Murder in the Arboretum (Cold Creek Book 2)

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Murder in the Arboretum (Cold Creek Book 2) Page 13

by Christa Nardi

  Chapter 20

  I wasn’t sure what Thursday was going to bring. It had certainly been an eventful week so far. After class, I was surprised to find Dirk waiting at my door along with Deedee. I invited them in and told them to sit down. Dirk didn’t say anything for a bit.

  “What time did you finally get home last night, Dirk?”

  “It was late. I probably flunked the quiz today. I just went to bed.”

  I looked at Deedee and Dirk in the ensuing silence and waited. Deedee looked over at Dirk and patted his arm. Her expression and touch said a lot about her feelings for Dirk.

  “I’m the reason we’re here. I’m concerned about Dirk and this problem with Brendon. Some of us heard Justin’s name when they were arguing last night. Brendon’s gonna try and dump this on Dirk and Roy. I just know it.”

  I waited some more, though it was killing me to not ask the obvious questions and my patience was waning.

  “Dr. Hendley, Roy and me, we haven’t done anything, honest. We didn’t have anything to do with Justin Blake. And, before you ask, I don’t know anything about what happened to Justin, but I don’t believe it was Mr. Johnson either.” He had looked at me when he said this, but then looked away.

  I fiddled with my coffee and looked at Deedee. I hoped she was going to elaborate on something soon. After what seemed like a long time, I asked, “So what was the beef about at the ChickShack last night?”

  Dirk took a deep breath before speaking. “Brendon, well, he has an attitude, you know. He’s always taking pot shots at me. Like that I’m not cool and can’t … well, can’t play in his league.”

  I could tell from his measured speech that he was being very careful with what he said. I was getting a bit antsy. So far he hadn’t told me anything I didn’t already know. I nodded and hoped he would keep talking.

  “Brendon always has these deals. He says he could help us get rich if we do this or that. I just blow him off. He’s even thrown money at me to make a point. I mean really. Hundred dollar bills one time.” He shook his head and went back to contemplating his feet.

  “And last night?”

  “More of the same. But then Roy said something about how dirty money probably got Justin killed. Brendon went ballistic at that, got real defensive. He threw a punch, but Roy saw it coming and got him first.”

  He chuckled and added, “Brendon may be used to buying his way, but Roy is used to fighting his way out. Unfortunately, I was too busy cheering Roy on, and next thing I knew, I was in the middle of it all.”

  Deedee patted his arm again and he looked at her with an attempt at a smile. I nodded and asked, “So did Justin know Brendon? Where did that come from?”

  Dirk looked at Deedee and her eyes filled. “I used to date Brendon and a couple times I saw this guy and Brendon talking. Brendon always seemed a bit nervous around him. I didn’t know it was Justin Blake until I saw his picture in the paper.”

  “So, Brendon and Justin knew each other. That doesn’t really mean anything, you know. It doesn’t mean Brendon killed him.”

  “Um, we always went out after Justin came by. Brendon would buy me stuff those times. I mean he always spent money but this was different somehow.”

  “Deedee, when he was spending all this money and it was different, was there anything else different about Brendon?”

  “No, not really. We would go to different places. He even took me to the country club once and met with Justin there, but then he wasn’t very nice to me. That’s why I stopped seeing him.”

  I wasn’t sure what to do with that at all. Obviously, someone other than the Chief probably needed to talk with Brendon. I wondered if he had scored some drugs, but didn’t want to ask it right out. Deedee’s description didn’t exactly sound like someone on drugs.

  “Okay, Dirk, tell me again about the deals Brendon tried to get you involved in. What were they exactly?”

  With a shoulder shrug, Dirk spit out, “Scams, just scams! Didn’t I want to get rich? He could take my hundred and turn it into thousands, maybe millions. I never asked how, didn’t want to know. I didn’t trust him and still don’t.”

  For the first time, Dirk reached over and patted Deedee’s hand. I suspected part of that distrust was centered on her. He stood and shrugged again.

