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Mesilithia Page 5

by K. D. Delgado

  "But Katie carries the royal blood," Loo says looking perplexed.

  Josque nods his head in disagreement, "When she married Wic- Wicket the power transferred to him as the King."

  Selphie looks at Rud, "that means you-"

  "I know," Rud cuts Selphie off, knowing what she was about to say.

  "I'll tend your wounds," Selphie tells Josque as she goes to his side.

  "No, it’s too late for me," he says motioning her to stop. "You must go and warn the others."

  Rud turns to Girk, "Quickly summon the men we have left."

  "Yes sir," Girk replies soaring off the cliff.

  "Hold on Josque." Loo looks at Rud in disbelief, "He must have climbed 1,000 feet to reach here to warn us." Loo looks to Josque, as Josque lays in his arms, "Come on, don't be such a webling." Loo says mocking Josque, "You can’t go now."

  Josque gently smiles, "Loo, I hope to die with dignity. Please release me down the falls."

  Loo starts to feel a sadness come over him, "Alright." Loo walks over to the mouth of the cave, he looks at Josque. "My Lord Josque..."

  Josque looks surprisedly at Loo, who has never properly addressed him in the past.

  "You have earned my respect," he tells Josque. "May you find peace my old friend."

  Josque smiles, "I am at peace."

  Then Loo gently releases Josque down the falls.

  Everyone stands silently for a few moments, taking in this revelation.

  "I'm going." Loo says aloud.

  David nods his head, "I am too, you need numbers."

  Rud knowing he only has 40 warriors, nods, "Alright, but we fly. We have no time to wait. Selphie and David you will ride Sparkle," he turns to David, "she is Katie's pegasus."

  Girk returns with 40 warriors. Rud tells Girk, "We will take 20 with us, the other 20 will remain here on high alert." Then he turns to Loo, "Loo, teach David how to kill shendoots and snites, we don't have long."

  "Got it," Loo says motioning to David to follow him.


  "Sir, what about the shendoots in the great water?" Girk asks Rud.

  "Josque said the shendoots of the lakes were attacking, not the great water." Rud says as they fly in the sky.

  "Let's split up and warn everyone. Tell them all to go to the back room in the caves until we return." Rud commands Girk.

  "Sar," Girk says to a zothan woman who has long blonde hair, light brown eyes, and dark brown wings. He speaks loudly to those around him, "Go to the room in the back of the caves to hide. Do not let your children fly out until we return."

  "Why? What has happened?" Sar replies with a frightened tone, as she looks at her daughter Nena. Nena stands next to the cave opening, her long curly red hair frames her face. Her light blue eyes stare at her mother, the wind moving the light blue feathers on her wings.

  Girk goes up to Sar and quietly whispers, "The leader of the Shendoots has been murdered. Our clan is about to be betrayed. Some of us are going to fly out to warn Lord Wicket and Lady Katie." Girk looks at Nena as he motions her to come close, "Listen to your mother, and stay hidden. I will come back for you soon."

  "Father, you promise you will return?" Nena asks.

  Girk looks at his daughter as he places his palm on her face. "What have I always told you?"

  "That you will always be in the stars," Nena replies to her father as she looks up at him.

  Girk hugs Nena tightly then stands as he turns to Sar, kissing her. "Please go to the back of the caves and hide."

  Sar shakes her head as she reaches out for Nena's hand. Girk watches as they disappear into the caves before he spreads his wings, flying off the balcony to warn the others.


  "Again." Loo says to David, "Right for the chest."

  "The sword is heavy," David says catching his breath.

  "Try this one, its shorter." Selphie hands David a short straight sword.

  "The only way to kill a snite is to pierce your sword straight in their chest. The Snites are also shape shifters." Loo explains as David charges.

  "What does that mean exactly?" David asks as Loo pushes him back.

  "They can change to anything, or anyone whose soul they have absorbed." Loo continues as David looks confused, "They can only hold their shape for a short time. The leader can hold her shape for days at a time."

  "So how am I supposed to tell the difference?"

  "Their eyes will stay black. That's what gives them away."

  "Got it, what about the shendoots?"

  "Pretty simple, just a good blow to the abdomen or chest. Go through the side, they will have armor on," Selphie replies. "The snites may be wearing armor also, look for a weak spot."

