Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series)

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Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series) Page 5

by Kira Ward

  Alex rushed to my side and put his hand on my back. “Wow, Sis’… You do seem really sick. We need to get you out of the sun.”

  After emptying my stomach, I stood up and felt even weaker than before. Alex grabbed my hand and threw it around his shoulders, supporting my walk as we started the final minute’s journey behind the camp. Once there, he escorted me inside of the shelter and layed me down. For hours he sat with me, telling me stories, feeding me water, and having light conversations. I was started to feel a little better from the shade and relaxation, but still didn’t quite feel normal.

  “I should go gather some wood for a fire,” he said. “We don’t have enough for any more bonfires, and the wood we use for cooking is almost gone too.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Will you be okay here without me? It shouldn’t take me more than an hour or two.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said with another nod.

  He bent down and gave me a kiss on the forehead and exited the shelter. “Do you want the door opened or closed?”

  “Open,” I said. “I want to be able to see the ocean.”

  “Okay,” he replied, and then he was off into the jungle to look for wood.

  I closed my eyes and thought about how happy I was to be with him, and how things were vastly different than the way they had been with my ex-boyfriend, Jake. Jake would’ve shown no interest in me being sick and looked at is at an opportunity for him to get in more video game time. Alex on the other hand seemed reluctant to ever leave my side.

  What was wrong with me? I wondered. I hadn’t ate anything different that day or the day before, and we were only eating fresh fruit and fish, so it seemed unlikely that I had contracted food poisoning. The mosquitoes that were biting us when we first arrived at the island seemed to have lost interest, and I didn’t see any other type of bug bite.

  I looked down at my stomach and had an uncertain feeling about myself. Was I? No… I don’t think so. I giggled and immediately tried to wash those thoughts away. Surely, I had drank some contaminated water from the falls or drank out of a rotten coconut. That’s the only explanation.

  My eyes felt heavy, and I felt myself drifting off into a slumber. I tried to fight the sleep, as I didn’t want to have any trouble sleeping at the normal time that Alex and I slept together, but I was struggling. I dreamed of seeing my parents again and telling them how Alex and I had fallen in love. I dreamed of being CEO of Alex Conner’s cock, soon to be Kendra Conner, and having beautiful offspring. I dreamed of a small boat approaching us far in the distance, only to stop at our island and save us.

  What it really a dream? My eyelids were still partially opened as I fought with all my strength to stay awake. Light from the ocean horizon seeped between those cracks, and far in the distance I could see a tiny black spot, barely showing any indication of movement. It appear to be sitting on the ocean. Was it a boat?

  Immediately, realization kicked in, and I hauled my eyelids open. Indeed, there was a spot on the horizon, and indeed it did appear to be a boat. I wasn’t sure how long I had been half asleep, but I needed to get up and do something. “Alex!” I yelled, at first my voice was very low and crackly. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Alex!” I shouted out much louder.

  I forced my frail body up on to my elbows and my heartbeat started pumping furiously as I saw our chance to be rescued. Next, I made it too my knees, crawled out of the shelter, and then managed to get to my feet. I felt so weak, and still groggy from my sickness and almost falling asleep.

  “Alex!” I shouted again. I looked at our fire. It was dead. I needed to find Alex, and we needed to get a fire up immediately. I took two steps forward, and then another one, and tried to force myself into a wobbly run. “Alex,” I continued to shout. My eyes still felt heavy and my legs were becoming weighted with each step that I tried to force out of my body. I pushed myself as hard as I could.

  The next thing I remember was seeing sand rushing towards my face and everything going black.

  Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother

  (Book 2)

  By Kira Ward

  Chapter 1


  Kendra? Let’s me tell you about Kendra. When we were little, we were best buds, but sometime around middle school is when we started growing apart. By the time I was in high school, I hardly noticed the girl.

  I always thought something was wrong with her. While I was out partying and having a good time, she would lock herself in a room, studying or reading books all day. We just couldn’t relate, so I went on with my life while she went on with hers. I loved the girl, yeah. But once puberty set in, the last girl I had any interest in was my stepsister.

  It wasn’t until I heard about Jake that I felt an unusual pang inside of me. I don’t know what it was, but I didn’t like the idea of some guy fooling around with my Sis’.

  By that time, I had already made millions. It was all by chance… I had one good idea. One good fucking idea, and the rest was history. Keeping up with my company and turning that million dollar enterprise into an international billion dollar enterprise kept me preoccupied, so I didn’t interfere with Kendra and Jake.

  I had my own girls anyway. There was Sandy. She was built like a Penthouse Pet- Huge rack, legs like stilts, bleach blonde hair. It’s too bad that when we weren’t fucking, she couldn’t offer any conversation that was the least bit stimulating. Then there was Rita… She was okay, but I could see dollar signs in her eyes. All she talked about was buying a family house, getting married, and all the toys that she wanted. She never asked me about me. Hell, I don’t even think she knew my sister’s name.

