Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 9

by A. K. Michaels

  “I’m glad my little subterfuge pleased you, although if I am being honest it was for me too. I didn’t fancy traipsing, as you called it, all around with you. Not my idea of a fun afternoon.”

  Alex laughed. “Oh you’re a cheat, Mr Vampire. I may just have to slap that magnificent behind of yours.”

  Zach’s eyebrow rose as he spoke. “I will look forward to that, little one, but now we need to get showered and dressed. Something nice but not formal, the restaurant isn’t far so we can walk.”

  “Well put me down, I can’t very well get showered or dressed while you’re holding me up here!” she wailed.

  “I beg to differ, darling.” Zach carried her through to the shower. They did manage to be on time for Vlad and Irina, but it was a close thing.

  Chapter 9

  The walk to the restaurant was lovely, the weather was mild and it wasn’t too busy. Although if anyone was in their way, they soon moved. Vlad and Zach together walking down a street, well, people got out of the way. Alex smiled as she looked at the two large Vampires. Hell, if she didn’t know them she would get out of the way!

  Dinner was fun, Irina was her usual excited self and Alex ate enough to feed an army. Near the end she started to feel tired, Zach sensed it immediately and told Vlad and Irina to stay and have another bottle of wine and more dessert for Irina, the bill had been taken care of. He needed to get Alexina back to rest.

  When they got to the door of the restaurant, Alex wondered if she could make it back on foot. The tiredness had come on suddenly and she just had to sleep, her whole body felt heavy and drowsy.

  There were no taxis out front so, as they were only a few minutes walk from the hotel, Zach did what he thought best. He picked her up, cuddled her into him, and carried her all the way back. All the way to the elevator, up to their floor and all the way to their room. It was a bit tricky at the door, with him holding her and trying to use the keycard, but he did it. He then put her straight to bed, undressing her himself and putting on the satin gown that was still lying on the floor.

  Alex had known there was no point arguing with him when he first picked her up. She was slightly embarrassed, however she was more tired than embarrassed so just cuddled into him. As soon as he placed her in the bed and her head hit the pillow, her eyes were closing.

  Zach stayed until he was sure she was sound asleep then he went through and watched some TV. He bored quickly and a thought came to him. He went to the laptop and started looking up some things. When she didn’t wake after a few hours, he joined her lying in the bed. He just dozed but preferred being in bed with her to watching TV in another room.

  She slept right through the morning, not waking up once.

  Zach was getting increasingly worried. Alexina was not showing any signs of waking up.

  Irina and Vlad joined him in the sitting room. They had planned to do some sightseeing. However, Zach had no intentions of doing anything that would tire Alexina any further. “If she doesn’t wake soon, I’m taking her home. If David can’t help then maybe the Witch healers can, or even Tatiana.” Zach’s tone was full of worry.

  Irina was pacing back and forth, she was also worried for her friend. Bang on the mark of Alex being asleep for fourteen hours, she woke up, as if she had only gone for a nap.

  They were all in the living room so she put on her dressing gown and padded through to join them. She was a little surprised at the feelings of stress she could feel in Zach and it was obvious Irina was agitated. “What’s up, guys?”

  Zach flew at her and held her close. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m fine, maybe a teeny bit tired, but boy I’m starving!” She gave a small smile as she tried to stop a yawn.

  “Alexina, you’ve been out for the count for fourteen hours!” Zach advised her, still looking her over as if he expected to see something wrong.

  “No, don’t be silly, I just had a little nap.” Alex couldn’t believe she had slept so long.

  Vlad was already on the hotel phone ordering up a host of breakfast dishes. Toast, eggs, bacon, pastries, decaf coffee, juice, you name it, if it was in the menu he ordered it. When the food arrived, Alex once more scoffed enough to feed both Zach and Vlad two times over.

  They all watched and couldn’t believe how much she was eating. “Zach, you’ll still love me when I’m the size of a house, won’t you?” she laughed.

  “Somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think you need this nourishment for the pregnancy. It may not be normal but this pregnancy is anything but normal. So carry on, my little one, eat to your heart’s content.”

