Unforgettable: The Complete Series (A Sexy Cinderella Standalone Love Story)

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Unforgettable: The Complete Series (A Sexy Cinderella Standalone Love Story) Page 42

by Nelle L'Amour

  “Hmm. That eez very serious. I will call security.”


  Two long minutes later, a pair of security guards are flanking me. Jeanette tells them about the high-risk situation. I guessed right—Zoey’s on the American flight.

  “Allons-y!” says one of them, instantly recognizing me.

  Fame has its benefits. On my next rapid heartbeat, I’m racing with them barefoot through the airport at lightning speed. My man-pack is flapping beneath my robe. I may have a heart attack. We barge through security and then zoom down a long, crowded corridor to the departure gate. Why does it have to be the last one?

  Finally, we get there. Despite what good shape I’m in, I’m breathing heavily.

  In French, the other security guard explains the issue to the airline attendant on duty. I listen with baited breath, my pulse pounding.

  She shrugs. “Ce n’est pas possible.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Monsieur Taylor, the plane has already departed.”

  “What!?” My heart crashes to the ground like a plummeting jet. “There’s nothing you can do?” A thick layer of desperation and despair coats my voice.

  “I am so sorry. We can send a message to zee flight attendants to keep a special eye on her. Perhaps, you would like us to book you on zee next flight. It departs at noon.”

  “Non, merci,” I rasp. I can’t leave—the red carpet screening of the Kurt Kussler season finale is tonight. There’s no way I can let Conquest Broadcasting and all the international broadcasters down.

  Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I watch the plane soar over the Mediterranean. As the plane ascends, my heart descends into a black hole, knowing I may never see my beloved Zoey Hart again.

  Chapter 2


  It’s all over the news. All over the Internet. The headline of every major tabloid.

  “Prince Brandon Searching for his Princess!”

  “MIP: Missing Irresistible Princess: Where is She?”

  “There’s Only One Princess for Me!”

  “Darkness at the Grand Palais. Prince Mourning Loss of his Dream Princess.”

  “‘I will find her!’” —Prince Brandon”

  My heart aches so much it hurts to breathe. I cannot stop thinking about the magical time I had with him. Flesh to flesh, burning with desire. His magnificent royal cock inside me, taking me to the edge of the earth. And then the clock struck twelve. And the magic ended. I fled and turned back to the ordinary servant girl I am. He’ll never find me. My evil stepsister Katrina and her equally wicked mother Enid keep me hidden. And now, they won’t even let me leave the house. I’m their prisoner. Their slave.

  Alone in my decrepit attic quarters, I cuddle Gucci, Katrina’s adorable pup that she wants nothing to do with. The little white fur ball is my one solace in life. Well, along with one other—the life-size poster of The Prince that hangs by my bed. “Oh, Gooch,” I lament, “Prince Brandon will never find me. According to all the news reports, he can’t remember my name.”

  Gucci looks up at me with his big, brown puppy eyes. A tear falls from my watering eyes and dissolves into his soft fur coat. Then, they keep pouring. I’ve shed so many tears since the ball I could fill an ocean. My precious Gucci gets up on his hind legs and laps them away with his warm tongue. I’m thankful for his sweet kisses. But I long for the kiss of another. The prince who’ll never be mine.

  “Zoella!” A manic voice cuts into my misery. Katrina. Now, what does she want?

  “Get your fat ass down here immediately. The Prince will be here any minute, and I don’t know what to wear!”

  My heart almost stops. Prince Brandon is on his way? I leap to my feet and scurry to the standing, cracked mirror in the corner of my room. I stare at myself. My hair is matted and my gaunt, puffy-eyed face is blotchy. My rags hang on my bones. In a word, I look terrible. I hastily smooth my hair and wipe away my tears, but nothing can disguise my pathetic state of being. An impatient Katrina shouts out my name again. With Gucci trailing behind me, I trudge downstairs.

  My eyes grow wide. Katrina has all but emptied her walk-in closet. Glittery jewel-colored gowns are strewn everywhere—on couches, chairs, tables, and more. She tosses them about as if they’re confetti.

  “Oh, Mommy, I don’t know what to wear. I hate being seen in the same thing twice!”

  Nearby Enid surveys Katrina’s choices. “Darling, what about the coral gown you wore to the ball. It was divine. And for sure, The Prince will recognize you in it.”

