Katie looks at a chair across the room with a white fabric laying across the back if it. Katie had explained to Wicket many nyias ago, that a white flag was one of surrender, truce. "Tell her to only appear before the clan if Wicket is there and to wave something white in the air. He will know what it means.”
"Alright." Casque closes his eyes.
Lying on the ocean floor is Thisque, sister of Josque; she picks flowers off a reef, watching the fish swim about above her. Feeling the warmth of the sun coming through the water.
She sits up when she hears her voice called. She looks around and sees no one.
"Thisque....its Casque..."
Thisque can’t believe it, "Casque, Casque where are you?"
"I am being held captive with Lady Katie in Zalorthia. Listen, I haven't much time."
"Ok," Thisque replies as she sits up intently listening to Casque's instructions.
"Swim to Gorath, but only reveal yourself to Lord Wicket. Take something white with you and wave it at Lord Wicket. Tell him you have a message from Lady Katie.”
"Why do I-"
Casque cuts her off, "Our brethren of the lakes betrayed the clans, Josque is dead. Katie says Wicket
will know what it means when you wave something white. Tell Wicket, Katie is alive and that she is being held in the Zalorthia dungeon. We are somewhere cold, surrounded by ice. Also, it is morning here. We do not know our exact location, this information will help them to find us. Please hurry.”
"Okay, okay, I will go now," she says in earnest as she takes off toward Gorath at high speed. "Something white, something white. I'm under water where can I find something white?" Thisque swims as quickly as she can, sending fish spinning as she speeds by. As she nears Gorath, she watches Wicket flying up the cliff. She sees the moons are high in the sky, and then continues to scour the ocean floor, looking for something white. “Ah-Ha! Something white!”
David stands on a balcony near the top of the cliff. He looks out, hoping to see this floating city they have told him about, or maybe that he will see Katie flying back. The image of her lifeless body fills his mind, his dreams. He fears the worst. He runs his hand through his hair as he lets out a yell of frustration. The sun is setting; he can't help but feel more dread and despair at the thought of having to wait another day.
"David," the voice of Selphie comes from the cave behind him. "He's awake," she says as she walks up behind David and stands next to him.
David lets out a deep sigh, "When can we leave?"
"In a day or two. He has summoned a council meeting," she looks at David, seeing the disappointment in his face. “We will need all of Mesilithia to rescue her David."
"If she's alive..."
"David, they are not going to kill her, she is too valuable." Selphie looks over the great water as the moons rise higher in the sky. "If she were dead, Lord Wicket would just destroy the kingdom. If they keep her alive, he can't do that at risk of killing her too." David looks at the stars as they start to shine, "So you and Rud, huh?"
Selphie looks at David a little shocked, "How?"
David looks at Selphie with a grin, "I heard him asking your father’s permission this morning." He smiles at her, “I didn't even realize he was Wicket's son. He's never mentioned it."
"No, he wouldn't,” Selphie smiled. "His mother died during childbirth. Katie is the closest thing he has ever known as a mother. He met her when he was young, when she first came here." Selphie realizes she went off subject, "Anyways, ever since Wicket and Katie married, Rud decided to be formal,
so that personal family affairs would not get in the way of his work. It was almost like he grew up over night."
David watches as Wicket flies up to them and lands next to Selphie.
"Selphie, I need to speak with David." Wicket says.
"Yes My Lord," she replies as she walks back into the cave.
"I'm glad to see you’re feeling better." David says to Wicket.
"David, I am calling a council meeting."
"I heard."
"We will decide which path to take to rescue Katie from there. Depending on where she is, it may be a rather long journey. Have they explained Zalorthia to you?"
"Yes, they tell me it is a floating city. That it can go anywhere in the world."
"Yes, which makes it extremely hard to locate." Wicket sighs, "I know you want to go, but-"
"I am going." David says sternly as Wicket turns to look out over the balcony. "I know you love her, I love her too, I want to go. I do not hold you responsible for my life. You’re going to need help, I may be useful when you least expect it." He tries to sway Wicket. “I have been practicing fighting with Loo and Rud constantly. If I don't go, I will regret it."
Wicket stands and looks at David, "Alright, you will go. But you must follow my orders, if I tell you to run, you run. I will only do this if I know you cannot fight the opponent."
David looks at Wicket holding his hand out, "Agreed."
Wicket shakes David's hand.
Wicket leans on the balcony. As he looks across the sea, something catches his eye. He sees something waving in the water. He looks a second time, "Is that fish jumping?"
David looks squinting his eyes, "It looks like a shendoot is waving it."
