A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret Page 9

by Kathleen Hill

  Aida began with, "You know I'm crazy about you and that I was planning on traveling with you if necessary, but something has changed. It's wonderful and exciting. Besides, you haven't said anything else about leaving, so maybe this would be a good reason to stay. I discovered today that I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father! Isn't that great?"

  Stanley jumped up from the couch and paced the room while running his fingers through his hair. He protested, "No way! I can't be a father. There are too many places I still want to go and too many things I still want to do. Getting tied down with a family can't happen. I left home because I wanted freedom. Dad's a billionaire. I could have stayed back home and worked for him, had a wife and family, and tons of money. That's not what I wanted and I still don't."

  Aida was shocked and saddened by his reaction but tearfully replied, " I can't and won't get rid of this baby. I've wanted one for far too long and I don't believe in abortion."

  Stanley shouted, "I didn't ask you to get rid of it, did I? I'm not the type of person to kill a child because of my stupid mistake, but I'm also not dad material. If this baby is mine, I will have my father send you all the money you could ever need. Just don't expect me to hang around and play family. It's not going to happen. I thought you were in this for excitement and fun too, not to trap another cowboy. My mistake. I'll be heading out today. If you want money, you know how to reach me." Stanley stalked out and slammed the door.

  Aida returned to the couch, devastated. She had been a fool. Leaving Kenneth and trying to regain the past had turned into the biggest mistake of her life. Now she had a baby depending on her to fix everything. She cried herself to sleep wondering what to do now.

  Chapter 9

  Aida hid out in her apartment for several days. She didn't answer the door or the phone even when Emily called repeatedly and banged on her door several times. She just couldn't face anyone right now. Instead, she binged watched movies, ate junk food, threw it back up and researched morning sickness on the Internet even ordering books about pregnancy. She mourned the loss of Stanley, then the sadness turned to anger and she eventually admitted that what she had felt for Stanley was a form of lust, not real love.

  After a full week of self-pity, Aida took a shower, dressed, made a doctor's appointment for later in the week and re-entered the world. She had to get it together for the baby's sake. Her nausea had gotten better, so her first stop was lunch where she sat and made some serious decisions about the future. After lunch, she headed for Kenneth's house. No time like the present to start on her plans.

  Kenneth answered the door quickly, though he seemed confused to find Aida standing there. He invited her in, which seemed strange to them both. After all, it had been Aida's home for years. As Kenneth brought her a soft drink he asked, " What brings you here? I'm glad to see you, but was there something you needed?"

  The true and honest look of concern on Kenneth's face, made Aida speak out, holding nothing back, "I have been a fool. I've destroyed my life and caused you a lot of pain. I'm so very sorry. When the baby didn't happen, I started looking for things to take its place. Fun and excitement sounded good. I jumped on Emily's suggestion of the sex club even when she warned me not to let go of you. She knew you loved me and didn't want me to lose that, but Stanley was like the fountain of youth for me and I couldn't resist the feeling of being young and free again. I soon forgot that young and free meant no commitments. Now things have come back around to punish me."

  Kenneth reached for Aida's hand and told her, "From the look of you, you've been punishing yourself. You've lost weight and there are dark circles under your eyes. Did that piece of shit hurt you?"

  Aida smiled sadly and said, "He never harmed me physically. Emotionally, yes, but that was just as much my fault as his. I thought I was in love and that he should be too. I thought he was the old version of you, but he wanted someone to have fun with only as long as he was here, not a commitment. I've lost weight because of morning sickness. I'm pregnant Kenneth. There is a slight chance that it is yours, but a greater one that it is his. Not that it matters, he doesn't want anything to do with a family. He offered to have his rich father send lots of money to support us if the baby's his, but I don't want it. So the baby's mine and I will love it and raise it the best that I can."

  Kenneth pulled Aida into his arms and held her close as he declared his unfailing love for her. He promised that she never needed to be alone. He was more than willing to work things out with her if she wanted to try. He also said, "The paternity of the baby doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned, it's the baby we've always wanted. I want to love and care for you and the baby for the rest of my life. Is there any way we can work that out?"

  Aida had always known that Kenneth was a good man, but today he had passed all her expectations. She wanted to be as good a wife to him as possible so she insisted, "We can make a go at being a family if we can go to counseling and take things slow. I want this family to be a happy, healthy and strong one. No more ridiculous mistakes or regrets. I am deeply sorry for all the terrible choices I made."

  Kenneth declared that he had made lots of mistakes and bad choices as well. He had turned his back on the simple pleasures in life and let go of true friends in the meaningless pursuit of money. He explained that he had already decided to change his life before she came to the door. In fact he had thought she was the realtor that was coming to look over the house and put it up for sale. He wanted to live in a more normal neighborhood, where you got to know your neighbors, held barbeques on the weekend, and your kids rode bikes down the streets. He wasn't looking for youth or the past, just a more balanced and happy life and he preferred to build that life with Aida and their baby. It sounded like bliss to Aida. She asked Kenneth to come with her to the first doctor's appointment so they could be a true family from the beginning. He was happy to agree.

