A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret Page 35

by Kathleen Hill

  Chapter 6

  Thursday’s class went more professionally. The studio was shared with another group, so personal comments were not possible. Friday, Liza had a date with a new client. Thankfully, it was only for a business party, no sex involved.

  Landon asked Liza out on Saturday. She had to turn him down. She had a date with Warren for the theater. Liza knew better than to tell Landon who the date was with. She had witnessed the tension between the two men and didn’t care to make it worse. She searched her closet for an appropriate dress and eventually settled on a simple black one. It was more modest than most of her date dresses, but still very flattering to her figure. A long gold chain and matching earrings were her only jewelry. She added black heels with gold accents and pulled her hair into a loose knot at her nape, allowing soft tendrils to dangle on the sides of her face. She looked and felt elegant.

  Warren knocked on her apartment door right on time. She had expected to meet him outside like she did everyone else. Her tiny apartment was not something she wished him to see. Liza had no choice now, so she answered the door with a reluctant smile on her face. Warren’s answering smile was much larger. He remarked, “Wow! This is quite a difference from your uniform. You look fantastic. “

  Liza had forgotten that Warren had only seen her in either a uniform or the sweats she had worn to defense class. She was glad he appreciated her effort to dress appropriately. She quickly grabbed a small black purse that contained her ID and keys, closing the door behind her so that he couldn’t get a good look at the little apartment. It was bad enough that they had to walk down all those stairs. She apologized, but Warren just laughed and said it was good for his heart.

  Warren had excellent theater seats. Liza became excited as the lights dimmed. She was enthralled with the action on stage. Warren enjoyed watching her face as her expressions mirrored the emotions of the characters. He couldn’t resist taking her hand and twining their fingers together. He had never had such a wonderful time at the theater.

  Warren treated Liza to a late-night meal in a revolving restaurant at the top of a tower. The city lights sparkled almost as much as her eyes. He found Liza to be a delightful dinner companion, funny and well read. No wonder Landon was in love with her and clients kept coming back. Warren was intrigued with her as well. He held her hand as often as possible, even kissing it a few times.

  Warren stopped the car at Liza’s building. She reached to open her door, but he touched her face gently and turned it toward himself. The desire in his eyes was plain to see. Warren leaned forward and drew her face closer. Their lips met in a first soft kiss. Liza’s lips parted slightly and the kiss deepened into something more seductive. His hand caressed the skin where her dress had ridden up on her thigh. Liza shivered in reaction. Warren pulled her closer as his hand slid up her body and cupped her breast. He massaged it through the soft material until he could feel the nipple grow erect. He moaned into her mouth and was lost to her magnetism. A blasting car horn from down the street finally brought them to their senses. Warren leaned back, sighed and admitted, “I didn’t mean to get carried away like that. It was supposed to be a quick goodnight kiss, but you’re intoxicating to me.”

  Liza replied, “Don’t apologize. You paid for that and more if you want it. Do you want to go to a hotel?”

  Warren was shocked and slightly angry when he said, “Don’t belittle yourself that way. I only paid because you insisted. I don’t want to have sex with you for money. I like you as a person, not a product. When we’re together, it will be from true passion, not an act.”

  Liza opened the car door, stepped out and announced, “The passion wasn’t an act, at least not on my part. Goodnight, Warren. The theater and dinner were fabulous. The ending, not so great.” She turned and stomped away. Tears ran down her face as she climbed the stairs. Mixing business with friendship wasn’t working out. She had to find a way to separate the two.

  Warren felt like an ass. He hadn’t meant to upset Liza. It was just hard to treat someone you cared about as a business deal. His heart was now involved and he understood how Landon felt. He would just have to keep paying the fees and pretending they were not an actual part of the date. Maybe he could see it as the same thing as paying for dinner. Liza was worth the confusion.


  Sunday, brought two deliveries to Liza’s door. Warren sent flowers to apologize for upsetting her. A repeat client sent a diamond necklace through the agency she worked at. He asked her to wear it that night. She was to go to the usual hotel room and wait for him, wearing only the necklace. For the first time in years, Liza’s heart warred with her need for money. Landon and Warren had reopened a part of her that she thought was closed forever.