Wicket is confused, "Why would they wave a white fish?"
David looks at Wicket, "White. A surrender? Maybe? That's what it means in our world."
Wicket looks at David as everything starts to make sense. "That's right, Katie told me that." He takes off down to the water, where he sees a shendoot waving a bright white fish at him. The shendoot yelling, "Don't attack! Look, I have something white!!” She points to the fish. “And I have a message from Katie!"
Thisque sighs as Wicket slows down, her arm exhausted from waving the fish. She looks at the fish, releasing it back into the water. "Thanks for the help!" The fish immediately swims away in an obvious effort to escape the crazy shendoot.
"What's your message?"
"Lady Katie and a shendoot named Casque are being held in the dungeon of Zalorthia. They said they are somewhere cold with a lot of ice, but they weren't sure exactly where. I would say either the Northern or Southern cold lands."
"Thank you." Wicket expresses his gratitude as he turns to fly back up the cliff.
"We did not know the Shendoots of the lakes betrayed you!” Thisque shouts, causing Wicket to turn back toward her. ”I only learned Josque died from Casque. The Shendoots of the great water are not traitors my Lord. I am the sister of Josque. I guess I am now the leader as well." She looks at Wicket, hoping he will trust her and allow her to help.
"How are you called?"
Wicket remembers Josque mentioning his younger sister Thisque in the past. "We are having a council meeting at dawn."
"I will be there on behalf of my people.” Thisque promises as she sinks back into the water.
~to War~
The next morning, Wicket walks into the council room to the sound of the clans arguing. As he looks around the table, he sees the leaders of the clans. Loo of the Apholt Clan, Thisque of the Shendoot Clan of the Great Water, Lithid of the Bandorge Clan, Lady Yem of the Seleen Clan, Lord Shorack of the Dorid Clan, and Lord Deak of the Wiston Clan, the late Lady Zeer’s brother. Lord Deak has red wings and, like his sister, has white hair and yellow eyes.
"We need to act now," Lithid growls aloud.
"Do you know how large Mesilithia is?" Deak snaps back. "We don't know where Zalorthia is."
Thisque speaks up, "But we have an idea. They said somewhere cold, a lot of ice."
Deak looks at the shendoot leader, "How do we know your Casque isn't trying to lead us into another trap? This time they could wipe us all out."
Wicket snaps at Deak with a cold voice, "She is not lying."
Deak tries to back pedal his argument, knowing better than to cross Wicket. "My Lord Wicket, I kn
ow how you feel, but we have our clans to think about as well."
"Katie would do the same for all of us; she has given up her life for Mesilithia!" Shorack angrily yells across the table at Deak.
"Stop." Wicket says quietly, looking around the table, “This is not getting us anywhere. We know she is alive. They are not going to kill her, and they do not know that we are able to communicate with her."
Thisque perks up a bit, "Oh, this may help. I remember them saying it was morning when they contacted me, it was almost nightfall here."
Loo, standing next to Wicket, looks at the map. We are close to the South, if it is nightfall here, she must be on the other side of the land." Loo sighs, “But we still don't know whether she is to the North or South."
Shorack turns to Thisque, "Thisque, how long could it take for you to send scouts to the North and South? They could communicate with you and tell us what they see."
"It would take two days for the South, and three for the North. But my lords and ladies, it is very cold, and very vast. It could take up to 10 days for them to search the entire area."
Wicket stands amongst the council, "Does anyone else have any thoughts? We cannot leave until we have a location."
The council stands silent.
Wicket sighs; he knows the wait will be agony. "Thisque. Do it, but first inform Casque and Katie of our plan."
Thisque looks at Wicket, "Yes Lord Wicket, I will have them leave immediately."
Thisque closes her eyes to connect with Casque.
"Casque we are sending you-"
"uuuhhhh so-.....so-"
Thisque can barely hear Casque over the council’s continued talking in the background. "SILENCE." she says abruptly. "Something is wrong, I need to hear."
Wicket walks over to Thisque, the knots in his stomach tightening, thoughts running through his mind. She looks scared.... Could Katie be dead? Am I too late?
Thisque connects with Casque again. "Casque, Casque." She can hear Casque breathing, he is in pain. "Casque are you hurt?"
Thisque's heart feels as though it has dropped to the floor, "Casque........CASQUE!" She can no longer hear Casque breathing, she knows he is dead.
Thisque tries to control herself, "South....They are South."
Wicket tries to ask calmly, "What happened?"
