Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter Page 7

by Jessie Wolf

  “Of course, Lady Nakatoma, right away.” With that she left us alone to go wrap up our purchases and pack them up to be sent out to the estate. I and my sisters quickly change into matching outfits that were the same as mothers. While we were changing I had the sales clerk collect and wrap up mother’s old clothes. I wasn’t going to let her change back if I can help it. When I stepped back of the changing rooms I realized I needn’t have worried. She was standing over by the mirrors, just staring at herself. I walk over to stand behind her.

  Looking around to make sure we are alone. “You almost look exactly like you did the day I meet Matsu and you on that beach down by the equator all those long years ago Dai Etsu. You’re just as beautiful now as you were then.” Smiling at the fact that I was able to sneak up on her, because of her fascination with what she saw in the mirror. “I know that you are not allowed to have the rejuvenation treatments because of your vows, but with a simple dye job you will look even younger. You still have the body to pull off the look.” I tell her.

  “You Maiha Mana are a terrible influence on me.” She giggled. “However I am forced to agree with you. I know it is wrong for me as the Reverend Mother to have such vanity, but I just can’t get over how young these clothes make me look.” As she turns back to look at me I can tell that this store is going to be doing a lot of business with the women of House Nakatoma. This is made apparent when my three sisters come out. “Oh my, don’t you all look so adorable.” For one of the few times in my life I see the little girl in the person who was once my sister-in-law, but who has become more of a mother to me than my own. If I do anything else before I die I will make sure that she enjoys the rest of her life. It doesn't matter to me if that is as my mama and adviser; or the Reverend Mother for the Temple even if it is as both.

  “Well ladies shall we head over to the salon and get our hair and nails done?” I ask them all. To which I receive a round of yes’. Picking up our canes we head out the door. We are outside no more than a few feet before we hear a round of wolf whistles. Talk about turning heads. As the five of us walk past our bodyguards I hear one of them ask another.

  “Is that the Grand Lady, Dai Etsu? I swear she looks young enough to be my sister not old enough to be my grandmother.”

  “Knock it off private and show some respect for the Reverend Mother, but yeah I know what you mean.”

  “Hell all five of them are cute enough, not to mention beautiful, to make being their bodyguards a real pain in the ass. Thank the Goddess that Lady Dai Etsu’s father is no longer with us.”

  “No joke, man he would have had every one of us castrated just for looking at them.”

  I can’t help it I giggle at hearing this last one. That is until mama looks over at me and whispers “He’s only half right. Papa would have not stopped with the castrations alone. He would have slapped a chastity belt on all of us just to be sure.” At first I thought she was joking until she said. “I kid you not Maiha. You as the oldest would have been fitted with yours three years ago. By the way if I remember right your grandmother and grandfather were at one point in time thinking of one for your mother as well.” My sisters start to giggle upon hearing this. I think back to when Ohmei was in her Hell raising days, and realize she was right we had thought about one of those for her. Before I can say anything to them though. “Do not think that you three are immune from those fates young ladies. I know for a fact that they can still be had. So don’t go thinking you’re safe from that little piece of birth control.” Boy talk about killing the mood. “That goes for you too, Maiha, we can still get you fitted for one.” Wow talk about your birds and the bee’s speech with a ‘gun behind your back’ approach. “I see that I have gotten my point across. I don’t think we need to have this discussion again do we?”

  She was met with a full round of ‘yes ma’am’s’. With a smile on her face she entered the beauty salon. As we girls were entering I noticed that the Sergeant in charge of the detail was on his radio to his lieutenant. I didn’t really pay too much attention to this at first. He was probably just passing on word of who the five cute looking beauties were. I am interrupted in my thoughts by the young girl behind the welcoming desk.

  “Good afternoon, I’m Sally. Welcome to the Hanson Salon. How can we help you ladies today?” she asked.

  Quickly stepping forward “Yes, we would all like to get a wash and cut with a dye job for our mama here. Is this possible young lady?”

  Looking though her booking list “We do have an opening right now that can take care of your mother’s tinting. How dark would you like to go ma’am?” she asks of mama.

  I answer for her. “We want to get rid of the all the gray and darken her hair to match our own.”

  “Now Maiha, let’s not get carried away here.” Mama starts to change the order.

  “Wrong mama. We aren’t getting carried away. We’re just correcting the fact that you have neglected taking care of yourself.” I tell her and overrule what she wanted the beauticians to do. I then push her into the waiting hands of the young ladies who would perform her transformation.

  As I and my sisters await our turn I watch as she receives a wash and rinse. To be followed by the die job. She may have had that serene look of inner peace plastered on her face, but I can tell she’s having the time of her life. Then it hits me again, just like the last few times, like a drop ship on a high-g burn. It has to be over sixty years since she was last in a beauty salon. Not since the day of my marriage to Matsu. Mother of the Goddess she has had to be first a novice then a nun, then a priestess, and finally a Reverend Mother. She was never allowed to be just a young girl or woman. She may never have complained, but I know she has regrets. If there is one thing I can do, I can try to give her back some of those experiences. I am interrupted in my plotting by Charley.

