Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 1

by A. K. Michaels



  The Birth

  and The Battle

  Book 2

  New York Times Bestselling Author

  A K Michaels

  © 2013 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Author’s Note

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  Chapter 1

  Zach and Alex couldn’t believe their ears. Pregnant?! The doctor had said she was pregnant – but that was impossible. Totally and utterly impossible.

  “Doc, how can she be pregnant?” Zach asked.

  David, the doctor, answered with trepidation in his voice, “I have no idea, Zach, all I know is that she is. There’s no mistake. There are two heartbeats – that means not only is she pregnant, but it’s twins.”

  Alex’s heart was beating far too fast ... she could hardly breathe ... was this a dream?

  “Alexina, you need to breathe, calm down please, for me?” Zach’s arm was around her shoulders in the hospital bed, his Vampire powers and their bond enabling him to know exactly what she was feeling. He could feel a host of emotions running through her, shock was first, then fear, then hope. All were running through him also.

  Kate, the nurse, was still staring at the ultrasound monitor, shaking her head. “This is unbelievable, no Vampire has ever fathered a child – never mind two. I think we need to inform the Council, Zach.”

  Zach and Alex were staring at each other, Alex had no idea how this had happened – it was not possible. Yet here she was with the proof on the monitor in front of her – everyone could clearly see the small dots of the heartbeats.

  Zach finally answered Kate. “Yes, I know, I’ll phone Thadius ...”

  Before he finished Alex interrupted. “Tatiana – Zach, I want to see Tatiana.”

  Zach nodded, “Okay,” got his phone out of his jeans pocket and hit speed dial.

  Zach started to speak before Thadius had even said a word. “Thadius, it’s Zach. I’m at the clinic with Alexina – we need you and Tatiana here, now!”


  Thadius and Tatiana had been finishing breakfast when his phone rang. He was at first surprised and then worried. “We’ll be there as quick as we can,” he replied.

  When he hung up he told Tatiana that Alexina was in the clinic. “Why? What’s wrong with my girl?” the tiny Fairy asked with worry etched on her face.

  “I don’t know, I can’t imagine what’s wrong. Alex has been having some of Zach’s blood each week, as you know, so she shouldn’t be ill. His blood not only keeps her from ageing but it has very strong healing qualities, she should only be susceptible to the most serious of illnesses, but we saw them the other day and she was fine.”

  The old Wolf was looking at his Fairy and she looked very worried as she answered. “Oh Thadius – I hope she’s going to be okay, I couldn’t bear to lose her.” Tatiana let out a little sob.

  Alex was like her daughter, they had been through so much together and she had raised her as her own from the age of five. She couldn’t contemplate losing her, it was unthinkable.

  Thadius got up and moved over to her. “Come, we will get there as quick as we can.” The huge Wolf took her hand and led her out of his rooms, while he made a call to Vlad, his Head of Security and Zach and Alex’s friend. “Vlad, I need a car in front of my offices now. Alex is in the clinic and Zach has phoned and asked us to get there quickly.”

  He heard Vlad’s sharp intake of breath, he was as shocked as they were. “A car will be there in two minutes, Thadius – I will meet you at the clinic.” He hung up on Thadius without even saying goodbye.


  Zach was now lying beside Alex in the hospital bed, trying to comfort her. She was still being violently sick and looked terrible. Her whole body was shaking and the doctor had gone to get the equipment required to install a drip. He said Alex needed fluids and as she couldn’t keep anything down, it was the only way.

  Zach could hear her thoughts rushing through her mind at a hundred miles an hour, she was scared ... so was he.

  This had never happened in the history of Vampires. They had never fathered children ... never.

  Alex finally voiced her thoughts. “I’m scared.”

  “I know, Alexina, I know. Try to stay calm, I’m right here with you – I won’t leave you. Thadius and Tatiana will be here soon.”

  As he finished, David came back in wheeling a small trolley and pulling along the tall metal pole that would hold the bag of fluid. “I’ll be quick Alex, this shouldn’t hurt, I’m just going to swab the back of your hand and insert the needle for the drip.” He was doing what he was telling her as he spoke. There was a tiny scrape and the needle was in, he then attached the plastic tubing that ran from the large plastic bag that held the fluid she needed. “There, that’s all done. You need this fluid Alex, but I’ve also added something to it for the sickness – hopefully it should start to work soon.”

  “What now, Doc?” Zach asked.

  David answered truthfully. “I’m not sure, to be honest, I’ve never had to deal with a Vampire and human pregnancy so the only thing I can do is keep close tabs on Alex and treat whatever arises.”

  Zach wasn’t happy with that response but he understood that the Doc was right – nobody had ever dealt with this before.

  David gave a small smile, “I’ll leave you in peace for a bit, I’ll check back on you in a little while. Try not to worry Alex. I’ll take real good care of you,” and with that he left them alone.

  “You bloody better,” Zach muttered.

