Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 3

by A. K. Michaels

  “Oh indeed, my little one,” he smirked.

  He joined her in the bed, leaned over her and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. Entangling one of his hands in her hair, ensuring she couldn’t pull away. Not that Alex wanted to pull away ... she could think of no other place she wanted to be. In the arms of her mate, her Vampire.

  Zach’s other hand moved down and pushed her nightie up so that he could gain access to her panties. He moved his hand to her belly button and caressed her skin. His hand progressed down and slipped under the top of her underwear, not stopping until he cupped her fully at the front.

  Her breath hitched and she arched her hips upwards, ensuring maximum contact. “Ahh my love – you are ready for me so soon?”

  “Yes, Zach, I need you this morning. I missed out yesterday and I’m having withdrawal symptoms,” Alex quipped back at him.

  Zach laughed, “Well we can’t have that now can we.” He pushed her underwear downwards and when they got to just below her knees, Alex wiggled her legs to rid herself of them.

  Zach retrieved his hand from her hair and used both to get the nightie completely off, then threw it on the floor. He laid down on his side next to her and turned her so that she lay on her side, facing away from him. His hands wrapped round her and starting to fondle her breasts, tweaking a little hard but not too hard. Her breath quickened and she pushed her backside towards his groin. “Already, Alexina? No playing this morning?” he whispered into her ear.

  “Ohh, Zach – no – now – now please.” Her voice was a whimper and it drove Zach wild.

  He positioned himself and thrust into her, and the sound that escaped her lips was like music to his ears. One of his hands moved further down and met where he was entering her. He adjusted so he got just the right spot and went to work. “Oh my God – do you have any idea what you do to me?” she asked him.

  “I hope so honey, cause you do the same to me,” he replied with a voice that was full of lust.

  He continued working her, thrusting deep while caressing a breast and working his hand so that she came quickly. He always liked to make her come fast ... well, at first ... then he would make her come again. She moaned loudly and her body shook. He tweaked her nipple harder, and the response from her was immediate. She pushed back onto him again, ready once more.

  He laughed into her hair, he loved this woman. He thrust harder and felt himself nearing his own release. Alex moved her head to give him easy access to her throat. His fangs elongated and he leant forward and pierced the skin. Her sweet blood entered his mouth and as soon as he tasted it he knew he would come soon, it always had that effect on him.

  His feeding on her always had the same result with Alex, she screamed in ecstasy, and her body shuddered violently. As soon as she screamed, his own orgasm hit him, hard. He thrust a few more times, milking the climax.

  It took more than a few minutes for both of them to come down from their love making, and when they did he moved and turned her over. “Come, the shower is beckoning.”

  Alex knew that tone and the look on his face. “Yes,” was all she said, she was smiling like a schoolgirl.

  When they finally made it to the kitchen, Zach sat her on one of the tall stools and got her mug with the water and herbs. She sipped it, hoping it would indeed help her sickness.

  Zach made pancakes while she smiled at him cheekily. “No, you’ve had enough exercise this morning – eat!” he ordered. She pouted but started to eat, they were delicious. She was so lucky that Zach was as good in the kitchen as he was, she was useless, she hated cooking.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “It’s only just after nine, the others won’t be here till eleven,” he told her.

  Zach’s phone buzzed. It was Vlad. “Hi, Vlad … Yes she’s a lot better thanks. No that’s fine – I’ll let her know,” and he hung up.

  Before Zach could say anything she laughed, “So Irina is coming over?” She had seen it in his thoughts.

  “Yes, Vlad says she is extremely excited, she wants to come see you,” he explained.

  “Yes I can imagine. She’s excitable at the best of times – I just hope she doesn’t go all mushy on me,” Alex said.

  Zach tried not to laugh as he responded, “You do know we’re talking about Irina? Of course she’s going to go ‘all mushy’ as you put it. This thing that’s happened, Alexina – well it’s nothing short of a miracle, everyone is going to be excited.”

