Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter Page 4

by Jessie Wolf

  Sighing heavily she steps up to whisper to me. “They are the orphaned daughters of two grounds keepers who were husband and wife.” Stepping back she asked out loud. “They are newly come to the Temple. Would you like to meet them dear?”

  I knew exactly what she was doing. Hell I’ve done it myself in the past. “Yes please I would like to know who shall be joining us for the day. Also I wish to know all the Members of our Family. I have always wished to have a little sister.” You would have thought that I had just said ‘Hello my name is Maiha Nakatoma. You killed my father now prepare to die.’ With the way they looked at me. “Yes I said little sister, but in this case I think it should be sisters. Do you agree with me mother Dai Etsu?”

  “Child, you do realize what will happen if you were to adopt them as your sisters?” She asked of me. Oh yes I knew exactly what I was doing. I was bringing in to my family three more girls who would all have legitimate claims to the Head of House. None of which were related by D.N.A., but they were family by blood. The blood of their parents that was spilled in the name of our Family last night. I will not let these girls be condemned to the orphanage or to a life of service because no one would adopt them. No that will not happen if I can help it.

  “Yes Reverend Mother, I know exactly what I’m doing.” Looking over at the three of them I say. “Do you think we can get them registered for school in time mother?”

  “Yes, my dear. I believe we can. Gin, can you run go find Mistress Goda for me?” Gin bowed and hurried off to find the Mistress of Novices. “Now Maiha, allow me to introduce to you your new sisters.” The girls were looking at her with shock in their eyes. They could not believe what they were hearing.

  The eldest step forward and asked in a voice filled with fearful hope. “Is the Lady Nakatoma really going to adopt my sisters Reverend Mother?”

  “No, Fuyuko. Lady Maiha is adopting all of you. Now if you do not wish to be part of our family all you have to do is tell Mistress Goda you that you want to stay a novice. We will not force you to become members of the Nakatoma family. Will we daughter?”

  “No mother I shall not force them to be my sisters, but I hope that they will.” Talking to the young girls, to the oldest I said. “Fuyuko will you please be my sister? I never had any before. I would like to know what that means. Please will you help me out?”

  A slow smile came to her face. She realized I was telling her the truth and I was giving her something that she could have only dreamed of this morning. A New family. “Can we go to school like you will, Lady Maiha?”

  Laughing I answer her with all my heart. “Yes Fuyuko you can along with our younger sisters. How about you introduce me to them?”

  With a smile that would light up the Great White Way back on Earth Prime she pulled the two younger girls over to us. “These are your new baby sisters Nanami and Nanase. They were born just two hours apart.” Looking closely at them, now that they were up close I could see that they were indeed twins. About that time the Mistress of Novices arrived. Looking up at her I could tell this was a no nonsense woman.

  “Mistress Goda, I think I should be the one to inform you that you are now short three novice candidates. Fuyuko, Nanami, and Nanase will be joining me in the family apartments. I am adopting the three of them as my sisters.” I could tell she was not happy to hear this.

  Looking over at mother Dai Etsu “Reverend Mother, are you going to allow this Yo’kai to interfere with the proper raising of these young girls?”

  Now normally I would just ignore the old bat, but that Yo’kai crack was out of line. After all I was the Head of House for the Nakatoma family. “Excuse me, just what do you mean by calling me a Yo’kai?”

  The woman didn’t even acknowledge me. “Reverend Mother, why are you allowing such foolishness to continue? To allow someone other than Temple priestesses or priests to raise orphans who are too old for adoption is against tradition. They may remain here as your attendants, but that is all. After they have done their year they can return to the Temple and complete their training.” She just continued to act as if I was some kind of unclean thing. However it was that last bit about my soon to be sisters remaining in the Temple like they didn’t have a choice that lit my burners.

