Written by K. D. Delgado
Illustrations by Nicolas Lonprez
Copyright © 2014 by K D Delgado
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the author, except for brief passages quoted by a reviewer or by another author, in which the quote is fully attributed.
To perform any of the above, other than the exceptions, is an infringement of copyright law.
Meizius Publishing, 2015
For my children Ileana, Tony, Arturo, & Christina.
May your imagination soar to the far ends of the universe.
I would like to thank my Husband Luis for being supportive, for always allowing me to be myself, and never holding me back.
Thank you to my parents, Scott & Trudy, you have always
supported me and believed in me.
Thank you to my Grandma Ava and Grandpa Sonny, for my adventurous upbringing, from grandma's love of animals and fantasy, to my grandfather's beautiful artwork, I know every bit of it fed and expanded my imagination.
Thank you to Meizius Publishing for dedicating your time and putting your faith into my book.
Thank you to my illustrator Nicolas for creating the beautiful illustrations for this book, they are perfect.
Thank you to my friend Angel, who spent her own personal time reviewing and proofreading my book.
Thank you to my friends who volunteered to read and review my book which, in turn, inspired me to keep going.
And, most importantly, a “Thank you” to you,
for reading Mesilithia, for entering my world, my mind,
my imagination.
Thank you.
The rain pounds heavily on the tin roof of their double wide trailer in late September. The smell of fresh baked banana nut bread fills the room. The TV sits in the corner next to a red brick fireplace. The weatherman on the television warning the viewers,
"-stay away from windows. This severe lightning is expected to continue through the night. Tornado watch in effect for…"
Susan sits on the sofa, cross stitching what will most likely be another addition to her hall of patterns or a gift to a friend for the holidays. The pattern she is currently stitching resembles the manger setting where Jesus was born, the angels and people gathered round. Susan loves angels, and stitches them in almost all her designs. Susan pauses, touching the manger with her hand, feeling the tug of a silent despair on her heart. Susan and Bill are in their late 30's and have been unable to conceive. For over 10 years, Susan has longed for a child of her own. Bill always tells her not to worry, they will adopt a child when they are able to save up the money. Over time, Susan is slowly losing hope. Layoffs are happening at work as fall approaches, things will be difficult for a while. She sighs deeply, and then continues to stitch her pattern while waiting for Bill to return from the store.
The front door swings open, startling Susan as her husband comes in soaked. "It's really bad out there Susan, maybe we should head to a shelter?"
Bill says as he takes off his jacket. "I just saw a flash of light back behind the house, a transformer must of blew."
Susan looks at him puzzled, "There is no transformer back there, there aren't even power lines." She continues with her stitching as he sits in his chair, "I'm sure it was just lightning."
Bill looks at the TV, "I didn't see a lightning strike, it came from below the trees." They sit and quietly watch the news for a while, when they hear the winds roaring and becoming heavier outside.
Susan looks at Bill, then at the news, "-folks we have some light rotation in this area, if you live in the area or are to the south, take cover just to be safe.
It's not very strong," the weatherman pauses, looking off screen. "Apologies folks, looks like that may have been a fluke, as the rotation has disappeared off our radar."
Bill looks at Susan, "Maybe we should go just to be safe."
Susan looks at Bill, "Alright, I'll get a bag for us."
Susan sets her pattern down and stands, turning toward the hallway, when she pauses and looks at the door. "Bill, I think I hear someone outside."
Bill goes to the door and opens it, to see a man and woman standing in the rain. Susan walks up next to Bill and freezes, she can't believe her eyes....they look like angels. Bill is frozen as the couple looks up at him. The woman is standing to the right of the man, she looks at Susan. Susan looks at the woman, who has bright green eyes and long dark hair. As she evaluates her, she realizes she is holding a baby in her arms. The child's hand reaching up to her mother, the mother looks at Susan as tears stream down her face. Susan steps forward. No one speaks as the strange woman looks down at her baby once more. The man bends down and kisses the child's head before looking up at Bill. "How are you called?"
Bill, still shocked, mumbles his name, "B-bbill..."
The man and woman look at Susan, "Susan."
The man looks at the woman, she nods her head and kisses the child's forehead. "Bill and Susan, I ask you to please take our child and raise her as your own. She is in danger in our world, we do not wish her to suffer a horrid fate." The man looks to Bill awaiting a response.
The woman steps up to the door, facing Susan,
"You have paintings of our kind on your walls?"