  Temporary girlfriends, I suppose. You wouldn’t believe it, but somehow becoming successful makes finding someone worthwhile about a hundred times more difficult. Even friends were hard to come by. Once I got rich, suddenly people I hadn’t heard from in years started coming out of the woodwork, and every one I met was suddenly overly nice to me. That lead to me being alone when I was free, but it was probably for the best as I had a business to focus on.

  After my company’s last big win, I decided to get away for a few weeks with the family. I had been learning to pilot boats when I had spare time, and bought an island for us to retreat to right off the coast of Italy. I just wanted to build something nice for the rents and show them a good time. I had no idea that it would all turn out the way that it did.

  When I showed up at the house, Kendra was just the same girl that I remembered— wearing her old, worn out pajamas and hair up in a tattered ponytail. On the flight, she wore sweatpants, flip flops, and an oversized men’s sweater. It wasn’t until we were on the boat that I realized what a woman that she had become.

  I was busy setting the yacht on course, and Kendra walked out wearing a tiny, Brazilian-cut bikini. Her ass and boobs had filled out over the last few years, and her legs were shimmering with suntan lotion. When she laid out on the front deck of the boat, I couldn’t help but stare. I could feel my pants tightening and immediately felt guilt that I was turned on by my sister. I mentally scolded myself and focused my attention back onto the sea.

  From there, pretty much everything went wrong. The boat had a fancy navigation system that malfunctioned, which lead to us sailing into god-knows-where until I realized that it was frozen. Right then, I should’ve made sure were heading in the right direction and called in our coordinates, but my jackass self decided to try to fix the navigation system first. 10 fucking minutes or less in the electrical room was all it took for us to head into the worst storm I had ever seen. That storm changed the course of our lives forever.

  Chapter 2

  Looking is one thing, but touching is another. The first night that we were stranded, I barely noticed when Kendra slept squeezed all up against me. I was still in shock over the fact that we had actually lost the boat and were stuck on the island.

  But a couple days more, and I noticed. Boy did I noticed. She was only wearing a couple piece
of tiny cloth, and all I had was my board shorts, so when she snuggled up against me, all I felt were her soft, marshmallowy boobs. Sometimes she would roll over and stick her ass in my crotch or put her nose against my neck and breath on me while she was sleeping.

  It wasn’t just her body that caught my attention, but how quickly we bonded while we were together. We hand’t spent that much time together since we were in the fourth grade, so I felt like we were getting to know each other all over again. I had fun talking to her, and it wasn’t dry, pointless conversation like I had with other girls. Kendra was both smart and beautiful.

  I knew it was wrong to lust after my sister, so I buried that feeling deep inside and tried to focus on getting us off the island.

  We built a shelter, found food and figured out how to make fire. It was tough, but I never saw Kendra cry through it all. After a week, I started to give up on getting off the island. I didn’t tell Kendra that, but I figured that someone would come when they would come and there was no reason to stare out into the ocean trying to will someone there.

  What did I have to go back to anyway? Our parents freaking out, a ruined vacation, and then right back into my boring office, being questioned every five minutes about some frivolous corporate matters? At least on the island, I was free. I was having fun, and Kendra and I were starting to click.

  A few times, I saw Kendra looking at me. She wasn’t looking at my face though… Her eyes would be locked onto my chest or take a glance at my crotch. I couldn’t tell for sure, but there was an energy in the air that gave me the feeling that she had been having thoughts about me too— and not in the brotherly sense.

  It all unraveled when Kendra told me she was going to shower at the waterfall one day. I heard a strange noise, perhaps a wild boar or monkey up to no good, and I went to check that she was okay. When I saw her standing under the waterfall, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I had seen Kendra nude when we were tots, but seeing her then, as an adult woman, with water coursing over her flawless body- it absolutely floored me.

  I knew then that I was going to make a move. It was risky, but I needed to know how she felt, if she wanted me the same way that I wanted her.

  She let me in the water with her.

  She let me wash her back.

  And when she didn’t pull away when my hands made contact with her breasts, I knew that there was something there and I needed to claim it.

  She acted like she didn’t want my advance. I don’t blame her. It was sudden and shocking; I’m her stepbrother after all. But when my lips met hers, she reciprocated with everything she had. The taste of Kendra was exhilarating, and my cock was harder than it had ever been my whole life.

  It was a moment of weakness when I picked her up and fucked her under the falls, but god, she had the tightest, sweetest pussy I had ever experienced. I didn’t mean to come inside of her, but when I saw her spasming on my cock, eyes rolled back in her head, it instantly sent me over the edge.

  She was pissed and she had every right to be. Sure, she let me fuck her, but when she brought up mom and dad, the guilt really started to set in. I had crossed the line and hadn’t fully considered the repercussions that it could have on the family. What hurt the most was when she told me to leave her alone ‘til we got off the island. We were just starting to be close again, and I had fucked it all up.

  My mind was shattered. Pangs of guilt and affection scoured through my body. I was falling for my sister hard and I thought that I had already lost her.

  I did as she asked and built another shelter, gave her space, and used it as time to think about what happened and how we were going to get off the island.

