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Mindspeak Page 31

by Sunseri, Heather

  I’m grateful to my children for understanding when I sometimes choose an hour of writing over watching a movie or playing Wii.

  Thank you, Jessica Patch and Laura Pauling, for reading my manuscript and giving me that honest feedback every writer needs. I don’t know if I would have finally published this manuscript if it hadn’t been for endless texts of encouragement from Jessica or the numerous back and forth emails and phone calls about formatting and publishing from Laura.

  Thank you, Stephanie Lott, for excellent copy editing. Every writer needs editing, and Stephanie’s service was money well-spent.

  I want to thank the members of my book club who volunteered to read my manuscript for typos, and provided me additional encouragement to “Get that book out there already!”

  Finally, I’m thankful for the many writers and bloggers who have encouraged me along the way. Without the support of others on this journey, the writing life would be unbearable at times.

  About the Author

  Heather Sunseri was raised on a tiny farm in one of the smallest towns in thoroughbred horse country near Lexington, Kentucky. After high school, she attended Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, and later graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in accounting. Always torn between a passion for fantasy and a mind for the rational, it only made sense to combine her career in accounting with a novel-writing dream.

  Heather now lives in a different small town on the other side of Lexington with her two children and her husband, Mike, the biggest Oregon Duck fan in the universe. When she’s not writing or working as a CPA, she spends her time tormenting her daughter’s cat, Olivia, and loving on her son’s Golden Retriever, Jenny. MINDSPEAK is her first published novel.

  Heather would like to thank readers for joining her on Lexi’s and Jack’s journey as they search for purpose and ways to turn unfortunate circumstances into good. She is working feverishly on the next novel in the Mindspeak series. She would love to hear from you. You can connect with her in several ways:

  Heather Sunseri

  P.O. Box 1264

  Versailles, KY 40383

  Web site: http://heathersunseri.com

  Blog: http://heathersunseri.com/blog/

  Email: heather@heathersunseri.com

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/heathersunseri.writer

  Twitter: @HeatherSunseri




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