  Rud enters the room, "It’s time to go. It is growing late, we won't make in time to warn them. We are going in as reinforcements."

  Everyone in the room nods in agreement as Selphie brings in Sparkle, and Faw. Faw is Loo's pegasus. Sparkle is bright white in color, and Faw is dark brown.

  With Rud in the lead, the zothans take off, then Loo, Selphie, and David.


  "How much further is the second lake?" Wicket asks Misque.

  Misque nervously replies, "Not much farther, Lord Wicket. We should be there by nightfall."

  Lithid sprints alongside Wicket, "Something is wrong, he is acting uneasy."

  "Let’s be on guard as we reach the lake," Wicket replies.

  Lithid nods in agreement.

  Misque looks uneasily at Lithid, knowing he suspects something. As he runs beside Wicket, the sting of guilt stabs him in the chest, he can still hear Josque begging him to not betray the Clans.

  Josque walks into his chambers, and removes a small bag from around his neck as he starts to undress. He then hears a sound from behind him. Josque already knows his fate as he takes out the gift Yem gave him, and eats it. Josque then turns to face Misque, “Misque, I did not send for you. Why are you here?”

  Misque had waited patiently in his chambers for Lord Josque to return from Gorath. “I...require counsel, my Lord Josque.”

  Josque watches Misque carefully as he slowly approaches him. “What is the type of counsel you seek Misque?”

  Misque pulls a knife out of his pocket, looking at it he asks, “What would you do, if you had the chance to be a King?”

  Josque stands his ground, “I believe that would depend on the manner you receive your crown.”

  Misque circles around Josque, “And what is the price of betrayal?”

  “For me it would be my soul. What would it cost you Misque?”

  Misque stops in front of Josque, “Nothing, I have no soul.” Misque plunges his blade into Josque’s chest.

  “Misque, please…” Josque feels the blade enter his chest. He falls to the floor as Misque pulls the blade out.

  Misque stands over Josque, “You should have just done what I asked. Now more of their people have to die, and you.”

  Josque looks up at Misque, “How do you mean?”

  Misque shakes his head in disappointment at Josque, “It’s all a setup, your friends, the clans are all walking into a trap. When they reach the second lake, the Shendoots of the lakes and the Snites will attack. Of course if you had just listened, we could have just handed Wicket over to them and saved everyone.” Misque walks over to the wall, tracing the knife in his hand. “In a few days the leader of the Snite’s will absorb Wicket’s soul.” Misque points up with his hand, “They will rule above, and I will rule below.” Josque tries to crawl away from Misque as he speaks.

  Misque walks over to Josque stepping on his wound as Josque lets out a shout of pain. He then leans over Josque, looking in his eyes, coldly he says, “You did this to yourself.”

  “Ahhh, Misque, please don’t do this, don’t betray the clans, the Snites will never let you rule…they will kill you too.” Josque pleads through the pain from the wound in his chest.

  “I will rule.” Misque vows as he brutally stabs J
osque in the chest again and again until Josque is barely breathing. He then steps to a table, picking up a cloth, he wipes the blood off his hands and face.

  Misque turns around and looks at Josque one more time as he leaves the room. “I’ll let the guards know you do not wish to be disturbed until tomorrow,” he says grinning as he closes the door.

  As nightfall approaches they see the second lake, Wicket holds his hand up, slowing the group down. He looks to Lady Zeer and Katie, "Take the clans to the air, and be on guard."

  "Lord Wicket, what for? It will still take some time to get to the forest."

  "Is someone meeting us at the second lake, or will we continue on?" Wicket steps off his cartem.

  "We carry on, those were Lord Josque's commands."

  Wicket turns to Misque, "No they were not." Looking Misque straight in the eyes, Wicket says, "And you are not the one who was supposed to meet me." Wicket grabs Misque by the throat.

  "Josque knew you were about to betray him," he says coldly as he strangles Misque with one arm, then drops his lifeless body to the ground.

  "Let’s fly above," Zeer shouts to her clan.

