Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter

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Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter Page 5

by Frank Perez

  Michael sat back in his chair staring into nothing. "And now, I need to find out who the Hell the second player is as well as staying alive from the other Watchers that The Five will send our way."

  Hunter exchanged a glance with Ren before turning back to Michael "That's all well and good, Michael. But what do we do now? There's not a lot of options left open here!"

  "I know Hunter. I need to get more detailed information on what we're facing. More information on The Jackal as well as trying to figure out what it was that took Bonnie. To do that, I'll be going to find my old teacher. If anyone has any answers, it'll be him."

  Ren let go of Hunters hand and pointed her finger at Michael "and you'd leave us here, defenseless while you're off gathering information?" she asked.

  "Not so defenseless Ren. I've sent The Jackal to a quiet little corner of the Universe to a planet that doesn't even have the seeds of life as yet. He's hurt and won't be able to heal himself too quickly. More than enough time for me to get to Jonah and back."

  Ren took a deep breath and looked like she was getting ready to launch into a scathing attack on Michael when she heard Hunter say, "Perfect Michael. Let's get started right now. No time to waste."

  Ren looked over at him as he spoke, a quizzical look on her face. Hunter however, turned his face sideways, away from Michael's direct view and gave her a casual wink. "The quicker you get started, the quicker you'll be back."


  They watched as Michael made his way out onto the rainy street.

  Ren turned her body around to face Hunter, picking up her cup of coffee, more from habit than any real need. “He tells a story that’s worthy of any of your novels Hunter. I don’t know whether to believe him or call an ambulance to take him to the loony bin.”

  Hunter signaled for the waitress for some fresh coffee, “I know. I feel like I’m caught up in one of my novels but without the benefit of knowing what will happen. But whether we believe him or not is irrelevant though. The fact that he believes it means we have to think our way through this as though it is real.”

  The waitress had come over to them holding a freshly brewed pot of coffee, “Can I get you folks anything else?” she asked in a bored way. Hunter looked up at the specials on the board, “Actually, yeah. We’ll have two of your big breakfasts please, all the trimmings.”

  The waitress nodded and smiled “be right up sunshine.” She said as she waltzed off towards the kitchen.

  Ren looked over to find Hunter smiling. “Breakfast? You want to sit here casually and eat breakfast while Bonnie is God knows where? We should be out there looking for her, calling the police, FBI… something. Not sitting here having breakfast!”

  Hunter looked over at Ren as she spoke. Listening to the words that any mother would have said. "You said it yourself Ren, it feels like we’re in a horror story of some sort, and in this area-I’m the expert."

  "Calling the police or any other authority is the first thing I thought of. But what exactly will we tell them Ren? Bonnie disappeared in your arms. She wasn’t kidnapped by some psycho in the traditional sense-she just up and… vanished. No ransom note forthcoming that we know of. Then two other weirdos in robes suddenly appear, like a cheap magicians trick, in a puff of smoke. All they were missing was the beautiful sidekick to saw in half. They went at each other throwing lightning from their hands until one of them made the other one blow up into nothing. And then," he paused "then, he transported us to a diner, God knows how far away from where we were and we all sat down for a coffee, where he proceeded to tell us, well… the fantasy story that he just did. How long do you think it would take before some very serious looking medics showed up with some nice new jackets for us?"

  Ren searched Hunters face for sarcasm. Seeing none. “I know Hunter. I know. I just feel so useless, sitting here doing nothing. I need to think. I need to… do something.”

  Hunter drank more coffee. He felt the frustration coursing through Ren frustration and knew that she was just venting. How did I get caught in the middle of this? He thought to himself. I’m not special. I’m the least special person there is, more a liability to Ren than anything else. He caught himself, no. That’s not right.

  In his entire life, no one had depended on him. He had kept himself at arms-length from everyone. Ren was the closest that he’d allowed anyone to get, even though they weren’t that close. Or at least that’s what he’d thought before all the madness had started.

  A stunning beauty like Ren should have had a prince at her side, not a nut-case like him and yet, here they were. No knight in shining armor, but a novelist wielding a mighty pen, metaphorically. “Well for starters, let’s avoid the most obvious things that happen in books. First, we eat a big breakfast. If the day goes along the narrative of a novel, we probably won’t have time to eat again! And while we’re filling up, we figure out what we need to do next. Let’s get our thoughts in gear. Nothing else that’s happened makes any difference to me, until we get Bonnie back safe and sound. Then we can sort out the rest if we want to.”

  The waitress sauntered over with their breakfast. “Enjoy.” she said, placing the brimming plates of food before them “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  Ren hadn’t realized how hungry she was until the smell of the food on her plate hit her. “Okay then Mr. Expert,” she began, taking a forkful of the scrambled eggs on her plate and placing it in her mouth, “What’s our first step?”

  Hunter swallowed the mouthful of bacon he’d just taken, “That’s the easy part. We find ourselves a Priest. And I know just the one.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Think about it Ren. Auras, enlightenment, Watchers... all these form parts of the basics of most religions. Whoever this group of nut-cases are, they’re obviously basing a lot of their beliefs on either quasi-religious writings or superstitions of some sort. And right now, we have nothing else to go on. We need to talk to someone who may have heard about this group before, an expert on theology and all the craziness that goes along with it.”