"Casque, he was, he was hurt. I do not know what happened, but he is dead." Thisque looks at Wicket's face, he never shows his emotions, but she can see it in his eyes. "I do not know if Lady Katie is alive or dead, he did not say." She lightly touches his arm, "I am sure he would not have told us a direction if they were both dying."
Wicket can tell Thisque is trying to be strong and is holding back her emotions as well. He nods his head, "Thank you."
The council members all walk over and stand in front of Lord Wicket, Yem hovering in front of them.
"My Lord Wicket, we are ready to go to war."
A tall female snite enters the cell, walks over to Katie and stands silently before her. Katie sits on the floor, slumped over and weak. She looks up at the snite. The snite slowly walks over to Katie's right wing and touches it lightly with her long black fingers as she speaks. "I am called Triqora, the leader of the Snite Clan." Katie flinches in pain, and tries to hold back the scream. "Recently promoted, of course..." she says, sounding slightly amused. Triqora walks over to Casque as he sits on the floor with the chain around his neck.
Casque looks up at Triqora, not surprised she is there. "I think you are uglier than the last time you were here."
Triqora smirks at Casque as she bends down in front of him, "South."
Casque looks at her, confused.
"Zalorthia is in the South of Mesilithia." She clarifies looking into Casque's eyes. “If you can tell your clan before you die, then maybe they will make it in time to save Katie."
"Why would you want them to save her?"
Casque asks as he is suddenly afraid, aware of his impending death.
"How else will Lord Wicket know where to look? I don't have forever."
"NO, Casque don't, she will set a trap!" Katie yells.
"They will still defeat you, Triqora." Casque vows, "You will never rule Mesilithia."
Triqora grins at Casque, "As I said, IF you can before you die." Triqora plunges her hand into Casque’s chest, ripping it open. Casque's body goes limp, as he stops breathing.
"NOO!" Katie screams.
Triqora looks at Katie as she taunts her, "Oh dear…I do not believe he reached them in time. I would not count on a quick rescue."
Triqora absorbs Casque's soul as she stands and walks across the cell. Katie watches as an array of lights that resemble Casque leave his chest and enter Triqora's. Triqora stops in front of Katie, "You know, that trap was for your husband, not you." She bends down to Katie's level, lifting Katie's face to look at her. With an evil grin on her face, "He will come for you. Then, you will die." Triqora then transforms into a replica of Katie.
Katie looks at her in shock, her mind races. How? Her eyes, they are not black, she looks just like me. But she didn’t absorb my soul. That's not possible.
Triqora stands and then spins slowly for Katie, enjoying the look on her face. "A skill I perfected over time. You see, I don't just want Wicket to die. I want him to suffer." She starts to walk toward the cell door, "With your betrayal, that should be relatively easy."
Katie shakes her head at Triqora. She is stunned by how she sounds, looks, walks just as she does.
"He will never fall for it."
Triqora laughs, "Then maybe your husband David will."
Katie loses control of her emotions, as she lets out a scream and tries to attack Triqora. She trips, landing at Triqora's feet, forgetting about the chain around her ankle.
Triqora laughs aloud, looking down at Katie. "I will rule Mesilithia."
Mesilithia is only the first of the series.
Coming Soon
The Truth Revealed
Travel back 40 nyias to the story of Katie’s arrival in Mesilithia. Join her as she meets Lord Wicket, Rud, and many more. As Katie tries to escape Mesilithia to return home, she will discover her true identity, her strength, ultimate betrayal, and the truth of Zalorthia.
Nyia: is one time cycle in Mesilithia. It equals 15 months Earth time.
Trups: is one day.
Winbit: is a baby wiston, they are very loud and are known for their intense nonstop whining. Their frustration comes from constantly transforming into their dragon form, which is very painful. They do not learn to control their transformation for at least 2 nyias.
Hig: are annoying small creatures that pack quite a bite. The easiest way to kill these pests is to crush them.
Webling: a shendoot baby.
Surleigh: is the term used for a apholt wife. When an apholt warrior chooses a surleigh, they are connected for life, even after death. If a warrior’s surleigh dies, he will never choose another surleigh. However, if a warrior dies, the female apholt may choose another surleigh in time.
Aphelts: are the term used for the children of the Apholt Clan.
K. D. Delgado was born in Arkansas, raised in Oklahoma, and now resides in Deep East Texas with her husband and four children. As a child she always had a vivid imagination. She often felt like she had two lives. One here in the present, while the other was in a far off land on an adventure. Growing up she enjoyed writing her adventures, but these were lost over time. As a mother, she now feels the need to share those adventures with her children, and the world.
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