  I snatched hold of her ear and pulled. “Listen up bitch.” My voice was as cold and hard as the far frozen polar ice. There was no mistaking my anger with this woman who thought she could just ignore the wishes of her charges. “I asked you what did you mean by that Yo’kai crack, but you want to know something; I don’t give a shit anymore. The Reverend Mother has already approved their adoption as my sisters. I don’t care if you like it or not. These girls may have lost their parents in the fighting, but they did not lose their family. My family, the Nakatoma’s, shall be their family. If you get in my way again you will find yourself without a Temple or sanctuary. Because I will banish your ass to the far side of the second moon. You understand me?” when I finished, I used the leverage I had because of my hold on her ear, to toss her on her ass. I was pissed.

  A hand on my shoulder stops any more violence. “Sister, please calm down. Mistress Goda does not understand that you are not a demon. She only hears what the soldiers tell her. She does not know you. Only your reputation as a demon of a fighter.” Fuyuko was almost pleading with me not to hurt this woman who would only see her as a servant and nothing more. Then I see it; Fuyuko has been at the Temple for longer than one night. Her robes were those of a second year candidate.

  Stepping away from the Mistress of Novices I turn to mother Dai Etsu. “Reverend Mother. I will leave this matter in your hands. However, my sisters will not be leaving here till they wish to leave. If they wish to return to the Temple tonight then so be it, but they will not be forced to return. This is by my command as Head of House.” I know I had just put her on the spot. Then again I didn’t care; this woman had so frightened these poor girls that they would not dare disobey her without the Reverend Mother’s support.

  “You are quite right Maiha in demanding this. I think it is time for more than just a change in the House Hold, but in the Temple as well. Sister Goda you have a choice to make; turn over the training of novices to Sister Ei and return to teaching the word or leave the Temple and its grounds to go out into the world spreading the word. What shall it be?” Now I’ve heard the steel in her voice before, but this time there was edge finality to I had never heard before. I don’t really understand what’s going on, but I know it’s big.

  “I will stay as a teacher. I shall inform Sister Ei of her new position as Mistress of Novices Reverend Mother. May the peace of the Goddess go with you today and may she give her blessings upon this new family of sisters.” With that she stood up and walked away. Leaving us in the entry way to the house. She made the blessing for me and my sisters sound more like a sneer than a blessing. If mother Dai Etsu had not been there I would have dragged her ass back here by the hair until she was bald as a cue ball to apologize.

  Looking at the three young girls I smiled and said in my best girly teen voice. “Ok come on sisters, it’s time for some shopping.” That made them all laugh. “Sorry for taking away your attendant’s mother, but I always wanted sisters and they are too cute to pass up.”

  “Do not worry yourself about that. However we do have one problem you do need to address.” Looking at her I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. “Child, your sisters all need to be enrolled in school and all of you need replacement wardrobes.” I couldn’t help it I giggled at this. Leave it to my adopted mother to point out the important things in life.

  “Well we can take of the wardrobes when get mine. As for the enrollment why don’t they go to the same school I will? I mean if they took me I’m sure they would love to have my little sisters as well.” I know I’m being a little bit of a pain, but hell I know the family can afford it. After what happens when all those bull shit laws get repealed, well there will be even more. “Besides we can’t have the granddaughters or daughte
rs of the Nakatoma Family going to some public school now can we?” Mother Dai Etsu just looked at me with that serene look on her face. Yup I ain’t fooling her one bit.

  “Very well.” Turning to one of the house hold maids. “Can you find Master Dao for me please?” the maid nodded her head and rushed off to find the Household secretary. “Once Master Dao gets here I’ll have him contact the Joan Eunice Smith School for young Ladies and have him get your sisters enrolled for next semester.” Then she smiled at me. “I will also have him get the paper work started for their adoption as your sisters. As your legal guardian I will make sure everything is in place so no one can question the legal status of your new sisters.”

