while it lasted, but good things usually came to an end. Uncle Wayne was right. It had burned too hot, and then, inevitably fizzled into nothing.

  Chapter 3

  Emily held the phone away from her ear allowing her mother to continue ranting. Rather than listen to
the same arguments repeated over and over, she gazed out the window of her office. It always gave her a thrill and a sense of satisfaction to see the streets of Boston so far below. It had taken hard work and dedication, but here she was, in her own office. Her name was on the door, she had a secretary and sports figures fought for her expertise. She had come a long way from the young girl shadowing her uncle all over the country. She was a powerful sports agent in the great city of Boston.

  Her mother’s grating voice came back to her. She had asked Emily a question and was waiting for a reply. The problem was that Emily had no idea what the question had been. She said, “I’m sorry Mom. What was the question? The phone cut out and I didn’t hear it.”

  “You must think I’m stupid. It wasn’t the phone that cut out. It was your brain. You always pretend to listen, but I know you’re not.” Emily’s mother let out a big sigh of frustration and continued, “I understand that you’re busy; however, you could give me a few minutes of your undivided attention. I just want you to be happy. All you ever do is work. That’s not as necessary as it used to be. Your career is right on track. It’s your personal life that could use some work. Get out there and have some fun. Find yourself a nice husband and give me some grandchildren. It would be a more rounded and satisfying life for you.”

  Emily wrapped her long, blonde hair around her hand and held it on top of her head. This discussion always made her sweat. Her skin prickled with tension as she replied, “You have a grandchild on the way. Frank and Sarah are going to be parents any day now. Why isn’t that enough for you? I’m not interested in marriage at the moment. Besides, all the good men are taken. Let it rest.”

  “I’m well aware that your brother is about to become a dad. It should bother you, as it does me, that he is younger than you, but married and starting a family. Don’t you feel left behind?”

  “No, Mother, I don’t. I’m right where I want to be.” Thankfully, the phone beeped with an incoming call. It gave her an excuse to hang up and forget the argument.

  At lunchtime, Emily looked up to see a man standing in the office door. She told him, “Wait in the reception area. Kim will let you in when it’s time for your appointment.”

  A very familiar voice replied, “There was no one at the desk and I don’t have an appointment.”

  “Kim will be back in a moment. She just went to pick up our lunches. Make an appointment with her, please,” Emily answered.

  “Come on, Emily. Do I really have to make an appointment? I’m desperate. I need your help now. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency.” Bryant’s smile was just as intoxicating as it had been eight years before.

  “Fine, I’ll give you ten minutes for old times’ sake. I should kick you out for dumping me without a word. How’s the porn star?” Emily discovered that she still held some resentment over his actions.

  Bryant held up his hands in surrender. “I know that I blew it with you. I was young and stupid. As for the porn star, that was a publicity ploy. It got my name out there and brought attention to my career. I have no idea who that woman really was. You’re an agent. You know how things work.”

  Emily shook her head. “I don’t use fake stories to get publicity. It’s the real thing or nothing. If you want that kind of attention, go somewhere else.”

  “I’m trying to rid myself of that kind of attention. Your honest approach is exactly what I need. I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines.” When Emily didn’t comment, he continued, “They say I’ve cheated on my wife with every woman who has ever spoken to me. I was traded by the Cubs to the Phillies and the scandal followed me. I got into a scuffle with a teammate and was branded a troublemaker. They let me go. I lost my agent as well. The scandals continue to grow, but I haven’t done anything else. I need another chance. Your name came up in a conversation with a friend. He said you were good at this and could turn my reputation around. I’m begging for your help.”

  Emily stared straight into his green eyes and asked, “How can I trust you? Our past is proof that you’re not a loyal person. Your reputation adds fuel to the fire. I can’t help you unless you’re willing to help yourself. I would require you to give up the parties and clubs. You would have to be an excellent example of a gentleman. Can you honestly do that?”

  “I swear, I’ll do whatever you ask. My future is in your lovely hands. I’m a changed man.” Bryant turned up the smile.

  Emily ignored it and replied, “You just proved that you’re a liar. Compliments and flirtatious smiles are part of the reason you’re in this mess. You need to be serious if you want to have a chance at restarting your career. Are you still any good at pitching?”

  Bryant wiped off his smile. “I’m just as good as I was eight years ago, maybe better. I want back in the game. I made mistakes and I’ve paid for them the hard way. I lost everything. I will do my very best to follow your rules.”