  Katrina scrunches her face. “I had it sent to the dry cleaner. Thanks to some fat whore, I took a tumble on the dance floor.”

  For the first time in ages, I inwardly smile at the memory of Prince Brandon shoving her out of the way. She shoots me a scathing look.

  “Zoella, I need a new dress immediately! I want you to go to Barneys right this very minute!”

  “B-but…” Oh no! If I go, I’ll lose my chance to see The Prince. That’s all I want…the chance to see His Gorgeousness once again. I desperately search for an excuse. “But the store doesn’t open for another two hours.”

  “That’s exactly the point. I want you to beat rush hour traffic and be there when the doors open. I’ll arrange for my personal shopper to meet you. And besides, I don’t want you around when The Prince arrives.” She casts her venomous eyes down at Gucci. “Oh, and you can take that mangy mutt with you. The last thing I want is for him to bite Brandon.”

  Gucci growls at her. My heart sinks. Scooping up the little dog, I make a beeline for the front door. The roar of a motor and blasting horns stop me dead in my tracks. Spooked, Gucci jumps out of my arms and scoots away. A loud knock on the door follows.

  “Open up!” bellows an unfamiliar voice. “His Royal Highness, Prince Brandon, requests an entrance.”

  My heart pounds in anticipation. Oh my goodness! The Prince is here!

  Katrina screams in a panic. “Zoella, get your fat ass to the front door. But don’t let The Prince in until I change into something appropriate. Stall him.” Frenzy-eyed, she turns to her mother. “Mommy, help me!”

  Enid scowls at me. “Zoella, what the hell are you waiting for? Go! Chop chop!” A double clap of her bony hands accompanies her last words.

  My heart racing, I dash to the front door and open it slowly. My heart practically beats out of my chest. Standing before me on a rolled out red carpet is his Royal Gorgeousness dressed in his royal finery. A magnificent tux that’s tailored to his inhumanly perfect body and complemented by his signature regal purple bowtie. On the street, an entourage of black limos is lined up behind his official car—a gleaming white Aston Martin convertible.

  His violet eyes, two glistening jewels, meet mine. Neither of us can speak. Sparks fill my vision and my ears. I wonder if he can hear and see them too. That dazzling smile curls up the corners of his luscious lips, and he breaks the silence.

  “Hi, do you live here?”

  I clear my throat. Brain to voice, come in please. “I-I’m just a servant here. This house used to be my papa’s, but now it belongs to my stepmother and her daughter.”

  He calls out to one of his entourage. “Niall, the shoe please.”

  At his command, a tall wiry man delivers the shoe on a purple velvet cushion. I inwardly gasp. It’s the sparkling glass slipper I lost when I ran away from him at the palace.

  “I am looking for the woman whose foot fits this shoe. If the shoe fits, something else will too. There’s only one woman in the entire kingdom made for me.”

  Hot tingles all but consume me. Flushed, I glance down at my ratty sneaker-clad feet. To my astonishment, he tilts up my head by pressing his thumb under my chin. At his tender touch, I quiver with desire and lust.

  His gaze holds me fierce. “Are you going to let me in?”

  In my head, I spread my legs wide and offer him the entrance to my pussy. I so long to have his royal cock inside me and to have his body on mine.

sp; Before I can get my mouth to move, Katrina’s sharp voice pierces my ears.

  “Oh, Your Highness. I’m so glad you’re here. You’ve come to the right place,” she says breathily, joining us at the front door. She’s dolled up in a bright yellow sequined gown that could light up the sky and a pair of matching stilettos. With her platinum hair cascading over her shoulders, the tall willowy blonde looks stunning. Frumpy me pales in comparison and a cloud of despair sweeps over me. I don’t stand a chance with Prince Brandon.

  She eyes the glass slipper. “Oh, Princey-Poo, did you bring that for me?”

  “It belongs to the woman whose pussy fits my cock. I’m having every woman in Lalaland try it on. Whoever it fits will be my princess bride.”

  Katrina’s feline green eyes light up. “What are we waiting for?” She shoots me a look that could kill. “Get lost, Zo-ey.”

  “Zoey?” The Prince repeats.

  Before he can say another word, I do as I’m told. With a heavy heart, I retreat to my quarters. Little Gucci follows me.

