Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  When they reached Zach, Thadius passed her over to her mate, he took her hand in his and pulled her to his side. She stared up at her Vampire – so handsome in his tux, his hair so dark and shiny, hanging over his collar.

  She remembered when they first met and she wondered how long it took him to get his hair just so. She found out quickly that he didn’t do anything with it other than run his hands through it once he was out of the shower. It had amazed her that he could get it to look so perfect with no effort at all. She had a whole bunch of butterflies in her stomach as she took in the perfection of her mate.

  She hadn’t even noticed who was there or how many – her eyes had been on Zach the entire time. He smiled down at her and she smiled back, but threw a thought out to him. ‘I better watch you, my Vampire. You are entirely too good at keeping secrets!’ He nodded and nearly laughed but stopped himself.

  The man in front was a vicar, or that’s what she surmised. He was dressed like one, he had a bible in his hand and he started the wedding ceremony – so yup, he was a vicar. She didn’t even know there was one in the town.

  She didn’t hear half of what the man said but replied in all the right places and when he said those immortal words, “You may now kiss your bride,” Zach swooped her up in his arms and kissed her very, very passionately! Everyone behind cheered and roared and there were more than one “Jeez get a room you two!” Finally Zach released her lips and she was certain this was the most perfect moment in her life.

  “Indeed,” her husband replied.

  Everyone relocated to the bar in town. It was nothing like it usually was – decorated in white ribbons, balloons and white flowers everywhere. There were many more people waiting on them and they all started clapping and cheering when they arrived.

  The feelings of goodwill in the room were immense and she was overjoyed. Her soul mate had once more done the most amazing thing for her. She could never repay him for all that he did for her … where could she even start?

  Zach bent down and whispered in her ear, “Every morning when I see your sleepy smile, every time I make you come, every time you make me come – my little one, you do more for me than you’ll ever know.”

  The tears came freely now. Irina took her away from Zach to the rest room to clear her face and redo her make-up.

  Just as she came back into the hall, she heard a commotion. The atmosphere had changed – power and anger filling the room.

  She looked for Zach and saw him at the door, barring the way so that Daniel couldn’t get in. Shit, shit, no – why did that Wolf have to come and spoil her perfect day?

  She made her way to Zach, Irina trying to hold her back but she shrugged her off. “I’m going to my husband’s side, Irina – leave me be!” Irina let go but followed closely behind.

  Vlad was shouting, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you asshole?”

  “This here is the public bar, I can come in if I want to!” Daniel roared but sounded like a petulant child.

  Zach answered, his voice low, threatening, full of anger. “No Daniel, you cannot. I suggest you leave now before things get out of hand.”

  “Fuck you, Vampire – you and your human slut!”

  Alex could hear gasps from all around. Did this guy have a deathwish?

  Alex pushed forward so that she was right next to Zach. “Excuse me guys, Daniel – first of all yes my husband is a Vampire, something I am proud of every day. Secondly I am not a slut – not now, not in the past and certainly not in the future. I have my man and he’s all I need, thank you very much. Now as far as you gatecrashing the best day of my life, I’m going to be generous. I won’t let Zach or Vlad or a host of others rip your fucking head off and piss down your throat. No, I won’t let that happen, even though you deserve it, you disgusting toad! Go now – or do you want Kate to be a widow in the next two minutes!” She stood with one hand on her hip and tapping her foot agitatedly.

  Daniel growled at her but everyone else present started cheering – there were shouts of ‘You go girl,’ ‘Nice one Alex,’ ‘Wow you better not get her mad Zach,’ and a host of other comments.

  Daniel’s face got redder and redder. Zach bent down and kissed her. “Sorry darling, but I can’t resist,” and he turned round and punched Daniel in the face so hard his body went flying – out into the middle of the road.

  Dmitri moved past them and went over to Daniel, picking him up as if he was a naughty child. Vlad said “Dmitri, take a couple of guys with you, get their stuff packed and get them off this fucking land tonight. Daniel, if I see you again – I will kill you!”

  Vlad was strumming with power and Irina placed a hand at the base of his back. The touch seemed to centre him and he visibly calmed. He turned into her arms and picked her up. “Now, little Wolf – let’s dance!” With that the tension was gone and everyone cheered.

  Zach spoke into her ear, the music now blaring and making it hard for her to hear with her human ears. “Toad – you called him a toad?”

  “It seemed appropriate at the time,” she laughed.

  “Come, my wife, dance with me.”

  For the rest of the day and well into the night the party continued, Zach explaining it was good for the town to see this and to be part of it. See what they were fighting for. She was just happy everyone was having a good time.

  Lots of people came over and wished them well and some apologised about Daniel. Alex replied the same to all of them. “Och don’t worry – in Scotland a wedding’s not a wedding without a punch up or two.” She got some smiles, some frowns and some laughs at that. It was the truth, though.

  Zach finally pulled his wife to his side and told her they were leaving, he couldn’t get the vision of her in her stockings from his mind and he was going to explode. She did that very dirty smile of hers and he growled and picked her up.

  Everyone laughed and cheered as they made their way out of the bar, some very saucy comments thrown after them.