  Katie looks at Wicket and then takes off, with her sword drawn. From above, they hover over Wicket, the cartems, and bandorges. It has become dark, the leaves from the Dawrik Forest are glowing dark colors. Beyond the lake you can see the Forest of Lunel, the Lunel tree in the center, extending high in the sky like a beacon. Its leaves of golden color glowing and white bark put off a bright light. To the north of the lake it is an open field, nothing but tall green grass beneath the night sky.

  "My Lady, look." Lady Zeer says to Katie, pointing at the field beyond the lake, "It looks like an army." Zeer flies closer, "and they are coming fast."

  "Prepare for battle!" Katie yells to the clans in the sky as she raises her sword.

  The clans start roaring and yelling, preparing themselves, as they see snites transform into zothans and wistons, charging toward them.

  Wicket and Lithid hear the roars, as they watch the shendoots come toward them, the bandorges start to growl, and the wistons transform into their dragon forms coming to the front. The Cartems start growling loudly as their fur turns bright red.

  "PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" Wicket and Lithid yell, lifting their swords in the air.



  "What is going on? Why aren't they here yet?" a seleen called Shar says aloud to herself as she flies through the Forest of Lunel. It is almost sunset, the Shendoot Clan has not appeared to help them. There have also been no further reports of the Snites heading their way. It is almost like they vanished. Lady Yem must be worried to have sent me to find the snites’ location." Shar has short pink hair that blows back away from her face as she flies through the trees. The colors of the trees, red, purple, green, almost blur together at her speed. The Lunel Forest is a beautiful forest, the trees all have brown barks, with purple, green, or red leaves. It is home to many creatures and considered a safe place in Mesilithia.

  "Almost there," Shar says aloud to herself trying to catch her breath as she grows tired. Shar comes to a halt as she reaches the edge of the forest. Hiding behind the bark of a tree, she looks across the vast open land for any sign of the snites. Nothing, she sees nothing but tall grass blowing in the wind. Shar takes off again flying in the direction of the lakes. Surely they are still getting ready.

  Shar suddenly stops as she almost flies into a faux, an animal of the forest. "Oh I am sorry," the faux pays no mind to Shar. "Have you seen any warriors here?"

  The Faux with its black and orange fur lining its face, looks at Shar, shaking its head no.

  "Thank you." Shar takes off again toward the lake. As she reaches the far side of the lake, she slows down, again she sees nothing. No shendoot warriors, not even a ripple under the water. Shar lets out a sigh of confusion and frustration as she turns back to fly to the Lunel Tree.

  "What's going to happen to us? To our kind..." Shar ponders aloud. She knows the snites will try to destroy the Lunel Flowers, in a hope to eliminate the Seleen Clan. Without the flowers no more seleen children will be born. Without the Seleen Clan, Mesilithia would be very defenseless. Shar's mind wanders back and forth as she flies toward the tree. She flies at such a high speed the tree's around her wave as she soars by.

  Shar slows as she comes to the center of the Lunel Forest, in an effort not to hurt the Lunel Flowers. As she flies above, she watches as the seleen children are playing amongst the flowers. They laugh and wave at Shar as she flies overhead. Shar turns to fly up the Lunel Tree that stands tall above the forest. The tree has a smooth white bark and golden leaves, the entire center of the forest puts off a bright glowing light at night. It can be seen from all across Mesilithia.

  "My Lady Yem," Shar quickly flies in the room at the top of the Lunel Tree. "The day is ending, there is no one coming. No snites. No shendoots. No one."

  "Bring me at least 100 of our ladies," Yem commands while looking out over the forest with a concerned look on her face. "Something has happened."

  Her mind wanders to the day before, Josque warned her this may happen.

  "Lady Yem, may I speak with you?"

  "Yes, Lord Josque."

  "Lady Yem, I'm afraid I may be betrayed...." He looks at her, his face troubled," Lord Wicket knows that, if my men do not reach you by sunset tomorrow, then they are not coming." Josque looks down, "I may be dead."

  "Josque," Yem says as she lands on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

  Josque looks toward her as he holds his hand out for her to land on. "At sunset look across the forest toward the lakes to be sure the clans are coming. If you do not see them, then something I'm afraid has happened. Take your people and hide."

  "No Josque.,We will fight, we will not run." Lady Yem says sternly, flying up into Josque's eyes.

  "I worry for your people, Lady Yem." Josque explains.