  I slump down on my rickety bed and bury my face in my hands. In no time, my palms are soaked from a deluge of tears. My chest heaves and my sobs sound in my ears. Beautiful Prince Brandon—the love of my life—will never be mine.

  Only the sound of Gucci barking madly brings me out of my misery. I part my hands and glance down. There he is before me with the other glass slipper dangling from his mouth. It’s one of his favorite toys. He drops it at my feet and then barks again at me. Woof! Woof! Woof! He’s trying to communicate with me.

  “What is it, little boy?” I sniffle.

  Wagging his fuzzy tail, he picks up the shoe again in his mouth and runs toward the door to my chamber. With his front paw, he scratches at the slab of wood. I get it. He wants me to open it and follow him.

  As I turn the knob, I hear Katrina screech. “Zo-eeeeee! Get your ugly face down here immediately. I need you!”

  I wonder what my evil stepsister wants as I wind down the stairs with Gucci trailing closely behind me.

  “It’s about time you got here,” she snaps as I set foot in the living room.

  “Push harder!” screams her mother, rolling her eyes.

  “I can’t!” grunts Katrina.

  I have to bite down on my bottom lip to contain my laughter. Katrina is trying to squeeze her size nine foot into my size six shoe. No matter how much she tries, she can’t. With each squeeze and grunt, she turns redder than the crimson sole of her Louboutin.

  “Zoella, use your hands, for God’s sake, to stretch out the shoe,” she yells.

  “Katrina, it’s not going to stretch. It’s made of glass.”

  “Glass, my ass. Just do it!”

  “Chop chop!” snaps a frustrated Enid.

  Having no choice, I oblige. Taking the shoe into my hand, I tug at it. Of course, it doesn’t budge. I need a glassblower. Prince Brandon’s gaze stays on my hands—the same hands that once locked with his and circled his majestic shaft.

  “Zoey, your hands are exquisite. Almost magical,” he says.

  “Thank you,” I reply softly and then silently thank my beloved late Mama from whom I inherited my long, slender fingers.

  The Prince’s glimmering eyes remain on me. “Zoey, why don’t you try on the slipper?”

  “What!” shrieks Katrina before I can say a word. “There’s no way that peasant’s skanky foot belongs in that shoe. It’s fit for a Beverly Hills princess like me!”

  Brandon ignores her and, to my astonishment, bends down to untie my grungy sneaker. He tugs it off my right foot and flings it. My eyes stay on him as he caresses my sensitive sole, rubbing a spot in the center that sends a rush of tingles straight to my sex. There must be a string attached. Then, he reverently kisses the instep. His warm lips on my flesh make me melt. It takes all I have to keep my balance. My bones liquid, I’m falling apart.

  “Zoey, your feet are as beautiful as your hands. So soft and tender.” He takes the glass slipper from me before it falls out of my trembling hand. I’m close to swooning.

  “Zoey, hold on to me while I slip on the shoe.”

  I grasp his powerful bicep as he gingerly slides the sparkling slipper onto my foot. My foot is halfway in it when suddenly a hand snatches the shoe away. Katrina!

  “Say goodbye to your future!” she sneers, and on my next breath, she hurls the delicate slipper to the hardwood floor. Smash!

  “No!” I cry out. Tears fill my eyes as I watch it splinter into smithereens, the spiky six-inch heel detaching from the sole.

  Katrina smiles smugly. “Brandon, you’re wasting your time with this slovenly peon. I’m the one for you. Let’s just get the hell out of here and ride your Aston Martin into the sunset. Mommy will start planning the wedding. I’ll be your Cinderella bride.”

  She clutches a stunned Brandon’s arm and yanks him away from me.

  “Wait!” With a sharp jerk that sends my evil stepsister flying, he breaks away from her. “Look!”

  Craning my neck, I follow his gaze. Oh my God! It’s Gucci, carrying the other slipper in his mouth. He scampers up to us, and before the little dog deposits the shoe, Prince Brandon seizes and beholds it.

  “It’s the other slipper!” His eyes, lit with excitement, burn into mine. “I have at last found my princess bride. I just knew it the minute I set my eyes on you. It’s you, Zoey! The woman I’ve dreamt about and searched high and low for.”