  Alex smiled, “I know, Zach, I’m still trying to believe it myself.”

  She laid her hands on her belly, there were two babies in there. Zach moved to stand behind her and placed his hands over hers, with his head on her shoulder. “You do know how much I love you, Alexina?”

  “Yes, Zach, I do. It’s just about as much as I love you my Vampire,” she sighed.

  They stayed like that for some time. Just thinking about their future, with each other and their children. It was something neither of them had thought would or could happen, both were more than a little overcome with emotion.

  Shortly after, the doorbell rang, Irina had arrived. Zach answered the door and let her in – she rushed past him and went straight for Alex who was sitting on one of the sofas. “Alex oh my God, how did this happen? It’s a miracle, a miracle! I’m so glad for you – I know you’ll make a great mom.” Her enthusiasm was hard to ignore and both Alex and Zach found it rubbing off on them.

  “I’ll do anything to help – anything at all – just ask. Put me down at the top of the list for babysitting. Don’t you dare let anyone else beat me to it.” She was laughing and sat next to Alex and cuddled her.

  “That’s okay, Irina, I don’t think there’s anyone more qualified to look after our children,” Alex replied, it was muffled because Irina still held her in a vice-like cuddle.

  “So when are they due? Are you going for a hospital or home birth? Have you thought on any names?” Irina was full of questions and Alex realised that she would have to start thinking about these things.

  “Firstly I’m about six weeks along, no idea where I’ll give birth and no we haven’t discussed names,” Alex told her friend.

  “Oh this is just so exciting!” Irina squealed.

  “Yes I know. It’s just sinking in for Zach and I. I know we will have to think about all the things you said, but at the moment we’re just getting used to the fact that I am pregnant.”

  Irina had let her go and was sitting holding her hand. “I know – bloody hell – this is such a momentous occasion. I can’t believe you two are going to be a mom and dad!”

  Irina stayed for a little while longer, making Alex promise to keep her up to date with anything that happened. Alex promised and then Irina had to go to work. Alex sighed when she left, she really liked Irina but like the naughty puppy she was, well sometimes it was nice to have a break.

  Alex started to tidy the living room. She didn’t want it looking messy when the rest arrived for the meeting. It hadn’t been untidy – as Zach told her – but she couldn’t relax.

  She was apprehensive as to what the Council had said about all of this. She didn’t have long to wait, Vlad arrived first a little early, and he and Zach went out the back to discuss some ‘work related’ things.

  As was the norm when Zach dealt with work, he put his mental block in place. Alex didn’t need to worry about all that was discussed. However, they didn’t talk about Zach’s work, they discussed the Guards that Vlad had placed around the bungalow. He assured Zach that nothing would be able to get through to hurt Alex. Zach was relieved, he knew Vlad would do anything to protect them.

  Vlad told his friend “There will be Guards out front and back, twenty-four seven, Zach. I’m using my best men and they know the consequences if they fail ... they would have me to deal with.”

  Zach knew that the Guards always did their jobs well but if Vlad had overtly threatened them – well, then he knew they would be extra vigilant. No sa
ne person would want to have Vlad angry with them.

  Alex shouted for Zach, she didn’t know if he had released the block so couldn’t be sure he would hear her thoughts. The others had arrived. Thadius and Tatiana came in first. “Viktor is going to join us too,” Thadius told everyone.

  Viktor? Zach had felt that Alex was uneasy, now he heard the Head of the Council was coming. Well, it made him a little uneasy too.

  Alex busied herself making coffee and getting cups out, Tatiana had brought some of her home-made cookies and Alex put them on a plate. There was one cup of chamomile tea for Tatiana, she wasn’t keen on coffee. Alex took the tray with everything on it into the living room and Zach shot up and took it out of her hands. “You shouldn’t be carrying that – I’ll do it,” and he placed it on the coffee table.