  Yem lands back on Josque's hand, "Josque, I worry for you. I hope that you will be alright, and nothing will happen." Yem takes a strand of her hair and hands it to Josque. "If you become injured, eat this. My hair strand will heal your body.” She looks up at Josque and explains further, "But if you are gravely injured, it will only prolong your life a short time."

  Josque closes his hand and tucks the hair in a little bag he carries around his neck. "My Lady..." he looks at Yem, his eyes filled with gratitude, "Thank you."

  Shar flies back into the room, "My Lady, we are ready. What are your orders?"

  Across the land…

  “Why were they telling the others to go to a back room? Wouldn’t they just be trapped?” David practically yells to Selphie in her ear, trying to speak over the wind.

  “The back room is where all of our supplies are. It is where they can hold off the longest in the event of an attack. There is also a tunnel in the room that can lead them out away from the cliffs, into Dawrik Forest.”

  “Where is Dawrik Forest?”

  “Look,” Selphie yells pointing at a forest with dark trees. “That is Dawrik Forest, it is a very dark place. Most that enter never come back. Only those that have lived in the forest know the way.”

  “I don’t understand, why would you send them somewhere like that to escape. Won’t they still be trapped?”

  “Only those who have lived there know the way.” Selphie says again as she looks back at David, “Tad!”

  One brow raised, “Tad?”

  “He is from Dawrik Forest. He is the last of his species, the rest were wiped out by the Snites many nyias ago.” Selphie smiles, “Katie saved his life when he was a small child.”

  “Wow. So why is he, you know, weird?”

  Selphie laughs, “That is just the way his kind is.” Selphie sighs, “You know, it was because of him.”

  David looks at her, “What was?”

  Selphie almost looks as though she may cry, “That Katie never made it home.”

  David shakes his head, “But I tho

  “She had one chance to get home, the portal was open and she almost made it.” Selphie shakes her head as she speaks, almost as if she still can’t believe it herself. “Tad, when he was a child, ran out of the forest crying. A snite creature was attacking him.” Selphie’s eyes tear up, “The snite creature was on top of him, Katie was almost to the portal and she stopped. She turned back and saved him. She said she hoped someone would do that for her son. Tad traveled with her everywhere after that.”

  “I’m happy she did that.”

  Selphie looks back at David surprised.

  “She would have never been able to live with herself if she had let him die.”

  Selphie smiles, “Yeah.” Then looks at Loo as they both look back at the horizon. “We need to hurry.”

  "The sun is setting!" Loo yells at Rud as he looks back to see the last lingering light of the day disappear over the horizon.

  "We must hurry!" Rud yells to the clan, as they pick up speed. "Zothan's fly faster. We will go ahead and you three can catch up."

  Selphie and Loo nod at Rud.


  Wicket readies his sword as the shendoot warriors approach. As Wicket charges, he runs into the shendoot warriors, stabbing a warrior in the chest. The warrior yells out in pain as its bright green blood splatters on Wicket's face. Wicket hears a yell behind him, he turns to see a warrior being attacked from the front and behind. Wicket runs to his aid, stabbing a shendoot through the back. Wicket yells as the shendoot drops to its knees, puts his foot on the warriors back and kicks the lifeless body off his sword.

  Katie flies into the sea of snites, slicing the throat of one as it flies past her. She is then attacked by a snite from the front, it has transformed to a zothan warrior. Katie is infuriated at the sight of the snite smiling at her. It knows it as transformed into Carm, a friend of Katie's that was killed in a previous battle. Katie hovers in the air, staring at the black eyes of the snite, wrestling with her thoughts. It's not Carm, it's not her, I have to kill it and release her. Katie flies into the snite, sending them spinning into the air attacking one another with their swords. The snite grabs Katie's right hand as she goes to swing her sword. Katie reaches to her ankle with her left hand, grabbing a knife, and stabs the snite in the center of its chest. Katie's face is full of anger as she looks in the eyes of the snite. "RELEASE THEM!" The snite's eyes slowly close as its blood spills to the ground below, transforming to its original body. Katie holds the arm of the snite, as she removes her knife from its chest. Blood covers Katie's face as she watches the souls pour out of the snite's body, expressing their gratitude for being freed. "Thank you."


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