  “What!” screams a shocked Katrina as he effortlessly slips the stiletto onto my left foot. It fits perfectly. On my next rapid heartbeat, he scoops me up in his strong arms and his lips come crashing down on mine. My tongue finds his, and entwined, they waltz just like they once did at the ball. A sweeping, sensuous dance of love fills the walls of my mouth. Cupping his gorgeous face, I squeeze my eyes shut as I fall deeper into his passionate embrace. I’m seeing stars.

  “Mommy, do something!” Katrina whines like a bratty two-year-old, but there’s nothing either she or her mother can do. My Prince has come, and I’m never going to lose him. He’s mine. And I’m his. Our mouths stay locked as he carries me out the door.

  “Ow, you fucking beast!” I hear Katrina cry out.

  Peeking with one eye, I glance her way. HA! Gucci has bitten her, giving the bitch what she deserves. Proudly wagging his tail, the little dog follows us outside. He belongs to The Prince and me now.

  When we reach The Prince’s stately car, he finally breaks the kiss and dismisses his entourage. Opening both eyes, I watch the fleet of black limos drive away.

  “Are you taking me back to your palace?” I ask between little kisses on his face and neck. He tastes so delicious.

  He sets me down on the hood, close to the edge. “Zoey, I can’t wait that long. I’m taking you right here. Right now.” Removing the glass slipper and throwing it into the regal convertible, he simultaneously yanks off my sweats and little lace panties. My sweatshirt and bra are next. He tosses everything to the pavement. I’m totally bared to him in broad daylight. His lust-filled eyes roam down my curvaceous body inch by inch.

  “Oh, my sweet Princess, you’re so exquisite. Even more beautiful than I remember.” He gropes my heavy breasts and lifts them to his mouth. His mouth clamps down on my nipples and he sucks them. I’m so aroused a puddle must be pooling on the Aston.

  A hand reaches for my pussy, and he caresses it. A soft moan escapes my lips.

  “Oh, my beautiful, sexy princess, it feels just like I remember it. So silky and wet.” He finds my clit and rubs it with his thumb. My head arches back in pure ecstasy.

  “Don’t stop!” I plead.

  “Hold on, baby.” With glazed eyes, I watch as he undoes his pants. His enormous cock springs out as they slide down his long muscular legs. I can’t help but reach for it, wrapping my fingers around the base. It feels like hot pulsing velvet.

  “Oh, baby, that feels so fucking good. The perfect fit. Only you. Spread your legs and put it where it belongs.”

  He leans in
to me as I part my thighs at his command and put his mighty crown to my entrance. I’m so soaking wet that he shoves the entirety with all its glory into me on a single thrust, taking me to the hilt. I cry out from the tinge of exquisite pain and then scream with divine pleasure as he begins to fuck me royally. I wrap my legs around his hips as he slides me closer.

  “Oh, my Lord! My master! Fuck me hard!” I grip his broad shoulders so not to slip off the car and rock my hips to meet his powerful thrusts. I clench my muscles around his relentless rigid length as he claims me.

  “There’s only one way with you, my beautiful princess. You’re mine now. Totally mine. Yes, I’m your Lord. Your master. I’m going to fuck you for eternity. Love you until forever. And give you the happily ever after you’ve always wanted and truly deserved. But tell me, I’m yours.”

  “Oh my gorgeous Lord, I’m yours for forever. I’ve never stopped loving you. And will never. Even in death, you will live in my heart. You have my undying love.”

  “Jesus, my little princess. You’re making me crazy with your sweet surrender. I’m going to give you an orgasm you’ll never forget. Everyone in the kingdom will hear you cry out my name. But I want you to come with me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes,” I pant out, unsure if I can, as much as I want to please him and have that incredible experience of oneness. Waves of ecstasy sweep through my body as I gauge his own climax. He’s close, so very close because I can feel his searing length pulsate inside me.

  Then, suddenly, he stops pummeling me and after a deep, feral grunt, he roars out my name. It’s more like a wail—the cry of a wild animal that’s been mortally wounded. I don’t think he’s come. I would have felt the explosion and his release. He collapses upon me, his dead weight almost knocking me over. I snap open my eyes and gasp. Hovering over us is Katrina. A wicked, triumphant smile snakes across her face.

  “Say goodbye to your Prince Charming!” she snickers.

  “What have you done?” A sudden wave of panic washes over me, and then reality stabs me so hard I feel my heart bleed.


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