The Revolutionary and the Rogue

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The Revolutionary and the Rogue Page 22

by Blake Ferre

  He sucked in a sharp hiss when Henri’s lips dropped to his nipple. “Mmm, your body is so beautifully responsive for me. I knew from the first time I held you on that street you’d be like this. How you melted for me.”

  Perrin groaned, remembering that moment. Once more, as quick as a tallow candle, Perrin did just that… He melted. Succumbing to Henri’s lovely flame.

  “Incroyable.” Henri hummed, then lapped his tongue lower, across the ridges of Perrin’s stomach. It was almost too much sensation all at once. Henri smirked, trailing his mouth over the cloth that covered Perrin’s arousal. “Tell me. What do you need?”

  “You, Henri.” No hesitations, Perrin surrendered himself to the moment. “You feel so wonderful like this. I have to… I need… I want you inside me. All of you. Every part. I want to feel you tomorrow and the next day. I want to always know you had me.”

  “Mon Dieu. Those words of yours.” Henri’s voice rumbled along the hard ridge of Perrin’s covered shaft. Perrin had never wanted to tear a piece of fabric so much in his life.

  Another whimper rolled out of Perrin’s chest when Henri finally unbuttoned his fall and freed Perrin’s aching member from restraint.

  Henri licked his lips and grinned before wrapping his fingers around Perrin’s shaft. His every stroke drew pleasure through Perrin’s body.

  When Henri lowered his mouth, Perrin inhaled several quickened breaths, unable to contain the anticipation. For too long, the cold emptiness of misery had haunted him. For too many months, Perrin had fought to simply make it through another day, willing time to pass in a blur. Now, he wanted nothing more than for these moments to last, to stretch out time and hold Henri to him.

  When Henri engulfed him with those soft lips, little stars flickered across Perrin’s vision like a thousand embers. Perrin had faced many struggles in his life, but this pleasure? It would be his undoing.

  “I can’t,” he pleaded, tossing his head to the side, body swelling with need.

  In a torturously slow motion, Henri withdrew his lips from him. “You taste wonderful.”

  “Don’t stop.” Relief and disappointment surged through him, both soothing and cold.

  “One day, I’ll savor more of you. But tonight, I want you to reach exquisite pleasure when I’m inside you.” Henri’s promise was nearly enough to make Perrin spend.

  “Please. More. Need you.” He couldn’t go back to being alone. Not just yet. God, to feel alive… It was a precious gift. One he simply could not relinquish, for he knew what the next morning would bring. Cold. Empty. Alone.

  “Mmmm. There’s the begging I craved so very much.” Henri rumbled out a chuckle. “I like this. You exposed for me, while I’m still covered.” He glanced down at his thin cotton shirt.

  “Please, Henri. Please.” Perrin repeated the words like a prayer, dragging his hands along Henri’s sleeves. He needed to touch. To feel. To have this man for himself.

  “Oil?” Henri asked with a hitch in his voice as he fisted the hem of the offensive fabric in front of him and pulled the shirt over his head with one sweep of his arm. He cast the fabric behind him, to the foot of the bed.

  Firm muscles flexed beneath a scattering of dark hair. So beautifully formed. Thick and heavy, a strong warrior’s body.

  “Perrin?” Henri arched a brow with a knowing smile. “Oil?”

  Biting his lip, Perrin flung his overly heavy arm toward the nightstand drawer.

  Henri chuckled again and wasted no time. He bit the top off the tiny bottle, then hastily tugged his breeches down. The oil spilled over his hands, but he made use of it, lathering over his own swollen member, then turning his attention to Perrin.

  He leaned forward, reaching his hand to the nightstand, placing the bottle upon it. “I love seeing you like this. So desperate for me. An aristo overpowered by the common man.”

  “I assure you, there’s nothing common about you.” The words flooded from Perrin’s mouth, yet the statement was true. Henri was beautiful. Brave. So very damned kind.

  Licking his lower lip, Henri grinned a somewhat cunning smile. “I intend to make this last.” Henri wrapped his slick fingers around the base of Perrin’s shaft, holding back his release.

  Perrin changed his mind. Henri was perhaps not always very kind. “You’re positively evil,” he growled.

