Pretty & Plump

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by A. J. Hamilton

  Pretty & Plump




  By A.J. Hamilton

  Copyright 2011 A.J. Hamilton

  Smashwords Edition

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  A.J. Hamilton

  Sam Wesson felt his whole body tense up as he approached the door to apartment 9. It was the same every day when he came home from work. What if she came out as he was walking past? What would he say? He loosened his tie and took a tighter grip on his briefcase and attempted to stride confidently along the hallway. Would it be so bad if he did see her? After all, if he was going to ask her out on a date...

  Don’t be ridiculous. You won’t ask her. You’re scared.

  ...he would have to talk to her.

  He knew in his heart of hearts, though, that he wouldn’t be asking Millie out on a date. And the irony was that he wasn’t scared of her at all. Every time he had spoken to her in the hallway, she had been very pleasant. In fact, he was sure she liked him as much as he liked her. His fear didn’t come from the thought of actually dating Millie; that would make him happy. He was worried about what his friends and colleagues would say.

  Because Millie was plump.

  She wasn’t huge, but she had curvy hips, and although her face was pretty, it was also rounded. Sam liked that. She also had a large, full womanly bust, and Sam found that very attractive. He found everything about her attractive. But a guy like him - mid-thirties, handsome, fit and built like an athlete - wasn’t supposed to date big women. Society expected him to have a Barbie doll or stick-woman, who was always worrying about her weight and trying the latest diet, hanging from his arm.

  And Sam knew that no matter how much he liked Millie, he wouldn’t date her. He tried to conform to other people’s expectations too much.

  Can you imagine taking her to the annual Fitzgerald & Sons company picnic? You’d be the laughing stock.

  The fact that taking her to the company picnic would make him happy didn’t really matter; people had expectations of him. All the other accountants had their trophy wives - slim women who were all teeth and botox and fake smiles - and if he didn’t fit in, he would probably be passed over for promotion when old man Fitzgerald finally got around to promoting someone from Accountancy.

  Sam Wesson? He’s the guy with the fat girlfriend. Too radical. Who else have we got?

  He was nearly at her door. He quickened his pace. He was going to make it. Just get past her door and the next - number 10 - was his. Change. Shower. Drink. It was Friday after all. Stiff drink.

  He strode past number 9. His own door was in sight.

  A sound behind him. Metallic. Latch opening. A rush of warm air that smelled of freshly-baked cookies as her door opened.


  He felt a rush of excitement tinged with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Had she been waiting for him to return home? No, that was nonsense; she had been at work herself. He knew she had a good job in the city because she had told him once. You had to have a good job to live in these apartments; they were expensive. If he was honest, he could easily live somewhere more modest, but again he was conforming to expectations by having a luxurious pad.

  He turned to face her and saw that she had been to work today; she still wore a black jacket over her white blouse and a tight black skirt with gray pinstripes. The sight of her made the emptiness in his belly grow until it felt like a black hole of despair. She was so gorgeous! The skirt stretched tightly across her shapely thighs and the front of the blouse strained against the weight of her heavy breasts. He could see a white lacy bra through the blouse, and the way it pushed her large breasts together, forming a deep, neat cleavage between their smooth swells, made him feel giddy. Her blond hair was pinned up with some sort of metal clip that had three small plastic flowers attached along its length. Green, yellow and blue daisies. Her green eyes were pretty beneath a tasteful amount of mascara and blue eye shadow. She smiled at him with her full, slightly curved mouth. The fact that he couldn’t have her depressed him.

  “Hi, Millie. I was home. Long day at work.”

  “Me too,” she replied. “I baked cookies. Would you like some?”

  You rushed home to bake cookies?”Sure,” he said.

  “Well then, come and get them.” She stepped back into her apartment. Sam followed, his tastebuds coming alive as he entered her apartment. The cookies did smell good.

  “Chocolate chip,” she said, holding out a tray of a dozen, large, sweet-smelling golden-brown discs. “Take one.”

  He took one

  She smiled prettily. “Would you like to sit down? I can fix us drinks. It’s Friday, after all. What would you like?”

  “Do you have scotch?”

  “Of course.”



  “Sounds good.” What are you doing? You were supposed to avoid her! He put his briefcase down near the kitchen table and went to sit on one of the chairs.

  “No, no,” Millie said. “Come into the living room, it’s much more comfortable. I’ll bring the drinks through.”

  “Erm...ok.” Feeling uncertain of his earlier conviction to avoid Millie, he sat on the plush sofa and took a bite of the cookie. It tasted as good as it smelled.

  The room was comfortably furnished. Bookcases of dark wood lined the walls, their shelves full of romance and fantasy novels. A widescreen TV sat silently in the corner, surrounded by towering piles of DVDs.

  Millie came back with two glasses of scotch. She handed one to Sam then sat down beside him. She smelled of flowery perfume and soap. She sat close enough to Sam that their thighs almost touched.

  “ was your day?” Sam asked her. He felt hot and he could feel his heart drumming in his chest as well as feel it in his ears.