  Chapter 10

  Aida looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection. The woman in the mirror looked happy and content. Her long lavender dress flowed over her body accentuating her larger breasts. She owed her current cleavage to the fact that she was currently breast feeding twins. Her thoughts seemed to have conjured up the real thing. Katy was entering the room with the boys now, announcing, "It's time to feed my favorite nephews so that they don't cry during the ceremony. Kent has been loudly screeching for about five minutes, but Kevin's siren hasn't gone off yet."

  Aida laughingly reached for her twin sons as she replied, "Thank you so much Sis for handling them so well. You are the best nanny ever. Come, my sweet boys and let Mommy take care of you so that she and Daddy can get married all over again." Aida couldn't believe how her life had changed in the last year. She had risen from despair into ecstasy in a short time.

  After Kenneth and she had decided to make a go of their marriage, they sold the mansion and moved into a large, rambling house in a family friendly neighborhood. Aida had enjoyed decorating the house in a less stuffy fashion than the designer decorated mansion. The boys’ nursery, with its sailor decor was her favorite. No cowboys for these babies. Counseling had worked well for her and Kenneth, though admitting to the counselor all the things she had done was difficult. But it was all worth it. Kenneth had started working fewer hours, spending time having fun with his pregnant wife and planting a garden under the nursery window so that the babies could wake up to beautiful flowers. The look on both their faces when the sonogram showed two babies instead of one had sent the doctor into a fit of laughter. "Making up for lost time aren't you," he commented. The pregnancy had gone well, with Kenneth falling more in love with the unborn babies as Aida grew larger and the little ones more active. When they learned that both babies were boys, Kenneth asked to name them after his father and his grandfather. Aida thought that was a fine idea. Once they were born, Aida realized she needed some help and they asked her younger sister to be a nanny for the boys, which was working out really well.

  Today was a celebration of Aida's and Kenneth's love
for each other and the family they had always dreamed of. They were to have a vow renewal ceremony in the beautiful garden that Kenneth had planted and then change into more practical clothes for a barbeque and dance with their new friends and neighbors. Their second honeymoon would include the babies, but Katy would come along too so that Mom and Dad could have some alone time. As Kenneth said, "The boys need a little sister, maybe even two."

  Aida handed the boys back to Aunt Katy, straightened her dress and checked her reflection once again. Then she waived out the window to her beloved Kenneth, letting him know she was ready for the ceremony and the next chapter of their lives to begin.

  Aida's vows to Kenneth included her promise of an unwavering love and commitment to their marriage. She vowed to never again take his hard work and understanding for granted. Kenneth vowed to be a more playful and less work consumed husband. Their children would have the time and attention they deserved from both parents. After the final kiss, Aida leaned in and whispered, "I will never make fools of us again. I know that I have the best man alive. I love you more than ever."

  The after party was amazing, yet crazy. Kent managed to spit up on Grandpa's shirt, while Kyle's diaper leaked on Grandma's dress. Kenneth burned some of the burgers due to spending too much time kissing the bride. He made up for it by playing his guitar and singing a song he had written just for Aida. Later they danced with each one holding a baby in their arms. Katy finally took the boys up to bed so that Aida and Kenneth could continue to celebrate with their friends.

  When everyone had gone home, Kenneth took Aida into his arms and danced her across the yard whispering, "What a difference a year makes. Last year I thought I would lose you, but today I have you and two perfect little boys who I adore. My life feels complete." He stopped by the table and picked up a bottle of champagne saying, "Let's toast to new beginnings and the wonderful life we are headed for." They drank straight from the bottle, clasped hands and headed for their bedroom at a run.

  Someone had lit candles, put on soft music and had more champagne on ice waiting in their room. They both said a silent thank you to whoever the fairy was. As they danced their way to the bed, they slowly peeled away each other’s clothing. Tonight as they made love new promises of forever were given and received. Never again would they feel the need for someone or something else to make them happy. They had each other, the boys, and their future children. Nothing else was necessary.


  Bonus 3 of 20

  His Model


  Steven has the idea to invent glow in the dark swimwear for those who enjoy swimming at night time so they could be seen. He doesn’t think that his ideas are going to work because he doesn’t have the models that he needs to advertise the swimwear. He just needs the right woman for the bikinis that he is trying to get off the ground, as his hopes dwindle little by little. He finds out that his sister, Emma, is coming home. He doesn’t know for what reason, but he’s already scratched her out as a candidate because of how she looked when they were younger. After two of his interviews fall through, one calling to cancel and the other not showing up at all, he knows it will take a miracle to find a woman to model for him. Just as he thinks there is no hope at all, Emma shows up at his office door, he doesn’t look at her right away but when he picks his head up, he sees that all his dreams have come true. Now it’s just the matter of convincing Emma to model for him. Success glimmers in his eyes as he tells her what he needs.

  He keeps the thoughts to himself of what he wants until Emma dangerously makes the first move. Life is full of secrets and Emma has one that she doesn’t admit until Steven comes out and asks her after the hints she has given to him sexually about how long she’s waited.

