Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter Page 15

by Jessie Wolf

  “Thank you Col. Powel. We could use all the help you can provide right now.” Thankful that I don’t have to be an ass with him. I just want to get the medics to work treating the wounded civilians. “If you can get your medics to help out with the civilian casualties it will be greatly accepted.”

  “They’re already at it ma’am. When I saw the level of destruction here I sent for our medics and sent word to division HQ for them to send doctors and medical supplies.” He was rather proud of this fact.

  “Thank you. Maj. Howard; how soon can those Power Suits you captured be brought in?”

  “They’re already on the way here ma’am. Why?” he genially wanted to know.

  “Good, when they get here I want you to give a crash course on basic suit piloting to my family. Once that is done they’re to pilot them back to the House compound under your watchful care.” I order him.

  “I’ll see to it myself, Lady Maiha.” With that he gives me a salute and heads out to take care of his orders.

  “Col. Fujiyama, I need you to secure that roadway. From here back to the estate. If it ain’t friendly blow it to kingdom come. Do I make myself clear?” he can tell I’m past my point of passivity.

  “My Lady, I have only one question.” When I signal for him to continue. “Will the Grand Lady be piloting one of the captured suits?” when I nod my head yes “Then may I suggest that she pilot the one hundred ton Highlander? While it is the biggest it is also the easiest to pilot.” At my questioning look he explained. “The Highlanders o.s. relies more on the pilot’s senses of balance. No offence but until your sisters learn to be as graceful as yourself and the Grand Lady do not put them in the assault class of suits.”

  This gives me some doubts about putting Fuyuko or the twins in a heavy. “Do you think that my sisters will be ok in one of the heavies?”

  He takes a few minutes to think about his answer. When he does I am a little surprised. “So long as they follow directions and do not engage in any combat maneuvers then they should be fine, Lady Maiha.”

  “Thank you Colonel. Now I must ask of you something that may go against your beliefs, but I want you to know that you can refuse and there will be no hard feelings. Will I be disappointed yes, but I will also understand.” When he looks at me waiting for my request I can tell that he will do his best to make it happen. “I need you to turn my sisters into the very best pilots they can be. So good, they can be a pilot for a Death Dealer Power Suit.”

  “My Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana, just three days ago you charged the Mountain Wolves with guarding the Temple. You did this as a reward for our long service to your family. We have never asked for such rewards. Now you hand into our care the training of your family to be Power Suit pilots equal to those of the Death Dealers.” With a deep sigh he looks me in the eyes. “When you asked me this, my first thought was, are you crazy? Train the daughters and the Grand Lady of House Nakatoma to be Power Suit pilots? Then for them to be the equal of Death Dealers? You have showered my unit with great rewards, Lady Nakatoma. Now you place in our hands the greatest of honors. Your family shall be trained to surpass what Death Dealers can do in their suits. This I promise, ma’am.”

  From behind Col. Powel coughs. “No offence sir, but if you plan to train her Ladyships family to surpass Death Dealer pilots then all I can say is good luck.”

  Col. Fujiyama turns on him with some heat. “Why is that? Do you think that you’re so superior to us that no one can match your training?”

  Gulping Powel quickly explains his comment. “No sir. It’s just that without the Death Dealer AIs and other enhancements they will always be at a disadvantage.”

  At that point I just giggle. If he thinks that you have to have the Death Dealer enhancements to compete with them. Then he is going to be sadly mistaken when the troops of House Nakatoma show what they can do. I think I need to save this young buck from himself, but I’m a little too late as Col. Fujiyama challenges him out right. “Alright Col. Powel when we get back to the estate you and I will take a little run down the House’s training course. Whoever has the highest score can train the Lady’s family. How does that sound?”

  Col. Powel didn’t know when he was being set up. I could see it in his eyes; he was too cocky for his own good. I know I should’ve put a stop to this, but Powel needed to learn a lesson about pissing in other people’s pools. Fortunately it will come at the hands of a friend and not the enemy.

