Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter

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Darkness Awakens_Chronicles of Hunter Page 16

by Frank Perez

  Chapter 12

  Hunter turned full circle taking in his surroundings, having just materialized within the plane that contained the spirits who were awaiting judgement-J’ovas plane.

  Stretched out as far as he could see, was row upon row of souls patiently awaiting their time for judgment. Billions of them. He shook his head at the narrow-minded idiocy of the whole situation. Stretching out his consciousness, he detected the entrance gates in the distance, beyond which J’ova would live. Readying himself mentally, he advanced towards them, taking his time in doing so.

  He stepped through the gates, needing to see first-hand what was taking place.

  J'ova sat upon a golden-colored throne. Massive in stature compared to those that were brought in before him. The being that rested on the throne was on par with The Goddess. The force that he had, shining from within, his face framed with eyes that seemed to perceive all about you.

  Hunter smiled to himself. It was a deftly crafted illusion that worked marvels on the innocent. He remained in the shadows as the next in line was brought forwards, flanked on each side by a towering, thickly muscled individual dressed in a silvery robe. A golden sword strapped diagonally across their back reminiscent of the one that Michael used.

  J'ova took one glance down at the figure prostrated before him and spoke one sentence, "Unredeemed, you belong to the Dark One." He waved an indifferent hand at the wretched life and they immediately dissolved.

  Hunter remained in the shadows waiting to see what would take place when someone actually attained redemption in the eyes of J’ova. Soul after soul was trotted out before The God, not one having achieved so. After remaining for what seemed like an eternity, he followed one of the lost ones to their new home. A home that apparently he would be in charge of.

  Complete pandemonium assaulted his senses as he materialized. Where on the plane he had just left behind, there was nothing but indifference, here pure chaos reigned. Regardless of where he searched, he found himself peering into a nightmare.

  The miserable spirits sentenced to this place were in utter agony. Lashed and enslaved by invisible forces. Hunter strained his senses outward seeking to uncover the cause of the horrors. Nothing! He thought to himself, these miserable damned individuals have actually produced this whole damn Hell for themselves thinking that this was what awaited them! How can they not know that it was all nothing but their own imagination at work? He paused at the tone of an enormous resounding voice, "Surrender to the will of The Dark One. Your sins have carried you to this place and you will never leave!"

  Oh wonderful. This is what we have created? Oh Mother, why? The Dark One is all about eternal love and the atonement of everybody and everything. This is just sheer madness! Torturing a lost spirit will never lead to the road of redemption. Only love can do that!

  Shaking his head, he forced himself visible and known to J'ova. Visions of the self-created Hell making him livid. The God rounded his face towards Hunter and waved his hand in front of his face. The great gates closed with a thud, the souls outside waited again. "So you belatedly selected to join me Hunter ", the vast voice roared "I'm not used to being kept waiting. Move forth and stand before me. Let's get down to what's required of you."

  Hunter kept his face empty of any emotion as he made to stand in front the glorious throne, recognizing that J'ova would fume at not being able to see him. After all, he'd only ever faced Luxfer via his mind and had never come face-to-face with the swathed darkness that encompassed both of them. He swept his eyes across The God's aura. Such vanity! He thought to himself. He views himself as the One and Only True God. The only path for any of these poor souls to discover enlightenment! The same conclusion that The Goddess herself regarded as a possible catastrophe from the Brethren sits right before me.

  He shook his head wistfully. What have we achieved Mother? He hesitated for a heartbeat. His original strategy was to come here and smooth talk his way through what needed to be expressed. Perhaps even to allow J'ova to assume that he'd won.

  Now, however, he saw that doing so would be an enormous mistake. Even the slimmest form of reverence and deferment to This God would only make matters worse. I guess I will have to do things the hard way, yet again!

  Hunter took a deep breath and looked The God in his eyes, combative. "J'ova,” he started-using the Gods first name on purpose "The things that are required of me have already been discussed with My Goddess. There is nothing for you to add to it. That's not even the reason I came here today."