  “I need you to prove that you can still pitch. I can’t afford to waste my time fixing your reputation if you aren’t good enough for a team.” Emily handed him a paper with an address and said, “Meet me there tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. We will test that golden arm.”

  Chapter 4

  The warm wind blew hair into Emily’s face. She had most of it tucked under a baseball cap, but stray strands had escaped. She sat in the bleachers waiting for Bryant to arrive. It brought back memories of traveling from field to field, searching for just the right player. Now, they called and begged her to represent them. Yet, here she was waiting for one of the first to ever impress her. She glanced at her watch. It read 7:02. She would give him three more minutes on the off chance that his watch was wrong. If he was really serious, he would be here. Emily’s time was valuable. She had the bank account to prove it. The roar of a motorcycle caught her attention. It pulled into the high school parking lot. It was a beautiful machine. She would love to ride it. Despite her mother’s opinion, Emily wasn’t all work and no play. She still enjoyed dancing, drinking and riding motorcycles. It just didn’t happen very often.

  Bryant swung his leg over the cycle and lifted off the helmet. Emily had to admit that he was still an impressive sight. Muscles rippled under his tight black t-shirt, jeans hugged his thighs and perfect backside, and blonde hair glistened in the sunshine. Her heart skipped a beat or two in memory of their time together. He dropped the helmet on the motorcycle seat and began running across the field. Good, he knew he was late and wanted to make up for it. That was a great start toward redemption.

  Emily waved at the high school coach. He grabbed a speed gun and tapped the team’s catcher on the shoulder. They jogged over to meet Emily and Bryant. The coach shook her hand and asked, “Is this the hotshot baseball player you want checked for speed and accuracy? Is he as good as my boy?”

  “If I said yes, you would just argue with me. Your son is excellent and his new team manager loves him. I got him the deal of a life time and you promised to help me anytime I needed it.” She hugged the old man and turned to Bryant. “Grab a ball and throw a few to this young man.” She indicated the catcher. “The coach will check your speed and act as the umpire. I trust his judgement. His son is one of the best.”

  Bryant huffed, “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  Emily grinned and answered, “Not a chance. It might influence his decision. He might be a fan or he might hate the troublemaker. Let’s just show him your talent.”

  Bryant took the mound and tossed a few warmup pitches to the teenager. The coach raised the speed gun after five minutes, indicating it was time for the real thing. The ball soared over the base in the strike zone. Emily was impressed. Most pitchers lost some speed as they aged, but Bryant was faster than ever. She motioned to him to continue. After ten fastballs, he changed to different pitches. He proved that his arm was as good as it had ever been. The tryout ended with a grinning coach slapping Bryant on the back and the teenager asking for pointers. Satisfied, Emily told him, “Come to my office Monday morning and I’ll have the cont
ract ready for you to sign.”

  “I’ll be there early. How about some breakfast? I didn’t have time to eat this morning and it’s still early. I’m buying.” Bryant had a lost and hopeful look she couldn’t resist. She was also starving. She had set this tryout so early on a Saturday to test Bryant’s sincerity, but she had overslept and skipped breakfast.

  Emily made her decision and replied, “Sure, I’m free. Breakfast would be excellent with one stipulation.”

  Bryant scowled, “I’m afraid to ask what it is. You want me to take a physical or something?”

  Emily laughed at his frightened expression. “It’s more along the lines of fun. I want a ride on that fabulous motorcycle. Do you have a second helmet?”

  Bryant couldn’t believe his ears. He had thought Emily’s adventurous days were behind her. He answered, “I always carry a spare for beautiful women.” He turned red and added, “Sorry, compliments are a habit. I promised to be good, so ignore it.”

  “We’re not agent and client at the moment, just old friends. You needn’t censor yourself. I’m not going to. I fully intend to enjoy this ride.” She started toward the parking lot and he jogged to catch up.

  Emily stuck the baseball cap in her back pocket and buckled on the helmet. She threw her long leg over the cycle and scooted up to plaster her chest against Bryant’s back. Her arms wrapped tightly around his waist and she could feel the six pack under her fingers. The cycle began to rumble and they tore out of the parking lot. Emily let out a yell of exhilaration. The fast speed, wind in her face and vibration of a powerful machine brought out the wild woman locked inside the workaholic. Freedom was an awesome thing she had forgotten. Bryant took the freeway, unnecessarily, for her enjoyment. They sped between trucks and cars, leaving cussing drivers in their wake. It was heavenly.


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