  Liza studied for a test, ate a few bites and reluctantly stepped into the shower. She half-heartedly covered her body with the client’s favorite perfume and put the diamond necklace on. Since her clothes didn’t need to impress the client, she pulled on her favorite jeans and a t-shirt. She hoped their comforting feel would stop the anxiety that was rapidly growing in her head. Was the money worth it? She was no longer sure.

  Chapter 7

  Landon headed to the local boy’s and girl’s club to teach a free class. On the spur of the moment, he decided to call Liza and ask her to come with him. He said, “This wouldn’t be a date. I thought you might have fun being around the kids since you want to be a pediatrician and you could learn a few martial arts moves too.”

  Liza readily accepted. It sounded like such a normal thing to do. Yoga pants, an oversize t-shirt, tennis shoes and a pony tail were the perfect outfit for dealing with kids. She felt more carefree than she had in a very long time. She was waiting curbside when Landon drove up. He had rock music blasting and she happily sang along as they sped through the city.

  The children were great. They were full of energy and excitement. Those that had been in a class with Landon before proved that they had been practicing. Liza was impressed at how good he was with the little ones. Landon was patient and calm. He got down at their level when speaking to them and never got frustrated. The children adored him. They liked Liza as well. She made them laugh when she tried the martial arts moves and fell on the mats. One little girl stayed at her side the entire class time.

  At the end of the day, balloons, ice cream and a birthday cake were brought in. It was one of the boy’s birthday and Landon had arranged an impromptu party with the club’s permission. Fun and games ensued. Liza felt the wall around her heart tumble to the ground.

  The little girl who had hung by her side, climbed into her lap and asked, “Do you like birthday parties, too? Are you going to have one? Can I come?”

  Liza laughed out loud at the quick group of questions. She hugged the child and replied, “I love parties of any kind, but I haven’t had a birthday party since I was about your age. I had almost forgotten that my birthday will be next Friday.”

  The little one asked, “How old will you be?”

  Liza answered, “I’ll be twenty-three.”

  The little one wrinkled her pert nose and announced, “That’s very old!” It caused Liza and Landon to burst into laughter. It also gave Landon an idea.

  Landon dropped Liza off at her apartment so she could dress for work. On his drive to the studio, he contemplated his idea. He wanted to give Liza a birthday party. He needed a list of her friends, but then realized she had never mentioned any. He stopped by the juice bar and asked the manager if she knew who Liza’s friends were. The only people Liza had ever talked about were Warren and himself. He called Warren and got the same answer. The party would have to just be the three of them then. They would find a way to make it special.

  Warren came into the juice bar that afternoon. He was hoping to catch Liza on a break. As luck would have it, his timing was perfect. She was able to sit with him and talk. Her cell phone rang and it was her father. Warren politely pretended not to hear the conversation, while actually listening intently. It seemed that Liza�
�s father liked to build furniture and he was trying to sell some to make extra money. He wanted to do it full-time someday. When the call ended, the investment side of Warren kicked in and he asked, “Is your dad good at building furniture or is it a pipe dream?”

  Liza got a little peeved at the question and answered, “I wouldn’t encourage him if he wasn’t really good at it. The materials cost too much to waste all that money for a pipe dream.”

  Warren apologized, “I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I was just wondering if he could really make a living at it. A lot of people try and fail at businesses. It’s my job to recognize which ones will make it and which ones won’t. If I invest in the wrong ones, I lose a fortune. Do you have any pictures of the things he’s built?”

  Liza pulled up the photos on her cell phone. She had pictures of dressers and armoires that her father had made for people in her home town. “If you can’t tell enough by those photos, you can have a look at my apartment. Dad made almost everything in it. Everything’s on the smaller side because he made it specifically for a tiny apartment, but it’s pretty and will last forever.”

  Warren’s excitement showed as he said, “When can I see it? I’ve been looking for someone new to invest in. I just might be able to make your dad’s dream come true. If he works hard, we’ll both make money.”