  “We’ll meet you outside, mother Dai Etsu. I want my sisters to meet some of the people who will be their bodyguards. Come on, you three.” And with that I lead them out the front door to go meet our protection detail. The girls eyes grew huge as I first took them up to one of the scoot lances’ A.P.S. this one was a thirty ton W8-A3 Wild Cat. Looking around I found that the Wild Cat was controlled by a young female pilot. I waved her over to me. “Sergeant I believe this is your suit, am I correct?”

  The young pilot had a look of awe on her face. You do not usually have a protectee walk up and ask about your equipment. “Yes ma’am she sure is. Her name is ‘Puss-In- Boots’. I know calling a Wild Cat something like that is a little strange, but she’s mine and she has an attitude with anyone else at her controls.”

  I can tell she is proud of her suit, but I can’t stop the giggle that escapes when I hear the name. To name a thirty ton war machine after a children’s nursery story is just too cute. “Sergeant you have a twisted sense of humor you know that.” When my new sisters hear me say that they bust out giggling. “Would you do me a favor and show my new sisters how your suit works?” the giggling stops with the sharp intakes of breathe for all three of them. I think I just hit on something very important. Turning around I take a real good look at them. On all of their faces is a look of awe and excitement. “Do you want to take a look inside?” When their heads started to bob up-n-down I knew that if they ever get the chance they will become A.P.S. pilots. “Sergeant would you mind showing them the cockpit?”

  “Ma’am I would love too, but I would suggest at a later time when they aren’t wearing something that will get caught on the Suits little catch points ma’am.” Looking over at her I realize what she is saying. After all she’s in a mech-suit. As I look at her my eyes rover over her. Niece eyes, small up turned nose, putty lips, perky tits, waist length hair black as night, waist nipped in tight, and a pair of legs that just don’t quit. I would place her at a solid 8.5 on the C.F.M.P. scale. (Come Fuck Me Please scale) Oh shit! I just didn’t check out one of my body guards did I?

  Yup you sure did and rated her on the C.F.M.P. scale as a solid 8.5. I have to say kiddo your taste in women hasn’t changed. You still like them on the short and cute side with long hair and a tight ass. (Dee De)

  “Oh bite me bitch.”

  “Oh hey, that makes sense. I hadn’t thought about that sorry.” You could have used me for a light with how embarrassed I was. Turning to my younger sisters I say. “The Sargent is right. None of you are dressed for climbing around on an A.P.S. If you go climbing around on one in those robes you could get hurt.” I can tell they’re disappointed. To have a dream dangled in front of their eyes only to have it yanked away. I have to make it up to them and I know just what to do. “Hay now no long faces. Just because we can’t do it now doesn’t mean we can’t do it later. Right Sergeant?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll be happy to show you girls Puss later when you’re dressed more for it. Is that ok?”

  All three of them looked at me and said “You promise big sister?”

  Nodding my head yes and giggling I tell them “We will get you something for you to wear in town today. So tomorrow while I have lessons on being the Head of House with mother Dai Etsu you can go over to the House military section and get a full tour of everything. Does that sound good to you?”

  Their squeals of joy could be heard all the way to the backside of the mech range. I think I know what they want more than thing else in life. To be the pilot of an Armored Power Suit. “Hey I have a question to ask you three.” When I had all of their attentions I asked them “When you grow up do you want to be A.P.S. pilots?” My question must have caught them off guard because all three of them just stop dead still where they are at. Then next thing I know is they are all looking ashamed of themselves with their heads bowed in shame. “Hold on here that is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s an honorable profession. Why are you ashamed of wanting to be A.P.S. pilots?”

  Fuyuko steps forward with her head bowed. “Sister, everyone knows that you have to be born to one of the warrior families to become a pilot. While we may dream of becoming pilots it is only a dream. It is as Sister Goda says ‘Know your place and you will find happiness.’ We may have become your sisters but there is no way that we can ever become pilots. The selection boards for that school will always turn down the children of farmers.” She turned her head to the side and spit to show her disgust with the selection boards. “They always turn down the children of anyone who is not a member of the military. You don’t believe me sister; just ask the Sergeant.” It must have been the look on my face for her to challenge me that way.