  Thadius sat with Tatiana at his side on one of the sofas and once everyone had coffee Zach and Alex sat on the other sofa. There were also a couple of armchairs but Vlad refused to sit and stood leaning on the wall, looking extremely nonchalant.

  Before any of them could start a conversation the doorbell rang. Vlad moved fluidly from the wall and went to answer it. It was Viktor, who came in and sat in one of the armchairs. He refused coffee and as far as Alex was concerned he scared the hell out of her.

  The raw power that followed this Vampire wherever he went was colossal. He had never given her any reason to fear him, but she did all the same. Her Vampire sensed it and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Okay, we are all here now – Viktor, would you like to start?” Thadius opened the conversation.

  “Yes Thadius, thank you. Zach, Alex – this news is well, quite simply extraordinary. The Council have nothing to compare this to, so it has caused quite a stir. Some members are worried, I have to in all good conscience tell you both, they are worried at exactly what Alex is carrying ...”

  Zach interrupted “What the hell is that supposed to mean? She is carrying our children! What else would it be?”

  Viktor looked over at Zach with a look that would have made a lesser being cringe. Zach did not back down and Alex could feel his temper rising.

  “Zach, we have nothing to go on, apart from some cryptic clues from the Angel Michael. We have never come across a pregnancy resulting from a bonding with a Vampire. You must understand our cautiousness.” Viktor had taken a placatory tone, but the underlying threat was still in the room.

  Tatiana sat up a little straighter before speaking, “I can understand that there will be questions, Viktor, however, if an Angel has come with news about this and it being divine intervention, then surely the Council should be satisfied? Or are some members advocating going against a celestial being?”

  Viktor looked at Tatiana with what looked like respect ... not many would question him so openly. “That’s not what I’m saying, Tatiana, but there are concerns. We have to keep a close eye on Alex and see how this progresses,” Victor retaliated, his tone almost harsh.

  Thadius took over, “Viktor, as Tatiana has said, I think we can all agree on some concerns. However, ultimately this concerns Zach and Alex, it is, after all, their children we are discussing.”

  Viktor did not look happy as he answered, “I am well aware of that, Thadius, but we don’t know what powers, if any, these children may have? As I said, this has never happened before, we do not know what to expect. These children could pose a direct threat to everyone here ... we do not know, that is the point. I would prefer a closer eye be kept on Alex throughout this pregnancy. A very close eye, some sort of security possibly.”

  Alex raised her chin, Viktor was discussing her children as if he had any say in the matter. “Viktor, none of us knows what to expect and trust me, I’m the one carrying them and I am a little concerned. However, these two children are mine and Zach’s and it is up to us to decide any course of action. I can tell you now – I’m not having any sort of security detail follow me around. If that displeases the Council … well then, we will have no option but to leave.”

  Alex had said her piece and waited on the fallout. Everyone started talking at once. Zach just held her tighter, they were of one mind in this. If there was any problem with the Council and her pregnancy – they would leave.

  Thadius was upset, saying they shouldn’t make any rash decisions. Viktor was saying something similar but his tone portrayed his true feelings – he was unhappy with this pregnancy, Tatiana had tears in her eyes, the thought of Alex leaving upset her greatly. Vlad had not said a word.

  Vlad moved from his place against the wall, pulling his tall frame upright, moving to the centre of the room, his presence imposing in the confines of the lounge. The talking stopped and Vlad looked every one of the people present in the eye, staying a moment longer on Viktor’s.

  “Now, I have listened to you all talk. However, I am Head of Security here and not one of you has asked for my opinion?” Vlad said. Viktor started to bluster.

  “Vlad – I was just about to ....”

  Vlad did something unthinkable, he interrupted him.

  “Viktor, please, the Council ... as far as I can discern from the Law, and I went over all relevant chapters last night … has no say in this matter. The fact that it has never happened before does not negate the Law. The Council cannot interfere in a pregnancy, it is unthinkable. The security side of this, as the Angel hinted there may be danger for Alex, well that’s down to me – and Zach, of course. Now, I do say that any updates from the Doc should be passed onto the Council, however, everything else in relation to this is their choice and nobody else’s.”

