Alex Wales

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Alex Wales Page 12

by Yolanda Sfetsos

  “She has, but I told them that if they come inside, I’ll punch them in the mouth.”

  He smiled and ruffled her curls. “That’s my brave girl.”

  “Daddy, I’m not a little girl, anymore.” On the inside, she was glowing at his words.

  “I know, Alex…but you’ll always be my little girl. No matter how old you are.” He looked at her for a moment, his dark eyes focused on her face in a way that saddened her. It made her feel as if he was trying to memorize her face, because he thought he’d never see her again. “You’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you.”

  He was dressed in rags, and his face was smeared with dirt, but she didn’t care. This was the moment she’d been hoping for since she was forcibly dumped on this planet—her father’s return.

  Unable to bear the sadness in his eyes, she decided to change the subject. “Besides, I’ve got my blaster tucked under my pillow,” she said, hoping to make him proud.

  “Excellent, that’s good to hear. Never have your weapon too far away. You never know who’s going to sneak up on you or try to jeopardize your situation by stealing it because you weren’t careful.”

  She nodded, and several long curls tumbled over her shoulders. Alex hated having long hair. When she’d been in space with her father, he’d let her cut it herself, but her mother insisted she let it grow out. She’d been here under a year, but it had already grown almost halfway down her back.

  “Daddy, I miss you. I don’t like it here.” She sucked down the sob trying to tear out of her mouth. “She’s going to make me marry a stranger.”

  He fisted the silky sheets into his right hand, as if he was as enraged as her. “I know what she’s doing, and that’s why I’m here.”

  “Are you going to take me away from all of this?”

  His features darkened. “Well, yeah—”

  “I can’t wait for us to leave this place, together. We make a good team. Don’t you think, Daddy?”

  “We make the best team, honey…but I can’t go with you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Tears blurred his face.

  He let go of the sheets and grabbed her left hand. He opened it and dropped something into her palm, before trying to close her fingers around it. “I want you to have this. Promise is yours, now. She’s hidden in the bushes behind the stables. If you get there before daybreak, you should be able to make a swift getaway, but you have to be quick.”

  “What? No, I can’t leave without you.” She’d already known what he’d put in her hand before he’d said a word. The edges rubbed her skin, and the long end stuck out between her fingers, because they weren’t long enough to hold it entirely.

  “Alex, honey. Listen to me. I wish I could go with you, but I can’t. Your mother likes to play hardball. You know I didn’t want to leave you with her in the first place, but she made sure I got caught in a position that would ensure you were taken from me. She’s just too politically and financially powerful, compared to me. It tore my heart out, but it was no contest.” He paused, once again looking over his shoulder. “I’ve managed to fill the tank, left enough credits onboard, and even sufficient food to last you months. You need to get to Promise and get the hell off this planet, before she manages to ruin your life like she has mine.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks. “Daddy, I can’t do this on my own. I need you.”

  “You and I both know that you’re strong enough to make it on your own. I’ve got faith in you. I’ll find you one day. I promise.”

  Somehow, she managed a nod and suddenly realized her father had been grooming her for this situation for years. Had he known Lorraine would try something this ruthless one day? He probably had. I have to be strong for him.

  She wiped away the tears with her other hand, cleared her throat, and nodded. “Okay, Daddy. I can do it.”

  “Good.” He squeezed her hand. “Now, I have to go. I have to make sure that I provide enough of a distraction for you.”

  “What about clearance? How am I supposed to get off the planet without it?” Her mother had told her enough times that she’d never get away without detection. Everyone who left and entered Wells needed clearance beforehand.

  “Don’t worry. You just need to get to the ship and off this planet by daybreak, and everything else will work out. Okay?” His eyes were shiny, as if he wanted to cry as well, but he was determined to stay strong.

  Alex nodded again, hearing commotion outside her door.

  “That’s my cue to leave, honey.” Louis stood up. He leaned over, gave her one last hug, and kissed the top of her head, before he stepped away and headed for the window. “I’ve got faith in you, Alex. I know you can do this. Don’t let your mother win. Don’t let her ruin your life and force you on a path you’re not ready to take.”

  “I won’t let you down, Daddy.”

  “I know you won’t.” He stepped over the windowsill, and she wondered how he was going to get down from the sixth story. “Honey…”


  “I left a photo on the dash for you.”

  Her heart fell. Not exactly what she’d expected him to say.

  “Also, keep the key with you no matter what. It’ll protect you.” With that final, cryptic comment, he was gone.

  Guards charged in through the door, and Alex jumped, but she sneaked her hands under the sheets before any of them noticed. She stuck the key under her thigh and held the sheet in front of her body, as if she were trying to be modest, instead of hiding her ticket out of this hellhole.

  “What’s going on? Who said you could charge into my room?”

  “I’m sorry, Miss, but where is he?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean. Didn’t I tell you that I’d punch you if you came in here without my permission?”

  One of the guards watched her while the other stepped in front of the window and leaned out.

  “Can you see anyone?”

  “No, there’s no one out there,” one guard said to the other.

  The guard watching her lowered his head. “Sorry to interrupt your sleep on such an important night. We just feared for your safety.”