  “What would our parents think?” she had asked. Fuck if I knew. If she told them what happened under the waterfall, I’d probably be cut out of their lives— at least partially. They would probably just become like every one else and keep me in arms distance for money.

  And what if my company found out? What a fucking scandal that would be. I can see it now: “Conner Enterprise’s Billionaire Is Keeping It All In The Family.” I had really fucked up.

  But the worst part was that I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I had spent so many years dating random bitches that did nothing for me, and now finally I found a girl that catered to my mind, body, and soul. Stepsister or not, Kendra was perfect. It was a cruel and unusual punishment to be denied something that I wanted so bad.

  To my surprise, Kendra eventually had a change of heart, and said she was sorry for her outburst. She was the type to claim that she was right 100% of the time, and it was the first time I had heard her apologize. It meant a lot to me. We made-up, and suddenly we were back together.

  That same night we had sex again.

  I was ready to let my willpower preside and sleep alone, but Kendra insisted that we stay together. The tension was high, her body was close, and there was no way I was going to get any sleep- not after the waterfall. The second round was better than the first, and this time there were no outbursts after the fact. Kendra wanted me too.

  After that beautiful night, it was all laughs and smiles. Kendra and I were happy together, and I was having the best time of my life. We ate, played, hunted, and had sex together every day. I joked with her that we were “Survivors,” but it felt more like we were living in a dream. No money, no corporate job to hold me down. Just me and her lost together in nature.

  Chapter 3

  We were playing at the falls one day when Kendra got sick. She was acting strange and threw up on our way back to the shelter. I stayed with her ‘til she recovered, and then went to gather some wood, careful to make sure we had enough for a campfire that night.

  I was carrying a couple of big logs across my shoulder when I made it out to the beach and saw Kendra laying face down in the sand. Immediately, I dropped the wood and ran over to her side.

  “Kendra!” I yelled. “Kendra!” I rolled her over to her side, and the look of her empty face covered in sand scared me to death. I shook her shoulders and lightly slapped the side of her face a few times, but there was no response. “Please don’t die on me… Please don’t die.”

  I quickly stood up and ran over to the shelter to grab a coconut shell. I was hoping that we would have some water stored at the shelter, but if not, I would run back to the falls and get some as quickly as possible.

  That plan changed when I saw what was out on the ocean.

  A boat.

  Our chance of being rescued.

  A chance for help.

  I ran out to the edge of the beach and started wailing. “Help! Help!” My arms were flailing wildly, trying to get their attention.

  After a few moments, I could see the boat turning, and sure enough it was heading for our island. I stood there, wailing a little while longer, and when I was 100% confident that it was heading our way, I ran back over to my sister.

  She was still out cold and gave no response to anything that I did.

  “Kendra, I love you. Please be okay. Someone is coming to help. Just hang in there.”

  I stood again and ran back to the ocean, flailing my arms, acting as wild as possible to indicate the urgency.

  The large boat was dark grey and unassuming as it pulled closer to the shore. On the side were large, white numbers, but I could not see a name etched anywhere. It stopped about a quarter mile from where I was standing, and I could see a pair of men lowering a small raft down into the water.

  Once the raft touched down, the men climbed down a rope ladder into the craft and started paddling towards me. They were slow at first, but then their raft gained speed. It wasn’t long before they were on me.

  The two men appeared to be in their mid to late 30’s. One of them was tall, lanky, and wore a small, blue, woolen hat on his head, despite the heat outside. A cigarette jutted out of his mouth. The other man was a bit shorter, a bit stubbier. Both had beards and were dressed in plain slacks and crisp clothes.

  I felt a bit uneasy not having a shirt and know
ing that I was wearing the same board shorts that I had worn for weeks. The men also looked hardened, and the possibility that they were goons crossed my mind. There was no time for reflection though. Kendra was in trouble, and I needed to do something.

  The tall man began to speak, but I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. He was clearly asking me something, but it came out in Italian rather than English. My heart sank.

  “I don’t speak Italian,” I said. “My sister is in trouble.”

  The two men looked at each other and began chatting amongst themselves in their native language. The only thing I could make out was the occasional reference that sounded like “foreigner”.

  The shorter man shook his head and grunted to the other, and then the tall man spoke to me again. “I is a sorry. My English is a very bad. Where is a the problem?”

  “Over there,” I said and pointed to my sister laying in the sand.

  I ran over to her side and and then two men followed. Kendra was still not moving, and when I look up at the two men I could see lust filling their eyes. There was a lot of skin on display, and her curvy body was obviously just as delicious to those men as it was to me.

  Luckily, they did not try anything funny. Both men knelt down and the shorter man put the back of his palm on Kendra’s forehead, while the tall man placed two fingers on her neck. They began chatting in Italian amongst themselves as they finished up the quick inspection.

  “Do you know what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “She is a still have breath. Still have a pulse. Maybe she uh have heat stroke or dehydration,” the tall man said. “Get her out of the sun, and she will be fine.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you a doctor?”

  “No, we are uh fisherman.” The tall man stood and his brows creased. “What are you doing alone with this uh girl on this uh island?”


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