  Commander we may have a problem. (Charley)

  “What’s up?”

  Two CH-1PS units have just entered the shopping center. (Charley)

  “And this is a problem for us how?”

  Your weapons are still considered top secret and are not listed as part of your bio-scans. (Charley)

  “What a minute here. Are you telling me that those tin can L.E.O.s out there can detain me?”

  More than that Commander. They have the authority to fire on you without having to gain authorization first. (Charley)

  Chapter 4

  Cops and Robbers

  Thinking about how this has the potential to get my family hurt I put a rather sideways thinking plan into action.

  “Dee De hack the immigration servers. Once you have done that list my cybernetic up grades as a medical necessity. Charley, I need you to do the same with the Space Port entry records as well. If we list all of my cybernetic systems as medical necessity then they will have to back off.”

  Child your mind is truly twisted. Listing a combat system as a lifesaving necessity is a reach even for me. (Giggles) (Dee De)

  Truly a stroke of comic genius. (Chuckling)(Charley)

  While my two friendly neighborhood AIs did what I told them to do I wave for one of our escorts to come in. When the young man came he was a little hesitant. Quickly waving for him to come to me he almost rushes to my side. I couldn’t help it I found the situation absolutely hilarious. Here was a young man trained to jump out of a drop ship at hundreds of feet off the ground, into a hail of bullets, to rush entrenched forces across wide open fields of fire, and here he was scared out of his mind by being in a beauty salon. I keep my control and do not laugh at this poor guy’s expense. “Private, I need to use your radio please.” I tell the young man.

  “Hum … ma’am do you have a call sign?” he asked me.

  I sat there in stunned silence. This kid did not know who Wave Dancer was.

  “Yes I do. Now let me have your radio, Private.” I ordered the man. I was done with playing nice. I need to talk to his lieutenant and I needed to do it now.

  “Ma’am I just can’t hand over my radio to
you. I need to know what your call sign is.” The little shithead was beginning to piss me off.

  “Private, I am the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family. Now give me your damned radio.” I was getting close to having him transferred to P.D.F. polar observation post.

  “Sissy, please calm down I am sure the young man is only fallowing standing orders.” I don’t believe what I’m seeing. Little Nanami is showing me her older sister how to wrap a young man around my pinky to get what I want. “I know you didn’t mean to upset my big sister did you, Private?” She asked him with a small smile. “You do know that she is the Head of House, right?” when the young man nods his head she continues. “So you won’t get in trouble if she uses your radio. I mean she does out rank just about everyone there is in the Household military. So please let her use it.” The little minx puts this little pout on her face and bats her eyes at him. I swear by all that’s Holy the poor boy had a mile long hard on and was melting at the mere thought of having a chance at a date with her.

  When he hands over his radio to me, I think that chastity belts for my younger sisters just might be a good thing. I put that thought on hold for later when I can talk to mama in private. Right now have to get a hold of the lieutenant and make sure he knows about the L.E.O.s in the square.

  “Wave Dancer to the Wolf Commander. Over” I don’t know who is in command of this detachment, but I hope I haven’t just pissed them off.

  “Night Wolf One to Wave Dancer. You have traffic for me ma’am? Over”

  “That’s a roger, Night Wolf One. There are two; I repeat two Lima Echo Oscar units entering the Square. How copy? Over”

  “Good copy, Wave Dancer. We have them on radar and mag-scan. Make them to be Charley Hotel-One Papas. Do you want us to redirect? Over.”

  “That’s a roger. If they push you, push back. How copy? Over.”

  “Five-by-five Wave Dancer. However if they push we flatten. Over”

  “Good copy, Night Wolf One. Happy hunting. Out.” Giving the Private back his radio and just like my little sister did I smile and say in my best innocent little girl voice. “Thank you private. Have a good day.”

  I watch as he staggers out the door trying his best to wrap his head around the fact that Wave Dancer had just used his radio. The poor kid is most likely dealing with the worst case of testicular back up in his life. Not that you could blame him. No that falls solely on me and my sisters. While I was using his radio the other three were flirting with him non-stop. The poor boy didn’t stand a chance. Oh well, I’ll just have to keep a closer eye on them. After all they are only… I just realized I don’t know how old my sisters are or when are their birthdays. Before I can ask them our turn is up for the washing station. So we head on back. For me this is a true first. Getting my hair washed before a cut or trim. As I lay my head back into the sink I let my worries for the day go and relax. As the girl shampoos and conditions my hair it relaxes me almost to the point of putting me to sleep. I find myself enjoying the experience. I just might have to do this more often. Before long I am being shown to a beautician’s chair.

  I just sit back and let her work. I don’t even pay attention to what she’s doing. Soon I’m over to the dryers. A short half hour later I’m back in the beautician’s chair to have my hair brushed out. When she is finally done and she spins me around to see myself I’m shocked. Now I have gotten used to seeing a pretty looking teenage girl in the mirror. However what I see this time sends me back to a time when all I knew was the life of a soldier. To fall in love with the face of an angel. The very face I see now.