  Zach told Vlad to take Irina out sightseeing, Alexina was staying with him in the hotel to rest. He had plans for the evening and wanted to make sure she was not too tired to attend.

  “You’ve still not told us where we’re going tonight?” Irina questioned.

  “Nope, however, I will say tonight is the night to wear that gown. Vlad, I’ve got our clothing being delivered later.” Vlad cocked an eyebrow and Zach just smiled. He knew that Irina would freak when she saw her man in a tux. He just hoped they made it out the room to go to what he had planned.

  Alexina had finished eating and was now lying on the sofa, curled up into a little ball with her head on a cushion. She looked as if she was going back to sleep. Zach put his finger to his lips in a ‘shushing’ motion and Vlad and Irina left quietly.

  Zach returned to sit beside his mate, he did some meditation and tried to relax. She slept till late afternoon and Zach had been thinking if she didn’t wake soon they would possibly miss the night’s entertainment he had planned so well. However, she did wake up with plenty of time to get ready and she seemed a lot more herself, as if she had slept well and was refreshed.

  “Boy I needed that nap,” she sleepily told him.

  “Yet again hon, it was more than a nap, it’s late afternoon.”

  ‘Jeez I hope I don’t sleep all the way through this pregnancy’, she thought. Zach replied in her head – ‘Me too!’

  When Zach looked over at her sleepy eyes and her smile, he wanted nothing more than to take her to their bedroom and give her another new lesson. He restrained himself though, he didn’t want to tire her so that she didn’t enjoy her evening. “You’ve got dirty little thoughts running through your head, Mr Vampire!”

  “Yes I know but not now, I’m going to give you a bath and help you get ready.”

  He disappeared into the bathroom that had the large Jacuzzi bath and filled it with lots of bubbles. He came back and carried Alex through, undressed her carefully and placed her very gently into the tub. “Oh that feels lovely,” she purred. The sound of her voice had an immediate effect on him.

  “Looks like I’m having another cold shower, once I’ve got you all done!” He lathered soap onto the sponge and soaped her from head to foot, leaving no area untouched. As he did so Alexina was letting out little moans, it was killing him. Jeez, he was going to be in that cold shower for a long time.

  Once he cleaned her, he wrapped her in a huge, warmed, fluffy towel and carried her back to the bed. He sat her down on the edge. “Right, you can dry yourself my little wench, I’m off for that cold shower!”

  “No Zach, I’m okay, come back here!” Alex wailed.

  Zach chuckled. “Nope, not now you little hussy, when we get back, well let’s just say I’m looking forward to that!”

  Alex laughed and started to dry herself, looking at the lingerie Zach had bought her. She had just finished putting on the stockings when Zach walked back into the room. “Oh jeez!” he whined and he about-turned and walked back to have another cold shower. On his way he shouted, “Please let me know when you are fully dressed!”

  Alex just smiled, she was also looking forward to when they got back. Back from where, though? He had still not told them where they were going.

  Alex did her hair and make-up, donned the gown and shoes. She was stan
ding looking in the mirror when Zach finally made it out of the shower. His breath caught at the vision that was before him, she was magnificent. Gorgeous but unaware how much, strong but vulnerable, sexy but naïve, she was everything he could have hoped for and more.

  His reaction was predictable and he wondered if he could get through the evening without taking copious amounts of cold showers. He didn’t think there was that amenity where they were going though. He sucked it up and tried to focus on getting ready, his tux had been delivered earlier, with shirt and shoes. He moved towards it, trying hard not to grab his mate and throw her on the bed.

  “That sounds fabulous, but I think the gown might wrinkle,” she answered his lusty thoughts.

  “Indeed, little one. Maybe you could move to the other room? Make it a little easier on me?” She laughed and picked up her evening bag and walked through to the living room.

  “I hope we’re eating tonight?” she shouted through to him.

  “Yes we are, eating first then somewhere I know you have never been. Something that I enjoy and I hope you do too.” He still wasn’t telling her where they were going.

