Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  “I’ve been thinking about the house too. We’ve only got two bedrooms and that’s fine for the twins as babies and toddlers, but when they get older, well I don’t think a boy and girl should share a room. What do you think?” Alex asked.

  Zach thought about it before answering, “Mm, I see what you mean. There are several solutions, we can add another room here or move to a bigger house. Whatever you want – I’ve been in this place for quite a few years but I wouldn’t mind moving.”

  Alex was wondering at the ease of his answers. “Is it that easy? To move, I mean?” As usual Zach allayed any worries she may have had.

  “Honey, if you want a bigger house you will have one – it’s really not a problem. If you want to move then we should do it while they are babies, so that they grow up in the house that’s going to be our home. Think about it and let me know what you want, okay hon?”

  Alex was surprised at how easy that was. She had thought there might be problems. She didn’t know if she wanted to move though. She liked the bungalow and thought they should maybe see about adding another bedroom. “I’ll get some plans drawn up if you like, if we can see it on paper we can decide better,” Zach answered her thought.

  Zach placed her steaks – plural, he had made two large ones – and her fries on a large plate and placed it in front of her. Her stomach growled loudly and she tucked in.

  “Zach, you know how I don’t like milk?” He nodded his head. “Well I have the biggest craving for a chocolate milkshake! What’s that all about?”

  “I have no idea. You eat up, I’ll go get a couple from the diner, one for now and one for later.” He kissed the top of her head as he headed out.

  Zach was back very quick and she raised an eyebrow. “Wow – how’d you do that?”

  “Decided I needed the exercise, so ran – quicker than taking the jeep. Here you go.” He handed her a huge milkshake. “Just as well it was a milkshake you were after, it’s well and truly shaken now,” he said as he put the second one in the fridge for later.

  Alex laughed, “How did you manage not to spill it?”

  “I just made sure one of my fingers was on the lid to hold it in place, simple.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well now, I’ll just send you when I want something quick!” she said.

  “Don’t do it too often or I might not have the strength left for the bedroom!” Zach said with a slight upturn to his lips.

  “Oh Zach, I’m pretty sure you would find the strength for that no matter how many errands I sent you on.”

  Zach’s smile was now wide as he replied, “Yes little one, I’m certain of that. Speaking of which – have you got any ideas? Or will I come up with something for tonight?”

  His eyes had that sneaky glimpse of shine to them and it never failed to result in a response from her body. She had already started to react, she wiggled her bottom on her seat. “Uhm … well when you look at me like that my brain goes to mush so it’s over to you, my Vampire.”

  Zach’s reaction to her seductive tone of voice was instant and his jeans were so tight he thought the zipper would burst. “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”

  He stalked towards her like she was his prey and that also got her body answering his intentions. When he touched her face, their skin tingled together and she took a deep breath. He lowered his head and ran his tongue over her lips – she opened immediately to him and it darted inside.

  She moaned and he picked her up and carried her through to their room. “I was thinking of taking you right there on the kitchen counter but as your little belly is housing my children, I decided against it. The bed is so much more comfortable for you.”

  His revelation of taking her on the counter sped her heart up, as he stood her up next to the bed and slowly removed her clothes. As his hands ran over her body, she knew she was ready for him – she was always ready for him. Once she was naked, he sat her down on the side of the bed and started to remove his own clothes. His t-shirt was on the floor in seconds and he started to undo his jeans. Alex reached out and took over, taking the zipper down and releasing his arousal. It sprang out and he was so inflamed it stood just about vertical – right in front of Alex.

  He stepped out of his jeans and she moved her head forward. Firstly using her hands to cup him and he hissed as she ran her tongue up and down each side, stopping at the top to nip him gently. A low growl emanated from his throat and she raised her eyes to see him watching her intently.

  Zach couldn’t take his eyes off her, he could never get enough of watching her work on him like this. Slowly she took him in and very slowly started to move back and forward, taking more in each time. Zach fisted her hair in his hands and began to move her head. He wanted to be in her completely – all of him. He pulled her head as far as it would go until she could take no more and started to move quicker.