  Henri only chuckled as his fingers breached Perrin’s entrance with a teasing press. “I assure you I can be.” His breath tickled Perrin’s neck, triggering a whirlwind of desire. “I want to drive you wild with slow, deliberate touches.”

  “Please.” Though it had been some time since he’d done this, Perrin craved nothing more than for Henri to make haste. But the man tormented him with tenderness, which only heightened Perrin’s need all the more.

  Henri slid his fingers from Perrin’s opening, and his voice lowered into a whisper. “Are—are you sure? We don’t have to do this. You could…”

  “I want this. With you. Please. I need you inside me now.” Perrin was going to burst if Henri didn’t touch him soon.

  “Very well. Impatient rogue.” Henri slowly lowered his mouth to Perrin’s. But instead of the gentle caress Perrin had expected, Henri mauled his lips, and his tongue forced its way into Perrin’s mouth. He sucked in a gasp when Henri rocked his hips and pushed slightly against his entrance, barely breaching him.

  Oh, how Perrin wanted him. Wanted more.

  Henri’s lips explored lower as he continued gently thrusting his hips. He exhaled warm breaths against Perrin’s neck and spoke in a soothing tone: “Relax. This will feel good, I promise. Let me in, dearest. Mon bien-aimé.”

  Dearest? My beloved? Perrin moaned, accepting the endearments. “It’s been a while.” His cheeks flushed as a sudden wave of nerves surged through his body.

  “Yes. I know. Allow me to pleasure you.” Henri covered Perrin’s wet, kiss-plumped lips with his.

  The slickness and heat between their bodies only further heightened the longing within Perrin.

  Henri drew his mouth away, his breathing shallow. “Parfait.”

  “Oh God.” Perrin’s hips arched as he caught his own breath. “Yes. So good. Need. Now.” He turned his head to the side as he accepted more of Henri’s length. “Make me forget.”

  Henri obeyed, entering deeper into Perrin’s aching core, merging their bodies and heartbeats into a lovely pulse. When Henri was fully seated, he held still, breathing heavily. “You’ll tell me if I hurt you?”

  “Yes. More. Please.” Perrin inhaled the thick scent of their combined sweat and musk. It was primal and wonderfully them. He suckled on Henri’s neck, the salty tang as savory as every other part of him.

  “Un moment. You’ve been so good. So very good.” After another inhalation, Henri pulled out in an irritatingly slow motion, drawing out each glorious sensation before thrusting deep inside. Perrin’s head struck the firm wood of the bedframe, but he didn’t give a damn.

  His body expanded for Henri, accommodating his length. Henri—oh, so damned kind—placed a pillow behind Perrin’s head before thrusting into him a second time. Perrin released a surprised yelp.

  Henri held still, upper body propped on his elbows, arms trembling from the effort. “Did I hurt you?”

  Perrin shook his head, humiliated by the wetness leaking from his eyes. “Please. Don’t stop. I need this. Need you.” He wasn’t crying; it was simply too much. A purge of the pain, the fear, the guilt that he’d held on to for all too long.

  Henri didn’t hold back this time, angling himself to hit that glorious spot inside Perrin that ignited the greatest pleasure he’d ever known.

  “Now. Take your pleasure from me,” Henri whispered.

  Perrin could hold on no longer, spending between their chests, his body clinging to Henri in several spasms. “Henri. Dearest, Henri.”

  “Yes. Beautiful. Perr
in,” Henri cried out, releasing in fierce, heated pulses inside him. Henri trembled, holding himself still. The tenderness in his eyes swept Perrin away. For a moment, he almost believed Henri cherished him. Which was absurd. Yet the mere thought tempted Perrin to hope for more between them.

  Slowly, Henri rolled onto his side, still holding Perrin’s sated body. He swept the wayward strands from Perrin’s forehead. “You’re so beautiful like this. Spent. Basking in pleasure. Magnifique.”

  Perrin held silent, savoring the harmony of their breaths. “I don’t deserve to feel this content.” He closed his eyes, even after Henri cupped his cheek and pulled his face toward him.

  “You deserve every pleasure. I want to take the pain from you. I’d carry the burden myself if I could.”