  Ren waved her empty fork through the air in front of her, full of doubt “So what, we waltz over to the nearest church, grab a priest and just tell him this crazy story? We’ll be in the loony bin in no time if we do that!”

  The hint of a smile was on Hunter’s lips as he looked at Ren “Not quite. We’ll be in the loony bin before we talk to the priest.”

  An understanding grin lit up Rens face as understanding of what Hunter had just told her, hit home “Father Toby.” She whispered, looking up at Hunters own grin “Sorry. Former Padre Toby. If anyone knows, it'll be him!”


  Father Toby, or Former Padre Toby as his writer’s biography referred to him had been a Jesuit priest in the past, not that you just set that aside on a whim and stop being one. From the moment he could talk, he’d regaled his parents and anyone who would listen, with stories about being able to see angels and speak to God-or as the young Toby would say the Lady God with the big laugh.

  That he had been touched was plain to see. Most didn’t know just what he had been touched with though.

  As he grew into manhood, he understood that he needed to keep what the Goddess showed him a secret. He'd taken too many beatings in his life, mocked and harassed for telling others what he saw and heard. Even those people that society considered safe, like the local priest would scream and call him many names when he spoke to them about the colors and the angels. They would preach about all the wonders of their gods but doubtful when someone presented them with what could have been physical proof, preferring to base their knowledge on words written thousands of years ago by unknown hands.

  He was imbued with too much faith to even consider doing anything other than following his religious calling. The only real issue he had faced was deciding which. It was a simple decision to make once he stumbled across the teachings of the Jesuits. He would dedicate himself to his studies and keep the truth of what he knew to himself. Trying his utmost to help mankind, an
d so his journey with The Jesuits began.

  He would spend the next eleven years going through the five formal stages designed to prepare him for the Ignatius life. From the initial discernment through to taking his final vows to become a part of the society, he’d studied hard. From that moment on he would be out teaching, writing and at certain parts of his life doing missionary work.

  It all changed one night as he sat down to his daily 5 PM prayers with some of the other priests. His visions never wavered through his life but they had never come as clear as what he’d experienced that day. The message from his Goddess was crystal clear. Considering nothing else, he’d retired from The Jesuits and sat down to write a book. Not just a theological studies book but the stories that his Goddess would show him in his mind. He could have continued in the priesthood but it didn’t feel right he did so while putting down the thoughts he was penning.

  This would cause a shit-storm!

  For the first time in his life, the self-imposed constraints fell away, and he wrote about the Goddess and the different stories she imparted to him without censorship.

  When he had finished putting his thoughts down on paper, he began the long laborious task of finding someone to publish it. Only one person had shown the courage to take a chance on such a controversial book-Ren. The only caveat she’d insisted on was that he not use his real name as author. A nom de plume would ensure his privacy and protection from the inevitable backlash and possible violence that would come. He’d named her a visionary for her forward-looking attitude. An attitude that had saved his life if not his sanity.

  Padre Toby had followed up the release of his first book-‘A Goddess Dies’ with ‘The Lie of Angels.’ Both had been admired and scorned at the same time selling millions of copies between them with padre Toby becoming both the most hated man in the world as well as the most admired-depending on which side of the fence you sat on.

  The effect that this had on the priest though was undeniable.

  Most thought him unhinged at the best of times but following the release of his second book, most thought him nuts.

  Priests, prophets and lay-men from all different religions in the world accused him of treachery and demon-worship. The faithful gathered to denounce him in every form they could from the online world to physical bricks being hurled through his windows, all before the official release of the book.

  Different religious factions from around the world worked together to bring about the end of his book. Something the world had never seen. Entire countries had banned the import of his work though it was not a crime to have a copy. From middle-eastern countries to Europe and beyond. Peaceful protests would be organized where the participants would burn copies. Threats made to book-stores warning them to stop selling it were taken seriously.

  Unwilling to let the wrath of those people who would kill him be loosed on anyone he cared about, he’d done the only thing he could think of for safety. He’d spoken Ren into having him committed to a mental asylum. At long last, he’d felt safe and pretending he was insane was a no-brainer and came as easily as breathing. All he had to do was to stop censoring himself. Without trying to fit in any longer, he could pass his days in the company of those others who inhabited the illustrious institution. Never for a moment even having to pretend to be crazy as the world at large saw this as given fact already.


  Ren signed her name at the front security desk knowing she was one of the few people with the authority to visit Toby. She’d continued to visit the father at least once a week since he’d been admitted by her hand. The forced separation from the outside world had done him the world of good.

