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Love Ever After: Eleven All-New Romances!

Page 7

by Nina Lane

  His voice was low, hard when he asked, “Are you going to try to take control again?” He waited a moment, then said, “Answer, please.”

  “No, sir,” she breathed out, ever determined to please him.

  “Very well.”

  His hands went to her shackles and he freed her, then turned her. He pressed her back against the cross as she faced him. Her arms fell to her sides. She let out a shuddering breath, her body trembling with need. She waited for his instructions, but when none came, she read the command in his eyes and lifted her hands.

  “That’s a good girl.” He shackled her again and touched her mouth, running his thumb over her lips. He leaned in and kissed her with such passion it left her gulping for her next breath. His mouth moved to her breasts. His tongue felt like fire on her skin, and she arched into him. He pushed her back, until she was flat against the cross, her body pinned beneath his hands. She listened to his breath as he sank lower, pressing his nose to her skin.

  She wanted to move, to cry, to writhe, as heat flooded her. His hand dipped between her open legs. “If I touch you, will I find you wet for me?” His gaze drilled into hers. “Answer, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He moved his fingers higher, until he touched her outer lips. She bit back a cry of pleasure, wanting to jerk forward, to force him inside. He pulled her lips open, then dipped a finger into her heat.

  “My, my,” he said. His finger brushed over her clit, so soft, so feather light. “My kitten is so needy.”

  This time she didn’t care about the punishment, she just wanted, needed…that something again. “Please,” she murmured as her body called out to him, pleading for his touch.

  “Hush,” he warned, and none too gently, he pinched her clit. Pleasure resonated through her and she swallowed a whimper. He pushed a finger into her. “Is this what you need?”

  Since he hadn’t yet told her to speak, she clamped her mouth shut, concentrating on the way he was stroking the sensitive bundle of nerves inside her. When she liquefied under his touch, he bit out, “Don’t you dare come.”

  She tried to press her thighs together, to keep his fingers inside her, but the clamps held her legs apart. A cry lodged in her throat. It was erotic, stimulating, blissful torture.

  “I’m not sure I’ll even let you come,” he said. “I like seeing you like this.”

  Oh God!

  He went down on his knees and leaned into her, tasting between her legs. The heat of his fingers was nothing compared to his tongue. It seared her, making her feel wild, out of control, so damn insane. Unrelenting pressure brewed in the depths of her womb and her pussy quaked as he ravaged her.

  “Move your hips, kitten. Fuck my tongue.”

  Good God!

  She rocked against him, wanting to drive her pussy into his face, but he pulled back, offering her the tip of his tongue only. Her hips jerked forward, her clit catching the blade of his tongue with each thrust. Even though it was light, the impact took her higher and higher. It surprised her really, but it shouldn’t have. Quinn’s skills, and his ability to read her body, knew no limits.

  Her body burned from the inside out, and as her clit swelled she wasn’t sure how long she could hold on. She pulled against the straps holding her arms, wanting to grab his head and force his mouth to her quivering pussy.

  Moisture broke out on her skin, and her hair fell forward as her blood ignited to a near boil.

  “Look at you, kitten.” The second his finger replaced his tongue on her clit, she knew she was done for. He must have known it too, because he said, “You may come.”

  Her entire body exploded, her orgasm so powerful her mind completely shut down. As the waves took hold, she rode them out, savoring each and every rise and fall. She sucked in a breath, working to refill her lungs, but the next thing she knew Quinn was shedding his clothes. His beautiful cock reached out to her and she whimpered.

  His hands went to hers and he held them as he positioned his cock between her legs. Her eyes met his, and honest to God, she never seen him so intense before. His nostrils flared as one hand fell to her waist. His arms circled around her back and he gripped her hard as he drove into her so fast and so deep that there was nothing she could do to keep a cry at bay.

  Sexual energy swirled around them, racing over her body and exploding her senses. His cock filled her, and as his low moan fell over her, she knew he was close to losing it. Her addled brain swirled, basic elemental need taking over. A shudder moved through her as he pulled almost all the way out, only to slam back inside again.

  Feeling desperate to keep him inside, she squeezed her muscles, and he groaned.

  “Cut it out,” he growled.

  He pounded his pelvis against her clit, and an orgasm hit, taking her by complete surprise.

  “Fuck,” he bit out as her liquid heat soaked his cock and dripped down her thighs.

  Her nipples scraped over his chest and she could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. With his chest pressed against hers, he threw his head back and came with a growl. His cock pulsed hard inside her as he depleted himself. She sucked in a breath, happy to be secured, otherwise she was sure she would have fallen to her knees.

  He buried his mouth in the crook of her neck, his breath hot on her skin as he panted and struggled for air. Their bodies shook, her chest rose and fell erratically, and when he inched back to pull out, he cupped her face and planted a soft kiss on her mouth. She kissed him back, loving the taste of him on her tongue and never wanting the moment to end. He broke the kiss and unleashed her wrists, and with gentle, caring hands, he rubbed the slight red marks on her skin.