  “You are on, sir. Shall we make it a little more interesting?” He was really setting himself up a fall here.

  “Just what do you have mind there young man?” Col. Fujiyama asked him with a sly smile. Oh yes Col. Powel is about to be taken to school in a way he never would have thought possible. I’ve seen what the commander of my House troops can do in a Power Suit. I just hope that he shows mercy on the young man.

  “Oh, I don’t know. What do you say to a bottle of fifty year old Scotch?” Powel puts forth.

  Naturally I knew that Col. Fujiyama would take the bet. “Sounds good, but let’s make it a case, shall we?”

  If Powel had any brains he would’ve just walked away. “It’s a wager, sir. I’ll look forward to drinking that Scotch with my troops.” Nope, too cocky by far. Oh yes, this is going to be an old school ass beating. I think I’ll slip a few on my House commander; just to show my support of course.

  “Excuse me, Col. Powel can I get you to check on where that medical aid is at for me?” I step in before the young man loses more than just his liquor rates.

  “They should have been here by now. I’ll get on it right away ma’am.” With that he hurries off to see where the medical units where.

  “Col. I know the honor of the House troops is not on the line here or anything like that. Just do me a favor, and don’t beat his ass too badly?”

  Chuckling, my House commander lets me know he will not embarrass the young Col. too bad. “Why Lady Nakatoma how could you think that of me? I will merely show the youngster that old age and treachery will always out do youth and strength.”

  “I shall leave the matter in your hands, sir. Right now I would love to know where those suits are so I can get my family set to head home in something a little more substantial.” About that time I hear the heavy recovery unit pull into the square. Looking over I see that there is more than just two recovery units. One by one they file in, for a grand total of five each with two suits on back. It is the last two that grab my full attention. On them are the four fully functional Suits. What I see makes me very glad they ran out of ammo. Three sixty-five ton Patton M60-A3 main line heavies, and a one hundred ton Highlander H41-R3 assault class, all with enough fire power to give me the willies.

  “Col. Fujiyama would you know why those four monsters ran out of ammo? Not that I’m complaining mind you, but if I remember correctly each one of the Patton’s’ carry four tons worth of main gun rounds, and while the Highland packs in at least twice that much. More than enough to outlast the fire fight on the roadway.” I really needed to know why those Suits ran out of ammo. If the rebels only had a limited amount of supplies it could be the key to ending this war in a hurry.

  Looking over at the Suits in question the commander of my House military becomes very still with thought. When he speaks it is with all the years of a seasoned warrior with more campaigns than he would care to remember. “Only one reason for that Lady Maiha. They’re short on supplies as well as men. If they can only pass out partial weapons load outs, then we have the advantage. However it also lets us know their next targets.” I must be more tired and out of practice than I thought, because I can’t see what he is getting at. Seeing my confusion he explains. “The supply depot ma’am, they need to resupply. It is the most logical target for them.”

  Son-of-a-bitch of course. All of this, the attack by the L.E.O.s, the ambush on the roadway home, and the trap here in town were all a distraction from their real target. The P.D.F. supply depot is almost totally unguarded. With the loss of the base A.P.S.
units there would only be a total of six full companies left to protect the P.D.F. HQ and base. Nowhere near enough to stop what is left of the rebel forces.

  “Well there isn’t a whole lot we can do about it right now. Will you please see to the rearmament of our troops and to getting my family setup in their Power Suits?”

  “At once my Lady.” With salute Col. Fujiyama heads off to take care of my orders.

  “Maiha, may I have a word with you please?” turning around I find mama and my sisters standing behind me.

  “Yes, mama what would you like to know?” I could tell she was hoping for some answers.

  Looking over at the Highlander and Patton’s she asked “Are those to be the Power Suits your sisters and I will learn to pilot?”