  “I may just come if you continue, Alexina,” he moaned, and she just carried on. She loved pleasuring him like his, it turned her on and her bottom was squirming on the bed. She held her thighs tightly together, trying to ease her own rising passion.

  Zach pulled out, took her hands and pulled her upright. Turning her around to face the bed, he moved the pillows and placed them in front of her. He bent her over and the pillows gave her some support, the rest was on her arms. Her behind stuck out calling to him. “God, Alexina, I need to be in you now – no playing tonight!”

  He thrust into her hard, and she let out a little groan, one that heated Zach’s blood. “You are mine, little one – all mine.” He pulled out fully and thrust in again hard. Once more a little mewling sound came from her throat. He reached a hand round and found her sensitive spot – she all but screamed as soon as his finger started to work her.

  He came out once more and moved to her other place, where they had been using their new toy! He pressed at the entrance and she stiffened. “Zach – I’m not sure,” she whimpered.

  His reply was low and husky, “Do you trust me, little one?”

  “Always,” she breathed.

  “Then let me continue. If you want me to stop, what do you say?” he asked.

  “Red,” she groaned.

  “Good, always remember that, one word and I stop.”

  He leant over, opened the drawer in his side table and pulled out a tube. Alex turned to see what he was doing. “It’s lube, hon – I don’t want to hurt you.” She felt something cold and gooey run down her butt cheeks. Zach’s fingers rubbed it all over and when his fingers were covered in it he inserted one – it slid in easily with the lube and he made sure there was enough in and around her. “My mate, relax ... yes that’s it ... relax ... trust me.”

  Alex was a little apprehensive, she didn’t know if this was okay?

  “I’ve told you before, baby, anything goes so long as both enjoy it. Trust me – you will.” She relaxed her body a little more and let the feelings take over. His hand was back on her nub and he slowly, very slowly, circled it. Her bottom pushed up all on its own, she had no rational thoughts when he was doing that to her sensitive spot.

  “Yes Alexina – that’s it – push back a little more – aargh oh fuck – do you know what you’re doing to me – read my mind, Alexina – now!”

  She did and what she saw filled her with lust, want, need. He finally entered her fully and stayed still so she could get used to the feeling. “Are you okay?” he asked and her voice was urgent in return –

  “Yes … uhm no ... I need you to move, Zach – please move.”

  “Are you saying Red, Alexina?” He needed confirmation from her.

  “NO!” she shouted out, the longing in her voice reaching deep down into Zach.

  “You sure?” he asked

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  “Do you want me to continue?”

  “Fuck, Zach – yes – yes – move now!”

  He complied and started off slowly, he didn’t want to either hurt or scare
her. However, Zach was very gratified when Alex started moving back onto him. He quickened his thumb on her clit. “Fuck – fuck – fuck!” she cried out as his movements, both from his hand and his entering her, quickened.

  Zach was overwhelmed with the feeling of him in her. It was so tight he thought he was going to come almost immediately. He bent over her and continued pumping her behind, she was groaning and he could smell her climax near. He rubbed her a bit quicker and she went over, her knees nearly gave way and he put a hand around her stomach to hold her in place.

  He went harder and harder, she was still pushing back to meet him and he was overjoyed, he had known she would like it. “You’re so tight, meine Kleine – I don’t know if I can go on much longer,” he whispered in her ear and this seemed to spur her on, moving backwards onto him quicker and quicker. His fangs appeared and he ran their sharp edges over her shoulder, making their way to her neck. The hand that had been down in her folds came up to fist her hair and move her head so he had a clear path to her throat. “Now, little one – you come again,” and he pierced her skin.

  She writhed under him as the orgasm that his bite provided her hit. She screamed his name and he sucked to get a full mouth of her blood, the taste sending him over the edge.