  She looked into his eyes and her heart hitched. She had expected a skilled Dominant, but what she hadn’t expected was his underlying tenderness. He bent and released her legs, then gathered her in his arms. Feeling a little unstable, she sank into his comfort and rested her head against his. He found a blanket, draped it over her, then carried her back to his cabana. He placed her on the bed and crawled in beside her. Warm hands held her tight and it generated warmth and need inside her. He stroked her hair, the intimacy in the way he was touching her taking her breath away.

  Sleep pulled at her, and as she began to drift off it occurred to her that she hadn’t felt this kind of connection in a long time.

  Correction… In forever.

  Chapter Six

  Rebecca awoke to the sound of the surf lapping against the sandy shore. She blinked and stretched, her sore muscles reminding her of her incredible night with Quinn.


  He touched her on a level she’d never experienced before, took her to heights of sexual satisfaction that left her completely sated. That he could do this in the short time they’d been together was a bit frightening.

  She reached across the bed, but when she found it empty she jackknifed upward. She looked around the bedroom, searching for some indication as to where he’d gone. Her eyes settled on the clock and she was surprised to see it was nearly noon. Her body must have really needed the rest; she couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so late.

  Stretching, she kicked off her blankets and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She was still naked. She looked for her phone to see if he’d texted but then remembered she’d had to turn it in at check-in. The smell of coffee wafted before her nose and she smiled, expecting to find Quinn in the kitchen. She padded down the hall and found a note on the counter.

  You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn’t want to wake you. Sorry I wasn’t there when you woke, but I had some business to take care of. Be sure to eat breakfast, I have something special planned and you’re going to need your strength.

  She reread the letter before she put it back down, a huge smile on her face. Wondering what he was up to, she made herself a cup of coffee and sipped it on the way to the shower. She stayed under the spray, lingering longer than normal. She basked in the hot water, let it soothe her soreness. She couldn’t remember
the last time she’d had an unhurried morning. The water turned cold and she climbed out, towel dried her body and ran a comb through her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and hardly recognized the sated woman staring back.

  She pulled on a sundress, her favorite Via Spiga open-toe sandals and nothing else, remembering Quinn’s instructions. After refilling her coffee, she stepped outside, anxious for Quinn to return. It was crazy how much she wanted to see him, how much she missed his presence, his touch. She lowered herself into a chaise lounge and tipped her face to the sun, closing her eyes against the brightness and enjoying the heat of the noonday warmth.

  A few moments later, a shadow fell over her. She smiled and stretched lazily.



  “Oh,” Rebecca bolted upright at the unfamiliar voice. She brought her hand up, shielding her eyes as they adjusted to the sun. “Felix?”

  “That’s right.”

  Frowning, she tipped her head. “What are you doing here?”

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, Felix glanced down the walkway leading from the bungalow. “Quinn asked me to collect you.”

  Her brow furrowed. Why would Quinn ask Felix to come for her? He didn’t even like the man. She couldn’t imagine any reason he’d send him for her. Unless… “He’s decided to be your mentor?”

  An odd, almost relieved expression passed over Felix’s face. “Yes, exactly.”

  She pushed from her chair and stood. “Where is he?”

  “He asked me to take you to the castle. He has a surprise for you.”

  In the note he’d said he had a surprise, but still something felt…off. She wished she could text him to make sure.

  Felix winked. “We’d better hurry. His patience only goes so far.”

  She smiled, relaxing slightly. “You’re right about that.”

  He waved his hand. “Shall we?”

  She moved in beside Felix, walking at his side along the flower-fringed walkway leading to the castle. He ran his hand through his hair in a move that reminded her of last night, and once again she felt a moment of hesitation.

  But then he smiled, and said, “It’s a beautiful day to be on the island, isn’t it?”

  “It is,” she agreed.

  “This is your first time here?”

  She nodded, not really comfortable divulging too much information to him. Even though he was a Dom under Quinn’s care, he was a stranger to her.

  When they reached the castle, he pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Something niggled in the back of her mind as he opened it and ushered her inside. She blinked against the dimness, and when he set the lock behind him, another wave of unease moved through her, her intuition warning that something was wrong. Seriously wrong.

  “Is he in the office?” she asked, working to sound casual as her fight-or-flight instincts kicked in.

  He nodded. “I believe you know the way.”

  She quickened her pace, but he was so close behind her she could almost feel his breath on her neck. She reached the office and pushed the door open. “Quinn,” she said as she entered. When she found it empty, she spun around to run back out. Felix caught her at the door, knocking her to the floor. She screamed as his knee dug into her back, and when she felt a pair of handcuffs lock her wrists together, she gasped in horror.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked, pitching her voice low like she’d been taught in self-defense class. Some good that was doing her now.