  Chapter 1

  Steven was twenty-five years old with short black hair and dark blue eyes. He was a billionaire’s son. He worked with his father at the modeling agency. On day, he was going to run it completely. He owned half the business and it was already in his father’s will that when he passed if Steven knew the business inside and out, then the company would be his.

  Steven had his own a new shirt line as a side business. Neon orange shirts that glowed on rainy, cloudy days and they also glowed once they sun began to set at dusk. He had come up with the idea for safety reasons. Joggers, bicyclists, skateboarders, anyone that felt the need to have one or want one.

  So far, the business was making a killing. Now all he needed was a beautiful model for the glow in the dark bathing suits for women. In California, he had seen men and women out on the beaches in the middle of the night, enjoying night time parties.

  Steven had the bathing suits already available. The only reason he hadn’t advertised was because he needed a female model. He hadn’t found the right one to model for him. He had the male models that he needed but it wasn’t going to be much help since he wanted the swimwear to come out at the same time.

  Steven was working in his private office when there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Steven called out, putting his pen down.

  He sat back in his chair and watched his father walk into the room. His father was an older version of Steven. His black hair was slowly graying, his blue eyes looked tired behind the thin gold-rimmed glasses. Mark was dressed up in a suit and tie with a briefcase in his hand.

  “Where you going? It’s Saturday.” Steven assumed he was going to work, most times he was right.

  “Not today, I’ve been keeping a surprise from you for about a month. I can’t hold it in any longer.” Mark grinned, putting his briefcase down for a moment.

  “Well don’t keep me in suspense.” Steven was waiting for the big news and he knew it was big because he hadn’t seen true happiness in his father’s eyes in a long time.

  “I’m bringing Emma to the house. She’s going to stay with us for a while. Her plane lands in thirty-five minutes. You want to come with me?” Mark asked, picking his briefcase up off the floor.

  “No, I have a few models coming in today. I have to get these bathing suits out for production soon.” Steven didn’t want to waste his time going to get Emma.

  Emma was his stepsister who he hadn’t seen in years. She was fifteen the last time he’d seen her. She was heavy set and wasn’t pretty at all. If he was going to waste his time, he’d waste it with interviews. If the interviews failed, he would do it trying to be productive.

  “I think it would be nice if the both of us went to greet her.” Mark tried convincing him.

  “I would if I didn’t have interviews today Dad. Tell her I can’t wait to see her.” Steven smiled at him and picked up the phone pretending to make a call.

  Mark sighed and shook his head. Steven had been watching him for too long. It was a move that he would’ve made himself.

  One thing that Mark was sure about was when it was his time to go, he knew that Steven would do great taking the business over.

  “Love you Dad,” Steven told him before he walked out of the office.

  “Love you too,” Mark replied, a small smile coming to his face.

  The two hardly showed affection. So, when the words were spoken, he knew that it meant a lot.

  Steven sat back in his office chair and placed his hands behind his head. If he didn’t find a decent model soon, his dreams of the glowing swim suits would be destroyed.

  “Something good has to come soon,” he groaned.

  The phone rang beside him and he picked it up just to hear more bad news.

  “Hello?” Steven’s voice became cheerful, his smile faded fast.

  “It’s Colleen, I wanted to call you and let you know I’m canceling for today,” she told him in a sorrowful voice.

  Steven knew it wasn’t very professional, but he hung up without responding to her.

  He got up from the chair and headed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

  Chapter 2

  Steven got out of the shower and put on a tight, white, t-shirt and a p
air of jeans. He gelled his black hair and styled it. Looking at himself in the mirror, he smiled trying to put himself back into a positive mood.

  Steven looked at his watch and saw he had fifteen minutes until his second interview was supposed to show up.

  He hustled down the stairs and waited in the living room. He paced the floors as he looked at his watch.

  The living room had four small coaches, four matching reclining chairs and a long glass table made of crystal. There were two flat screens hanging over the man-made fireplace.

  Steven had waited in the living room for over an hour before he finally gave up and realized the woman was a no call, no show.

  “Damn it!” Steven shouted at himself. He hollered so loud it echoed throughout the living room.

  Steven went up to his office and slammed the door so hard that the glass picture frames shook on the wall.

  He put his head down on the desk and felt like crying. He was doomed to fail at the new production that he knew could make him a lot of money.

  There was a light knock on the door. He thought for a moment that if he didn’t answer, the person on the other side of the door would just go away and leave him alone.

  “Come in,” he muttered, not lifting his head off the desk.

  He heard the door open, not lifting his head off the desk. He was about to give up on everything that he had started.

  “It’s been a long time brother.” A sweet, soft, voice cut the silence.

  Steven lifted his head off the desk and looked up, his eyes grew wide and a smile came to his face.

  “Emma?” he asked, getting up from his office chair.

  “I know, I’ve changed a lot over the years,” she said and laughed.

  Steven looked her over. Emma was no longer heavy set. She had long, beautiful, blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had the perfect body he was looking for since she had grown into herself since the last time he had seen her. She was a few inches shorter than he was; his prayers had been answered.


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