  "My Mother, The Goddess D'HarmaSan created this. It is by her privilege that either of us is here. It was my understanding she placed judgement of these poor souls at your feet. Something you readily agreed to." He paused for a moment for effect, "and now it turns out you prefer to deal with the simple part. The good ones that come to this place. These other souls that you have condemned now wallow in a place barren of any kind of love. Unable to even grasp the goodness of The Goddess." He took two steps closer to The God, "You've failed J'ova, and I have discovered nothing but suffering and pain in this place."

  Hunter took a couple of steps backward, inhaling deep into his lungs. Softly he continued,” Please tell me J’ova that we can recover from this. That you realize that the poor souls currently being abused are the ones that actually need our comfort and your support. Take them back under your direction, I implore you. Only love can redeem them. Hate and suffering will simply produce more of the same.”

  Blood had gradually been building within J'ovas' face. His fury barely under restraint.

  Trying to glare through Hunter, he spoke through clenched teeth, "Your Goddess no longer remains, Hunter. Those damned souls are yours. You are, after all, The Prince of The Dark. D'HarmaSan herself named you so. A Dark One in name, body and spirit and you will do what I command! For I am the one and only God!"

  Hunter sighed and looked upon The God with sorrow in his eyes. All he had discovered up to now had pointed to the fact that J’ova would not bend. Oh Luxfer, you were right. A Gods’ fury is not something I would wish on anybody but I tell you now, A Gods’ stubbornness eclipses even that of their fury. And yet here I stand, about to do just that. He sighed, there are things in this life that a few of us are capable of handling. Mother, I hope you were right about this!

  The two figures that had been accompanying the souls before J’ova unsheathed their swords as one and rounded on Hunter. He could only speculate that this was at some kind of silent command from J’ova. Hunter was prepared for the probability though and suspended them both without even glancing at them.

  He shifted back towards J’ova, "I am now and eternally the servant to My Goddess J’ova. Never will I bend down and hand over my dedication to another. Do what you will but know now that if we ever find ourselves at odds", he took a step closer to The God "I will kill you."

  Concealing himself, Hunter retreated from J’ovas view and willed himself back to Michael’s inner sanctum. Plan B would have to be the way forwards.


  For the past three hours, Hunter had quietly sat and meditated on where he stood.

  There had been no sign of Michael as yet and he could only guess that the worst had passed. Michael must have fallen to Gabriel. He looked inwards once more, rejoicing in the strange energies under his command. The tiny amount he had used thus far were a drop in the ocean when compared to what he could call forth.

  He reflected sadly on Ren's death. Could he have done more to save her if he had been fully cognizant of what he was capable of? Would this entire mess not even be taking place?

  He caught himself speculating about these pointless things. Matters stood as they were. Can’t travel back in time to change any of it. Best not to dwell on them. Things would be different going forward.

  He now recognized that he was in control and not just another tourist aboard someone else’s bus. Glancing down at his hands and without deliberate thought a sword materialized, black from hilt to the tip of the blade, black l
eather encircling the handle with a plain hilt. Constructed only for fatal purposes. This was not a blade for appearance only.

  Hefting it, he hacked across the air in front of him. A perfect balance of weight that would allow him to achieve the greatest dexterity.

  Hunter rose and took a final look around him. He had been treading water and wasting time hoping Michael would eventually appear, knowing full well from the start that the probability of that taking place was minimal.

  Closing his eyes, he sent forth his awareness searching for any traces of Gabriel. It didn’t take long at all. The natural energy that Michael’s brother radiated allowed Hunter to locate him within moments.

  Murmuring a hushed appeal to his mother, he went to face Gabriel head on, once and for all.