  When they got home, Zach was overcome with passion and they had their first round in the hallway, against the wall no less, with Zach holding her up, dress and all. The only thing he removed at that point was her panties.

  The second round was much slower and longer. It was the best sex they had and she blushed for days afterwards thinking about the things they did. She was sure some of it was illegal – she didn’t care though, she completely let herself go and let her Vampire do what he wanted. Which was a lot, and varied, and downright sinful.

  Chapter 14

  The next two days, they didn’t leave the house. Zach showed her so many different ways to give and receive pleasure, she thought he should have a degree in it.

  She revelled in his touch and was a very willing student. He had bought more toys and had them secreted about the house. He played with her – she had to look for them and when she found one, he would show her how to use it. Most of the things she hadn’t even heard about.

  She found out things about herself that she hadn’t known. She enjoyed things with Zach that in her old life, if she had thought about them, well she would have shook her head no. With Zach it was different, she trusted him completely and loved him completely. That was the difference, she would do anything that both of them enjoyed. Anything. Boy, was she surprised at what they did.

  He was usually gentle in their lovemaking, occasionally though he would take her hard, she didn’t know why but when he did that she responded like no other times. It was like being lost in the desert and coming across an oasis. She would almost drown in the feelings he elicited from her.

  She also grew more confident in herself. He had been trying to get her to believe in her own sexuality from the start and she was coming into her own now. She would tease him, bite him, lick, kiss, suck him and every hiss, snarl, sharp intake of breath she got from him spurred her on. Every room they had was used – every piece of furniture, every work top, every position, apart from the room that was going to
be the nursery, that would have just been wrong. She wished it could go on forever but they knew they had to come into the real world.

  The last evening before Zach was going to have to go back to helping Vlad, they made the most of their time together. Alex had found she had a penchant for being dominated by Zach – she had been surprised to find this out. Zach had known though, he knew she would like it and had quietly started to introduce it.

  She loved the four poster bed as it gave them so many options. He had only tied her hands above her head before this but he wanted to try taking it further. She agreed, she had her safe word – Red – and knew he would stop if she wanted him to.

  There were silk scarves on each corner of the bed. Zach laid her down face first then took each arm and tied them so they were stretched wide. He then tied her ankles, and as soon as she was completely immobile, her arousal spiked. Zach could smell it. “I can nearly taste your arousal in the air, Alexina. You will do what I tell you, when I tell you and you will enjoy it. Won’t you?” Her breath hitched – she nodded.

  “Good, little one. Let’s begin.” He ran his hands up her legs to her sex – she pushed her hips upwards. He gave her behind a light slap. “Stay still.” She whimpered as her arousal spiked again. “I’m not sure what to do with you now I’ve got you all helpless? Mmm … I think a toy to begin with.” Alex heard him opening a drawer and she tried to see what he had but couldn’t.

  He stood at the end of the bed, leant forward and placed his hands on her butt cheeks – he spread them wide and she gasped. Zach chuckled, then Alex felt something cold and wet. “Lube, darling.” Then he used one of his new toys. He had used a butt plug on her before, this was a new addition, quite a bit larger than the previous one. “Relax – you know your word don’t you?” She nodded and stayed still.

  He gently pressed the toy to her tight behind, the lube all over it, making it easier to get in. Alex gasped. He pushed further and she gasped again. This was much bigger than the other one, she thought. “Yes my darling, it is – you are going to be completely filled up, you’ll like that, I promise.” Alex could hear Zach’s breaths coming quicker, he was getting turned on by what he was doing. He made a final push and it was in. Alex whimpered but then her butt moved on its own with no thought from her, pushing up towards Zach. “Ah – I see you like. I’m going to fill you now, Alex, and play with our new toy.”

  Zach moved to place pillows under her hips, bringing her backside up towards him. The sight of her lying tied to the bed, completely helpless before him... Fuck – it turned him on so much he was finding it hard to think.

  She felt the bed dip as he knelt behind her. He kneaded her butt cheeks and then played with the toy, turning and twisting it, every movement making her gasp and try to move towards him. He held himself at the entrance to her wet sheath and slowly entered. Alex all but screamed. “Are you okay, Alexina?”

  “Yes – it’s just – shit – fuck – I’ve never felt anything like this Zach – I feel full.”

  “Exactly, now you have to stay still. I’m in charge, wench – unless you want me to stop, you stay perfectly still.” She nodded her head. He started slow and continually turned the plug. He then started taking it out and pushing it back in and she nearly leapt from the bed. Zach laughed, he could feel what she was feeling and his dirty little wench was loving it. So was he.

  He continued, starting to thrust harder, doing the same with the plug, taking it out and putting it in hard. The harder he did it, the louder she moaned. He picked up speed and went even harder – she moaned louder and louder. “You like, wench?”

  She couldn’t talk – her brain couldn’t put the words together. She nodded and bit into the pillow. The feeling of being restrained and him doing just what he wanted … she was beginning to get light-headed. Harder and harder – she moaned again and nearly screamed, then he did something she was not expecting.

  He took the plug out and something else prodded at her entry. What was that?