  Gone was the pallor and anxiety that had marred his features for the time that she’d known him, replaced with a serene look of utter contentment. A person happy with exactly where they were in life. His frame was still thin but he no longer had the anorexic look that he’d had. At 5’ 5” with a crown of thinning white wispy hair he now resembled someone’s grandfather. The startling blue eyes however, still promised clarity and a sense of purpose. The open book on his lap was titled-'Bound to Differ: The Dynamics of Theological Discourses’-a testament to the fact that the old man’s mind was still as sharp as it had ever been. He looked up as Ren’s shadow passed over him, “My darling daughter!” he exclaimed when he saw who it was “Visiting me twice in one week? I must be the luckiest person alive!”

  Hunter watched as she leaned in to hug the old man. The tension melted off her as she did. It was obviously a closer relationship than just being his publisher and he found himself both jealous of the intimacy and grateful that she had it. “It’s good to see you too, you old crank.” A tear forming in the corner of her eyes. She sniffed and blinked, trying to stop the tears, “someone’s kidnapped Bonnie.”

  Toby pulled backwards out of her embrace, staring “Kidnapped? Who? How? How much money do they want? Do they want to know about me?” The questions just tumbled from his mouth as fast as he could think them. “They can have me. Tell them where I am. Whatever amount of money they want. It’s yours.”

  Ren listened to the old man’s questions, a faint smile showing through her tears. She reached up and put her index finger across his lips, stalling any more questions

  “Nothing to do with you Toby. You’re still safe.” She looked back at Hunter and added “We just want to have a quick chat with you about some… strange things that have happened. To get your input and help.”

  Toby looked over Rens' head at Hunter, noticing him for the first time, “I assume you’re with the police or the FBI? What could you possibly need from an old man like me?”

  Ren laid her hand on the old man’s arm, “It’s nothing like that Toby. Let me introduce you. Father Tobias this is my friend Hunter. Hunter, meet padre Toby.”

  “Hunter? As in Hunter Black, the writer?”

  “One and the same Father. Nice to meet you.”

  “Please, I’m not anyone’s father. Call me Toby.”

  Hunter looked over at Ren, understanding why she’d agreed to be his publisher. The old man exuded a serenity that made you trust him. His eyes looked through you like he knew what you were thinking and was just waiting to see what you would say. The eyes of someone at peace with the world. He smiled “Well Toby, we’ve come to ask for your wisdom with what’s happened to Bonnie.”

  "Ha! If you think what I give people is wisdom, then you're in even bigger trouble than you think!" giving out a laugh that cut off without warning. His head falling forwards onto his chest.

  Hunter looked over at Ren unsure of what had just happened to the padre. She was staring at Toby, her head tilted. She had obviously seen this happen before, "What's happening Ren?"

  Ren looked over at Hunter, having forgotten for a moment that he was even there, "I've seen this happen before Hunter. He told me that this is how he gets his stories for the books. He receives these visions. They rarely last too long from what he's mentioned previously, even though he can fill entire chapters at a time when they come. Best to leave him be for a moment."

  She had barely finished her sentence when the Padre broke out of his vision. Raising his head he turned his clear eyes towards Hunter, engaging and drawing him in. "You need information." Reaching out to take Hunters hands in his, the padre whispered "The Goddess needs you and you need to see some things."

  Padre Toby's eyes were filled with a power that held him; he couldn't move a muscle. The world around him turned dark until all he could make out was the crystal blue eyes. "She speaks and would have you heed her."

  Hunter slumped forwards in his chair, still holding the padre's hands, both their eyes were clouded over, completely white. Ren sat paralyzed beside them not knowing what she could do. She’d experienced this before from Toby but had never seen him drag others into it. There was nothing left for her to do but wait.


  The Kraxus slunk into the darkness of the corner. He'd come back to hiding in the abandoned part of
the sewer below Ren's apartment. The time trap he'd built to capture the girl had taken a toll on his power. Luckily, there'd been plenty of diversions taking place which had allowed him to ensure that the trap had sprung and given him enough time for to escape, with no one following.

  It had expected the girl to be powerful, The Prince Consort had been clear about that. Take no chances, and it hadn't.

  What it had not counted on though, was one of the robed menaces getting involved, let alone two of them. That one of them had turned on the other intrigued it. He recalled that they had fought as one in the last battle before the dreaded barrier went up. No retreat. But its eyes had seen what it never thought it would be a witness to, one of the robed menaces turning on its own.

  The leer on his face deepened into a wide, wolfish grin. This was something that he could exploit and have some fun with.

  The leer disappeared when he thought about the other human encountered in the room. That one had shown no light of the power. The Kraxus, slid down on its haunches, no longer amused. The last time he had come across a being of that sort was during the Last Battle. The Dreaded Dark One. A being that not even the most powerful among The Brethren had been able to beat. The Dark One had rained fire down on them. Fire and hurt. Completely destroying legions of his brothers in that battle and never receiving so much as a scratch.

  The Dark One, the Kraxus thought to himself. Apart from The Witch, the only being that he feared. Was it possible that this was the same being? Or perhaps there were more scattered throughout the universe now?

  Either way, it was something that had to be reported back. Plans would need to be changed.

  Chapter 5

  D’HarmaSan sat cross-legged on the ground of the planet that she had just created. ‘So much work to do,’ She thought to herself, ‘and only so much time.’


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