  “I don’t know what else we can tell ya, Dr. Hendley.” With that they stood and left. I gathered my stuff for the next class. I definitely needed more time to process that exchange and some more caffeine, too.

  After class, back in my office, I pulled out my drawing and added a direct line from Justin to Brendon. So just what was he involved in? What would it take to find out? I was still puzzled when Mitch stopped by.

  “So I heard there was a brouhaha at ChickShack last night. What’s the story?” As he spoke he took a seat.

  I related what I knew. I trashed the way the Chief had handled the whole mess. Mitch shook his head and we both wondered at how much longer Chief Pfeiffe would be Chief. I also shared what Deedee and Dirk had said earlier.

  Mitch looked as confused as I felt. He pointed out what I had been trying to ignore. It looked like somehow Cold Creek students were involved in this mess. It also looked like drugs did figure into the problem. Mitch left and I was still trying to figure it out when Brett showed up. He must have been standing there a while when he said, “Sheridan, earth to Sheridan! Where are you?”

  I jumped a bit and then laughed. I replayed the conversation with Dirk and Deedee. He couldn’t make any sense of it either. More than that, I wasn’t a member of the country club set so we couldn’t just go hang out there. Even Wayne wasn’t part of the country club set. But then, Justin’s family was part of that set.

  Brett suggested calling Hirsch and getting his perspective, but then Hirsch was in the doorway clearing his throat.

  “Did I hear my name? Doesn’t matter, I have news for you. About that message you got.”

  Both Brett and I got very serious. I had managed all day not to think about the email threat. Now, it was back and I became defensive.

  “Okay, between Mr. Cerf and the technology people up in Appomattox – your office, Detective – we know the message originated from the lab in the computer center here, and it came from a Cold Creek College account. Not too smart to use the College server. The Chief isn’t going to be happy when I show him the report. It was Brendon‘s account.”

  Brett and I looked at each other when Hirsch finished. That about put Brendon right in the middle of it all. The three of us talked briefly, filling Hirsch in on the possibility that Brendon knew Justin. Brett and Hirsch left to meet with the Chief about this new information.

  I turned off the computer, still a bit confused, but sensing that it would come together soon. Whether I liked it or not, I needed to take some work home with me. Hopefully, I’d get the work done before Brett showed up with dinner. As I walked out of the building, I had second thoughts. It was such a nice day, I might have to go for a run with Charlie.

  I took a deep breath of the crisp spring air. Next thing I knew I was in a chokehold and being dragged around the corner of the building. I couldn’t scream and raised both arms to grab onto the arm around my throat to try to loosen it. Whoever it was had to be taller than I am. My feet barely touched the ground. When he finally stopped he turned me and I was facing the hairy man with the beady eyes from the Arboretum.

  “So we meet again, what d’you think of that?”

  He laughed, and his laugh had an evil tone to it. Then he backhanded me across the face, knocking my head around. I could feel my eyes tearing from the pain in my cheek.

  “This time I know who you are, Dr. H,” he jeered. “You just don’t take a hint do you? You just can’t keep your nose out of it can you? Have to be all cozy with the cops. Maybe this will change your mind.”

  With that, he backhanded me again and this time I saw black. The next thing I knew, I heard someone talking and tried to shake myself out of the fog.

try to move, Sheridan. Just stay still. Help is on the way.” Kim’s voice penetrated my confusion and I tried to open my eyes. One opened and then as I tried to move, I almost passed out again. I decided she was right. I shouldn’t move.

  Kim continued to talk to me quietly. I heard Max’s voice but not what he said. Then the sirens. I could only see with my left eye and I watched the paramedics arrive. I tried to talk, to tell Kim to call Brett, but nothing came out. Everyone talked very quietly and I was moved onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. Kim took my bags and told me she would meet me at the hospital.

  The paramedics put cold packs on the right side of my face and the back of my head. My cheek and jaw hurt like hell and numb was better than pain. I tried to answer some questions like my name, but it hurt too much to move my jaw and came out garbled.