  Alex was shocked to her core. She had always wanted kids, but had come to accept that she wouldn’t have any. Zach was a Vampire and he had been totally honest with her – Vampires did not sire children. She had accepted this as she couldn’t live without him. Now here she was, feeling the worst she had in her life, but with TWO babies inside her.

  She was terrified – how would she be as a mother? She had no worries that Zach would be anything but the perfect father, but she doubted her own abilities.

  “Please don’t doubt yourself, you’re the most loving, caring person I know. Alexina, we’ll do this together – all the way,” Zach whispered into her ear. He snuggled her closer to him, willing her to get better.

  The door opened and Thadius and Tatiana entered, with Vlad following behind. Both Zach and Alex were surprised to see him, although they should have known Thadius would have contacted him.

  “What’s going on?” Tatiana spoke in her sing-song Fairy voice as she moved beside the bed and t
ook one of Alex’s hands.

  “Yes, what’s wrong, that David wouldn’t tell us anything – something about patient/doctor confidentiality, for Christ’s sake!” Vlad sounded upset – and Vlad being upset was rather scary.

  Zach and Alex looked at each other, she nodded at him to let him know he should do the talking. He got up and started pacing back and forth.

  “I’m not sure how to say this ... it’s unbelievable and impossible ... but Alexina is pregnant ...”

  Tatiana screamed in delight and hugged Alex before he could continue on. Thadius stared at Zach as if he had just told him he had flown to the moon.

  “Zach, that is not possible, my friend.” Vlad had a look of incredulity on his face, how could this be?

  Zach carried on. “I know, I know – it can’t happen, Vampires can’t sire children, we know this, but somehow Alexina is indeed pregnant, but that’s not all.” He faltered...

  “What? What is it Zach – tell me!” Tatiana implored.

  He managed to get it out, still not believing it himself. “Alexina is carrying twins.”

  Tatiana was so shocked she thought her legs were going to give way, Thadius grabbed a chair from behind him and placed it so she could sit down.

  “In the history of Alexina’s bloodline, they have only ever borne one child, a female to carry on the bloodline, never has there been more than one child. How can this be?” the small Fairy spoke quietly with shock in her voice.

  Tatiana was looking at Zach and Alex and it was obvious she saw just how ill Alex looked, and was worried for her girl.

  “Tatiana, I think you’re missing the most important point here. Vampires have never fathered even one child. This is an impossibility!” Thadius declared.

  “Impossible or not – it’s happening,” Zach stated.

  “Okay Zach, I will need to have a meeting with the other Heads of the Council and inform them of this … this … extraordinary development. I will need all the information you have to date. So Alexina is pregnant to you, she is carrying twins, when are the babies due?” Thadius asked, a slight frown on his face.

  “Uhm, well we didn’t get that far with the Doc. We were both just shocked and Alexina was still being sick though that seems to have stopped for the time being.”

  “Okay, we need David back in here – Vlad?” Thadius directed this comment to Vlad and the huge Vampire disappeared out the door in search of David.

  “Meine Kleine, how are you feeling?” Zach asked, using his pet name for her in his native German, which meant ‘my little one’.

  “A bit better, I’m glad I’ve stopped throwing up. Whatever the Doctor put in the drip seems to be working,” she replied. He moved back to her side, leant down and gave her a tight hug.

  “It’s going to be fine, you’re going to be fine,” he told her with much more confidence in his voice than he truly felt.

  She was as white as a sheet and clammy to the touch. He hoped this was only temporary, a normal part of being pregnant. Somehow though, he didn’t think so.

  “I’ve got a good remedy for sickness that won’t harm the babies, I’ll get it organised and sent over as soon as I can.” Tatiana gave Alex’s hand a squeeze as she spoke.

  “Thank you,” she replied. She knew everyone was worried for her and was trying to put on a brave face; Zach could see right through it, of course.

  Vlad found David in a room using a microscope to see some of the blood he had taken from Alex. He had been as shocked as anyone when they had found out she was pregnant. He was going to do his best to help her get through this in one piece. How he was going to do that he wasn’t sure but he would do his damnedest.

  “David, you’re needed back in the room.” Vlad spoke in a tone that brooked no argument.

  “Yes, yes, of course.” David got up and followed Vlad. When they entered the room the tension could have been cut with a knife, it was so palpable.

  “What can I do?” David asked.

  “We need a bit more info, Doc, like how far along is Alexina? When are the babies due? That sort of stuff,” Zach said to the doctor, while still staying very close to his mate.

  “Well as we have never seen anything like this before, I can only guess. It’s an educated guess but at this stage a guess nonetheless.” He moved over to the monitor where the image had been saved on the screen.

