Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series)

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Stranded With My Billionaire Stepbrother (Complete Series) Page 11

by Kira Ward

  “So what do you have to say for yourself, young lady?” Dad said in Kendra’s direction. “I never took you for a slut–“

  “Thomas!” Mom yelled in interruption.

  “What? You think this is all okay, our two kids getting busy with each other?”

  “I never said that,” Mom replied. “But don’t call Kendra a slut.”

  “What do you think everyone else is going to call her? A saint? This… This… Incest–“

  “It’s not Incest, Dad,” I yelled.

  Soon we were all yelling at each other in unison and none of us could make out what we the others were saying.

  Suddenly, Kendra screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Everyone quieted down and looked in her direction.

  Her body was shaking and she looked straight ahead as she spoke slowly and firmly. “Alex and I made this decision together, and we’ve already decided that we’re going to stay together no matter what. It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong anymore. It’s about whether or not you’ll be there to support us or not.”

  Mom and Dad were quiet for some time before Dad spoke again. “I can’t support this. It’s not right. What will people think? And god forbid you were to ever get married and have kids.”

  Kendra’s face grew harsh. “God forbid?” she asked. “Well, guess what Daddy dearest? I’m already pregnant.”

  Mom put her hand to her heart and Dad threw his hands up in the air in disgust as Kendra threw her fork down and began to storm for the front door of the house.

  I scooted out of my chair and looked at both of them. “Thanks a lot guys. We were worried about telling you, and that’s one of the reasons why I wasn’t so anxious to leave the island. But you’ve guys have exceeded my worst expectations.” I left the kitchen and chased after Kendra.

  “Kendra!” I yelled as I ran to out the front door, desperate to catch up to her. The ranch was sprawling on 20 acres of rolling hills, so there weren’t many areas for her to hide. Soon, I caught up to her and immediately pulled her into my arms.

  She was sobbing furiously, her eyes puffy, and tears were pouring down her cheeks. “They hate us now, Alex. They fucking hate us.”

  “Shhh… I said as I tried to comfort her. They don’t hate us. They’re just shocked. It would have been a lot better if we had the chance to tell them ourselves.”

  “Dad said he wouldn’t support us.”

  “I know my Dad. He’s just angry. He won’t give up on us. And if I’m wrong, so be it. You and the baby are the number one priority in my life, and that’s not going to change no matter what.”

  “What about your company? What about the things they were saying on the news.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” I said. “I own the company. I’m a businessman. I don’t give a damn about what they say on the news.”

  Kendra sniffled. “I just want to have a good life. I want to have a good life with you and the baby.”

  “And you will have it. Don’t listen to what other people say. We’re going to make this work. We’re going to fight. We’re survivors, remember?”

  Kendra smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll go get my iPad and book us a cab out of here. I’ve got a loft downtown that we can stay in. And I want you staying with me… for um… the foreseeable future. Are you okay with that?”

  Kendra nodded again, her distress slowly starting to fade.

  I kissed her on the cheek and turned to fetch my iPad. The meeting with our parents was a disaster, and I could only hope the interaction with the public and media would go a little smoother.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, I left Kendra in one of the beds of my loft as I headed to Conner Tower II in downtown Dallas. When I walked in, everyone started clapping slowly and smiling. My assistant, Samantha, jumped out from around the corner.

  “Welcome back, castaway,” she said.

  “I wish I could say I was glad to be back.” I let out a sigh and thought about the work ahead of me.

  “Not happy to see me and all your jovial employees, waiting to answer your every beckon call.”

  “Of course, I’m happy to see you Samantha. It’s just… Things are complicated. This business is complicated. Lots of expectations.”

  “Wow…” she gawked. “Where is Alex Conner, and what did you do with him? He would never say something like that.”

  She was right. I was usually confident, ready to take on any challenge, but I had already experienced freedom, what a really good life was like. I used to think that being a face, being successful and wealthy was the only goals worth striving for, but now I know that none of those things mattered. I had been stripped of it. I had been given Kendra. Now I knew what it’s like to really live a dream.

  “I’m thankful that everyone seems to be supportive, really,” I tried to change the subject.

  I made my way into my office, a huge penthouse room that overlooked the rest of the city, and then sat in my chair behind a huge desk. Stacks of paper were everywhere and many of my things had been shuffled around.

  “What happened here?”

  “Well, we thought you were dead. Half of your stuff was moved out to make room for a new CEO. It was only put back when we found out you were still alive.”

  “Hmm… Okay. So what’s the news?”

  “The buyout of Grant’s Coffee house that you were working on before you left went through.”


  “And that’s all. To be honest, this company can’t really move forward without you. Everyone’s been doing the bare minimum to keep the operation running, but no new initiatives have took place. We were waiting on the new CEO to get in before we started in on that.”

  I sighed… “Profits? Revenue?”

  “Both are remaining steady but no growth. It’s like we’ve been frozen in time.”

  I looked towards the stacks of papers on my desk. “Are any of these worth reading? If not, toss them. I don’t have time.”

