Unforgettable: The Complete Series (A Sexy Cinderella Standalone Love Story)

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Unforgettable: The Complete Series (A Sexy Cinderella Standalone Love Story) Page 85

by Nelle L'Amour

  I wondered—did he eat these with her in St. Tropez? I loathed Ari’s ex-wife for what she did to him, and even more, for what she did to that poor innocent child. No wonder my Trainman was so afraid of getting involved with another woman. The chances of having a long-term relationship with him were dismal. And I hated his ex even more for that.

  Stopping me in my thoughts, Ari demonstrated how to eat a mussel.

  “It’s easy. Watch.”

  He plucked the meat from the shell, dipped it into the broth, and then bit off the lower plump, fleshy part, and savored it. My eyes followed him as he discarded the tendons in a bowl along with the iridescent black shell.

  “Okay, your turn,” he said brightly.

  I reached for a mussel and mimicked his actions. The tender mussel meat rolled around in my mouth. God, it was good. Buttery, garlicky good. It got my mind off the revealing and unsettling conversation we’d just had. I instantly wanted another one.

  I glanced at Ari. The expression on his face indicated he was pleased with my reaction. He opened another mussel, but this time held the meat by the grisly tip over my mouth.

  “Ouvre ta bouche,” he ordered in French.

  I assumed that meant, “open your mouth.” My mind instantly flashed back to the blowjob I’d just given him, bringing awareness to the little vibrating egg still inside me. It was making me hunger for him. Parting my lips, I let him circle them with the succulent meat until he deposited it on my tongue. Closing my eyes, I savored it and swallowed, then opened my eyes slowly.

  Ari’s sapphire eyes searched mine. His warm breath brushed my neck as he moved closer to me.

  “Do you know, Saarah, mussels are a natural aphrodisiac? The ancient Greeks believed they were the sustenance of the Goddess of Love.”

  My God of Love must be right. My hormones were raging out of control. Wetness was pooling in the pantyless triangle between my inner thighs. My body was heating, and I was buzzing all over. Ari must have known the effect the mussels were having on me. He reached his hand beneath the table and through my thigh-high slit, he slithered his fingers up my leg to my hot, wet cleft. He caressed the sensitive folds, arousing me further, and then pulled away with a smug smirk on his lips. The tease!

  “Feed me,” he ordered.

  He tilted back his head and parted his lips. I dangled a mussel over his luscious mouth and slowly lowered it inside.

  “Mmmm,” moaned Ari.

  We continued this sensual back and forth feeding ritual until all the mussels were devoured along with the cone of skinny fries.

  Ari placed my hand on his lap. Beneath his fine, gabardine trousers, his cock was as hard as I was wet. A rush of hot tingles traveled from head to toe as the flutters below turned into throbs.

  Ari gazed into my eyes. “Saarah, have you ever been to the South of France?

  Words trapped in my throat, I shook my head.

  “It’s still my favorite place in the world. You should go there sometime.”

  In my head, I fantasized being there with my Trainman. Staying at one of those five-star Côte d’Azur hotels I’d read about in magazines…sunning topless on the beach…swimming in the warm Mediterranean…making glorious love in a delicious bed…sharing mussels and champagne at a local café…fucking our brains out yet again in bed…and waking up next to him in the morning to greet the sunshine and start all over again.

  Why bother dreaming? That was never going to happen. Not with this damaged man who was so afraid of commitment. So afraid of getting hurt and hurting his beloved son.

  Ari’s sensual voice put an end to my mental ramblings. “Saarah, would you like dessert? The crème brûlée is excellent and rivals The Palm’s.”

  The restaurant was filling up. My mind flashed back to dessert at The Palm. Dessert could prove to be too embarrassing in this small, intimate restaurant. I couldn’t risk it.

  “No thank you,” I stammered, my pussy hungering for him.

  “Ah, then we should, at least, share a French kiss.”