  “Showing Quinn who’s really in charge.” He pulled her to his feet. “If he’s going to fuck with me and my sub, then I’m going to fuck with his.”

  Her heart pounded as he dragged her down the hall to the room she and Quinn had played in last night. Her brain raced, eager to stop this. She mentally kicked herself for falling for his line of bullshit. She was an intelligent woman, so why she’d ignored her intuition was beyond her.

  Because Quinn was involved…

  Felix pushed her into the room and backed her up against the cross. He bent to shackle her legs and she drew her foot back and kicked him in the face as hard as she could. He cursed and dropped to the ground, and she ran for the door. She had to get out, and fast. She’d seen the maniacal pleasure he’d taken in beating his sub. He wasn’t playing out a scene gone wrong now. He was hell bent on extracting revenge and Quinn wasn’t here to come to her rescue.

  With her hands locked behind her back, she didn’t get very far. Felix’s bellow of rage reached her just before he did. He took her down like a linebacker. The doorframe caught her on the temple. Light exploded behind her eyes as he dragged her to the tiled floor. The room spun and her stomach pitched as he struggled to pick her up. She went limp, making it even more difficult for him to maneuver her. Finally, he gathered her in a bear hug, grunting and cursing through lips swollen from the kiss of her wedge sandals. She let him wrestle her around a bit longer and, when he had her in just the right position, threw her head forward, catching him in the nose.

  “Stop,” he cried out as he shoved her against the cross, her head ricocheting off the bars.

  Blood trickled from Felix’s nose to his lip. It gave her an enormous amount of satisfaction, but using her head as a weapon amplified her dizziness and the buzzing in her ears from the injury to her temple. So much so that he managed to get the strap around one of her ankles. She kicked at him with her free foot, hoping to get another shot in, but this time he managed to dodge her. When he grabbed her other leg and secured it as well, she knew it was time to change tactics.

  “Quinn is going to be here any minute. This morning we made plans to meet here at noon.”

  “Nice try,” he muttered, shoving her head against the cross. “I’m not an idiot. I know exactly where Mr. ‘Play by the Rules’ Quinn Montgomery is.”

  He walked behind her and unhooked her hands, holding them tight in one of his big palms. He stepped to the side and drew one hand over her head. She tried to fight with the other but he grabbed it and squeezed hard. The cry of pain came out before she could stop it. He secured it in place, then stepped in front of her. When his gaze slid to hers, the gleam of satisfaction there sent a flash of fear down her spine. “And I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  “Felix, please don’t do this.”

  “You better shut up, or I’ll put a gag in your mouth. Then again you’d probably like it. Considering you didn’t mark an X by it on your contract.”

  Her heart pounded against her ribs. He’d seen her contract? Oh God, when he’d been in the office last night he’d seen her contract! He knew what she liked, but more importantly…what she didn’t.

  He reached around and pulled a blindfold from his back pocket and when he twirled it around his index finger, a cry caught in her throat. “What’s the matter?” With a cruel smile curling up his mouth, he stepped up to her. “Afraid of the dark?”

  “Don’t!” She shook her head hard. “Please don’t. I’ll do anything you want.”

  He gave the blindfold another twirl and then caught it in his fist. Watching her, he ran the shiny fabric between his thumb and forefinger. “What would you do?”

  Her nostrils flared with the force of her breathing. “Anything. What do you want?”

  His gaze moved over her, head-to-toe and back again. “I want it all,” he answered.

  “Quinn,” she cried out, hysteria rising in her.

  “He can’t hear you, kitten. No one can hear your cries.”

  In that moment her mind went back in time, to the frightened girl locked in the basement with no sight, using every ounce of mental strength she had to make it until freedom. Freedom. God! The irony of that word wasn’t lost on her as Felix readjusted her shackles, tightening them to the point of pain. She’d long ago sworn she’d never allow herself to be put in such a vulnerable situation again, yet here she was, locked inside her own head with her demons snapping at her heels, helpless while some man was going to take what he wan
ted from her.

  He slipped the blindfold over her forehead. Her scream lodged in the back of her throat, a soundless cry for help that no one would hear, and then the world around her went black.

  The End

  HIS TO KEEP, the conclusion to the Claimed and Captured series is available now. For more information and buy links visit Cathryn’s website:

  About Cathryn Fox

  New York Times and USA today best selling author, Cathryn is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. She has two teenagers who keep her busy with their never ending activities, and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. Cathryn can never find balance in her life, is always trying to find time to go to the gym, can never keep up with emails, Facebook or Twitter and tries to write page-turning books that her readers will love.

  Connect with Cathryn:








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  The Wardham Series

  a short story sequel to



  Zoe York




  Before they can say I do, they need to say enough…


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