  “Sergeant is what my sister just said true? Do the selection boards deny the sons and daughters of civilians the chance to enter into the pilot course here?”

  “No ma’am. I can testify to that. My parents are factory workers over in Coal slide.” The look of shock on her face at what these girls have been told is clear as the noonday sun. “I don’t know what you girls have been told but that is a bald faced lie. Trust me they only look at your scores on the entrance exam.”

  Ok what the hell is going on here?

  “Dee De I need you and Charley to…” I don’t get to finish as both of them are already answering my request.

  The former Head Captain has been denying any application to either the Military Academy or to the P.D.F. by anyone who is not from the families of the House troops or your aunt’s bodyguard unit. (Charley)

  If you think that’s bad, that asshole had a totally different entrance exam for the families of anyone who was not House Military. The no good bastard had it setup so that no one could pass. Hell we couldn’t pass the damn thing with all of the computing power at our disposal. (Dee De)

  “Fuyuko, if you want to be a Suit pilot I’ll help you become one.” When she looked at me with disbelief I went on. “You can trust me. I promise if you want it I’ll make it happen.”

  It was little Nanami who spoke up for all of them. “Do you really mean that sister? We can be suit pilots not just infantry soldiers?”

  “Yes I mean it, but you all have to finish school first.” I looked up to see mother Dai Etsu coming down the steps with my ladies maids heading for the hover limo. “Ok come on we have to go now it’s time to leave. Sergeant I would suggest that you get mounted up.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll pass the word so we can get rolling as soon as possible.”

  I quickly got us back over to the limo. As we approached mother Dai Etsu said to me “I see you are already teaching your sisters bad habits Maiha. Next thing we’ll know you’ll have them piloting one of the assault suits in the name of House Nakatoma.” At first I thought she was mad with me until I saw the corners of her mouth twitching.

  Giggling I tell her “Why mother, I would never do something that far out of character for a Lady of Breeding. Why, just the very idea of one of my sisters climbing around in one of those monsters is shocking. Now if you had said something Lady like as one of the fire support suits, well that would be more in line with my tastes.” The look I receive from the younger girls is perfect. They can’t believe that I would contradict the Reverend Mother the way I had. I am going to have to work on that. I can’t have my little sisters bowing down to everyone who thinks th
at they’re better than them.

  “Shall we go my dear?” mother Dai Etsu just points to the limo.

  “Yes ma’am I believe we have wasted enough time this morning.”

  Once we are all in and secure the Shotgun closes the cabin door. I feel the big machine rise up on its air cushion and pull away from the curb. Once we were moving two of the scout suits take up positions in front of the limo and the other two falls in behind us. I notice that the young girls were a little nervous. I wondered if it was our escort that was making them nervous. Then it hit me they were scared. Of what I had no clue. “Hey what’s wrong?” When they didn’t answer me I decided to be up front about it. “Little sisters I know you’re scared, but I don’t know why. Please tell me?”

  Nanase is the one to answer me. “We have never been outside the family compound. We sorry if we have disappointed you big sister it’s just that we could never afford to shop on the outside. Most of what we had was bought here at the compound.”

  “For one thing I am not disappointed in you or your sisters, Nanase. So what if you have never left the compound. Since that’s the case I understand why you’re scared. What you have to do is take a great big breath and then let it out slowly.” I show them how to do it. “Now think about something that makes you happy. That’s it. Now just hold that thought as we make our way through the day. See that’s all you need to be brave.”

  Once they had calmed down “Now as for you never having the money to shop at the outside market you leave that to me ok.” When they nodded their heads yes I looked over at mother Dai Etsu. “Mother I have to ask why we have been paying our household staff as well as the groundkeepers so little?”


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