  Framing my face in his hands, he crushed his soft lips onto mine and consumed them. I closed my eyes as he brushed his tongue across my upper lip, signaling me to part them. His velvety tongue dipped into my mouth and flicked mine, inviting it to dance. Our dance was slow and sensuous. A lyrical waltz with sliding, gliding, and swirling that was making me want to swoon. I took small breaths through my nose so I wouldn’t lose consciousness. Three words ran circles in my head. Oh. My. God. I forgot how this sinfully sexy man could kiss. The sweeping movements sent sweet sensations of desire to my sex. I moaned into his mouth. Oh, the power of a kiss!

  As his lips and tongue deepened the kiss, he placed my hand once again under the table, back on the bulge between his legs. My fingers clasped the oh so big rigid length beneath his pants, and I knew instinctively what he wanted me to do. I moved my hand up and down. Up and down. My grip grew firmer, my stroking faster. The heat of his erection surged beneath my palm.

  And then I felt his talented hand once again trail up my thigh. I spread my legs, allowing him easy access to my flooded cleft. I moaned softly, loud enough for him to hear me as my own hand continued to travel up and down his hard as a rock cock. Making me even wetter, his middle finger moved to my already hard bud and focused solely on it. He made deep, overlapping circles with the fervor of a finger-painting child. Oh, how he knew how to push my button! Meanwhile, the little egg inside me kept vibrating, intensifying the insane pleasure that was coursing through me. As I headed toward my climax, I wanted to jump out of my skin. I dug the nails of my free hand into his thigh and my heels into the floor. His cock began to spasm, and my arousal was peaking. Oh God! Why did his gourmet dessert always have to be the best part of the meal?

  “Well, Ari, how nice to see you again.”

  As fast as Ari had thrust his tongue inside my mouth, he withdrew it. Just as fast, his hand pulled away from my crotch as did mine from his cock. The voice made me shudder.

  The color on Ari’s face drained, and I’m sure mine was as white as a ghost. Standing before us was a tall, stunning, whippet-thin woman dressed to the nines. The scent of her Chanel No. 5 perfume wafted up my nose and made me dizzy. The scathing look she sent my way made me shake.

  “Why don’t you introduce me to your friend?” she hissed.

  Should I answer or should he?

  Ari’s fists clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. In a voice as frigid as dry ice, he introduced us.

  “Sarah, this is my ex-wife, Cassandra O’Toole.”

  My stomach churned, and bile rushed to the back of my throat. I thought I was going to throw up.

  “You’re nothing,” she hissed directly at me.

  The expression on Ari’s face went from shock to rage. There was fire in his eyes.

  “Come on, Saarah, let’s get out of here.”

  He threw two one hundred-dollar bills onto the table and grabbed my hand. My legs were like Jell-O, but I managed to stand up and follow him out of the booth. His ex’s eyes stayed fixed on mine, sending daggers my way. Ari strode to the front door like a bolt of lightning with me dragging behind him, numbed. He couldn’t wait to get out of the bistro. And the truth is, I couldn’t either.


  Ari had Andre take me to my apartment. The only thing more intense than the throbbing between my legs was the silence between us. And the waves of nausea I was staving off.

  I clutched my stomach.

  Breaking the silence, an alarmed Ari asked, “Are you okay?”

  He immediately pulled me close to him, wrapping his arm around me.

  “I feel sick.”

  Ari put the palm of his hand to my forehead, the good father he was. “You don’t have a fever.”

  Little did he know the fever was raging inside me. Consuming every ounce of me.

  “It’s her, right?”

  “No, I think I ate a bad mussel,” I lied.

  Ari gently twisted my shoulders so that I faced him. �
�Sarah, she’s nothing to me.”

  I was too distraught to say another word. As the limo pulled up to my brownstone, I was so close to throwing up I could taste it. Oh God, don’t let me barf in front of him! Not waiting for Andre to open the passenger door, I sprung it open myself and scurried up the steps to the landing.

  “Sarah, wait!” I heard Ari shout out behind me.

  “Please, Ari, go away,” I replied hoarsely, without looking back.

  My hand jittering, I reached for my keys and jammed the one for the front door into the lock. For once, it opened the warped door in one try. As it slammed shut behind me, I sprinted up the stairs, taking them two steps at a time. My heart was racing as I battled tears and nausea. At last, I reached my apartment and was grateful one more time that my key worked on the first try.