  “Yes mama they are. The biggest one is yours. It is known as a Highlander, a one hundred ton assault class. It has an o.s. that relies heavily on the senses of balance of its pilot. With your abilities and natural grace it should be a perfect fit. The three Patton’s weigh in at sixty-five tons but have a more self-balancing o.s.” as I was speaking a young Death Dealer private walks up to us pulling a cart that had what appeared to be four APS pilot suits with helmets. He had the look of someone who was lost about him. “Can I help you, private?”

  “I hope so young lady. Can you point out to me the four pilots who are supposed to get this gear for me?” looking over at mama and my sisters I just point at them. “What?! You have got to be joking right?”

  “No private, my daughter is not joking. As a matter of fact when it comes to the care and wellbeing of her family she rarely does.” Mama had pulled herself up and into her most regal stature. It is with the air of authority that she steps forward. “I am the pilot for the Highlander. While my three younger daughters are the pilots for the Patton’s.”

  “No offence here lady, but if you think that I’m just going to hand over four APS pilot suits and helmets you are crazy.” Now normally I would have tried to step in to keep matters from getting out of hand, but this moron just pissed in mama’s tea and crapped in her biscuits.

  I watch as a calm and peaceful look crosses mamas’ face. The tone of her voice is the one she would use on a wayward novice. “Private allow me to introduce my family. The young lady that you have treated in such a rude manner that I am surprised you still have your head is Her Ladyship, First High Lady Maiha Nakatoma, Head of House Nakatoma, the three young Ladies behind me are her younger sisters Fuyuko, Nanase, and Nanami all of whom are to be trained as Death Dealers at her Ladyship’s direct orders; and finally myself Dai Etsu Nakatoma Grand Lady of House Nakatoma.” When the private saw just how far he screwed the pooch he just about crapped his pants. “I see you have found the light private. Fuyuko be a dear and relieve him of his burden.”

  “At once, mama.” Is all my little sister says.

  Meanwhile the poor man was looking for the fastest way to evac the a.o. Not that I could blame him. I mean who in their right mind would want to face off with a pissed off woman. I watch as Fuyuko steps over and takes the cart with the pilot gear from his hands. She gives him a sweet little smile then with a flip of hair spins on heel to show him her back side. I swear the more I am around my younger sisters the more the idea ofchastity beltsfor them seems like a good idea.

  I take the initiative to save the poor boy from the wrath of mama. “Private why don’t you head back over to your supply truck, and do a full inventory of what you have on hand.” When he looks over I give him a nod to get going. “Don’t worry House Nakatoma will make sure that your unit is reimbursed for the gear.” With a gentile pat on his head I send him on his way. When I turn around I see my family standing there giggling at the way I had treated the young man. “Hey, don’t blame me. Everything I learned, I’ve learned from watching the four of you.”

  When my family hears this they lose it. Only mama is able to keep any form of decorum. This sets me off as well. After a few minutes of this we get ourselves under control. “Come on let’s get you all suited up.” I begin to pass out the pilot suits and helmets. I notice that all four of the suits are the long term bio-feedback type. Now normally these types of suits are only given to pilots if they’re expected to be suited for extended periods of time lasting for more than twelve hours. The problem with this is for them to wear these suits they’ll have to strip down to nothing, so the suits sensors can make full contact with them.

  When I get to the helmets I notice that one of the four is different in the fact that it is one of the command and control helmets. It has four additional radio frequencies. With this helmet mama will be able to not only talk to my sisters, but also with all of the commanders here. Whoever thought to set my family up with this gear was looking way into the future, and planning for us not returning to the family estate.

  “Maiha, I have seen the suits that our pilots wear from time to time.” Mama was curious about the suits. “These do not look like what they wear for a simple day of training on the Suite range. What type are they?”

  “Mama they are long or extended term bio-feedback suits. They are designed for when pilots maybe expected to be in the cockpit for extremely long periods of time.”