  “You two better get out now, before I blast you away.”

  They both snickered on their way out. If she was them, she’d be more concerned about how stupid they looked in their uniforms. Who wore feathers on their helmets and thought they looked threatening, anyway? Funny how they didn’t take her seriously, but she wouldn’t hesitate to bust their kneecaps.

  Once they were both out of her room, she pulled the key out from under her thigh. She held it in her left palm. It felt warm and tickled her skin. It still smelled faintly of her dad, and oil. She ran her fingertips over the intricate swirls around the bow of the skeleton key and turned it over. There was the inscription her father had made when she’d turned ten—when he told her Promise would one day be hers.

  I guess today’s the day. She sighed, traced her fingertip down the barrel, and into the rectangular tooth.

  She couldn’t help but smile as it buzzed inside her hand. This old key was the only way to get into her father’s ship, Promise. As well as the only way to get it started. She always teased him about it being old-fashioned and rusty, but he insisted it was perfect. He also said it was rustic, not rusty.

  Alex untied the knot on the end of the leather cord, wrapped it around her neck, and retied it. The key hung down to her stomach, so she stuck it under her shirt.

  Daddy, I promise. I’ll never take this off.

  She jumped off the bed, grabbed a bag from under it, and started filling it as quickly and quietly as she could manage.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ulric leaned into his back legs and leaped onto the window sill. He landed with a huff before scrambling inside. The last thing he wanted now was for someone to spot him. He’d been watching this room for a while, and he knew Alex was finally alone.

  As soon as he stepped into the room, his animalistic fe
atures receded into his pores, and he became a man. With the last caress of the moon against his spine, he was able to suck in a deep breath of the early morning air and welcome the man he’d always believed himself to be.

  He stumbled, doubling over as the pain of becoming himself rushed through him. It took a moment for it to subside, before he could straighten.

  None of what had happened to him since reaching this planet made any sense, but he didn’t see what he could do to change it. He was at the mercy of the bright orb in the sky. With a new day dawning, maybe he’d be able to use the time to show Alex he was here. If she knew he’d hidden in her ship, because he couldn’t stand to be away from her, surely she’d change her mind about everything. She would realize how much he cared about her and would admit she felt the same way about him. They could get out of this strange place with concrete walls, buildings, and endless garden paths, and run to Promise. Then, get the hell off this planet and head back to Anteris.

  This planet—or at least its moon—was turning him into a crazed animal.

  His stomach was finally sated, but the rage still buzzed beneath his skin.

  He stepped farther into the room, enough to be engulfed by shadows.

  Alex’s familiar scent teased his nose. Even before he laid eyes on her, he licked his lips. Now that I’ve found her, a new hunger’s rising.

  There she was, sprawled out on her back. A flimsy sheet covered the lower half of her body but her top had risen over her abdomen. His gaze shifted higher, focusing on the dark outline of her nipples against the fabric. His gut clenched with desire. His erection twitched, ready for action.

  What would she do if I climbed into bed beside her and started to make love to her? Would she shun me away, ask me what I’m doing here, or just go along for the ride?

  He was about to find out when something caught the corner of his eye. Alex’s bag sat on an armchair, and tucked into the pocket was a paper photo. He’d never seen it before. Curious, he headed for it. When he lifted and tilted it toward the light, he saw a much younger version of Alex, and a man with close-cropped, black hair had an arm wrapped around her. They were both caught in mid-laugh, as if one of them had said something funny to the other, and they both couldn’t help but laugh out loud. They looked so happy.

  Ulric couldn’t help but envy a man who could make her this happy. The sparkle in her eyes made them widen with innocence. He couldn’t help but wonder who this man with dark skin was.

  Alex didn’t share her innermost secrets with Ulric. She just gave him reports of where she’d ventured during her last courier delivery or what she’d delivered. She only shared generic things she could talk to any random stranger about, instead of sharing personal details with the man who loved her.

  He tucked the photo back where he’d found it and tiptoed over to the side of the bed. For several minutes, he just watched her sleep. Watched as she rubbed the tip of her nose and snored, before licking her lips.

  What was she dreaming about? At least she was sleeping alone, and not with the man who seemed to shadow her every move on this planet. As soon as Ulric saw the prick leave the building, he was tempted to follow him, so he could tear him to pieces. Instead, he decided the lure of Alex trumped everything else. Though, he’d had to wait several minutes while someone else rummaged around inside her room. As soon as whoever it was left, Ulric hadn’t been able to wait a moment longer.

  “Alex,” he whispered, exhaling. Maybe, he hoped, his voice would wake her, awaken a realization within her. Or maybe he just liked to say her name.

  Ulric noticed her key necklace wasn’t around her neck. When he inspected the bedside table, all he found was her blaster holster. Where the hell is it? He’d seen the two male lovers find Ulric’s latest mess, as well as Alex’s lucky charm. Then, each had run in a different direction so quickly, he didn’t know which one had taken it.

  Yet, it wasn’t in this room. She was supposed to see it and put the pieces together. Remember where she’d left it and work out the only way it could’ve reached this planet. She needs to know I’m here!