  The excitement was contagious. Liza no longer cared if Warren saw her tiny apartment. Her dad’s future was more important and the furniture was really lovely. In fact, she intended to keep it for a child’s room. That is, if she ever had any. “You can come by after my classes tomorrow. The last one ends at 1 p.m. and I don’t have to be here until 4 p.m.”

  Liza went back to work, full of optimism. Things were looking up for her dad and she had friends, real honest to goodness friends. They meant more to her than all the money she had ever earned. However, the money was still a necessary evil and that worry weighed heavily on her mind.

  Chapter 8

  The knock on her door made Liza jump in alarm. She took one last look around the apartment. She had hurriedly tidied it and tried to make it look pleasing to the eye. It was very small, but comfortable. Her dad’s furniture was the shining star of the decor. Taking a deep breath, Liza answered the persistent knocking.

  Warren greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. He rubbed his hands together with excitement and said, “I can’t wait any longer. Show me this wonderful furniture.” Liza gestured to the desk/table, the bed, and a chest of drawers. Warren examined each piece thoroughly. His excitement grew. He finally stood and declared, “The workmanship is detailed and the clean lines are timeless. You are right, these will last forever. Handmade furniture is very sought after right now and people will pay a small fortune for a well-made piece. I would really like to talk to your dad and invest in a workspace for him. I would like to back this business venture.”

  Liza held back her enthusiasm to ask, “Are you doing this because of me or is it truly a good investment?”

  Warren was quick to reply, “I don’t make investments based on friendship. This is a perfect time to start this kind of business. Handmade items are the hottest commodity on the market. Now’s the time to get in on the ground floor, but we need to hurry.”

  Liza smiled from ear to ear and bounced on her toes as she said, “Let’s call my dad right now!” She found her cell phone and dialed home. This could change everyone’s life.

  ***Friday dawned with clear skies and bright sunshine. Liza woke feeling happy and relaxed. She decided to skip her classes and treat herself to a birthday of fun. She showered quickly, dressed in shorts and a tank, and set out. Her first stop was a donut shop. Calories didn’t count on your birthday. A day of pampering followed. Liza had a manicure and a pedicure, then went to a hair salon for a trim and lowlights. Most people would argue that such indulgences were too extravagant for someone like Liza, but she knew they were a necessary expense in her profession. The richest clients demanded perfection. For herself, she bought a new workout outfit. The spandex showed off her toned body and would made her feel like she belonged at the martial arts studio. Her next class was tonight. She would be spending her birthday with Landon and Warren. Her heart rejoiced.

  While Liza was in the dressing room, Landon and Warren set up her surprise. The balloons, cake and other decorations had been hidden in an adjacent room. By the time Liza stepped back in, the room had been transformed. Hundreds of balloons floated around the room, a cake in the shape of a castle stood on a table in the center, strobe lights flashed from the corners and music blasted from speakers. Liza was stunned and began to cry when the men started singing “Happy Birthday”. She hadn’t been treated to a birthday party since she was five years old. As the happy tears spilled down her cheeks, they led her to the table. She blew out the candles, hugged them both, and said, “My wish has already come true. The two of you are my best gifts ever.”

  Landon replied, “Wait, you might change your mind about that. Presents are yet to be opened.” He went to the door and wheeled in a bright blue moped with a huge bow attached. He announced, “This is to make it easier to get to work. “

  Liza kissed him and climbed aboard the moped. Her childlike happiness brought matching grins to the men’s faces. Warren stepped toward her saying, “That’s not all. Here’s my contribution.” He handed her a large envelope. Liza dove into the contents and squealed with glee. It contained season passes to such places as Disneyland and Universal Studios. Warren added, “I wanted you to have some fun this summer and forget about work and school.”

  Liza declared it the best birthday anyone could imagine. She said, “Let’s cut this cake and celebrate.” Champagne corks popped and the party started.