  Once inside, I ran past a meowing Jo-Jo, straight to the bathroom. Falling to my knees, I yanked out the vibrating egg, tossed it into the toilet, and puked out my guts.

  I had just met Ari’s evil ex-wife…Cassandra O’Toole.

  My evil boss…Catherine Sinclair.


  One-click on the cover below for BOOK 2, the gripping conclusion. AVAILABLE NOW!

  Other Books by Nelle L’Amour

  Click on the covers to read about them and/or purchase.


  Seduced by the Park Avenue Billionaire

  An Erotic Love Story

  Writing as E.L. Sarnoff


  I used to say it takes a village to write a book. But you know what…it takes a world—readers. My readers hail from continent to continent, country to country. From the biggest cities to rural villages. I’m so in awe. So, I’m thanking all of you first. Without you, I couldn’t be a writer. A special thanks goes to those who have written a review, emailed me, PM’d me on Facebook and have commented or shared one of my posts. I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to me.

  Next, I want to acknowledge my incredible Beta team. Each and every one of them contributes something special to my books. They’re smart, they’re honest, and they make me laugh too. They’re as much my first readers as they are my dear friends. So, in alphabetical order, here is the incredible Beta team for Unforgettable: Gemma Cocker, Kellie Fox, Kashunnah Fly, Jennifer Martinez, Shannon Meadows Hayward, Gloria Herrera, Jenn Moshe, Kim Pinard-Newsome, Sheena Reid, Karen Silverstein, Jeanette Sinfield, Mary Jo Toth, and Joanna Warren. I love you and thank you all!

  I need to single out a few. First, Gloria Hererra, who’s gone on to become my trusted and beloved PA. I don’t know what I’d do without her. Writing and promoting, I’ve learned, are two full-time jobs, and Gloria has taken it upon herself to handle most of the latter necessary evil, allowing me the opportunity to devote myself mostly to writing. She’s amazing, and I hope you agree her Facebook teasers and videos are outstanding. Best of all, she makes me roar with laughter with her wicked sense of humor and dirty mind when I want to pull out my hair!

  Next, Mary Jo Toth, who has become my spot-on proofreader. I don’t know how she does it, but she sees things I never see—even after I’ve read over what I’ve written a gazillion times. And she’s so good at helping me with sayings and idioms, which I can never get right. I’m a grammatic fanatic, but am also the one who once wrote: “Kill two stones with one bird.” I kid you not!

  Last, the incredible Jeanette Sinfield. Finishing Unforgettable 3 was super hard for me because I was on the verge of burning out. However, Jeanette allowed me to send her each chapter, revision by revision. Honestly, her input and support got me through. She was my muse and cheerleader, and I am eternally grateful. I adore you! And will never forget your love and support.

  Another big shout-out goes to my amazing team of ARC readers, too many to list, who read and reviewed all three parts of Unforgettable. Your heartfelt words made me both laugh and cry. I wish you could have heard me every time the word AWWWW!! spilled from my lips. Thank you! Thank you!

  Talking about reviews, hats off to all the bloggers who read and reviewed Unforgettable and spread the word. Special mention goes to Mollien Osterman/Alpha Book Club, Jennifer Pierson/The Power of Three Readers, Nikki Costello/Crazy Cajun Book Addicts, Lorena Garcia/Brittany’s Book Blog, Stephanie Johnson/Crazy for Books, Ellen Widom/The Book Bellas, and Johnnie-Marie Howard. And a big shout-out to Give Me Books Promotions, who tirelessly spearheaded by Cover Releases and Release Blitzes. I adore you, Kylie McDermott and George Turney.

  Writing a novel, let alone a trilogy, can be a very lonely, frustrating, and daunting process, and there were many times I doubted I would ever hit the “publish” button. Somehow, it never gets easier. A big hug goes to my two BWFs (Best Writer Friends), Arianne Richmonde and Adriane Leigh, who kept me sane. What would I do without your emails, your love, and your support? And all the laughs too! I also want to thank authors, CD Reiss, Alessandra Torre, Lauren Blakely, Whitney Gracia Williams, Vanessa Booke, Avery Aster, and Fifi Flowers for their willingness to get the word out about my series. By the way, if you haven’t read books by these amazing authors, you should! They’re fantastic!