  When Zach exited the bedroom, Alex was overcome with how handsome he looked. He was more than handsome, in her eyes he was the most beautiful man in creation. “Wow, that’s something to live up to,” he answered her thoughts. She moved over to him and pulled his head down for a kiss, she pulled away far too quickly and Zach gave her a questioning look.

  She spoke breathlessly. “If we don’t get out of this room now, well, Vlad and Irina will be going on their own.”

  Zach did his one-word answer, “Indeed.”

  They made their way to the Bridal Suite and as they got there, Vlad and Irina came out. Irina looked stunning and Vlad was nearly, but not quite, as handsome as Zach. Irina beamed at them. “Zach I can’t say thanks enough, my gown is … is ...” and for once they saw her speechless.

  Vlad finished the sentence for his mate. “Fabulous, gorgeous, sexy and totally out of this world! I may add, Alex, that all those words apply to you too!”

  For an instant, just a second, Zach’s jealousy reared, he let out a tiny snarl and pulled Alex closer to him. “Behave Vampire,” she admonished him. He knew he was acting over-jealous but he couldn’t help it.

  “Come on, we’re having dinner in a private room here at the hotel then we’ll have a limo to take us where we’re going.”

  Zach led them to the elevator and they went down to the foyer. He took a right and led them to a door marked ‘Private’. Inside was a table all set up for them and the décor was lavish, absolutely decadent. There were two waiters standing beside the table who moved to get the seats for the ladies. However, a quick snarl from both Zach and Vlad had them retreating rather quickly. Once seated they were given the menu and they all ordered, Alex ordering double what anyone else did.

  The waiters came over and opened two bottles of wine. One poured for Vlad and Irina while the second filled Zach’s glass and moved to Alex. “No, uhm I’m pregnant, no wine for me.”

  Zach interrupted. “It’s okay, it’s non-alcoholic. I made them source some just for this evening. I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

  The waiter filled her glass and she tasted it, it was heavenly. Once more Zach had been so thoughtful of her that she actually felt some tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said very quietly, humbled at the lengths her Vampire went to make her happy.

  They talked and ate and joked, thoroughly enjoying themselves. Then she saw Zach checking his watch. “Time to leave?” she asked.

  “Yes, the limo will be outside, come on everyone.” He once more gave the waiter a look when he went to help her and both waiters stayed out of the way, letting the two large Vampires help their mates.

  On exiting the hotel there was a huge black limo with the driver standing holding the door open for them. Irina squealed in excitement and Alex very nearly did the same but managed to stop herself.

  Zach helped her in and Vlad helped Irina, once they were all settled Zach opened a bottle of champagne for Vlad and Irina. The little Wolf was commenting on the bubbles going up her nose and Alex smiled. “You not having any?” Vlad asked and Zach shook his head.

  Alex cuddled closer to him wondering where they were going. The driver was taking things slow and it made time for Vlad to fill up his and his mate’s glasses. Irina was so happy she looked like she was going to burst.

  Not long afterwards they saw a line of cars in front of them and they joined the queue. The cars were stopping to let people out and driving off. As they neared the dropping-off point, Alex could see they were at a large theatre, and wondered what was on.

  “It’s the opera, darling, La Bohème. I hope you like it.” She had never been to the opera before, she had only been to musicals. Phantom of the Opera was great, but never an actual opera. She wondered if she would like it. Irina didn’t speak, her eyes were wide taking everything in.

  When they got out of the car and walked towards the doors, she felt like a film star. All dressed up in a fantastic gown and with the absolute hunk of all hunks on her arm. She squeezed tightly and smiled up at Zach.

  When they got inside Zach gave his name, he didn’t have the tickets on him as he had made the reservation by phone. The lady at the desk immediately signalled for a member of staff.

  “Right sir, if you and your party will follow me.” The young man led them through a maze of corridors and up in what looked like a private lift, and down another corridor and into a private box. There was wine and chocolates and one of Alex’s favourites, chocolate-covered strawberries. They all sat down and then Zach shuffled his chair closer to Alex, he held her hand as the curtain lifted.