  Full of cake and tipsy from champagne, the childish games began. They started with tag and then went to pin the tail on the donkey. Liza was blindfolded and laughter rang out when she accidentally stabbed Warren with the donkey tail. He grabbed a handful of cake and smashed it in her face, causing a food fight. Still blindfolded she stumbled and fell to the floor with Landon. Cake was smeared everywhere. The childish laughter ended and a more serious atmosphere came over the room as Landon licked the cake from Liza’s body. She moaned and reached up to remove the blindfold. Her hands were captured in two stronger ones. Velvet covered handcuffs bound her to the table leg. A deep voice whispered, “Enjoy.” A second mouth joined the first, working its way over every uncovered inch of her skin. She felt a tug on her sports bra and cool air hit her nipples seconds before someone surrounded them with a hot mouth. Hands peeled down her spandex shorts and fingers caressed the bare skin. The fingers parted her nether lips and played with the prize they found, often sliding in and out of her wetness. Someone started sucking on her toes and worked their way up her quivering body. When they reached the apex of her thighs, the fingers were removed to allow a tongue to take over. The now free fingers, smeared her own wetness over her nipples and licked it back off. Liza begged for release and the tongue gave it to her, sending fire through her body by flicking her swollen bud. She came fast and hard. The tongue gathered her wetness and drank greedily. Cool air hit her when both men disappeared briefly. A hardness was slipped into her hand. The warm pulsing she felt declared it to be an erect penis. A hand covered hers and together they massaged its length. Her legs were gently spread and another such hardness entered her body slowly. She recognized the feel of Landon. She moved her hips to match his as she continued moving her hand with Warren’s tutelage. Words were unnecessary as slow breaths changed to panting and climaxes were reached. Liza’s muscles collapsed in weakness and satiation. The handcuffs were removed and she was gently lifted. Strong hands carried her to the shower, still blindfolded. Four hands washed every inch of her and then suddenly were gone. She took off the blindfold and found herself alone. She dressed and entered the workout room. No one was there. A note was attached to the envelope on her moped. It simply said, “Hope you had a good time. Happy Birthday!”

  Chapter 9<
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  Liza rode home on her new moped. Her mind went over each and every moment of her birthday, again and again. This day surpassed any that she could remember in recent history. She had made a discovery that night, which she clung to as her own precious secret. Maybe she would tell someone soon, but for now it remained her’s alone.

  Liza was so preoccupied with her thoughts, that she missed the warning signs for trouble. She was parking her moped on the college grounds for safety, when she felt a presence behind her. Her new self-defense training kicked in. Her elbow went backwards into the ribs of her assailant and her heel stomped on a large foot. Hearing a grunt, she turned around to flee. The man grabbed her and wrapped his powerful arms around her body. She head butted his chin and as his arms loosened, she brought her arms up and out between their bodies. She was free. The training worked, until the second man hit her from behind. She fell to the ground unconscious.

  Liza woke up in the hospital ER. She was dizzy and disoriented. A young woman sat at her side. Liza vaguely remembered seeing her in the apartment building once or twice. The woman patted her hand and said, “You’re going to be fine. I found you in the parking area and called for help. They let me ride with you. I hope you don’t mind, but I found your phone on the ground and called the numbers you had used the most. Your friends are on the way. I’ll stay until they get here. I’m Marcia, by the way. I live one floor down from you.”

  The doctor arrived to check on Liza again. Marcia stepped into the hallway. She heard running feet and shouting in the waiting area. A nurse blocked the way, when two men tried to barrel down the hall. Marcia suspected that they were Liza’s friends and went to greet them. Her calm demeanor stopped the men from arguing with the nurse. Marcia spoke up, “You must be Landon and Warren. I’m Marcia. I called both of you. Let’s sit down and talk a minute. The doctor is with Liza.” The men followed like puppies. There was something about Marcia that demanded they obey. As they took seats, she continued, “Liza’s awake. The doctor said she has a concussion and bruised ribs. He thinks the attacker must have squeezed her pretty hard. Other bruises seem to indicate that she fought back. I think my headlights scared them away. I saw two figures run as I pulled in. I think she would have won if there was only one man. She fought well for such a tiny woman.”


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