  “I see it too, child. It is as if the hands of time have been turned back and I am looking at the face of my beloved sister again.” Dai Etsu’s comment from behind me shocks me out of my trance.

  “I really do look like her don’t I, mama?” I ask of her.

  “Yes you do, child. I have never seen a more striking resemblance of a grandmother and granddaughter. Why you could be twins.” Mama was saying.

  Looking over at her in the mirror what I see makes me want to laugh at her statement. Before when I said she would look at least five years younger with the all the gray gone I was wrong. Taking off my smock I stand up next to her and smile. “No mama, we could be twins.” I tell her while I look to be in my early twenty’s she looks just as young.

  “Your daughter is telling you the truth, ma’am. Why if I had not worked on the two of you I would not know the difference.” My beautician was saying behind us. “I tried to make you both look alike as possible, but even I did not expect this.”

  Looking over at mama I see how happy she is. I think that it’s time for her to retire from the Temple and let one of the younger priestess take her place. For far too long she has led the Temple personnel and it has taken more from her than given. Yes, she has made great strides in its day to day workings. Not to mention all of the lives she has touched, but it’s time for her to live for herself. Yes it is time for her to have the family that she has always wanted, but could not have because of her vows.

  “Why don’t we go wait out front for my sister’s, mama? Oh and thank you for all of your hard work young lady. May I know your name please so I can leave you a tip?” I said.

  “It’s Layla, my Lady. Layla King, just tell Sally to add it to the bill. She’ll make sure that I get it.”

  “Thank you dear, I’ll do just that. Come on mama I want to surprise my little sisters.” I say while giggling.

  “Child, what are you up to now?” she asks with a twinkle in her own eye.

  “Why mama, whatever do you mean? I’m not up to anything. Why would you think such a thing of me?” I really hope she doesn’t see through my disguise.

  She shoots that down and returns to strafe the survivors. All with one look and a signal word. “Maiha.” That’s it.

  “Wellllll, I was kind of, well wanting to, well try and fool them as to who is who, is all.” I tell her. I get it all out in a rush before I chicken out. Her giggle tells me all I need to know. “Then you’ll do it with me?” at her nod I begin to lay out my plan. The more she hears of it; the more she giggles. It’s like she was a school girl again. She happily agrees to all of my plan.

  A little over a half hour later they emerge from the back. All three stop dead in their tracks. Their heads snap back and forth looking at the two young ladies who are sitting in the waiting area. I was on one side with mama on the other. We were setting absolutely still. Neither one moving a muscle nor barely breathing. We were perfect statues. When Fuyuko finally says something neither of us can keep up the hoax. “Ok little sisters, what we have here is a failure to communicate.”

  When I hear that quote from a form of entertainment so old it is past ancient I lose it. Mama wasn’t far behind me.

  “I knew it, I knew it. You just can’t keep up a joke like that mama. I knew if I told that ancient joke you would be the first to laugh.” Fuyuko said with all the conviction of the righteous. The problem was she was looking right at me when she said it. This of course gets me and mama to laugh all the harder. We are almost in tears by this point.

  My sisters just stand there looking at us waiting for us to get ourselves together. Once we have calmed down I look over at mama and nod my head.

  “Hum, girls your mama is over here.” She says with just the right amount of hurt in her voice to cause all three heads to whip around to look at her. “I know I have changed my look a little, but I didn’t think it was so much you wouldn’t even recognize me.”

  The look of shock that comes across my sisters’ faces is one for the books. I almost bust out laughing again, but am stopped by something that makes my blood run cold. In the center of mamas chest is a red targeting laser dot. Without thinking I dive across the waiting area to pull her to the floor. I reach her just as the bullet hits her. I wasn’t in time. “Mama! Oh Goddess no! Please be alright!” I am near tears as I look down at the hole in her chest.

  “Dee De! Scan Dai Etsu Now!”

>   I’m working on it kiddo hang on. Keep control…………Ok I’ve got it. She is alive. However she needs medical attention now if she is going to make it. (Dee De)

  “Charley where did that shot come from?”

  Commander you’re not going to like this. It was one of the CH-1P L.E.O. units that fired the shot. (Charley)

  “Which one? Never mind they’re both scrap metal!”

  Ripping off my vest and blouse I place them over the wound in her chest. Looking at my sisters I see that they are in tears. “Fuyuko, I need you to keep pressure on mama’s wound. Hold my blouse over it and press down hard. Nanase, Nanami I want you to help keep her comfortable. Now I’m going to go get help.” I feel my armor flow across my skin. Just as I stand up I get hit in the back by something. I stager a little, but don’t fall. Now I am officially pissed off.

  Commander there currently fourteen L.E.O. robotic units in the square. They have engaged your aunt’s bodyguards and are currently winning the engagement. The Power suits are unable to bring their firepower to bear due to the civilian populace. (Charley)

  In other words the pigs are using the people of this town as shields, Maiha. (Dee De)

  “Ok that does it. This is not some random event. Full combat mode Charley. NOW!”


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