  They stayed like that for a few moments, both catching their breaths and then he very slowly pulled out of her. “Are you okay?” he asked her softly.

  “Zach, I’m always okay when I’m with you. I just have to get over some preconceptions about sex, but you’re teaching me all about that,” she told him.

  He tried once more to confirm all was fine. “Again, Alexina, so long as both enjoy, anything is okay.”

  “Well I suppose you could tell I was more than okay,” she laughed.

  “Indeed little one, indeed. Come, I think we should have a shower together.” This was one of the best parts – she loved showering with him and the way he would clean her entire body. The second round of sex that came with it was a bonus she looked forward to.

  After their shower they were sitting watching some TV, an old horror film about ‘vampires’. Both were laughing and commenting on it when the doorbell chimed. “It’s Bri and Scott,” Zach said.

  “How do you do that!” Alex asked.

  “I could feel them – before they even got out of the car. That ‘vampire’ on the TV couldn’t do that,” he laughed.

  He opened the door and was very surprised to see Bri with a swollen belly. She was pregnant – they had only left her a few months ago so she must’ve fallen pregnant immediately.

  When they entered the living room, she laughed at Alex’s expression. “Oh Bri, you look amazing, obviously impending motherhood suits you.” Alex thought that Bri looked the most beautiful that she had seen her and she had the most contented demeanour.

  Scott was beaming, he was obviously going to be a very proud father. “Hi Scott – you look very happy. I take it that you two made things official?” Zach asked.

  “We did indeed, Bri is my mate, my one true mate. I knew it as soon as I got her scent. It just took a little bit of persuasion to convince her!” Scott said with conviction.

  Bri spoke with a huge grin on her face. “Well yes, Witches don’t normally pair with Wolves, but Mother Nature took that completely out of our hands. I just had to go along with her. Lo and behold, I got pregnant almost straight away so we had our bonding ceremony on Pack land. It was wonderful.”

  Alex was pleased for them both, but just then a slight frown came over Bri’s face. “What is it Bri?” Alex asked.

  “Well the truth is … Rhianna doesn’t know I’m pregnant. She has kind of a thing about Wolves and I didn’t know how to tell her. She thought it was just a passing fling and hoped I would get Scott out of my system. It’s going to be a bit difficult when we go to her house after here. It’s not as if I can hide this.”

  She was running her hands over her belly and Scott moved closer and put one of his hands on top of hers. “It’s going to be okay, Bri – she loves you. When she sees how happy and content you are, she’ll come round.”

  Bri answered quietly, “I hope so Scott.”

  “Come sit down, take the weight off your feet – it’s definitely tiring being pregnant. How far are you?” Alex wanted to know.

  “Nearly six months now, when I said I fell pregnant quick, I meant it. I think I was probably pregnant before you two even left Scotland.” Bri blushed as she realised she had basically told them that she had been having sex with Scott not long after meeting him.

  “Bri, it’s okay – it happened fast with Zach and I too. Sometimes we just don’t get a choice. I can see you are both happy so that’s all that counts. As Scott says, I’m sure Rhianna will be happy for you both.”

  Zach offered them something to drink but they declined.

  “I just thought I should drop in, see if you had any questions for me?” said Bri.

  Zach thought it better to let her go and rest.

  “I think those can wait, you’ll be giving a full account of your vision to Thadius and Vlad. I can get anything further from them. You must be tired.”

  “Yes Zach, I am – I am constantly tired just now.”

  Alex laughed. “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  Bri took a good look at Alex and she was a little surprised at the bump she saw.

  “Yes I know what you’re thinking, this pregnancy isn’t playing by the rules though. I was very sick one day – Zach took me to the clinic and we found out I was pregnant, with twins no less. I was six weeks gone or so the scan said. Then about a week afterwards I went to bed flat as a pancake, and when I got up I was carrying this bump. We went to the city and had a scan … lo and behold, I was then fourteen to sixteen weeks. Oh and it’s a boy and a girl!” Alex finished ruefully.