  The opera was one that had the girls happy, sad, and a host of other emotions as they watched the story unfold on the stage. At the end when Mimi died, tears were rolling down both of their faces. There was a box of tissues on the table in front of each of them and they used this to try and stem the flow.

  The emotion that was sung on stage was breathtaking and she loved every minute. When they got up to leave, she grabbed Zach in a hug and thanked him.

  “I’m just glad you liked it. I’ve been a fan of opera for a very long time, now we have something else to share, meine Kleine.” At the endearment, her eyes teared up again.

  “You know you are perfect, Zach, I think the man upstairs has made you perfect just for me,” she whispered.

  Zach baulked at the talk of the ‘man upstairs’ as Alex put it. Vampires tended to either not believe or be angry at God. The things that they felt when first turned, the blood-lust that could make them do terrible things before they had mastered their powers, well they didn’t think a lot of God for allowing it. He let it pass though, as in this instance she was right.

  The limo was in the line of cars outside and instead of waiting for it, they walked up the line to get in. The driver nearly fell over himself trying to get out of the vehicle and open the door for them. Zach just told him to get back in and did the honours himself, getting Alex settled comfortably next to him.

  Irina couldn’t stop talking. All the way back to the hotel, she went on about the gowns, the dinner, the opera, the champagne, everything. At the mention of the champagne, Vlad noticed there was still some in the bottle and a full bottle was next to it. He pointed at them and Zach just smiled and nodded his head.

  Vlad reached over and took both bottles. “Thanks – I think Irina and I can put these to good use.” And he gave Irina’s thigh a squeeze. She looked up into Vlad’s eyes and the passion that was between them was obvious for anyone to see.

  “Okay you two, wait until you’re in your room.” Zach was laughing but then his laughter died as he looked down at Alex and there was passion in her eyes.

  ‘I can’t wait to get to our room’ – she threw the thought out to him and smiled far too sexily for her to be doing it in public. He gave a low growl and pulled her so close
she was nearly on his lap.

  “Look who’s talking!” Vlad quipped over at them.

  Chapter 10

  When they got back to the hotel, Irina and Vlad just about ran from the limo. “See you two in the morning,” Vlad shouted over his shoulder. Vlad had Irina’s hand and they were moving quickly, Alex knew that they were going to have a good time going by the way Irina was looking at her mate, a look that he returned.

  Zach and Alex moved not quite so quickly from the limo and through the foyer. Just as they were reaching the lift, Zach’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He had turned the sound off while at the opera, however he very rarely turned it off fully. He took it out and looked at the name that was on the screen – Brianna? He wondered what the Witch wanted? He hadn’t talked to her since leaving her in Scotland with the Beta from Duncan’s Pack.

  He stopped to answer the call. “Hi Bri, how’re you?” he asked.

  Bri started rambling straight away. “Zach – oh thank God, I was worried I wouldn’t get you!” She sounded very agitated to Zach’s ears.

  “What’s wrong?” It came out as a command.

  “Zach, I’ll phone Thadius once we’ve hung up but I had to tell you first. There’s a Demon – a strong one – he’s still loose, and ... and ... oh fuck ... he wants your babies! I don’t understand, how can he want your babies?” Bri wailed.

  Zach realised that she hadn’t been in touch lately with her sister, Rhianna, so didn’t know that Alex was pregnant. “Alex is pregnant, with twins.” He spoke coldly, her initial words ringing in his ears. “What did you see Bri, tell me.” Once more it was a command.

  “I don’t know why he wants them Zach, only that he does! I had a vision ... I saw Alex, she was very heavily pregnant ... there was an attack, I’m not sure where, it looked like Unity but that can’t be! They were trying to get Alex – for the babies – he kept telling his minions, cohorts, whatever the fuck you want to call them, he kept saying to get the babies!” Bri’s voice had risen until she was nearly shouting and her use of profanity told him just how upset she was, he had never before heard her curse.


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