Indicating she sees the angel patterns in the hallway behind Susan.
"Yes, we call them...," she pauses, blinking, "you, angels, that watch over us."
The woman smiles, "Then tell her that is what delivered her to you."
Susan shakes her head, then reaches her arms out for the baby. The woman gently sets the baby in her arms as she explains to Susan. "She will never grow wings as long as she stays in your world. For she was born here, in this world. She is like you."
The man looks at the woman, then Susan.
"Never tell anyone of her origin, most especially not her. Most importantly, we will never," he states sternly, "reveal her location to anyone. We will never send anyone to re
trieve her. Do not even tell us her name, for it would just put her in more danger."
Bill moves toward Susan, placing his left arm around her waist, he places his right hand on the child’s head. He smiles as his eyes fill with tears.
"We will protect her with our lives."
The woman leans in and kisses the baby one last time. "Thank you Bill and Susan," she says as they turn to leave, disappearing into the forest, never to return.
It was a normal day in Lufkin, TX as Katie sat at the table in her family's house. The house was quiet, of course it would be, it's only 6am. She sits quietly staring at the Christmas decorations that cover the family room, remembering the previous Christmas. She thinks, Last year was a good year, we were happy, the kids had plenty of gifts. But, this year will be different..... The kids still aren't used to grandpa and grammy being gone. They still don't understand, they are not coming back.
She sips her coffee, savoring the peace, the ability to think clearly before her family awakens to begin their day. Katie is 29, about 5'8, has shoulder length brown hair, and piercing green eyes. Growing up, she was always complimented on her eyes. Some said that when the light is just right they almost look fluorescent.
Being a career mom is never simple, she knows today she needs to tell her daughter she will have to miss her game, yet again. Katie looks at the clock, 6:20, with only 10 minutes until the kids awaken, she gets up to make their lunches for school. Stacy is her oldest; a picky 9 yr old, green eyed brunette, who is so much like her father. She loves sports, and being outdoors. Jason is her youngest at 6 yrs old, also a green eyed brunette. He resembles his mother’s features, loves to read, and his head is always in the clouds.
Stacy rolls over, half asleep attempting to stop the alarm. "Hmmm stupid alarm," Stacy mumbles, as she finally hits the snooze button.
Stacy's room is covered in softball and soccer items, a flat screen TV sits on her dresser right next to her pile of clothes. She loves to play sports, and be with her team. Stacy lays there in bed, looking at her ceiling thinking about her impending game. She’s really going to my game for once. I can’t wait for mom to see me score a goal.
"Stacy! Get up, don't go back to sleep!" Katie yells from the kitchen.
"I'm up, I'm getting dressed mom," she yells back.
"I'm already dressed mommy," Jason says walking into the kitchen, wearing his blue jeans and blue hoodie.
"I know you are," Katie says as she gives Jason a hug and squeezes him tightly. "You like mornings just like your mommy. Your sister on the other hand..well...."
"Not so much?" Jason cuts in, giggling.
Katie smiles, "Exactly. Go, keep an eye out for the bus please."
"Okay, mommy."
Katie continues reading her morning paper, looking over the crime reports. Stacy is always running late. Katie has tried to convince Stacy to take a break from sports. But, Stacy insists that she would just be bored, and loves to play.
"STACY, BUS!" Jason yells to his sister.
"COMING!! WALK SLOW!" Stacy yells as she runs past the kitchen, toward the door.
"Stacy, lunch," her mother yells.
Stacy spins around grabbing her pink lunchbox off the counter. She then kisses her mom on the cheek before running to the front door. She yells,
"SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL MOM!" Jason yells, headed to the bus waving at his mother from outside.
Katie realizing she needs to head to work, finishes her last bit of coffee, then sits her red coffee cup in the sink. As she looks up out the kitchen window, she sees a man standing across the street, staring at her house. "What is he doing?" she says to herself. Looking at him more closely, she realizes he is dressed in odd clothes. He is tall, broad shouldered, with long blonde hair, the clothes he is wearing appear to be leather. She starts to wonder if there is a renaissance fair around. He suddenly looks straight at her, she immediately is frozen by his bright blue eyes. She can't move, is it fear or fascination? He steps toward her house, still holding her gaze...Suddenly, she hears the garage door open, jumping at the sound. When she looks back out the window, the man is gone.