  At the hospital, they pulled me right into a curtained cubicle and I was moved from the stretcher to the hospital bed. The nurses were very nice and reassuring. Once we established that neither talking nor shaking my head were going to work, I used hand signals to answer yes or no. By the time the doctor stepped in, we had established that the only problems were my face and head, and a few scratches from landing on the ground.

  Kim arrived with my bags and helped to get out my insurance card. She said she’d take care of cancelling my classes. I tried to ask about Brett but she couldn’t understand me.

  “Where is Sheridan Hendley?”

  I heard Brett before I saw him. And I didn’t need a mirror to know what my face looked like when I saw his expression.

  Bad. Just plain bad. The CT scan didn’t show any breaks, but I was going to be very bruised and swollen for a while. And I wouldn’t be chewing much food either, though as the swelling went down my speech was less garbled. With cold packs and no pain meds because I needed to be wakened every few hours to check on concussion, Brett took me home. He tried to make me laugh, asking me if I wanted my friendly dentist, Wayne, to check my teeth. I almost punched him.

  At home, Brett let Charlie out and mixed me a smoothie. With a straw I could manage to drink it. After eating her dinner, Charlie put her head on my lap, somehow aware that something wasn’t right. Brett had more leftovers. I waited for him to fill me in on what happened with the Chief.

  He described the Chief’s reaction about as I would have pictured it. Major denial. Obviously Hirsch and Brett were crazy. Obviously the technician was mistaken. Obviously none of these mistakes would have been made if Hirsch hadn’t gone behind his back. Chief Pfeiffe finally agreed that if even one person saw Justin and Brendon together then perhaps – perhaps – he and Brett should talk to Brendon. He was sure Brendon would clear it all up.

  Brett helped me take my make up off and then I just wanted to sleep. It seemed like no time and Brett was waking me up. He had a Sonic milkshake for me and we talked for a bit until I drifted off again. He continued waking me most of the night and into the morning, with more icing of my cheek and jaw each time.

  Chapter 21

  In the morning, instead of a milkshake, Brett fixed scrambled eggs, muttering something about my needing something besides sugar. My face still hurt, but I could open my right eye some. My teeth and jaw hurt, so I would have to make an appointment with my new dentist.

  I noticed a stack of books while I slowly ate my eggs. I wasn’t surprised when Brett brought the first one over and it was more mug shots. The rest of the morning I looked at his books, while he made phone calls and watched me anxiously.

  Two looked like possible matches around the eyes but with a full beard, I couldn’t tell about the mouth. Brett called in to his office for a check on the status of Jayden Sparks and Cory Nottebrok. I pointed out that if the man shaved I wouldn’t be the best witness. Brett didn’t seem to care about that for now.

  Kim called, as did Mitch, Allie and Terra at different times during the morning. Even Max called. Not surprising, Jim didn’t bother to check in.

  Brett needed to take care of something at noon, so Kim agreed to come sit with me. I assured them I didn’t need a babysitter, but was told it was doctor’s orders. Kim also told me she’d call first so I’d know when she was coming.

  Brett no sooner left and my doorbell rang.

  “Hello? Who’s there?” I answered with no idea who was at the door. The only person I was expecting was Kim and she hadn’t called yet.

  “Sheridan. It’s Kim.”

  Something was definitely odd. I checked my cell and it was on, the ringer was on, and I had no missed calls. I slipped the phone in my pocket and opened the door.

  I opened the door and gasped as Garrett pushed Kim at me. He slammed the door shut and slid the deadbolt. Kim rubbed her arm and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

  “Garrett, what’s the problem?” I looked back and forth between him and Kim. She looked pale, her shirt was askew, and her eyes telegraphed fear. His expression was smug, and he no longer seemed quite as pleasant as before.

  He grunted before he answered me. “What happened to your face? Never mind, I don’t care. This was supposed to be a win-win situation. I place an ad for a match in this area, get a foothold and information, and maybe some action at the same time. Just my luck, my sexy match isn’t interested all of a sudden and her best friend is dating a cop. No information, no action.” He shook his head with an evil chuckle.