  Zach was so turned on he really thought he was going to pass out when he came. He had one of her vibrators and turned it on. As soon as Alex heard it, she gasped. Wasn’t this wrong? flashed through her mind. “All you have to say is Red, Alex – you know that.” She stayed silent.

  He pushed it further and the sensations of it pushed her completely over the edge. She screamed his name so loud, her throat hurt. Zach laughed at seeing his little naïve woman – bound, tied, being taken both ways and loving it. He put the new toy onto high, he could feel it vibrate when he pushed into her.

  She was bucking under him and he wanted to feed, but dammit he didn’t want to move. Watching him enter her and the vibrator fully inserted in her – fuck – he had no words for how it turned him on. Finally he removed the toy and she mewled at the sensation being taken away from her. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel real good in a minute!”

  He thrust harder and bent over her. His fangs had elongated ages ago and were aching to pierce her skin. His position made him go for her shoulder. He bit and sucked, her blood running down his throat, his bite making her come again – and again – as he continued feeding. He roared in release and lay on top of her resting most of his weight on his hands.

  Alex was shaking beneath him, that had been the most sensational orgasms she had ever had. What the fuck kind of power did Zach have that the could do that to her? She was spent – no energy left in her to move.

  Zach pulled out slowly and untied her, picking her up and sitting with her in his arms for a while until she thought she could move and string a sentence together. “Wow,” she managed to get out.

  Zach pulled her closer. “I’m glad you had a good time. You’ve come a long way from the first time we met. Remember how you used to be about sex?”

  She giggled. “Yeah, I was such a prude. Zach, you have a gift, you know that?”

  “A gift? What are you talking about?” he frowned.

  “That’s the only word that comes to mind. You have the gift to give me the most amazing sex, make me overcome my fears, misconceptions, shyness … it’s truly a gift, one that I cherish.” She smiled up at his handsome face, her heart full of love for her Vampire.

  Zach loved this woman, she completed him and he was glad that he could pleasure her. “Alexina, believe me, I get as much out of it as you!” They both laughed and snuggled down to lie for a bit before they showered.

  After showering, Alex asked Zach just how he had managed to organise the wedding, dress, everything, without her knowing. “Well, I had a lot of help. Tatiana helped, Vlad and Irina – I was scared Irina would let it slip out! You know how excitable she gets.”

  Alex smiled. “I know, at the hairdresser’s I thought she was going to burst, she obviously wanted to say something but managed to keep it inside. She’s a really good friend, Zach. I’m glad she was my maid of honour. Thank you.”

  He kissed her and then she advised she was starving. “Food and plenty of it, Vampire,” and she scooted off the bed before he could spank her behind. It was the happiest both of them had ever been. They didn’t know that soon their friend Irina would be in such danger.


  At the same time Alex and Zach were talking about Irina, she was out running with Jayne, the friend she had made. They were both in Wolf form and running full speed over the woodland.

  Irina felt so alive and happy. She had been so busy helping to welcome all the Wolves that had turned up that her normal routine was totally messed up. She hadn’t exercised properly in a few days and felt stressed out, so when Jayne had said they should go for a run as Wolves, she had jumped at the chance. Irina was happy she had agreed, the feeling of running Wolf always cheered her up.

  There was a small stream coming up and they stopped to lap at the cooling water. Very quickly Irina felt something come over her. “No!” she thought. She was going into heat! This couldn’t be happening – had she lost track of her mating periods? She wasn’t sure, s
he thought it wasn’t due for a few days.

  Jayne lifted her nose and sniffed the air, she could smell it too. Jayne’s Wolf whined, then nudged her and they changed to human.

  “Irina – you’re in heat!” Jayne’s voice betrayed her shock. Irina couldn’t be out when she was in heat, the pheromones that a Wolf in heat gave off would drive any male Wolf wild. The pheromones were so strong they affected any male: human, Vampire, but especially another Wolf.

  “I know! I’m sure it wasn’t due for another few days, it’s in red on the calendar. I need to get home – now!” Irina was panicking, she would normally stay home for the week of her heat and her and Vlad would make love all day and all night. However, here she was quite some distance from home and scared shitless. Irina was nearly in tears.

  Jayne tried her best to calm her. “We go Wolf – we’re much quicker in Wolf form. I’ll go in front and hopefully clear the way. Don’t stop, Irina, don’t stop for anything! You’ve got to keep running full speed. We need to get you indoors.”

  They changed back – Irina took a couple of times to change as usual, when she was stressed it was hard for her to change. The two of them took off fast, very fast. After about a mile going at such speed, both were slightly breathless but the strength of being Wolf meant they didn’t slow down.

  Suddenly Irina was sent flying – something had knocked her clean off her feet and she lay dazed.

  Shaking her head, she could smell another Wolf ... a male. A very large male stood over her – its nose twitching and eyes half-closed. The power it emanated was enough to make her Wolf shrink into a submissive posture.

  She whined loudly and tried to get up. It wouldn’t let her – it swiped at her with one of its huge paws and she fell back down, more dazed this time. She was finding it hard to open her eyes. She could hear growls and recognised Jayne’s Wolf, she had come to help her friend.


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