  “Right, looking at the ultrasound it appears that the babies are at around the six week stage. There are two clear placentas which would indicate they are not identical twins. One seems a bit bigger than the other though and that can indicate other complications. I don’t want to worry anyone, especially as this is such a wondrous event, so all I’ll say at the moment is that I’ll keep a very close eye on things. I’m sure everything is fine so please don’t worry. I would like Alexina to stay here for the time being until we are sure she has enough fluids and I would like to run some more tests – is that okay?” David directed his question to Zach, evidently not wanting to anger him again. After all, his throat was probably still smarting from the last time he hadn’t answered as quick as Zach would have liked.

  Zach only nodded but Alex piped up. “I don’t want to stay here – I want to go home.” She also directed her request to Zach.

  “Alexina, I think you should stay here just now, just so the Doc can make sure everything’s okay. If you don’t start being sick again, well we could probably go home later. What do you think, David?”

  “Well if she manages to take some fluid orally and keep it down … well yes, I guess that would be okay. Though I would want her back here in a few days for me to check on her again. As I said – I’m going to keep a close eye on things so that means at least twice-weekly visits here.”

  Alex hated doctors, and the thought of coming here twice a week and being poked and prodded did not appeal. She knew that she didn’t really have much choice, which also did not sit well with her.

  “David, why has this sickness only started now? If I’m six weeks then shouldn’t I have had more warnings? Not to be too blunt but I’m regular with my … my … monthlies,” she got out, a little embarrassed talking about it in front of people.

  David frowned. “Are you sure Alex – maybe you missed one?”

  Alex was adamant. “No, I’m certain, I’m not late and have not missed any.”

  David looked a little perplexed. “Well I’m not sure, Alex, it’s not that rare for a woman to be pregnant and still have a light period at the beginning. However, there certainly should have been some signs, i.e. missed period, sensitive breasts, but as this is a pregnancy that has never happened before maybe the normal rules go out of the window.”

  Alex accepted his response – she didn’t like it but she didn’t have a choice.

  “Tatiana, could you go and get that stuff you were talking about – for the sickness?” she all but pleaded.

  “Yes darling, I’ll go now. Thadius, come, I need to go get some things from the woods. The rest of the ingredients I’ve already got so it shouldn’t take me long. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Tatiana kissed Alex on the forehead and left, grabbing Thadius by the hand as she sped past him and giving him no choice but to follow. “I’ll let you know how the meeting with the rest of the Council goes,” Thadius shouted over his shoulder as he departed.

  Vlad was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a look of wonderment on his face.

  “Alex, Zach, would you mind if I phoned Irina? You know she’s going to be over the moon about this, you know how she is about kids. Shit she’s gonna go wild when she hears this, totally wild,” Vlad asked.

  Alex and Zach looked at each other. ‘What do you think?’ Alex pushed the thought from her mind to Zach. He sent his thought back at her: ‘It’s up to you, you’re the mum to be.’.

  “All right Vlad, but just Irina, I don’t want everyone knowing just yet,” Alex told him.

  Vlad got his phone out and
dialled his mate’s number. “Hi … yes, I’m here with them at the clinic. Yes she’s fine ... yes I’ll tell her. Listen Irina, I’ve got some news, but you need to keep it to yourself for the moment – can you do that? Yes I know you’re good at secrets … Right here goes, I hope you’re sitting down. Alex is pregnant – with twins, no less.”

  Both Zach and Alex could hear the squeal that Irina let out and Vlad moved the phone further from his ear. “Ouch – did you have to scream so loud – that hurt! Yes, I know it’s amazing. No we don’t know how … the Doc’s keeping a close eye on her. Yes I’ll fill you in on the details later. Remember, don’t pass this on – they want to keep it to themselves for the time being. Okay honey, I’ll see you in a little while.” He hung up the phone with a huge smile on his face.

  “Well that went down as if she’d won the lottery. She said to pass on her wishes for you to get better and well. She is so excited, I bet she’s already planning one of those – what do you call them – oh yeah, a baby shower thing.”

  Alex smiled, Irina was such a lovely person, she didn’t think she had ever come across someone as innocent and pure. Being a Wolf she was strong and loyal and had, in fact, saved Alex’s life once. She was a very good friend and she thought she was going to need her support in the coming months.

  Vlad left soon after saying he had to go and actually get some work done, but first he had to stop off and give Irina all the details. He was smiling and it was obvious how much he loved his mate.

  Zach went round the bed, sat in the chair Tatiana had vacated and took hold of one of Alex’s hands. He did that smile that always made her tummy get butterflies and she smiled back at him. He was an amazing man – her Vampire.

  “So, how are you feeling?” he asked.

  “A lot better, I’m thirsty, could you get me some water?” He stood up and disappeared and appeared almost instantly back again – he had used his Vampire speed so he was away from her for as little time as possible.

  He handed her a bottle of water, which was cold and must have been in a fridge or a vending machine. She opened it and took several sips. The water was like ambrosia in her mouth and cooled her throat which was sore from vomiting so violently. “Mmmm that’s good.” Alex placed the top back on and leant over to place it on the unit beside her bed.


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