  Now, we’re down to the end. My gratitude to Paul Salvette/BB eBooks, my brilliant formatter, who accommodated all my revisions so graciously, and my awesome cover artist, Arijana Karcic/Cover It! Designs, who designed all my fabulous covers. You’re stuck with me for life!

  Finally, my family. Please don’t hate me! I know I’ve been the worst mommy ever, but this is my life. And with college around the corner, my girls, this is what I must do. I made a New Year’s resolution to create more balance in my life, but don’t count on it. It’s just not the way I roll. I love you all the more for putting up with me.

  Okay, last but not least, my hubby. Thank you for taking on so many of the mommy responsibilities and for keeping me supplied with an endless amount of Trident gum, popcorn, and Diet Coke. And for still loving me, no matter how whacked out I get. You will always be unforgettable.

  Note from Nelle

  Dearest Reader~

  Thank you for sharing Brandon and Zoey’s story. If you loved it, I hope you will consider leaving a review. Even a very short one helps others discover my books and means the world to me.


  I now want to share something personal with you. As you may know, Unforgettable was inspired by the beautiful song of that name sung by the late great Nat King Cole and his daughter, Natalie. Natalie sadly passed away while I was finishing the edit of Unforgettable 3. I was greatly saddened by the untimely passing of this amazing talent. What’s more, she left us on New Year’s Eve, the very day my unforgettable father died several years ago. Unforgettable 1 was dedicated to my father. I find this so uncanny. Fate has her own way of making things happen and it makes this series even more special to me.

  So, what’s next? That’s always the question. While I have several books in progress, I will be bringing you a newly edited version of my very first erotic romance series—Seduced by the Park Avenue Billionaire in Spring 2016. Now called TRAINWRECK, it will feature dual point of view throughout and have an extended five-years later epilogue as well as other bonus chapters. Many of you have asked me if you could hear more from Ari, and I think you will be as fascinated as I was to get inside Ari’s complex head. For the rest of you who haven’t read this series, it will be a brand new book, and even for those who have, the retelling will make you relive Ari and Sarah’s passionate love story in a different way. It’ll be a two-parter, with both novel-length books releasing simultaneously. I’m super excited and once again hope to make you laugh, cry, and swoon. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter and follow me on my Amazon Author Page to hear about new releases, ARC giveaways, and sales.

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  Many of you have also asked if you will see more of the THAT MAN characters as w
ell as those from Unforgettable, including Katrina. The answer is I’m not sure. I’ve started a story about Jen’s best friend, Libby, and I’m toying with the idea of a Katrina story as well as a Christmas reunion novella that will bring all the characters together. Email me at [email protected] and let me know your thoughts. I’m especially interested to know: Do you think Katrina could ever reform and go from being the “spawn of Satan” to someone with a heart?

  There’s no rest for the weary. I’m off to start writing again and I can’t wait to bring you more books. I feel very blessed to have such a passionate fan base. Every comment and message on Facebook brings a big smile to my face, and both your reviews and emails have brought me many happy tears. Don’t stop them from coming as I love hearing from you. You, my Nelle’s Belles, are the reason I write.

  MWAH!~Nelle ♥

  About the Author

  Nelle L’Amour is a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling author who lives in Los Angeles with her Prince Charming-ish husband, twin teenage princesses, and a bevy of royal pain-in-the-butt pets. A former executive in the entertainment and toy industries with a prestigious Humanitas Prize to her credit, she gave up playing with Barbies a long time ago but still enjoys playing with toys with her husband. While she writes in her PJs, she loves to get dressed up and pretend she’s Hollywood royalty. She writes steamy stories with characters that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon, and stay in your heart forever.

  Nelle loves to hear from her readers. Sign up for her newsletter and connect to her:




  [email protected]








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