  Vlad stopped talking, walked back to where he had been and once more leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles and looking as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if he hadn’t just pissed off one of the most powerful Vampires in the world, and his boss to boot!

  There was silence for a couple of minutes then Viktor broke it. “As usual, Vlad, you are way ahead of us. Thank you for that input. I will pass that onto the Council. Zach, Alex – we will await any further developments or updates as and when they occur.” He got up and left.

  “Vlad, that may not have been the most intelligent thing you’ve ever done.” Zach said this with a hint of a smile but his voice told what he felt. He was proud of Vlad, standing up to someone as powerful as Viktor, that took some guts.

  “Yeah I know, however I was right, I checked every last thing I could find in the Law – they can’t interfere. I know you spoke of leaving but if you did that, well that would just bugger everything up!”

  Alex was confused. “Why?” she asked.

  Vlad smiled at them. “Well if you left, I would have had to come too. You don’t think I would have let you go alone?”

  The rush of tears that came to Alex’s eyes surprised her. “Vlad I … I … don’t know what to say. Thank you just isn’t enough,” she managed to get out.

  Tatiana looked at Vlad and smiled, “Yes and I would have come too!” the Fairy exclaimed.

  Thadius did a loud ‘harrumph’ before he too spoke. “Well if Tatiana was leaving – I would have had to come too,” he said quietly.

  Before Alex could reply to that Vlad spoke again. “If I went – well, Irina would have come too so you would have had all of us leaving with you.” He laughed and Zach started laughing too and soon everyone was.

  The tension was severed by the laughter and everyone relaxed, slightly.

  Alex felt relieved, she didn’t want to go but if her children were in jeopardy then she wouldn’t have thought twice. She would have been gone.

  Chapter 4

  A couple of days later, Alex got a call from David asking her to come in. She was a little scared but went with Zach straight away, and this time Zach took the time to actually park the jeep in a proper fashion.

  Kate was on duty again. “Hi you two? How are you? This is all very exciting!” Kate gushed.

  “We’re fine, Alex hasn’t been sick like
she was the other day. The herbs Tatiana gave her must be working,” Zach told Kate. She nodded her head, she was staring intently at Alexina, it was quite disconcerting.

  David walked through and immediately took them back to his office. Once they were all seated he pulled some papers from a folder with Alex’s name on it. “I just wanted to go through this blood work with you. The tests showed, Alex, that your hormones are through the roof. Of course hormones do intensify during pregnancy but I have never seen this level before. It’s what probably caused the sickness to come on so fast and violently. Because of this I would like to do a blood test every week and keep a close eye on you. I would also like to do another scan ... in, say, another couple of days ... that would make it the seven week mark or thereabouts. I just want to ensure all is okay.”

  Alex was slightly worried but David seemed calm so she tried not to let it worry her.

  “Okay Doc, that sounds fine, I’ll bring Alexina back on Friday? Any special time?” Zach asked.

  “Any time after 10am and before 2pm will be fine. I’ll see you both then. Take care, Alex, and try not to worry.” David showed them out and they said goodbye to Kate on their way past.

  Zach headed towards the area with the shops and diners. “I think we should treat ourselves to a meal, what do you think?” Alex thought that was a great idea, the diner did the most fabulous apple pie which she loved.

  They parked outside and noticed it was fairly busy, not full but quite a few folk were already seated. “Hope we don’t need to wait long for our food – I’m really hungry,” Alex told Zach.

  “Yes I had noticed you’re eating more than normal,” he replied, but then thought ‘uh-oh’ as Alex whirled round on him.

  “Hey – you saying I’m getting fat?” Her tone was outraged.

  “No of course not. I just noticed you ate more the last couple of days, that’s all. However, Alexina, honey, you’re pregnant – with twins – trust me when I say you are not going to remain the size you are now!” He laughed at her expression, and waited on her comeback.


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