Her husband David is home, he is a security guard at the prison and works the graveyard shift. He is taller than Katie, has brown hair, and brown eyes. They met right after high school through a mutual friend, and for the first half of their marriage everything seemed perfect. But for the past year, Katie has noticed her husband coming home later and later, and is no longer interested in her. She still hopes their marriage can be saved, maybe they can rebuild their relationship. Somehow after her parent’s untimely death, they just lost touch. Katie feels it is her fault: she shut down for a time, she just couldn't deal with people. When you realize how cruel the world really is, you wonder if you can trust anyone.
"You haven't left yet?" David says, coming in the side door taking off his jacket.
"No, I was just picking up a little first," she replies while wiping off the counter. "Could you take out the trash?"
"Nope. Tired. I'm going to bed." He replies while walking toward the bedroom.
"Worth a shot," she mumbles to herself, picking up the trash bag.
Katie feels like she is spinning, she is shaking, the ground is gone, she smells smoke, she tries to it an explosion? I dead? Her mind is in a state of confusion, David! David! Is he gone?!
"Katie! Katie!" David yells, trying to see through the smoke.
Katie hears David yelling, "What are you doing?
Katie can still hear words, but can't make them out.... she realizes she is being carried. Her eyes start to open, she regains her focus. It's the man from outside, what's happening?! Katie is terrified, baffled by everything. "Why are you doing this? What do you want?" she says while looking around the room for David. She then sees David laying on the floor, trying to get up again. His face is bruised and bloody....Were they fighting?
"It is time to return home," the man says, never looking her way. The man is holding Katie effortlessly in one arm like a baby, he faces to his right side, and has his right arm up in the same direction.
"You're crazy, let me go!" she screams trying to get out of his grip. Katie hits and claws, but this man does not even flinch. "LEAVE ME ALONE! DAVID PLEASE!" She suddenly freezes when she feels a wind coming from the other side of the man. She sees David now sitting up against the wall, frozen with fear, unsure what to do. She tries to look behind the man, as the wind gets stronger. She can't believe her eyes, "What is this??" It can only be described as a hole in the air.
"The way home," the stranger replies, turning toward the space.
"NO PLEASE!" She screams while trying to reach to her husband.
The man moves toward the space. Katie continues to fight and grabs her husband's hand as he reaches out to her.
"KATIE! HOLD ON!" David yells, the wind is now howling, everything is moving.
Katie can feel the pull, she is helpless as he enters the space. She looks at David as her hand slips from his. "David, don't leave me!!"
"It is time," the stranger says as he enters, carrying Katie away.
"NOOOO!" She screams as they enter the portal, and disappear.
David is sitting on the floor, his face still covered in blood from fighting the imposter. What am I doing? He starts to realize, this isn't a dream, this is really happening. He stands up, slowly walks forward, breathing heavily, shaking, terrified, unsure, he leaps into the space.
The sound of trees whistle in the wind, branches cracking as the creatures scurry about. The smell of water is in the air and a shriek carries on the wind, of pain, terror.
"Wow, where am I?" David says to himself as he sits up. David is still covered in blood and now dirt as well.
He looks around and sees trees, he's outside in a forest. This is not a normal forest, the ground is nothing but brown dirt, no grass anywhere.
David sees trees everywhere, but the forest is actually quite open as the trees barks are skinny and the leaves begin at a high height. David touches a tree next to him, its smooth bark a clay color, the top of the tree is covered with large white leaves. He watches as what appears to be a giant pink slug moves down the tree toward him. The slug-like creature looks at David, he almost appears to bow to
David, then continues on his way. Did it just bow to me? Katie, where’s Katie?! A light fog is in the air, David shivers at the sounds of howls as he looks around for any sign of Katie. "KATIE! SOMEONE
PLEASE HELP ME!" David sobs, not sure what to do, or which direction to look, "KATIEEE!"
"YOU! WHY ARE YOU YE-" the stranger stops, looks at David. "Why are you dressed oddly?"
David looks at him, he is so shocked, he can't move...Is this real? The man has....has wings. He is tall, well built, with light brown hair....and he has black wings. They look like wings you think an angel would have, they have black feathers that transition into gold feathers toward the ends. The wings start from above his shoulder all the way to his knees. He is wearing red armor with a red headband. His eyes, his eyes are yellow. Is this Real?
"Are you ill?" He asks, this time with his sword drawn.
David finally replies, "Please don't hurt me, I'm trying to find my wife. She was taken, by a man from our home." He tries to stay calm, and speaks through the fear. "I don't know where I am, please, can you help me?"
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