  “Jeez Alex, that must be tough. I know this has been so I have no idea what it must be like for you.” As always Bri was sympathetic to others, her soul was truly good and Alex suddenly had tears in her eyes.

  Zach was at her side immediately. “What’s wrong?” he barked out, but Alex was shaking her head.

  “Nothing, I don’t think, I have no idea why I’m crying.”

  Bri said with a smile, “Hormones, Alex, bloody hormones. Don’t worry, you’ll be laughing in a minute. It’s a bugger what we women go through. We’re going to go, I’ve just been putting off facing Rhianna.”

  Scott got up first and helped his mate up. Alex didn’t think the smile had left his face and when he looked at Bri it was with such love and caring it was a joy to see. “Bye you two and good luck with Rhianna, I’m sure it will be fine,” Alex said as they left.

  Zach got up to show them out. “I’ll maybe have questions after your report Bri, but for now – go, see your sister.”

  “Okay Zach, bye.” Bri made her way to the car.

  Scott shook Zach’s hand and spoke quietly. “Duncan is readying the Pack. I think he will be over with about another six Pack members. More wanted to come, however, with Margaret being pregnant he doesn’t want to leave her unguarded so he’s making them stay to watch over her.”

  “Thanks Scott, Duncan wouldn’t be any use to us if he hadn’t left enough to guard Margaret. He would be worrying about her rather than worrying about what was trying to kill him!” Zach emphasised.

  Scott agreed, “Exactly. I will be staying to fight, Zach, but I have to insist that Bri leaves and goes somewhere safe. I could not fight either if I didn’t know she was safe.”

  Zach clapped Scott on the back. “I know Scott and thanks … although, I may have your job for the fight and you may not like it.”

  Scott frowned as Zach continued. “Vlad and I have fought together for centuries and we work well together. However, Alexina needs to be in Unity – they would sense she wasn’t here if we moved her and not attack. I need to fight, Scott, it’s what I was made for. I would be very happy if you would agree to stay and protect her? I would ask Dunca
n but you know how pigheaded he can be, but he speaks very highly of you. Would you do that for me, Scott? Would you protect my mate?” Zach looked Scott straight in the eye – conveying just how much it meant to him for Scott to agree.

  Scott lowered his gaze for a moment and then looked straight back at Zach. “I would be honoured, Zach. I will protect your mate, with my life if need be.”

  Zach knew he meant it and grabbed his hand. “Thank you Scott. I will be in your debt so if you ever need me, all you have to do is ask.”

  “No debt, Zach, if our roles were reversed I know in my heart you would do the same. Bye – see you tomorrow probably.”

  Scott turned and joined Bri in the car. It was on loan to them and had been waiting at the airstrip when they landed. Now they had to go and face Rhianna.

  Chapter 13

  Just as Zach made his way back inside, his phone rang. He answered and Vlad advised him that the Council had agreed with everything they had put forward. Thadius personally praised Dmitri for his input, and Zach smiled at that. The town meeting was set for tomorrow at midday.

  Vlad and his Guards were phoning every single person in town – which ran into four figures – and advising them. It was compulsory to attend and nobody was allowed to miss it.

  “Have you spoken to Daniel?” Zach was curious as to how Vlad was going to deal with him.

  “Not yet, that fucker is not answering his phone! I’ll make him pay … for one, he is out of the Guards, he may even be asked to leave. He won’t get any other position here, nobody wants to take him or work with him. I’ll let you know when I catch up with him though, I’m going to enjoy that!”

  Zach didn’t doubt that Daniel was living on borrowed time. He didn’t think Vlad would dispatch him but if Daniel acted with Vlad the way he had with him and Alex, he was pretty sure Kate would be a widow.

  “Zach, I’m not really sure how to tell you this, but Brianna had another vision, and she wasn’t alone. We got a call from Canada and their Seer also had a vision …” Vlad sounded worried and he wondered what the heck could make his friend sound like that ... nothing got under his skin.


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