  Perrin tried to hold back the tears, but they trickled out. Did he have to ruin this intimate moment by crying? No. Not crying. It was a purge of emotions.

  Henri softly rubbed his chest. “Do you think he wouldn’t want you to move on?” Henri was careful enough not to mention Julien’s name, but lord had he seen into Perrin’s thoughts. “If you’d been the one to die, would you have wanted him to suffer and remain on his own?”

  “Of course not. But it’s you.” Perrin pressed his lips together, instantly regretting the words. “I mean…”

  Henri’s mouth drew into a thin line. “I see. Yes. Of course. I represent everything that took him away from you.”

  Perrin stroked Henri’s cheek, hating the pain he saw within those glistening amber eyes. “No. You don’t. Not anymore.” Perrin rubbed the soft flesh, his mind in too much of a fog to form the words. He simply smiled through the tears. “Though it might not make sense, and it’s a hopeless notion, I care for you.”

  Henri’s lower lip quivered. “I’ve been terrified to face it, but it seems I care for you, too. Perrin, my kindhearted rogue.”

  Perrin pressed his lips to Henri’s, the kiss tender and slow. The taste of tears salty and yet completely a part of their joining. Henri sharing the burden of his pain.

  Henri drew away and wiped the lingering tears from Perrin’s cheeks. “Tell me about him.”

  Perrin rolled onto his back, looking up at the circular frame of the bed’s canopy. “We met in England. He was young and foolish and newly arrived from France. He didn’t think about the strictness of British law. He was drunk and obviously eyeing other men in a tavern. I spotted him and was struck by his beauty and naïveté.”

  “And you saved him?”

  Perrin nodded. “I took him to our club. Crimson Rose has several locations. I shielded him from harm.” In the end, Perrin had failed to protect him. Yet, being with Henri helped to dampen the burning pain from that permanent wound.

  Henri turned Perrin on his side to face him. “You didn’t let anyone else have a chance with Julien?”

  Perrin smiled, thinking fondly on the memory. “I’m sorry… You don’t need to hear this.”

  Henri scooted closer. “No. Seeing you like this… His memory brings the sunlight to your eyes. Please. Tell me everything. What of his family?”

  “His father wasn’t accepting. He’d banished Julien from his home. With Philippe’s help, Julien found refuge in Duclos’s care. But not long after, Julien’s brothers chased him out of France.”

  “And in England he wasn’t safe, because of his inclinations.”

  Perrin shook his head. “An incident happened involving our close friends. It frightened Julien, and we returned to France. In spite of the political turmoil, in spite of the threat of his family’s admonishments.” Perrin scoffed. “We even supported the Revolution.”

  “It offered freedom for you.”

  “Freedom.” Perrin reached up and tapped the nearest tassels dangling from the canopy, distracting himself from the painful memory. “Until Julien’s father and brothers earned themselves places in line at the guillotine. On the day of the execution, Julien was recognized and plucked from the street, shoved into a damned tumbrel without a trial. Executed by association.”

  Henri’s gaze was haunted. “My father was wrongfully imprisoned by a horrible aristo who’d ruined my sister. No trial. Sentenced to life behind bars, where he died. After I arrested the bastard who wronged him, even though I had no doubt about his treasonous actions against our country, he was barely offered a trial. Mind you, that wasn’t common practice last year. Most cases drew out over too many months. But the Committee wanted to make an example of him. The evidence of his treason was deemed too great. It was hardly satisfying to know I’d done him the same injustice he’d inflicted upon my family.”

  “I’m so sorry. Your sister, is she…?” From the pain in Henri’s eyes, he knew the answer.

  “She and the child died. I would have loved being an uncle. But my act of revenge was empty at best. Instead of satisfaction, a little part of my revolutionary spirit died that day. I hid away when he was executed. Sensing my own father in his place. I ran from the past, taking a post in the army along the coast.”

  “He deserved what came to him. But I understand completely. I once wanted nothing more than to slice the heads from the men who took Julien. But I realized that wouldn’t ease the pain.”

  “Those brutes deserve to suffer.” Henri nuzzled his nose against Perrin’s cheek. “It defies reason that we came together. If they’d given that aristo a fair trial, I might not be here with you now. I could still be following orders.”