  “No idea, sir.”

  “Trash ‘em,” I said. It was a little unlike me to make rash decisions, but a lot was on my mind.

  “Go it,” Samantha said as she picked up the papers from my desk. “And ermm…”

  I could see the look of uncertainty in her eyes, and I could tell what was coming. “TMZ?”

  “Yeah… Sorry if it’s a bit of intrusive question. I’m just used to seeing you on CNN and C-Span.”

  “Most of it is true.”

  Samantha stood, frozen, mouth agape with the stacks of papers in her hands. It looked like she was waiting for the punchline.

  “I’m telling you because I like you Samantha. My sister isn’t my real sister, and whatever happened, happened. You and I have worked together a long time now, and I hope you’ll be as understanding as I think you will. Go ahead and organize a meeting with a news organization. I want to go ahead and clear the air.”

  Samantha smiled and nodded. “I’m just glad you and your sister made it home safely.” Then she slipped out the door.

  Chapter 10

  A day later, I found myself stepping behind a small podium with a group of news reporters sitting directly in front of me. I straightened my tie and adjusted the microphone before speaking.

  “Thank you all for coming. I felt that with all the support and media attention I’ve received lately, that it would be a good idea to give everyone a quick update and answer some quick questions. First let me state that my girlfriend and I are both okay and are happy to be back home. We had some–“

  “Your girlfriend? Is it true that your girlfriend is your sister?” I hadn’t even had time to get through 1/10 of my speech before someone interrupted. I realized then that I’d probably have to throw the pre-written stuff out the door.

  “No, my girlfriend is not my sister. I want to clarify to everyone that Kendra is actually my stepsister. There’s a huge difference.”

  “So you grew up together?” asked the reporter.

  “Yes, we
grew up together. We both have separate parents, and one of our parents remarried to the other. And yes, I realize it is unconventional, but I believe it was fate that brought us together, just as much as fate brought our two parents together.”

  The reporters started chatting amongst each other and then another asked “What do your parents think?”

  Before I could answer another shouted, “Incest!”

  And then another shouted, “Do you have any plans for marriage? Children?”

  Another reporter began to shout, and I had to tap on the microphone to get everyone’s attention. “Ok, okay. Settle down. No more questions for now.

  “First off, our parents think just about the same as any parents would think. They were a little shocked, but I’m confident that they will support our decision. Second of all, this is not incest. We’re not blood related, and the only thing that connects us is the fact that our parents signed a marriage agreement. And I would like to announce that we will be having a child, our first child, in roughly about 7 months.”

  The reporters roared, and I tapped on the microphone again to gather their attention.

  “Look. I know our society is conservative. I know some people may even consider it taboo, but love found us; we didn’t go out to search for it… I dare any one of you to try denying yourself of the person you love. Kendra is my one true love, and I’m not going to give that up for societal norms. If any business that’s working with Conner Enterprise has a problem with it, no problem. We won’t work with you. And there will be no more questions that I’m going to answer about me and my girlfriend.

  “Further, I have two final announcements to make. The first is that I am going into a passive role as an advisor in Conner Enterprises, so I can focus on my new family. I would like appoint Samantha Michaels to assume my current position.”

  I had not told Samantha about my plans, so she looked as shocked as anyone when I turned around and motioned to her, hiding out in the background. She stepped up on to the stage, and looked like she was about to pass out with excitement. She waved and bowed a few times before making several steps backwards into hiding.

  “Second is a special announcement. Maybe it’s not even really an announcement, but more-so a question.” I stepped out from behind the podium so my full body was on display and pulled the mic out from its stand. “There’s a lot of people out there that think that what we have is wrong. There’s a lot of people out there that want to deny us happiness, simply because it’s not the usual, or because they want everyone to conform to a certain standard. There’s a lot of people out there who would say that our love is taboo, because we’ve known each other since we were kids, but I think that just makes our love even more special. Despite these adversities, you’re the strongest woman I know, the most beautiful woman I know, and the only woman I have ever truly loved.

  “When our ship was destroyed in the middle of the ocean, and we woke up on a deserted island, I thought I had been cursed, but in reality I had been blessed to get to know you again, to really get to know you for who you are. I saw your fire, your spunk, and your resilience, and I loved it. I am truly blessed to have you as a boyfriend and as a stepbrother. I can only hope that everyone else can realize how special you are and how special this thing is that we have together.”

  I knelt down to one knee and with my free hand pulled a small box out of my jacket pocket, flipped it open, and presented a diamond ring. “Kendra Jenner, will you marry me?”

  After a second of silence, one of the reporters started clapping, and after another second one of the other reporters joined in on the clap. Soon, all the reporters were clapping together and standing up out of their chairs, smiling and nodding their heads.

  Mission accomplished.

  Chapter 11


  “Yes! Yes!” I screamed as I watched Alex’s press conference on the TV in his loft, wishing he could hear me. I had spent the morning crying in the bedroom, and suddenly I felt like I was on top of the world.