  Gabriel sat back on the high-backed chair looking at the kneeling form of the Jackal before him. The description of the torture that he had inflicted upon the captives bored him. The only saving grace was the effect that it would have had on his brother Michael. He was disappointed that it had not broken him as much as he had hoped. The usefulness of his apprentice ended at this point though. Gabriel knew from experience that mere physical torture would not avail further. To truly break his brother he would have to tear his spiritual faith in D'HarmaSan to pieces. Once Michael saw the lies that she had perpetrated he would begin to see the truth and with his brother as his right-hand man, there would be no stopping him. He would make himself mightiest God above the others.

  His mind wandered, the others… Old, weak and useless. While he disagreed with D'HarmaSan and she had to be removed at least she'd had the conviction to create this universe and the creatures within. All bowing in the presence of their true God. It was a shame that she had not taken the might that she held and used it. Instead of relying on something as useless as love to try and conquer. The powerful were born to rule! The weak-willed ones only there to serve our desires. Enlightenment should only ever be the province of those with enough strength to take it. This little experiment of Hers' proved as such. She had been destroyed and the only other being to even join in the games had been J'ova - another relic from the past who was incapable of doing what was needed.

  He looked over his shoulder to the silent presence that was always with him, sending him instructions. The time has come. Go now and show my brother the way. Make him join us or break him apart. Either way will do.

  The Brethren morphed itself into the same shape it had assumed when taking over Gabriel. It had been studying these inferior species for millennia now and understood how simple a task it would be to completely change the thought patterns that governed Michael. It would not attack bluntly as it had the first time with Gabriel.

  It now understood all the nuances of how to manipulate them. A few well-placed suggestions coupled with disorienting and slightly modifying Michaels’ memories of The Witch would be all it took. Michael would be his in short order, minutes at most. It lingered on that thought for a moment. With both Gabriel and Michael as his generals, the imp would finally be in a position to take over. Everything was going to plan.


  The physical presence of Hunter formed in the same chamber that Gabriel was seated. He quickly took note of the ten watchers standing around the room as well as The Jackal and Gabriel talking to each other in front of the seat that adorned the top end of the chamber. Sword in hand he let his gaze go back to Gabriel, meeting his eyes dead on. He breathed deep into his lungs, trying to contain the beast of revenge that was even now trying to cut loose at the sight of The Jackal. He would use that power and harness it like a razor edge weapon when it was time. For the next few moments though, he would concentrate on removing the obstacles before him.

  The watchers all moved fluidly as if they’d been expecting an attack for a while. Cold and calculated, they took positions around Hunter preventing any easy routes to their master Gabriel.

  The Jackal stood before Gabriel and watched. He would be ready if any of the watchers allowed an opening.

  Hunter looked around himself taking stock. He only used a small amount of his own power to raise a shield from any form of attack that wasn’t physical. The element of surprise was still on his side and he would need every advantage he could get. With this many of the enemy still alive and Michael not to be seen he had to assume that they were better prepared than they had given them credit for in their initial plans. Michael may not have been ready but they would find Hunter a slightly different challenge.

  The first attack came without any type of warning, predictable as it was, from behind Hunter. A huge overhead swing that was meant to cleave his head in two if it had succeeded. Regrettably for the watcher, it was exactly the first move that Hunter had anticipated. Spinning with inhuman speed he swung the dark blade around his body at the same time that the watchers' blade was passing where his head had just been, Hunters' own dark blade cleanly severing the head without slowing. The watcher's eyes stayed open for a moment, not knowing that he was actually dead as his head rolled away from the rest of his body.

  Hunter continued spinning until he was facing Gabriel again, the dead watcher lying on the floor behind him, forgotten.

  Gabriel just smiled, enjoying the spectacle. Two of the other watchers went to move as one against Hunter, from two separate angles. Hunter threw himself forwards and came up rolling behind them. Unknowingly imitating the move that Michael had made in his own battle earlier. Coming to a halt at the end of the roll and still on his knees, his hand flicked towards one of the other watchers who hadn’t made a move as yet throwing a knife with perfect precision, taking him in the throat. He would drown in his own blood within moments. Hunter didn’t pause. As soon as the knife had left his hand, he had whirled back around to the other two watchers. Thrusting his sword through the back of one and straight into the chest of the other.