  She rolled her pretty green eyes. “Terrible. I’ve hardly been sleeping lately because I’ve been having...dreams. So I’ve been fighting just to stay awake at work.”


  “I guess I just read too many romance books before I hit the sack,” she said.

  “Yeah?” .

  “Yeah. It’s know...romantic and sexy dreams. Alpha males and...stuff.” She giggled. “Then I wake up. Then I can’t get back to sleep so I go to work tired the next day.” She leaned forward and put her face near his. “You see the dark circles under my eyes?”

  “” He took a shot of scotch and felt it burn down his throat. “You don’t look tired,” he said.

  “Aww, thanks, Sam. But just lately I’ve been getting home from work and the only thing I can think about is going to bed.” Her face was still close to his. He looked at her full mouth. Her lips looked so soft.

  “I’ve been having dreams too,” he offered.

  She blinked slowly, her eyes locked on his. Her breath felt warm on his cheek and smelled of sweet chocolate chip cookies. “Really?” Her voice sounded low, husky.

  “Yeah,” he said. Why are you telling her this stuff? “Same as you, I guess. dreams.”

  “Really? Do you read romance novels before bedtime too?” She reached across him and put her shot glass on a table next to the sofa. As she leaned across him, he felt the heavy weight of her breast agai
nst his chest.

  “I read thrillers,” he said. “Michael Connelly mostly. But yes, really...I’ve been having dreams. ”

  She returned to her previous position, face close to his. “Maybe we’ve been having the same dream...meeting in our dreams like in that movie.”

  “It’s possible,” he said. He realised he was almost whispering.

  She leaned forward and her lips touched his softly. He opened his mouth slightly and kissed her. She let out a low “mmm” sound and kissed him back hard. Her big breasts pressed against his chest and he felt her nipples harden through her blouse.

  He wanted to tell her his feelings for her, tell her how long he had thinking about her, tell her how much she affected him.

  Then he remembered his colleagues. Their expectations of him. His promotion.

  “Millie,” he said, breaking the kiss. “We can’t.”

  She looked at him through half-closed eyes. “Hmm? Why not, Sam?”

  “We just...can’t.”

  “I don’t understand. Is there someone else?”

  “No,” he said, “No. We just...I’d better go.” He got up, half-sliding himself from underneath her. She got up too and straightened her blouse. He could see the twin points of her nipples pushing against the material.

  “OK,” she said. Disappointment seemed to weigh down on her body.

  “Millie, I’m sorry. It’s...”

  “It’s ok,” she said, “I understand.”

  Sam didn’t know what else to say. He left quickly, leaving his scotch on the kitchen table as he collected his briefcase. He closed the door behind him and quickly entered his own apartment. After the warm cookie smell of Millie’s apartment and her comfortable living room, his own place seemed empty and cold. He had furnished the place minimally because that was the trend. Chrome and glass kitchen table, white sofa in the living room, and a large TV in the living room. Millie had displayed her books on bookshelves...his own books were hidden away in the bedroom closet.

  He sat on the sofa. Why was he such an idiot? He really liked Millie and she obviously liked him. So what was his problem? She didn’t fit the expectations of his friends? Was that reason enough to lose her?

  Disgusted with himself, he went to the bedroom and lay on the bed. He felt suddenly tired. Tired of everything. Was this what his life was going to according to what other people expected? What about what he wanted?

  He removed his tie and shirt and closed his eyes. He thought of Millie in the apartment next door and wondered what she was thinking.

  She probably thinks you don’t like her because of her weight.

  That isn’t true. I like her just the way she is. She’s gorgeous.

  But her body shape is the problem.

  Not for me.

  You care too much what others think.

  I have to. It’s how I’ve managed to get on in the world...conform to the expectations of society. It’s what has to be done.

  Even if it means losing her?

  He felt himself drift into sleep and he let it take him. He was too tired to resist.

  * * *

  He awoke at 4 a.m. from a dream in which he had been in bed with Millie. The eroticism of the dream had made him rock hard, and now as he sat up in bed, he felt a raging lust for his pretty and plump neighbour.

  Why was he such an idiot? Why did he care what his co-workers and friends would think? If he didn’t act soon, someone else who wasn’t so hung up about the opinions of others would sweep Millie off her feet. She was gorgeous, and she wouldn’t be single for long. This was his chance...his only chance.

  He slid out of bed and showered under cool water in an attempt to calm his hardon. The cool water invigorated him and woke him up fully but it couldn’t douse the passion burning within Sam’s loins.

  He dried himself and pulled on jeans and a tee, and went to Millie’s apartment. He knocked softly on the door.

  What are you thinking? Can’t this wait until morning?


  She answered, peering around the door with her beautiful green eyes. Her blond hair framed her face and fell over her shoulders like a lion’s mane. She wore a dark blue robe which had been tightly belted at the waist. She seemed to be naked beneath.

  “Sam? What time is it?”

  “It’s time I told you what I feel for you, Millie.”

  Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh. Come in.” She opened the door and he stepped into the kitchen. He noticed that the scotch was still on the kitchen table where he’d left it earlier. She stood looking at him, expectant and gorgeous.

  “Millie,” he said, “I want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time but I’ve been too worried about what my friends and the people at work would say if I had a girlfriend who was...plump.”

  “I see,” she said. Her face gave nothing away.

  “But I see now that I’ve been an idiot. It’s no one else’s business who I date. You attract me like no other woman ever has, and I want you.”

  She hesitated, as if debating something, then took his hand. “Follow me,” she said. She led him to the bedroom. “Sit there,” she said, indicating the bed. It was still unmade and warm. Sam sat on the bed, feeling the warmth from where she had been lying. The room smelled womanly. Perfumes and make-up sat on a dressing table across the room. Millie stood in front of him.

  “Sam, are you sure you want this...despite what others will say? Despite the consequences?”

  He nodded. “I’m sure.” He had never felt more sure of anything.

  “Those friends of yours...the people at your work...with their thin girlfriends and wives...don’t know what they’re missing. Look at this.” She unbelted the robe and opened it, letting it fall to the floor.

  She was naked.

  Sam felt desire overwhelm every nerve ending in his body. Millie was a rubenesque goddess. Beneath her pretty face and mane of blond hair, her body was soft, rounded and feminine. Her breasts were huge and they hung low and full above her big rounded belly. Her nipples were large and dark. Beneath the soft crescent-shaped curve of the bottom of her belly, her pubic mound was soft and inviting...lightly-haired with an auburn down. Her thighs were big, and dimpled here and there with cellulite. In the dresser mirror, he could see her ass...plump, soft and feminine. Her shape drove Sam crazy. Her femininity was exaggerated in a way that made slimmer women pale in comparison. Her big ass, full tits, and curvy hips almost made a mockery of thin women...made their bodies seem less feminine somehow. Millie was the most gorgeous, sexy woman he had ever laid eyes on.

  She saw the look of desire in his eyes and grinned. “Do you like this?”

  He swallowed thickly. Was he really going to take this beautiful, soft, rounded woman? His cock swelled against his jeans painfully.

  “Would you rather have this or the approval of your friends? They might make comments behind your back...or even to your face...but at the end of the day, you’ll be sleeping with this.” She nodded down at her big, plump body.

  He got off the bed and went to her, the front of his jeans bulging with his desire. He put his arms around her and felt the soft, smooth flesh of her back beneath his hands. It felt wonderful. He slid his hands down to the swell of her ass, feeling her plump cheeks and the deep crack between them. She smiled at him. “Take me to bed, Sam. But first let me see you.”

  Her hand dropped to the fastening of his jeans, and she fumbled with the brass buttons. His manhood desired release. He slid his tee over his head and let it drop to the floor as she slid his jeans down and his cock was released into her hand. She held its thickness with her soft hand. “That’s a beautiful cock,” she whispered to him, “It’s going to feel fantastic inside me.”

  He twitched excitedly within her grip.

  She led him to the bed and they knelt facing each other. She pumped his foreskin gently back and forth, sending pleasure though him, while he kneaded her full, heavy tits. She gasped when his fingers brushed over her big, hard nipples.r />
  Sam let his hands wander down over her expansive, soft belly to her thick thighs. He stroked and squeezed her thigh, hips and ass. She felt incredible.

  “Don’t forget my pussy,” she said breathlessly.

  He slid his fingers between her legs, amazed at how wet and hot she felt down there. She moaned and grabbed his shoulder and closed her eyes at the pleasure his fingers gave her as they touched her wet heat.

  He pressed a finger between her pussy lips, exploring the tight sheath which would soon enclose his cock. She felt very very tight in there, and he became suddenly desperate to feel that hot tightness around his dick.

  The tip of his finger, moistened by her pussy juices, slid over the bud of her clit. Millie cried out with pleasure and her body shuddered.

  “I need you inside me,” she told him.

  “I need to be in there,” he replied.

  “How do you want me? On my back or on my knees?”

  “On your knees to start with.” He wanted to see her big bottom while he fucked her.

  “To start with? Mmm, I like that idea.” She clambered onto her knees and waited for him on all fours. Sam got behind her. He couldn’t wait to put his cock into this BBW’s tight cunt. He lifted her heavy ass cheeks and pushed his cock at her pussy. He entered her with a groan and the tightness he had felt around his finger now clenched his cock.

  “Oh fuck!” he moaned.

  “That feels so good!” Millie gasped.

  He started to fuck her, thrilling at the sight of her big, plump bum wobbling sexily every time he thrust against it. Her soft cheeks cushioned him as he pushed into her.

  “Doesn’t that feel fantastic?” she asked him.


  “Do you care what anyone thinks now?”

  “God, no!”

  He squeezed her fat ass cheeks while he fucked her. He had never thought that fucking a big, beautiful woman could be this good. Millie was so pretty and sexy; it was as if her big body encapsulated all that was feminine and womanly within its rounded curves.


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