  It was the biggest diamond I had ever seen, and Alex looked amazing in is tailor made suit. I was shocked, stunned, taken back by his words. He really meant what he said when he told me that he wouldn’t allow anyone to tear what we had apart. And he was leaving his position so that we could raise our family together? What more could I ask for?

  I climbed on top of the bed and started jumping up and down with excitement, and then I stopped and grabbed my tummy. “Do you hear that baby? Your father is such a good man, and he’s going to be the best daddy ever. Yes, he is.”

  As I was jumping, I heard my phone on the counter ringing. It caught me by surprise at first since it was a new phone and only a few people had my number, but I walked over to see that my Mom was calling. I considered not answering it, not wanting to kill my mood, but then I let out a big sigh and picked it up.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Are your watching Alex’s press conference, Kendra?”

  “Yes, of course I’m watching it.”


  “And yes… Of course, I’m going to say yes, Mom. We’re in love.”

  “Kendra…” My Mom hesitated before she spoke, and I was expecting another speech about how what we were doing was wrong. “I’m sorry for the way we acted the other night. Your Dad and I watched the conference, and I can see how much you two really love each other. I want you to know that I’m going to be there to support you every step of the way.”

  Tears started swelling in my eyes and I placed my finger up to my nose in an attempt to keep myself from sniffling. “Really, Mom?”

  “Yes, Kendra. I love you and I will always love you no matter what you do.”

  “But Dad will never accept it.”

  “Your Dad is hard headed. He’s already mentioned to me that he wished had hadn’t overreacted the other night. Just give him some time. He’s loves you so much, you know. He just doesn’t want to see either of you get hurt.”

  I sniffed. “Thank you, Mom. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “As soon as you have your first prenatal appointment, let me know. I want to be there with you when go. I’m looking forward to having my first grand baby.”

  “Okay, mommy.”

  I clicked off the phone and literally could not believe how quickly things had changed. I wanted Alex do get home as soon as possible, so I could jump into his arms and tell him how excited I was to become his wife.


  The wind blew fiercely through my hair as I stood on the deck of our new yacht, bigger and better than the SS Long Gun. Alex was at the wheel, steering us expertly through the bright, blue ocean.

  “I see it baby! I see it!” I screamed and started jumping excitedly.

  “Whoa, Whoa… Settle down, Kendra. I don’t want you to slip and fall,” Alex said. I was 5 months pregnant by then, and I could understand why would be worried.

  Flank in front of us was our island. The Island. The island that not only taught us to be survivors, but also brought the two of us together.

  Alex had spent the last 2 months searching through map, deeds, and land ownership documents in order to figure out where exactly the island was located and how we could purchase it. The owner, an old Italian man in his late 80’s, wasn’t looking to sell, so it cost us double the the appraised value to get our hands on it.

  “It’s still there, baby,” I squealed. It was all there. The shelter that Alex had built single-handedly, our fire pits, and even the smaller shelters that we had build directly on the beach. Apparently, there had been no more major storms. “It’s beautiful.”

  Alex anchored the boat and looked out over the ocean. “Yes, its gorgeous. I missed this place so much… And now it’s ours.”

  Another smaller, more industrial boat pulled up beside ours, and a man yelled out over the side. “This is it, boss?!”

  “This is it!”

  Once we were on the island, Alex went about detailing plans to the
builders to build around the shelter he built, to build an actual house, that would still contain most of the actual trees that he built the shelter with. The builders seemed to think it was no problem and estimated a 4 month completion– just in time for the baby.

  Now we would have our dream home in our dream location, but this time we wouldn’t have to worry about harsh weather and would have a kitchen. Alex had arranged for a transport to arrive every two weeks, carrying essential items and whatever shopping list we had, and if we needed anything quickly a small speedboat could make the trip in about 2 and a half hours.

  “This is perfect,” I said.

  “You’re perfect,” Alex countered as he pulled me close to him. Granted, I was not as close as I normally would be with my bulging belly, but I was still close enough to get one of his amazingly sweet kisses.

  Conner Enterprises had been handed off, and Samantha was doing an amazing job running the place. Now Alex just needed to advise and council on a need-be basis.

  Dad still wasn’t exactly happy about the idea that we were together, but had grown to accept it and was probably the most excited of any of us to get to meet his grand baby for the first time.

  The media tried to portray us as sinners when the story first came out, but the strength of social media prevailed. People on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter lashed out at the media for trying to make a satire of our love, and before long we were one of America’s most darling couples, despite being stepbrother and stepsister. In fact, it might have made us even more novel.

  I looked down at my ring, the huge engagement diamond now replaced by a more conservative wedding ring that did not get in the way of my every day life. I pulled my my husband into another kiss, “I love you, Alex Conner. CEO…” I paused and rolled my eyes. “Owner and Advisor of Conner Enterprises.”

  “I love you too, Kendra Jenner, CEO of my heart, my soul, and my cock.” He moved in close to me, grabbed my hand, and placed it directly in the area that I was supposed to be managing.


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