  “No. I don’t think that’s the case. You would have seen the injustices. Your spirit is too soft—and yet, impossibly strong. I’ll never forget the day you helped those children. I wanted to hate you because of your uniform. Everything inside me warned that you were no better than the rest of the Committee. But it was that flicker of compassion that unraveled me.” Perrin reached out to draw Henri to him. He didn’t want the man to leave his side. “Stay with me tonight.” Perrin’s voice was low and pleading.

  Henri curled into Perrin’s arms, and Perrin’s eyelids grew heavy. He drifted off to sleep, surrounded by warmth and the release of the past.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Toes hanging out from the blankets, Perrin struggled to move but found himself locked in place by a firm arm and a heavy leg. A blessed wall of heat covered his backside.

  Henri’s steady breaths held a comforting rhythm, pulsing in lazy beats. Slowly, Perrin adjusted his position, allowing his tingling arm to recover.

  Henri wriggled and blinked his eyes open. A tiny stream of sunlight peeked through the damask drapes, enhancing the speckled honey glow within his irises.

  Perrin traced the indentations that marred his cheeks, patterns of lines left by the sheets. “So beautiful. I love seeing you like this, kissed by the blankets.”

  “Come away with me,” Henri whispered. “We can leave this behind. Start anew, somewhere safe.”

  “You know I can’t.”

  Henri’s muscles tensed, and he sat upright. “Then I must report in to work and find out what Luc’s next move shall be.” His brows furrowed. “You’ll promise to hide at Crimson Rose?”

  “I promise. Stay a moment longer. Have a light meal before you go.” Perrin lodged his elbow under his side, propping himself up. Reaching for Henri with his free arm, he tugged him closer, desperate for another few blissful moments, whatever he could steal. After they parted, there was no guarantee they’d have another chance for intimacies.

  Henri nuzzled his forehead into the flesh between Perrin’s shoulder and neck. “The only meal I want right now is anything but light.” He nibbled a small bit of Perrin’s skin, sending vibrating pulses through his body.

  “You still owe me one thing. You didn’t taste me yet.” Perrin would beg if he had to.

  “You’re right. I’ll need to redeem myself.”

  Perrin pushed him onto the bedding and thrust between Henri’s thighs, meeting the hard line of his
erection. At this rate, he’d never leave the bed again. “I’m holding you captive today. I can’t allow you to escape until I’ve had enough of you. And I can guarantee, I’ll never be sated.”

  Henri offered a wicked grin. “Unfortunately, you’ll have to hold that fantasy a little longer. I do need to go. I can’t let Luc out of my sight. Not now that he’s onto you.”

  Perrin caged his lover, unwilling to release him just yet. “The only person who should be on me at this moment is currently in my bed.” Damnation, he’d never have enough of this man.

  “I’m going to find my breeches terribly uncomfortable today.” From the grin on Henri’s face, Perrin presumed he’d quite enjoy the predicament.

  He slipped his hand between them. “Then let me satisfy you.”

  Henri pounded his fist into the bedding. “Greedy rogue,” he grumbled while Perrin pressed his thumb into the dripping slit. “So ungrateful, after all I’ve done for you. Your life is on the line, and all you can think about is sex?”

  Perrin purred against Henri’s neck. “Exactly. If I’m to die, I’d rather go like this.”

  To his delight, Henri flipped him onto his back, mounting him with superb strength. Perrin closed his eyes and hissed when Henri drove his hard shaft against his. Another thrust followed, drawing him nearer to completion. But Henri pulled away, launching himself off the bed. Perrin bucked his hips to empty air.

  “That’s your punishment for today.” Henri chuckled, tugging his breeches over his hips. The insufferable fiend winked and bent over, searching through the pile of clothing on the floor.

  Perrin tossed a pillow at his lush bottom. “You’re the worst sort of villain.” His voice came out like a petulant whine.

  Henri lifted his shirt and straightened. “You’re the worst sort of brat. Aristo.”

  “You’ve found me guilty. And wanting. My revolutionary.” Perrin wiggled his brows. Dear God, he was starting to sound like Quill.

  Henri finished dressing in hasty tugs and pulls. “Since I have to suffer, you’ll do the same.”


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