  “So, Sheridan, why don’t you just tell me what your cop tells you about the investigation? At least that way I might feel vindicated. Maybe I’ll know what to do next.”

  “Garrett, Brett isn’t involved in the murder investigation any more. He doesn’t share information anyway, but he isn’t in the loop.” I had to speak slowly because of my jaw.

  I paused before adding, “You know, Kim and I are pretty good friends with one of the officers who is on the case. Maybe we could call and see what we could find out?”

  It was a lot to hope for, but all I could think of at the moment. Kim nodded and shot him a weak smile. I watched him think it through, his hand up in stop sign mode. I could almost see the wheels spinning.

  “I don’t think so. Not that I don’t trust you two, but I don’t. I thought I recognized you, Sheridan, from the restaurant, and Kimmie here, she confirmed it. Somehow this was all rigged. Obviously a big mistake on my part. Right now I just want to get out of here.”

  He continued, clearly agitated, “Okay, I’m not in the business of hurting people. Not like whoever used you for a punching bag. I just want this to end.”

  “So, Garrett, how are you involved in the murder? I don’t get it.” I asked in an effort to get him talking and somehow diffuse the situation. That, and to satisfy my curiosity.

  “Like I said, I don’t hurt people. I didn’t kill anyone. This is not what was supposed to go down.”

  “Then how are you involved? Did you know Justin?” I asked. This didn’t make sense to me yet.

  He stopped and explained, “Yeah, I knew Justin. I knew his mother. When Justin got out of rehab, she asked me if I could find him a job. One of my investment accounts asked if I knew anyone looking for work. The company seemed legit and I’d never had any trouble. It seemed like a pretty straight forward job, you know, in the office, basic gopher.”

  Garrett shook his head before he continued. “When I transferred, I was a little short on cash and the accountant I work through at that company, he offered a loan. Justin delivered the money and I figured that was the end. I’d pay back the loan with interest, no big deal.”

  He sighed before continuing, “Next thing I know, Justin calls and leaves a message I can’t make sense of. But no number. I called the accountant and kind of asked him how Justin’s doing, just making small talk, and set up the final payment. He doesn’t say much but seems a bit testy.”

  Kim and I both nodded and exchanged looks. Kim prompted, “So what happened?”

  “When I tried to get more information about what Justin’s job was, he got annoyed and asked why I cared. I chalked it up to curiosity. I started
getting crank calls, someone tried to run me off the road, and then my house got trashed. I didn’t call again but got another call from Justin and a message.” He shook his head again. “He sounded scared and didn’t know what to do.”

  He took a deep breath. “What I think was going on? I think there’s a designer and high-end drug trafficking system. These investors and that company, they deal with wealthy people and wealthy people sometimes have expensive habits, like cocaine. I think Justin somehow found out about it. His mother and her family, they are part of that crowd. Next thing I knew he was dead.”

  “But you placed that ad before he was killed,” Kim pointed out.

  He looked from her to me before he answered. “In Justin’s first message, he made a couple comments about Cold Creek College. I couldn’t make sense of what he said. The signal kept skipping. I believed whatever he was afraid of was somehow connected to kids in this area – kids with a little too much money to spend. I figured if I had a connection, a reason to be here, maybe I could figure out what was going on. Get the upper hand and get both of us out of it. Instead Justin ended up dead and it’s my fault.”

  “Garrett, you need to go to the police and tell them about this. You could help find whoever killed Justin,” I pleaded.

  “NO!” He stood up, agitated again. “Then I’d end up dead, too.”

  My phone rang and before Garrett could grab my phone, I clicked the green button. Garrett grabbed Kim around the neck and hissed, “Be very careful what you say.”


  “Sher, I just wanted to check to be sure Kim got there.”

  “Yes, Kim’s here. Did you want to talk to her?”

  “Sher, that seems an odd question. Why would I want to speak to Kim?”

  I almost chuckled at his comment, but instead answered simply, “No, everything is fine here. Kim arrived.”

  “Is anyone else there?”


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