  Hunter paused for a moment, pulling his sword free. Four of the watchers now lay dead before him and as yet, neither the Jackal nor Gabriel had made a move to enter the fray. This didn’t surprise Hunter in the least, correctly anticipating just how arrogant they both would be. He had no doubts about the usefulness of the watchers to Gabriel. They were just being used to tire him out. He couldn’t allow that. With only a handful of watchers left between him and the others, Hunter decided that it was time for a little surprise.

  Feigning a lunge at one of the remaining watchers, he whirled at the last possible moment with a swing aimed directly at the Jackal. A blow that if landed, would have taken his head clean off and maybe spilling a little blood Gabriels' way. The Jackal, however, had anticipated something of this sort. Barely twisting his wrist as he brought his own sword up to block the attack. The sound of the clashing steel rebounding around the chamber.

  Gabriel cocked his head to the side, locking eyes with Hunter. "Impressive." He said bringing up a finger to his lips, "but I must tell you. Michael killed more of them in less time than you did, albeit with less panache and style than you!"

  He moved a couple of steps sideways, away from the Jackal.

  “Let’s dispense with the preview now. Why don’t you show me what you can do against my apprentice here? Put on a good show and I might even give you your chance at me.”

  Hunter didn’t waste any time or energy in trading insults with Gabriel, walking boldly backwards towards the center of the room again. He raised his sword until it was level with the floor in the direction of the Jackal - a silent invitation to begin.

  A malicious grin formed on the face of the Jackal as he arrogantly strode towards the waiting Hunter. When he had faced Michael earlier it had been only to snare him, bait for the trap that his master had set. This contest, however, would be the real deal. The fury and hate that Gabriel had instilled in him throughout his life etched on his face.

  Hunter watched him approach. Before him now stood the animal that had cold-bloodedly killed Ren. He stamped on the furious emotions that had begun to swell within him. Now was no
t the time. The Jackal may have been the instrument of her death but the one pulling the strings still stood. Once he had dealt with the puppet, the puppet-master would feel the full fury of his wrath.


  Hunter took a deep breath at a lull in the fight. The furious onslaught that the Jackal had come at him with had almost gotten past his defenses a couple of times. Both fighters had begun to show the first signs of fatigue with little beads of sweat forming on each of their brows.

  He'd given as good as he had gotten, however. Neither one of them unscarred. Blood ran down one small cut on Hunter's forehead, nothing too damaging. The Jackal, however, had received a nasty slash from Hunter's sword at one point, cockiness obscuring his reasoning. The slash across his side was deep but not fatal.

  Blood had poured freely for a while until it had begun to cake on the robe he was wearing. It had unsettled him slightly and now Hunter looked the more aggressive of the two, turning from counter-attacks to full-on attack mode.

  Darting a quick peek towards Gabriel, Hunter ensured that nothing untoward was being planned. Gabriel returned his look with a huge grin on his face. The nut-case was actually enjoying this! Hunter shook his head slightly at the madness that now housed Michael's brother. Without giving any kind of warning he quickly turned and took two long strides towards the Jackal, feigning with his sword aimed at the wound along his side. As he anticipated the Jackal slashed out in a tumultuous whirl of his sword to protect his injury. At the last possible moment, Hunter took a further step in and slashed upwards over the others raised sword, cutting cleanly through his neck - a fatal wound.

  The Jackals sword, dripping with blood fell from his lifeless hands. His body no longer having the energy to hold it. Head bent back at a grotesque angle, his body collapsed upon itself and fell to the ground.

  Hunter paused for a moment and took a step back. Only the puppet master left now. He turned at the sound of clapping behind him. Gabriel was standing and actually cheering him on, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Hunter had just killed his apprentice. The look on his face, ecstatic. Hunter looked up at him completely saddened. The madness of evil must truly have had a firm hold on Gabriel. A disconsolate sigh escaped his lips, mercy and redemption would be completely impossible even if I truly wanted to give it to you.


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