  “I take it that you are just as surprised by this as I am?” She tells me.

  “Yes mama, I am. I don’t know who set this up, but after we have you four suited and assigned to your Power Suits; I’m going to find out.” She can tell that I’m not happy. I don’t know who is making these decisions about what type of gear to issue my family, or what else they have in mind. However when I find out they are on the short list for an all-expenses paid arctic vacation. “For now though, let’s get you squared away.” Leading them back inside of the dinner I head for the restrooms. Once there I instruct my family to first strip. When my baby sisters hesitate, mama gives them the courage to fallow my instructions. Shortly all four are naked as the day they were born. Using mama as the example I show my sisters how to put on and wear the bio-feedback suits. It’s Nanase who it the first to feel the grip of the suit as it activates.

  “Umm… Sissy this thing just started to squeeze me all over. It’s getting very tight here.” She is starting to panic, if I don’t calm her down soon she won’t be able to pilot her Patton. That’s when I see what is going on. That sorry ass Light Colonel wants to lay salvage claim rights to those Power Suits.

  “Nanase honey, I need you to remain calm. I know that it feels like you’re being crushed by the suit, but you’re not. In a few seconds the suit will back off and it will feel like an allover body hug.”

  “Are you sure, sissy? It really hurts right now.”

  “Yes baby girl I’m sure. I went thought what you’re going through right now the first time I wore one of those suits.” After a few more minutes it eases off and she calms down. “See, what did I tell you?” when she looks up at me I can tell from the surprised look on her face that the ‘plumbing hookups’ have engaged. Before she can say anything I lean in and whisper in her ear. “Let mama and the others find out the way you did.” Leaning back she just looks at me and giggles then nods her head.

  I show the rest of them how to activate their suits, and step back to watch making sure that none of them panic. Once they all get over the initial shock of being squeezed by what feels like the Goddess Hand all over. Then the looks of surprise hit their faces as the ‘plumbing hookups’ engage. However mama has this look of expectation. As if she knew what to expect with the ‘plumbing hookups’.

  “Uh… mama, are you ok?” I ask her.

  Looking me in the eye with a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Daughter dear, you have a nasty sense of humor. I must say I am rather shocked that these suits would have a provision for shall we say ‘womanly problems’?”

  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again the woman can play straight man for all the comedic geniuses out there.

  Chapter 8

  New Friends

  “Mama, do you know that is most likely on
e of the biggest understatements of the year.”

  “And you my dear are a smart ass. However you do tell the truth more often than not. Not always in the most diplomatic manner possible, but always truthful.” She just had to get in a lesson on the use of diplomacy. I mean what’s wrong with telling an individual that they’re an ass hat to their face. Seeing as how she has my attention. “Maiha, there is a very, very old saying. It goes like this ‘You catch more bees with honey, than you do with vinegar.’ Do you understand?”

  “Yes mama, I understand, but I like another very old saying. ‘You get more done with a kind word and a gun, than just a kind word.’” I know that I’m pushing it, but she must understand that when dealing with the military my way works better. “While I do agree with you I have been a little heavy handed at times with the civilian population, you must understand that it is at times when dealing with the military my way is best.”

  “A little heavy handed, Maiha? Now you are the one making the understatement of the year. Please, hear me out. Yes, there are times that you must be that way, especially when it comes to the men of our military. I can see that they can be; how shall we say, pigheaded. Not to mention short sighted, but it is for this reason we must educate them as to their misconceptions. Not pound them over the head with a two-by-four. Though you may wish to do so, it is not always the most profitable, shall we say?” at the look of confusion she quickly explains. “The suits, child. Think about it. Would you have given this type of suit to a novice pilot when you were younger?”

  I swear that if I was one of those ancient two-d cartoon vid characters I would have a light bulb going off over my head. “I take it mama that you also figured out Col. Powel’s plan get his hands on those Power Suits out there?”


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