  He licked his lips and still tasted blood in his mouth. His torso was stained with it, too. The blood, dirt, and leaves in his hair probably made him look like a feral native, but none of it mattered right now. He wanted to be close to her so badly, he didn’t give a shit about how he looked.

  I’m going to surprise her. After all, she’s never denied me pleasure before.

  Ulric pressed a knee onto the bed, and then another, recalling how she’d done something similar the last time she was in his quarters. How he wished she had just accepted his offer. He’d rather be with her—naked in bed, eating and drinking to their heart’s content—than lost in a foreign place. Separated, while he feasted on the flesh of humans, and she got to know another man.

  It just didn’t seem fair.

  When he got close enough, he leaned over and ran the back of his fingers over her cheek. She squirmed and moved her face to the other side.

  “Alex,” he whispered near her lips. “Are you awake?” He knew she wasn’t. How many times had he roused her from sleep by rubbing his cock along her back or belly?

  The thought made him harden. His erection was so hard, it hurt.

  He ran his fingertips down the side of her neck and the middle of her chest, before moving them over her left nipple. He circled his fingers over the hard flesh peeking through the fabric of her top.

  “Oh, Damon,” she whispered, curving her spine upwards. “Don’t stop.”

  Ulric felt as if a dagger had punctured his heart. She’d called him by another man’s name. Did this mean she’d already had sex with him?

  “Alex,” he repeated. “It’s me.”

  She didn’t wake up. Instead, she licked her lips and pressed her eyes tighter. As if she wasn’t ready to wake up, and instead wanted to remain in what she believed was a dream.

  That’s fine with me. Ulric leaned down, wrapping his teeth around her nipple. Even through the flimsy fabric of her top, he was able to feel her puckered skin. His cock was beyond help. If he didn’t penetrate her soon, he was going to burst at the seams.

  She groaned but was still not entirely awake.

  Ulric let her nipple slip from between his teeth and lowered the sheet along her body. She was still wearing her underwear, but it wouldn’t stop him. He opened his palm and ran it over the mound between her legs, until she writhed at the soft and slow movements.

  He wanted to rip her underwear off and dip his tongue inside her, but how could he? I can’t do this. How could he put his tongue on any part of her when he’d lapped up blood and torn into flesh? It seemed obscene.

  “Damon, kiss me,” she whispered.

  For all he knew, she could be having a wet dream about this Damon guy. As much as he hated him for being the one Alex now wanted, Ulric couldn’t leave just yet. He turned to face her, rose along her body, and pushed her hair away from her face. When she lifted her body off the mattress and wrapped her arms around his neck, Ulric stiffened but leaned into her when she lay back down.

  Alex stuck her tongue into his mouth, kissing him the way she always did in the bedroom. With so much desire, she never managed to disappoint. She pulled back, breathing into his mouth, one hand now wrapped tightly around his erection and already tugging him.

  “Oh,” she panted. “Touch me with your magic.”

  He pressed his palm against her chest, forgetting about all the thoughts keeping him from kissing her in the first place.

  She kissed him again, rubbing him harder. “Gee, what have you been eating, Damon?”

  “It’s not Damon.” He felt so close to coming already, he wished he’d kept silent and not interrupted her flow.

  Her eyes snapped open, and she dropped her hand.

  For a moment, they stared at each other. Almost as if things were rolling around inside her head, until everything made some sort of sense.

  “Ulric? What the hell are you doing here?” Sh
e looked around the room. “You can’t be in Eden.”

  Eden? So that’s where they were. He’d never heard of it, yet it sounded so familiar. Why?

  For a second, Ulric wondered if it was better to just let her believe this was all a dream and take advantage of the fact, but what good would that do? She obviously didn’t want him, anymore. He’d heard the disappointment in her voice.

  She’d found someone else to amuse her in bed, and she’d forgotten all about him.

  “I’m here because of you.”

  “Where’s Damon?”

  He growled into her mouth. “You should’ve listened to me back on Anteris. Why didn’t you stay with me? I had to be with you. Don’t you understand how much I want you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean!”

  “Have you already forgotten what happened on Anteris? What I said to you?”

  Alex sat up so fast, she head-butted him. “Dammit!”

  Ulric recoiled. He jumped off the side of the bed before he did something he would regret. He didn’t want to hurt her, but with the instability this place had on him, maybe he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

  She wiped her mouth, then rubbed her forehead. “What the hell is that disgusting taste in your mouth?”

  “Alex.” He backed away from her. Every new reaction, every new word out of her mouth, wounded him a little bit more. It made him realize she didn’t want him in her life. That’s probably why she’d left his room in such a hurry after his admission of love. Why hadn’t he been able to see it, then?

  Maybe because you’re a fucking idiot!

  Her brown eyes glistened, as if something had suddenly dawned on her. “No way. It can’t be. Ulric, tell me it wasn’t you!”

  “What wasn’t me?” he whispered, now standing very close to the window.

  “Tell me you didn’t kill those people.” She stared at him with wide, horror-filled eyes. “Oh, shit. You left my key there, didn’t you?”


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